Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, July 27, 2024

There Could Be leadership Dispute After 'Mayo' Arrest, Says Military Commander

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

JULY 26, 2024

There could be a leadership dispute after 'Mayo's' arrest, military commander says

Following the arrest of Mayo Zambada, there could be a leadership dispute within the Sinaloa cartel between Los Menores, Los Mayos and Los Guanos, according to the commander of the Ninth Military Zone, Porfirio Fuentes Velez.

He mentioned that it is possible that there is a reconfiguration within the cartel.

“Maybe there is an internal dispute among the members of the factions that make up the Sinaloa cartel, who are fighting for control, but I think that right now everything seems to be calm,” he said.

He pointed out that there are three factions of the cartel, one led by the sons of Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán, another by El Mayo Zambada and the third by Aureliano Guzmán Loera, El Guano.

There could be a leadership dispute after 'Mayo's' arrest, military commander says

Following the arrest of Mayo Zambada, there could be a leadership dispute within the Sinaloa cartel between Los Menores, Los Mayos and Los Guanos, according to the commander of the Ninth Military Zone, Porfirio Fuentes Velez.

He mentioned that there may be a reconfiguration within the cartel.

“Maybe there is an internal dispute among the members of the factions that make up the Sinaloa cartel, who are fighting for control, but I think that right now everything seems to be calm,” he said.

He pointed out that there are three factions of the cartel, one led by the sons of Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán, another by El Mayo Zambada and the third by Aureliano Guzmán Loera, El Guano.

He commented that it is likely that with the capture of El Mayo the group led by him will continue, but with another person at the head.

“The fact that he has been arrested does not mean that they are no longer there, he is arrested, but surely his organization remains, someone will take it over, but we don't know who,” he said.

He assured that, although there is no upturn in violence, the Army will remain on alert. “We have a sufficient force so that it can react to any situation or eventuality that overflows security,” he commented.

He detailed that the Sedena will continue to act in coordination with all authorities.






  1. I also feel like anyone that Mayo Flaco does not see with good eyes in his criminal organization will get eliminated. Cheyo Imperial was the first one and it sends a message to everyone that with Mayo Flaco anyone will be targeted including family.

    1. El MF es muy desconfiado. No le gusta que le hagan la barba ni le importa caerle mal a nadie. Como dice que la confianza Mato al gato.

    2. Sounds like the old school leaders

    3. La neta, el gobierno de EE.UU se lo puso muy claro a Zambada: "te calmas con el fentanilo y dejate caer o vamos por ti y te hacemos pinche desmadre?" Pues el ruco viendola bien parada, y venuda, frente de su cara, se puso de cañon en 20 uñas.

    4. It’s the end of anyone really being known.It’s like when Gotti got imprisoned.It’s a bunch of people running local areas that transfer the drugs to the U.S.

    5. "He was ambushed, thrown to the ground, and handcuffed by six men in military uniforms and Joaquin. His legs were tied, and a black bag was placed over his head. He was then thrown into the back of a pickup truck and taken to a landing strip. There, he was forced onto a plane, his legs tied to the seat by Joaquin, and brought to the U.S. against his will"
      - Mayo' attorney

    6. 8:02 do you really expect the lawyer to come out and be like yeah we made a deal with the USA government. Especially in election year lol

    7. Question, can Mayo even be prosecuted if he was kidnapped and brought to the states by a non law enforcement entity?

    8. 12:07
      I have no reason to believe your speculation.

    9. 8:10 it's called common sense . You must be a kid .

    10. 2:55 yes no way he's skating

    11. 9:29
      I get it, but I don't agree with it. We'll see in the following weeks what actually happened.

    12. 1207

      They said the same thing about Chapo, that he a deal but, in reality, he had no deal.

    13. "Comon sense" is a placeholder catch phrase for "I have no evidence".

  2. Mayo Flaco is outnumbered. The government will also exploit this and target him first. He should take his money fly to Cuba, no extradition there.

    1. He should of took the money and went to Cuba a long time ago while his daddy still had power ... Now he fuc-ed cause he has no power

    2. All they gonna tell him is pull it lil panties down and bend over ....

    3. He is outnumbered in culiacan but other organizations, cells and independents all around Mexico would more than likely side with the mayos. Including guano.

    4. Outnumbered lol he kicked Jalisco's ass in El Zacate he's been running the organization you don't know what your talking about

    5. Does the Zambadas or Sinaloa cartel employ foreigners?

    6. There is definitely no extradition from Guantanamo.

    7. Back to their mother land i agree

  3. Proceso is reporting that mayo and mayo flaco met with ivan Alfredo and joaquin somewhere in sonora with some dudes in all black most likely feds offered a deal soemd their money and be protected wirnesses.. maybe mexico is going to get ugly and let them know who knows..but the report from anabel Hernandez states ivan alfredo and mayo flaco said no and took off .. from there they flew to new Mexico. Also mayo asked the feds if they could say he got caught or set up.. he did not want to seem weak like he gave up

    1. Connor!! Tell us about your "boulevard nights" lifestyle, all the cholitas, your number 13 jersey, your double 00 on top and shaved on the sides haircut, getting buzzed off one pisto...

    2. Anabel Hernandez did not say that.

    3. She had just made a video saying that Mayo was captured that he never surrendered now this, bitch is nuts yo!

    4. 5:09
      Leave the guy alone.
      The poor schmuck is a DENTIST!

    5. I believe el mayo turned himself in.

    6. I can’t stand listening to Anabel, she seems like those kids that tattle on you at recess!

    7. This bitch dont know if she coming or going

    8. Lol what are You talking about lol his son Vicente got dealt dirty u think mayo would fall that easy lol your a joke lol concon take care of your white parents

    9. Men In Black

    10. @6.06. That's your frame of reference for a woman who had armed men hunting to torture and murder her, who exposed the most powerful network of cartel corruption in the country? A "Tattle tale" at school?

    11. 6.12. That "bitch" laid out for an international audience the lie of Calderons war, the network of corruption that protected the AFI, and risked her life for it. But you believe Connors version of what she said? Ok.

    12. So Anabel Hernandez said that Mayo, Joaquin, Ivan, Jesus Alfredo, and Mayito Flaco all met with "Men In Black", FBI, in the Sonora desert? Why would they all get together in one place when they can negotiate every single last detail through their lawyers, like every back channel deal ever done?

    13. @5:59 PM He only has a few years left to live so why give up now and not die a "legend"

    14. I watched Anabel commenting on the arrests. She seems off her rocker. Trying to link the arrest to anything and everything happening in Mexico. Traffic light not working, food stand chicken undercooked, AMLO wearing new Italian wingtips…Trust her it’s all related. She even has “circumstantial” evidence.

      There was a time I found her interesting and El Traitor was an interesting read. Now she comes across sad and played. She either has an agenda or is being played by sources. Frankly I believe many of the mainstream narco journalists are badly played by both government and criminal sources.

      Regarding El Mayo, government sources fall into two camps. He either surrendered or went with Juaquin to check out the new model homes being built near the border. Maybe looking at starter homes for the grandkids.

      The only on the record statements thus far are from Frank Perez the attorney representing Zambada. His version is that El Mayo and a small security team went to a breakfast meeting. There Zambada and his team were instead met and overpowered by unexpected guests. Tied up, thrown in a truck, driven 20 minutes or so to the airport. Forced on the plane, legs tied to seat and off to New Mexico.

      The look on Zambadas face aligns with with kidnap scenario. As does him basically working with a public defender type. While Guzmán court appearance not being rushed and big name lawyers coming to the rescue. Before this is over Chapo will have his privilege level increased at SuperMax and El Raton charges will be reduced to simple Federal possession of Marijuana and dismissed due to Biden blanket pardon for possession. Juaquin will be disappointed when he realizes that $15,000,000 doesn’t go as far north of the border. South of the border, the Golden Triangle/Sinaloa murder rate will triple as will hijacking’s of Aguila Ammunition trucks full of 7.62 150 grain and 5.56 62 graIn poison destined for Academy store shelves in Texas.

    15. There's sense in what Connor is saying.
      It lines up with what's coming out of Reuters and AP.
      A deal was made to make it look like Mayo was ratted out, but if that was true, he'd have been face down on the apron with a boot on his neck when he landed.
      Instead they all shook hands.

    16. Pilot and airport controller say one man quickly exited and shook hands. The second person was brought out a few minutes later.

    17. No deal was made.

  4. El Chapulin López ya tenía sus días contados, sus hermanos Las Divas le Ivan a dar gas. Hizo lo que hizo El Mini Lic, se peló para la frontera y hizo trato con La DEA y entregó ala Momia Zambada para tumbar años de su sentencia. Algo que La China Ántrax no pudo hacer🤣🤣☠️

  5. Replies
    1. Lmao weak. 20 years in the Middle East and couldn’t kick the talibans ass good luck with Russia and China when they bring the war here

    2. 6:07
      The Taliban were quickly and easily removed from power by the USA and only returned after they left.

    3. Ha! we killed those dusty motherfuckers wholesale, we got sold out by those panty wearing politicians. The U.S armed forces are not nation builders we are exterminators. US is king.

    4. @6.07 you don’t follow current events do you my boy…. No one gets one on Uncle Sam and lives to tell the tale.. Russia and China both know this .. truth is Uncle Sam is the ultimate gangster

    5. China aint shit but bootleggers and russia weak af cant even take on Ukraine. The United States conquered afghanistan after russia failed. USA will be fine.

    6. Yeah. The MX military wouldn’t even be able to get to Afghanistan and that’s assuming they could locate it first.

    7. Yeah it's gonna happen for sure , then nobody will have power , end of world and its best that way .

    8. 6:07 Name a better country then dick face, no better country than the US of A 🤟🏽

    9. They’re weren’t there to kick the taliban’s ass, it’s all for the lithium and to keep the ‘Stans from taking it, and collaborating with China. Then the new administration came in and they let china in, took their cut and no one bats an eye. Now Taliban are controlling the mineral and opium trade. China and Russia ain’t
      Got shit on US, they will toe the line with new administration coming in, lol at Mex, they’re already toeing the line, they know what’s up.

    10. All these comments are from bitter haters who were born in the U.S ? Fuckin losers

    11. Cry and whine but still want to live and work in the U.S ? ''But the white man keeps us down'' Fuck outta here

  6. El Chapo no se hubiera entregado

    1. 5:26
      El Chapo trato de entregarse pero los gabachos lo mandaron por un tuvo.

    2. No hay opción..Iván o MF o todo pa bajo compa piénsela . La mayoría de estos tacuachas no saben colorear

  7. Wouldn’t doubt if they use el güero to get guano.

  8. You think, Mr. Military Commander. Let's go ask US Govt if so cause you boys dont know shit about what is going on in your country.



  10. Every x amount of years all cartels have to give up a big fish.
    It makes it seem like there is an actual War on Drugs. Chapitos did their part ,Mayos did their part.
    Now is CJNG turn. CIA S.A.C is already in Jalisco. 03 ,RR ,Jardinero your days are numbered, El mencho will be arrested or extradited before November elections.

    Atte: Special Activities Think Tank Orange

  11. Confirmed mayos attorney says he was kidnapped by Joaquin he was handcuffed and legs tied and bag over his head .by 6 people in uniform .kegan Hamilton on x reports for LA TIMES

    1. What about mayor security detail? He shows up alone to a meet with el chapo son?


  12. "La familia Guzmán no se acaba
    El cartel sigue fuerte operando
    La noticia ya fue confirmada
    Y resalta el nombre de El Guano
    Los Chapitos y toda su raza
    Apoyados al cien por El Mayo

    El gobierno lo trae en la mira
    Es normal cuando eres gente grande
    Pero a El Guano nada lo intimida
    Ya conoce los riesgos del cartel
    Tiene mucha gente que lo cuida
    Ya les ha demostrado su power

    Aureliano Guzmán es su nombre
    Y es hermano del jefazo Chapo
    Lo respetan, y respeta el hombre
    Trabajando lleva muchos años
    También tuvo su infancia de pobre
    Pero ahora le llaman "Don Guano"
    Por las buenas, siempre está a la orden
    Por las malas, también, pero en diablo

    Es un hombre de carácter fuerte
    Su mirada proyecta respeto
    Su palabra, de ley, como siempre
    Las traiciones lo ponen violento
    No perdona, no hay chance dos veces
    En la mafia no hay tiempo para eso

    Ser un jefe no es cosa tan fácil
    Pero al señor le sobra colmillo
    Sabe bien las maniobras del cartel
    Lo aprendió desde que era chiquillo
    Cualquier cosa que a él no le cuadre
    Truenan Rs y cuernos de chivo

    Aureliano Guzmán es su nombre
    Y es hermano del jefazo El Chapo
    Lo respetan, y respeta el hombre
    Trabajando lleva muchos años
    También tuvo su infancia muy pobre
    Pero ahora le dicen "Don Guano"
    Por las buenas, siempre está a la orden
    Por las malas, también, pero en diablo"

  13. "Hermano, ¿qué andas haciendo?
    ¿Para qué rumbo te encuentras?
    Aquí anda el Jesús María
    Visitando nuestra tierra
    Salúdeme mucho a todos
    Yo me encuentro aquí en la Perla
    Arreglando los asuntos
    Importantes de la empresa
    Cuídese mucho, mi brother
    Que acá con gusto lo esperan
    El trabajo es lo primero
    Terminando allá nos vemos
    Todo un hombre de negocio
    Ese es mi carnal Alfredo
    Tú no te quedas abajo
    Iván, tienes un buen puesto
    Todo fuera más alegre
    Si estuviera aquí el Moreno
    Édgar, cómo has hecho falta
    Siempre te recordaremos
    Ya llegaron los güeritos
    Y entre ellos viene José Ángel
    Buen amigo de Archivaldo
    De esas amistades grandes
    A su lado se ve el cielo
    En la perla y muchas partes
    Siempre al cien con los Chapitos
    La amistad es lo que vale
    Tocan los Nuevos Rebeldes
    En muchos de nuestros partys
    Los Nuevos Rebeldes
    Así es
    Está por demás decirles
    Que somos hijos del Chapo
    Por usted damos la vida
    Señor Joaquín Archivaldo
    Estamos muy orgullosos
    Ser Guzmán es un halago
    Cuando lo vemos contentos
    Nos damos por bien pagados
    Eres un hombre muy bueno
    Aunque te tachen de malo
    Las nuevas generaciones
    Seguido nos frecuentamos
    Zambada y Esparragosa
    Los Torres y los Damazos
    Ya cuando se hace la bola
    Excelente la pasamos
    Hacen falta los Fernández
    Al Cachorro lo extrañamos
    Manuel, estamos contigo
    Desde afuera te apoyamos
    Y van y vienen las armas
    Y van a pasar los años
    Y van a seguir Guzmanes
    La nueva era mandando
    Alfredito y Archivaldo, herededos del reinado
    Mientras tanto, manda el jefe
    Y al jefe hay que respetarlo
    Y una vez más lo decimos
    Somos los hijos del Chapo"

  14. "Yo no soy rico señores, tampoco he buscado fama
    Pues yo sólo soy el hijo del señor Mayo Zambada
    Y por el Mayito gordo, toda la gente me llama
    Nunca he sido de problemas, pero si hallo no me rajo
    Porque todos mis asuntos, siempre los hemos sacado
    Yo y también con mi primo, Elisea, Cheyo apodado
    Admiro y también respeto, a mi padre adorado
    Así lo dice un corrido de mi compadre y cuñado
    Por clave él lleva el 8, también por apodo el Chavo
    Dicen, me buscan los verdes, dicen que tienen informes
    Pues en lo que yo trabajo, nomás es para los hombres
    Los extraño mucho Chube, Frankie, Pedrón y el 14
    Por mi familia, la vida, pero más para mis padres
    Pues todo lo que he tenido, me lo ha inculcado mi padre
    La humildad y mi respeto, por los Torres y Guzmanes
    Recuerden lo que les digo, no se vayan a enredar
    Entre las raíces de un árbol, porque se pueden cortar
    En pocas palabras digo, no se vayan a pasar"

  15. Mayo lawyer also claims Joaquin helped kidnap mayo also tied his leg to the airplane seat .

  16. Mayo's attorney now saying he was kidnapped in MX, tied and bounded onto inisde of plane headed for EP.

  17. Supposedly the Chaput0s kidnapped el Mayo and if true, Culiacan is going to burn as los Mayos will retaliate against any and every Chaput0 in Sinaloa

    1. Since it has been a few days now, I'm wondering why this outbreak of violence hasn't occurred yet in Sinaloa if this is true. There actually seems to be less news of bodies found since the arrest.

    2. Snitches don’t fight!🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. No it's because of all the increased military at the moment.gve it a bit

  18. Pa que no se aquivoken y queden confundidos! My biological dad originally from Mexico, from Hereford TX, took my mom an innocent woman with 7 kids already to involve her in Phoenix AR with all that. Then in the womb I became there and born in Maricopa county. Can you believe this shit! Me. Of all people. And my dad this biological father left my mom with 8 to feed and an infant to the state as a ward. Can you believe this shit! For nothing! Un junkie meh iserion. But then my grandparents who'd been born in TX since 1914 and 1917 sent for me in 1976 to get raised. And so here I am raised in all this shit you see before your eyes. By inheritance. Your boss here in Mexico and in the United States, and in all the world. Hoy desde Sinaloa hasta Matamoros y todo el mundo saben que jo soy el merro Bueno de todo esta tierra entera. Hasta el pinche aigre meh ha cuajado.

    THE MENCHO IS KING!!!!!!!!!!!👑👑👑

    1. Hahahahaha cjng dick rider

    2. Yous are all mad that dinaloa snitches and is still better than the cockadoodle king

    3. Mencho is King in his grave.

  20. It’s now Chapitps bs anyone else, especially if JGL actually setup MZ, that shit will not be taken lightly. And, if the other version of the four being in the deal and two walking out that means that the other two will want to take reigns.

  21. Como estas Javier? Aquí todo al cien. Que gusto escucharte, espero que estes bien. Que dice la raza aya en Culiacán? Tu gente pregunta cuándo volverás?

  22. Can the US even prosecute Mayo if indeed he was kidnapped by a non law enforcement entity and brought to the states?!?

  23. Sinaloa about to become Tamaulipas 2.0 if it is confirmed that Don Mayo was kidnapped

  24. Oh to be a fly on the wall during that fateful landing of the plane in El Paso...omg that fly could sell his story for millions, I cannot imagine the look on my own face when he realized what was occurring.
    Initially I too thought that it must have been pre-arranged and that Mayo was in on it for some reason only known to him, say his final goodbyes, perhaps he's terminally ill blah blah blah, He's too old to get on a plane to check out a drug field, he has too many people that would do this for him, obviously the ruse was much deeper, now that it's being said that Guzman Lopez was the one that led him to US soil.
    Amazing stuff, a convoluted mess and I would love to know the nitty gritty details of what really went down.
    Alas, The war machine bangs on roaming across the field; fueled by misery and pain, and the war machine will eat well tonight. Miss h🐙

    1. Driving Miss H.
      Hopefully the truth will be revealed in the upcoming days, kids in here, are just plain speculating the situation, you have keyboard warriors, that stay in their basements, spreading nonsense.
      One in here is also saying Sol, helped in bringing them to Texas.

    2. The frumentarii will get to the bottom of this, Ms h.

    3. Anytime SOL is mentioned, it is sol typing it as anonymous, truth be told

    4. 11:36 no period kid.
      Just because Sol kicked you out of the comments many times, doesn't mean you got to bag on him now.


  26. This was arranged. Do you all think. His security apparatus would let him travel solo unless it was arranged. Start to actually use your brains people

    1. Facts so many years in the game to just let some one kidnap you naaah i don’t believe it

    2. 8:02

      Mayo's security apparatus is only good around the periphery but up close it's lax and minimal that's how they were able to pull a fast one on him. Stop believing the corridos.

  27. Who would have thought El Guano outlasted Chapo and Mayo

  28. I read that Joaquin was already in talks with the FBI after ovidio was extradited .he is cooperating.Joaquin came up with the plan to kidnap mayo .and elegedly the FBI didn't know this.till Joaquin made one last call saying He is also bringing mayo with him .

  29. How will this affect the price of 🦜 here in LA? Asking for a friend

    1. The birds will now be free...I heard from a friend.

  30. Mouth agape, cheap dentures, slumped in wheelchair for his first court appearance, El Mayo a broken man.
    This is the piece of shit Mexicans have been idolizing for decades.
    What's up with that?

    1. 10:58 AM
      Exactly bro,a debauched disgusting old fart,mayo this mayo that,sad

  31. I hope Guano ends up at the top. It would be like Pauly Walnuts taking over the boss spot on Sopranos.

  32. Just got back from SLRC. State police all over the town. I mean hundreds. Something is going down. Get ready for a major war. Chapiza will ruin Mexico. They opt for murder rather than bribery. Probably already
    made a deal with Sheinbaum and Soros, aka Schwartz who got her elected. Its a worldwide thing now. NWO.

    1. That happened because the ministerial police got fired

    2. I tell you what. A guy told me the city police were at their office watching tv, drinking beer and smoking weed. He said they dont ever work. Only when Salazares call. That town is hotter than hell and humid too.

  33. The USA knows where every Top Narco, and Terrorist is in the WORLD. Due to politics, corruption, and Money they remain untouched.
    The minute they are no longer useful they get taken out. .

    El pinche gobierno de EE. U. U puede chingar a cualquier Narco ó terrorista cuando ya no tienen razon para ocuparlos.

    1. Y el trans-aztecas cartel pa cuando ??


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