Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Two Mexican Meth Cooks Arrested at a Drug Lab in South Africa

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

South African police arrested two Mexican citizens at a methamphetamine lab along with large amount of precursor chemicals on a farm in Groblersdal, South Africa yesterday, in an example of foreign criminal groups contracting Mexican lab operators for their expertise in drug production.

In total, four were arrested, including two Mexican citizens, and the owner of the farm. Police reported that precursor chemicals and finished product with a value of over 100,000,000 USD were seized. The suspects will appear in court on 22 July 2024 to face charges of manufacturing, dealing and possession of illicit drugs. 

It is so far unknown which state the suspects are from, a key piece of information which may point to their affiliation with a particular criminal group.

While this is the tenth drug lab bust in the nation this year, the presence of Mexican cooks makes it notable and concerning to local authorities. “It means that our task has just become very difficult,” the spokeswoman of the involved South African police unit told Reuters. This is not the first time that Mexican cooks have been detected at clandestine labs abroad.

In 2016, four Mexican citizens were arrested for running a meth "super lab" in Nigeria. According to local authorities, “Nigerians invited the Mexicans in to leverage their expertise in these industrial-scale, high-yield productions.” Police noted that they were using an advanced production method which avoided the need to use ephedrine, a common precursor chemical.


  1. Mandelas love fentanyl

    1. No period nino, Mandela is dead.

    2. Sad but true, same goes for meth, they have to lower the price but about 2 billion customers and weak governments benefiting the cartels.

  2. South Africa has to build a great big beautiful wall to keep the mesicans out! 😂

    1. It's spelled Mexicans, go back to school with no period kid.

    2. @11:12 cayese wey

    3. 7:47

      Mexicans are spreading worldwide and NOTHING can stop them!!! Nothing!!!

    4. Heard that,they cant cry about race there tho

    5. @3:22, yes they can. South Africa is very white.

    6. 11:21 AM
      Yeah you got a point but many whites aint got shit now,but being white they can have the race card used against them ?

    7. Theyre spreading like a fucking virus along with their bullshit savage ways.

    8. 12:54
      And there's nothing you can do to stop them!!!

  3. What the heck are drug cartels doing in Africa? Africans can't afford meth. They don't have any money for that stuff. They barely have enough for food. Nuff Said!!!

    1. 8:01 ya not thinking homie, distribution Country, from Africa to other Countries close by that do have money .🤑

    2. it's a great transshipment point to get to Europe. By cooking it there, they're lowering risk and raising profit margins.

    3. 8:01
      Mayo has opened up the strategic meth reserves and ordered his best and most obese cooks (the best meth cooks are always FAT) to Africa in his quest for world domination.

    4. There is enough money in africa. They got hundreds of billions of dollar during the last decades. But welfare money doesn’t improve the situation.

    5. South africa has a lot of white people.elon musk and charlize theron are from there .

    6. @8:01 you’re as ignorant as your comment. There ARE other than black races in S. Africa… yes, blue-eyed, light skin, blonde hair people there. And, even the black people there consume drugs

    7. SexWFood has been here for many years, there was a time when we had to have a 'title' and respond via Blogger, we could not use anonymous as our name. I became Miss h, equally stupid name

    8. 7:11
      You're not miss h, you don't even know the octopus emoji..🐙

    9. Forgot it that time🐙

    10. 6:32
      "You'd forget your own head if it wasn't sitting on your shoulders"
      ..My Mom

    11. German girls have more fun ! 😂

    12. It’s because from there they can send it to the Russians or get the Middle East addicted

    13. 8.01. How do you think they get Cocaine to Europe? Africa has been a stop over for a decade. Read more, say less.

  4. And a nice chain fall for a quick changeover

  5. Greedy bastards also poisoning Africa. Glad they got caught.

    1. Technically they’re poisoning Europe

    2. @9:49 sounds personal

  6. No pos wow. Now people around the world will get to know Mexicans as Drug Traffickers. Bad hombres.

  7. It’s easier to produce in afrikka to send to Europe then Europeans love the dope

    1. Colombians been using Africa as a point to store cocaine being shipped to Europe for decade now

    2. Period ghoul on deck

  8. With that many vice grips can only be Sinaloan

  9. Gilbertona por favor

  10. Meth cooks don’t live that long

    1. "Yes they do, no period"
      Your a fuckin sad case you man,you lonely or some shit?Getting your jollies off that goofy shit EVERYDAY dayum boy is you sad

    2. 233
      That's all the dude knows how to say, he's obsessive compulsive 🙂

    3. 2.33 learn to use a fuken period and you would not be picked up on by many in here, ya dig. Dork.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. 806
      Although not licenced to practice medicine in your state, I'm nevertheless recommending a regimen of anti-psychotic happy pills til you get readjusted ..😹

  11. These guys got picked up at Home Depot...they dont know anything

    1. Didn't you see the finished product, when they got caught.

  12. Ever since the last borderland beat members left these articles have been sh*tty. Nobody even reports about the recent deaths in Nuevo Laredo or Sinaloa. Nobody cares about Europe/Africa News. We can get those news from other media outlets.

    1. no digas mmdas mary jane!

    2. So I been following bb for over a decade and one thing is for sure is gotta take good with the bad bb has it's time when staffing is just not there but hard pressed to find any other better site even in the bad times all things come full circle and another thing if you felt that strongly about the quality you do something about it rather than whine and wait for some one else to fix what you dont like get to translating if you dont like the content its s free site and all reporting is pro bono gtfoh

    3. Hello, sorry to hear that. We do our best, but this is all volunteer work, and we have our own jobs and schedules to work around.

      We are always looking for help writing. If you have a story to post, get in contact with us.


    4. i appreciate your work.

    5. 12:23
      First of all it's Borderland Beat with capitals. It a vollenteer (no pay) site of writers that put in their time. To keep us informed. The last one that left, as we know to be a legend,😎 was able to put more vollenteer hours and still juggle with having a job to pay his bills.
      We can refund your subscription, have a nice day.

    6. 2 live & die in LAJuly 22, 2024 at 9:42 AM

      FTP @ 12:23.... u guys are doing a great job BB. Your volunteer work is appreciated

    7. 9:42
      You are correct, sir

    8. What a dumbass.

    9. BB contributors you have no need to apologize to any of us fuckin fools on here,most of them dont even take it seriously,half assed comics etc.
      Most of us realize and appreciate all you do we recognize that without your FREE time there would be no BB.
      Please dont tar everyone here with the same brush as these fucking clowns..

    10. ''We can get those news from other media outlets''
      Well go then,why complain to people who give their free time to make BB what it is.
      You ungrateful whining bitch,hateful shit complaining to BB contributors it really is

    11. This website is a Gold mine to free information, coming from Mexico, translated. There always has to be a clown, that comes in here you say stupid outlandish remarks. This site is not for you. Mf.

    12. 10 : 00 am and nor for you !

  13. Muchos Capos y altos mandos del cartel de Sinaloa viven en south África y en africa en general desde hay operan alrededor del mundo , hay rumores que el mayo zambada vive hay desde hace 1 año cocidencia

  14. The mexicans are everywhere. Sophisticated drug lab bust have also been made in Europe especially Netherlands

    1. Haven't seen a lab like this in a while, usually in Tejas it's all trash 55 gallon barrels of tin foil, lithium batteries, and other crap.

  15. Can we blame Africa for the strife mexcio is in ?
    Making meth in Asia,Africa,Aus,fuckin rats

  16. Another proud accomplishment

  17. Remember the ones caught in Asia and facing execution,everyone cried like bitches for the poor mexicans who didn't know what was happening

    1. No, I don't remember.

    2. It's been a number of years but yes we do remember

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. We're they executed or still in prison?

    5. They were not executed,pardoned.The excuses for them being in the meth lab are priceless.
      They were caught and then its victim time again,poor,just a job to feed family,forced,they didnt know,just cleaners etc etc.They were making meth,going to cause addiction and criminality,Malays had every right to execute them the law of the land

    6. ''No, I don't remember''
      That was fuckin hilarious that

    7. @Sol nice to see you man

  18. I love South Africa 🇿🇦! Nuff said!! !

  19. Casco negro, empecherado, parche de marina y finta de malandro
    Andamos con mucho cuidado, protegiendo una joya, el hijo del Mayo
    Pa que no anden preguntando, somos de la gente del Flaco
    Andamos muy bien equipados con cortas y largas para detonarlos

    La mayoría son blindados y los cincuentones muy bien empotrados
    Patrullas en caravanas y una TRX que va liderando
    Aquí somos de trabajo, eso está muy bien comprobado
    Las finanzas siguen marchando y el negocio siempre controlado

    Una buena sombra protege y se mantienе bien pendientе de su gente
    Desde su palapa ordenando siempre, liderando como todo un jefe
    A la orden también estamos con los hijos del Chapo Guzmán
    Hay apoyo de varios mandos, pues sabemos muy bien respetar

    Y sabemos muy bien respetar, compa Bryan
    Al tiro compra Jorka, compa Padrinito
    Se oye la plebada
    Afirmativo y puro Grupo Feroz
    Ahí nomás

    El Virus seguirá vigente y así permanece el Cartel sinaloense
    Los Ántrax no se han acabado, solo se mantienen bien discretamente
    Varios números y claves, buenas cabezas para operar
    Traen la escuela de hace unos años, con el viejo no se han de rajar

    La plebada seguirá al tiro para las misiones donde hay que accionar
    Será fin de este corrido pero esta historia no va a terminar
    Seguirémos trabajando y no paramos de generar
    Aquí andarémos al tanto y pura gente del Flaco, ahí nomás

  20. I'm quitting the internet becomes I've become addicted to my stupid cell phone 😡

  21. Sorry, but whenever you see a Mexican in a foreign country, they're usually up to no good ! 🙀

  22. When world war 3 starts every body will be wiped off the planet so I'd rather be prepared for that instead of sitting and stewing about cartels

  23. If you think about it Mayo or mencho could cook it in Africa and ship it to Australia and Europe basically all over and there not looking in Sinaloa or wherever for labs. But on the other ea Mexican is going to stick out like a sore thumb. They would need translators and tons of errand boys. Because white law enforcement doesn't give a shit about profiling and they would get busted. There's definitely some good and bad that's for sure

    1. Otro vato loco mencho ESTA muerto, no esite vato coco.

  24. They make it while Los Kinahans traffic it…


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