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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

UpDate: Chapel Of The "Los Damaso" Family On The Verge Of Collapse, Criminals Once Again Attack The Chapel In Eldorado: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS


JULY 31, 2024

Culiacán, Sin.- Two days after the desecration and theft of two bodies from a chapel belonging to the family of Dámaso López, a video has circulated on social networks showing how the mausoleum is practically on the verge of collapse.

It was this morning, Wednesday, July 31, when a citizen managed to capture on video how the chapel looked completely desolate and destroyed, as if heavy machinery had been used to demolish the structure of the same.

According to investigations, the remains of Dámaso López Núñez's relatives rested in this building, namely Dámaso López García and Adolfo López Núñez, father and brother of 'El Licenciado', respectively.

This chapel had two luxury floors, was built on a clean land and with firm construction material, however, now there is only rubble around it, the railings that were placed on its sides are fallen, the windows and objects that were there when it was recently desecrated are no longer in place.

So far, no crime has been attributed to anyone responsible and no complaint has been filed. The State Attorney General's Office informed in a statement that the collapse and the exhumation of the bodies were already being investigated ex officio, but there is still no updated news on the case.

The event reached the President of the Republic himself, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who indicated that the corresponding investigation was already underway.


  1. seems like heavy machinery was used to destroy the chapel but maybe grenades might of also been used.

    1. Like a metaphor for Mexico.

    2. Big Nuts Big Byains TrutherJuly 31, 2024 at 11:05 PM

      OMG! Damaso's pet cemetary is next!

    3. Who cares dude, we want more news about cartels not this shite. Bring Sol back.

    4. 11:05 Mini lic burried his career in the pet cemetery. It came back but bit him in the ass.

    5. Nah just a couple of Sinaloan tweekers in purple camouflage with sledgehammers and a bag of Sinaloas finest crystal go go rocks

    6. Sexgovy lame azz call sign.🛑

    7. Callame cuando me mantegas.

    8. Your Byains are so big I Byow before them.

  2. Lastly, sources say this was ordered once again by those who worked under El Chore. Anger over how Ocran Leaks (Mini Lic?) has expressed himself about el chore saying his bisexual or that he was a joke of a hitmen.

    1. They're getting extremely petty and soft. One school girl yard insult over social media and they go berserk. "Ahi si, me insulto, callame cuando me mantengas".

    2. Is el Chore the same guy as el Chorro?

    3. They wouldn't be wrong about a joke of a hit man what type of tuff guy does this. This is just sick not scary.

    4. @11:13 but talking about a dead person is ok to get what you dish Dámaso and family are not innocents so to be all sad and cry about them. But it’s ok to what happens to innocent people. Damaso aka ocran lic needs to know there repercussions.

    5. Chore should’ve known there would be repercussions for being a gay boy. People will talk

    6. Jeez, what happens to @Detroit

  3. Damn Mini Lic mustve really struck a nerve!

  4. Mini Ocran Lic said Chino Antrax got butt implants. Thats so wrong ! El Commandante 5.7 was an highly trained athletic warrior but Mini Leaks was always fantasizing about his rear.

    1. This is deff 006

    2. 006 for president

    3. Chino might be gay as well, he spent more time looking in the bathroom mirror than his rucas.

    4. Antes era un cholo plano
      Se ve q no lo viste de antes

  5. The complete removal of a human head, especially when preserving it for examination or donation, must be conducted with the utmost respect and adherence to ethical and legal standards, even in the grim context of a narcoterroristic cult. The procedure begins with proper preparation, including wearing full personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, gowns, masks, and face shields. The workspace should be clean, sanitized, well-organized, and equipped with all necessary instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and retractors. Adequate lighting and ventilation are essential for visibility and safety. A candle of Santa Muerte and a statue of Jesus Malverde burn in a campfire in the background, accompanied by the eerie chanting of witches who threaten to melt if sprinkled with Holy water—a fitting punishment for their dark deeds.

    The process typically starts with a midline incision from the occipital bone of the cult member at the base of the skull, extending down to the lower cervical vertebrae, around the C6-C7 level. The incision may be extended laterally along the shoulders if necessary. Once the initial incision is made, the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscles, including the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius, are carefully reflected away from the cervical spine and the base of the skull. Retractors may be used to hold back tissues and provide a clear view of the area. The witches, ever eager to meddle, cackle ominously as Holy water drips near, making them hiss and melt into a puddle of despair.

    To sever the cartel member’s head, the spinal cord is precisely cut at the level of the chosen cervical vertebrae. This step requires careful handling to avoid unnecessary damage. A bone saw, either manual or oscillating, is then used to cut through the cervical vertebrae. The cut should be straight and clean to ensure the preservation of anatomical structures. After severing the spinal cord and vertebrae, all remaining soft tissues, including the trachea, esophagus, and blood vessels, are severed. Clamps or ligatures can be used to minimize bleeding.

    Once the head is fully separated, it should be handled with care to prevent damage. The head is then placed in a suitable container for transport and preservation, following institutional protocols. While speed is a consideration, it should not compromise the cleanliness and precision of the procedure. A clean cut is crucial for maintaining the integrity of anatomical structures and preventing damage. Throughout the process, the remains must be treated with the utmost respect, honoring the consent and wishes of the donor and their family, even as the cult member's head is preserved as a trophy.

    In a special section of this grim tale, the Cartel Mafia faces their own reckoning. Those who betray the trust of their own kin or their sinister "brotherhood" get whacked—a swift, merciless end meted out in dark alleyways or in the midst of festive gatherings. The air thick with the scent of betrayal, they fall, their lives snuffed out as casually as candle flames.

    Moreover, in this twisted game, a unique method of punishment is reserved for those who sell fake poisonous drugs, like fentanyl. The perpetrators are subjected to a gruesome fate: locked in a room with the very substances they've peddled, they must endure a harrowing encounter with their own poison.

    1. 9:53

      Where did you cut and paste that from?

    2. What in the methamphetamine is going on here. What an accomplished narco creepy pasta. We all read it thoroughly and appreciate your life’s work. Mom must be so proud.

    3. Thank you so for your time and effort to educate BB readers on the proper beheading procedure. You put a lot of thought into this. Hopefully it will be published for healthcare policy and procedures throughout the country.

    4. 9:53 who are you directing you comment too? Are you teaching wanna be cartel members in here?
      Then after beheading you jump to Fenty. You lost me.😷

    5. Way too much time on your hands, get to work!

    6. "the air thick with the scent of betrayal"?
      "lives snuffed out casually as candle flames"?
      Don't try to be 🦎, you sound like a fuckin' romance novelist, menso 😂

    7. WTF did I just read!? Not necessary!

    8. They really need to start sending the heads in to research laboratories. Science! Do Kinda like the NAZIs did. Also, the sicarios do sloppy work. They should send them to medical school, or at least coroner school, so they can be more scientific in their approach so they can preserve the parts for study.

    9. 3:08
      Specifically, pop romance novels, and failing miserably at purple prose. Now, that's bad.

    10. You can smell when someone uses basic AI prompts from a mile away.

    11. ''You can smell when someone uses basic AI prompts from a mile away''
      Informed bro,many here wont know what the fuck your talking about

    12. How does that shit relate to Damasos? Is it supposed to be funny? You write well, so write on a different subject.

  6. Fue panchinto arredondo jajaj. Ese güey está enamorado de toda la CH🍕. Es capaz de dejar al ivan o Alfredo echarse a su morra. “ con todo gusto patrón , ahí está mi vieja” jajaja. Saludos desde GDL.

    1. En GDL todos los hombres se dan con los hombres

    2. 1109 : no te agüites , o eres unos de las queridas del chore?

    3. 12:25 soy un hombre no un joto de GDL como tú jajaj

    4. 11:09 y como saves? Apoco ya fuiste y te dieron?

    5. 2:41 no eres joto de GDL pero si de Sinaloa, no por nada su mero representante es la Gilbertona 🤣🤣🤣

    6. 9:15 jajaj les duele Jaliskas

    7. 7:20
      Lo se porque me dieron. Se mira que tambien te gusta.

    8. 10:57 🤣🤣🤣 su Rey es la Gilbertona! No tienen cara para llamarle a nadie jotos, haci de sencillo mi Gilbertona, no llores mejor desatate loca

    9. 10:33 osea que si te dieron? Te gusto? O te traumaste porque te gusto? O no te gusto que te dieron? Pero qdmites que te dieron!

    10. Chilangos contra chinolas, pleito cibernético seguro.

    11. No por nada Puerto Vallarta es conocido como el San Francisco Mexicano. O tambien en GDL que ahi chingo de vatos que les truena la reversa. No por nada Al CJNG le dicen las 4 letras del terror.

  7. Ocran really thought he could throw shade and talk about Los chapos without getting any consequences.

    1. Omg I know how dare he huh? Preach it girl

    2. ^ sounds like we have one of chores dates here👀

    3. 12:26 I’m actually Menchitos ex from jail he has a new man every week!

    4. 2:42 so i take it both of you are gay? Cool man, not everyday you see a guy thats not from Sinaloa admitt they are gay, or are you from Sinaloa? If that's the case well its really normal, i mean Gilbertona was your hero, even all the CDS was on his nutts

    5. ''so i take it both of you are gay''
      Yeah im heterosexual myself but i may try being gay to see what everyone is talking about,i mean its exploring your inner self isnt it and i will be lauded and cheered for being brave and coming out,it may hurt my children but i must be happy?Life is about happiness surely?

    6. 2:32 You do uour thing man

  8. Wonder if Ocran is going to keep talking about Los chapos after this.

    1. @957: Ofcourse He will.. They can't do much if they had to Rob a Grave with 2 bodies this time.. Seems like they are somewhat frustrated in Mini Lic,and His Information-Offensive. They don't seem to have anyone to kill or kidnap, so they have to hit Dead people..! I bet everyone who did that are Catholics on Paper, but go desecrating dead peoples Graves..! Fiery lake of Hell awaits these Chaputos..!

    2. Sure why not? Try again to impress one of the ruthless killers in the country by exhuming rotten corpses. This is an act of desperation cause they cant do anything to silence them.

    3. 9:57 what else can they do? Record them selfs doing the corpses? I wouldn't be surprised, but what they did is enough for Mini leak to go on a full snitch rampage

  9. Camilo ah de estar baile y baile de gusto después de esto. “ te dije cabron que con los chapos no se juega” - Camilo voice.


    1. Yessirskis 🔥

    2. He is a wimpy kid.
      SOL is KING.👑

    3. Da Connor, ya love Trumpito has lost some points, he not looking good.

    4. Tough week for the donald..
      Things started badly, then ended worsely at some annual convention of black folks..
      His fugazi hillbilly vice prez running mate lookin' creepier and creepier to normie voters..
      Trump's got Hulk Hogan in his corner, but we heard it through the grapevine Taylor Swift is gonna write a hit song about Kamala!
      Biden finally took the hint that nobody wants a bizabuelo running the show, republican kingmakers should follow suit and dump the donaldo!

    5. Connor be king of the dental chair.
      Watch yo mouth.
      Ol' Connor don't fuckaround.

    6. 2:56 Your a bitch go eat some curry chicken

    7. 2:56 we don't want a convicted felon as President, one that attacks his opponent in the worst way possible. he likes to spread hate. The MF still owes big money 💰 on the two lawsuits he lost with pornstar Stormy Daniels, City of New York. Mr. T. time to pay the Piper.

    8. Your a gang of balloon heads

    9. Here is this crank banging on about trump again,no one gives a fuck you pleb

  11. Ocran kept pooking the bear thinking he was free from any consequences, until the bear found the nearest Damaso family member y bolas! Les valió maiz.

    1. He kept tickling the tiger's balls.

  12. Hasta los muertos la van a pagar mini dic

  13. El Chore does look Sus not going to lie

    1. 11:11 this is 10:35 that's why I am voting Kamala but damn does Chore look like a spokesman or women for pride

    2. I am voting for Kamala too, she has a strong Jamaican bosom to smother all the Republican nazis while they cry to death. Furthermore, she is very supportive of Hinduism and Islamism.

      She is a true African American black woman of minority who is strong-willed, fierce, and extremely Presidential. Her Irish heritage also aligns with my supreme species of DNA. Jamaican Irish are an elite race. White Power!

      More so than the orange-haired clown Trump who eats Big Macs in bed and asks everyone how good he looks.

    3. 10:35, 11:11, and 12:34 Voting for Kamala means you identify as they/them's because clearly you're all the same person!

    4. 822 vote Kamala 2024!!!

    5. I am voting for anyone but Kamala!! She has done nothing for us and was hidden because she was incompetent and know they want us to to trust her no way. It’s embarrassing that we can’t represent better than this and the whole world is laughing!!

    6. Felons for Trump 2024 💯

    7. All these responses will be no period ghoul

  14. Ocran some random YouTuber who’s probably related to someone in the game that’s how he knows all the stories and you guys all think he is mini lic because Camilo a wanna be narco who self claimed he ran Mazatlan… when Mazatlan had never been fully ran by one group other the Beltran Leyva brothers who were the last group to fully run it . How you guys believe anything Camilo says is beyond me , the guy wanted to work for Damaso .. Damaso turned him down and he clearly hasn’t been able to get over it .

    1. @11:05 but you believe everything ocran Lic says you believe Damaso but don’t believe what somebody else says. Damaso clearly is still hurt and can’t get over it

    2. If you listen when he tells the stories
      he's slipped up and used the wrong form of "we" or "him" "me" "I"

      it's him, I don't have any doubt really. He said he was getting into the podcast game. and then Ocran Leaks starts. His build. his face.

    3. If mini lic, his dad and ocran just kept it 💯 and take an L like a man supposed to, they go on YouTube talk shit and risk whatever family is left over there. Now the mausoleum valió verg4 smh

    4. 2:03 those guys killed thousands, you think they care about a mausoleum? Or their relatives? They would sell out their relatives in a heart beat if it ment saving their skin, now they know they fucked with the chapitos feelings so now they are gonna turn it up a notch, mark my words, they are scum and they are out for revenge the best way they know and thats snitch, at the end of the day tgey are Sinaloas and Snitching is in their blood

    5. @J Mini Lic is alive and well . He is a protected witness , you’d think he would risk his protection for a YouTube channel ,knowing his enemies have cells all over the US? You think the US government would allow him to have a YouTube channel? , come on . All this because Camilo the spoiled son of the owner of Pollo loco who insists on self claiming he was a big shot narco once without proof says so , yeah I’m not buying it.

  15. Markitos you a bad girl

  16. Ocran/mini lic crying in his 1 bedroom apt

    1. Have you seen how many subscribers he has? 😆

    2. 1142 that's one bedroom chapo and mayo,ovidio and Joequim don't have

  17. Los Zetas also dug out the body or bodies of R1 parents in his hometown in Tamaulipas, allegedly. CDS now doing the same nefarious acts of the depraved Los Zetas. What say you cheerleaders who have already commented?

    1. 12:08 Well, the bodies deserve to be exhumed. Only the top brass is allowed to snitch on the lower. Mini Dic's actions indicate a great betrayal making his ancestors unworthy of being in the afterlife with the Guzmans and other gods of Sinaloa. So, what would you do if your grandpa was laying rest next to Mini Dic's?

      Wouldn't you want to take the body so they would remove Mini Dic from the afterlife with them. Koo like Egyptians foo.

    2. You’re an odiot if you think there’s an “afterlife” for these type of people. These acts are simply
      To disrespect those involved.

      I’m still thinking that it’s a cover up and that MF and members did this, maybe Mini Lic and Damaso snitched on MZ.

    3. 8:58 if you believe in the after life than you should know desacrating a body brings one of the worse curses you can get, so who ever gave the order and who ever did it are cursed for life

    4. 12:49 actually you are the idiot if you don't believe there will be a afterlife for the evil...There will be,just not a happy one.

  18. Chapitos got pissed off because ocran leaks has been leaking too much info

    1. Apparently his car has an oil leak as well

    2. 1113 🤣🤣🤣 he should put some Lucas in his car 😂😂😂

    3. just a mini leak

  19. Si ya saben que el Iván tiene problemas de agresividad para que lo torean.

    1. Por eso matan a la verga a cada pendeje que ande bien alzadito estos días. Le buscan y luego lloran a la hora que empiezan los balazos. Así les va por la misma con aquellos idiotas que se creen imparables por qué venden en un ranchillo culero de USA. Aprendan ya y no anden de labiosos creyéndose algo que no son. En estos tiempos les vale verga a los que son verdad. No jueguen con sus vidas trapitos Americanos. Acá no son nadie en su mundo de drogas. El que si lo es va a star un día en ese antro que frecuentan y se los va cargar la chingada por nomás caer gordos. Ya ha pasado. Atentos peces aquí si hay mucho tiburon.

    2. Despues de que los Menchos lo incaron y le patearon las costillas quedo traumado y cualquier ruidito lo hace enojar 🤣🤣🤣 esa patado fue epica, siempre estara en nuestras mentes 😂😂😂😂

    3. Este pendejo alucin...aqui no hay mucho Tiburon, hay puro mediocre cobarde que SE cre gallito cuando estan en bola o armados. No pos wow ASI quien no. Nomas Ve a los que ya agrraron "dejen me libre,soy ganadero, sufro de ansiedsad"

    4. 1:26 Eres un imbecil sin conocimiento de dónde vives. Eso o no has salido suficiente. Na hay nada alucin en decir sobre lo que existe en Mexico pendejo ignorante. Tu has de ser uno de esos culeritos que se ponen bravos con 5 copas de tequila barato. Así como en Cancun y Guadalajara han pasado muchas cosas por gente que se expone demasiado o se pone brava con la persona equivocaba. A un primo lo dejaron en el hospital por caer gordo. Ni narco es. Eso fue en un antro popular de Guadalajara. A su compañero de empresa le cayó un convoy por andar de fanfarrón y gastando a lo wey. El amigo con el que andaba ya nunca apareció. Son malditos. Pero eso pasa cuando te crees más en Mexico. Quieres ejemplos grandes? Busca el de Salvador Cabañas o el caso donde el Dover de Cancun mato a dos estudiantes norteños por andar hablando así de estúpidos como tú. Has de ser un Americano viviendo en Mexico. Buscale perro para que veas como te va a ir . Buscale más. Has de creer que Mexico es todo lindo

  20. Shows how untouchable Los Damasos are right now being under witness protection and hiding out in the U.S. I don’t think Damasos even give a shit knowing everything they ever owned in Mexico has been wiped.

    1. They are in witness protection of course they untouchable. You can tell they care that’s why they keep giving in for and talking crap on ocran lic

  21. Sorry asses probably blaming Damasos and shit for Zambada capture.
    They just can't believe their stupid idol is in prison and possibly by being fooled or kidnapped by his own people.

    1. Bro relax you mostly a nobody who don’t know anything of why Mayo got caught. But just know it was the FBI that delivered the assignment right in time after the assassination attempt against trump . Let’s not also forget if trump wins there is a high chance he will send in military response towards the drug lords even your daddy mencho might get hit .So at the end of the day Mayo turned into a pawn . Mencho can be a pawn any moment . It’s a chess game between shitty liberals and shitty conservatives. People going crazy with all the theories when it’s simple just has repeated it self. It’s all politics for you lil newbies .

    2. 1:55 fuck you and Zambada and what you claim you know about him. I live in Texas were Zambada got captured and know about him more than you even though you bed him.
      Trump? Shit talking loudmouth speaks more shit than he accomplishes except for the tax shit he secretly does for the top ten percent of earners in this country like himself.
      Biden captured Mayo not your hero Trump.

    3. 1:55 Trump always cried and bitched saying the FBI is corrupt during the/his corruption scandal?
      Why should the FBI reward his stupid ass with a capture like Zambada?

    4. 1:55 talk about "newbies", where have you been, Mencho been dead for quite a while. No military response will be sent, you forgetting USA and Mexico are two different Countries.

    5. 1:55 yeah right know it all.
      Mayo had nothing to do with Trump's assassination attempt and the FBI who Trump said was corrupt caught Mayo under Bidens watch. Not Trump's.
      Perhaps the pawns are the American people that buy into everything taught to them.
      FYI I'm from Texas were Mayo was caught so I know a bit more than you what's going on.
      Just because you fucked the dude Mayo doesn't mean you know shit about him.

    6. But the USA. Is always right always supported and never wrong

    7. Biden don’t have a watch a dam sure does not know what time it is…

    8. 1:55
      You're really lost with reality, you're trying to correct someone, with bull shit that you made up, Russia is recruiting people like you, to work in their call centers and spread misinformation.

    9. @ 1:55 you’re wrong, the US will never do that to MX, it would’ve already been done. This has zero political drive, no one truly cares about MX/US relations, they’re not that important to them, maybe to the people, but not to politicians; they keep bringing in the drugs to that the healthcare system contracts are in place long term. Is it terrorism? Of course it is, but it’s be an act of war if they ever labeled it as it should be labeled. All these “narcos” catching the eye of the tiger and there are the other who just keep a low profile, and don’t even attract attention - those are the powerful ones. Politicians don’t like for narcos to get rowdy, that’s when they send the military to get you.


  23. Nothing wrong with being bisexual, 1/3 of the dicks in americas swing both ways.
    I am very sorry for these guys, you join the company as a tough sicario with balls of steel and the end is stealing some rotten corps with all its smells and fluids. Of course you need meth y fent to overcome this.
    Pretty sure damasos are still laughing over this attack.

    1. Religion gonna jump your ass

    2. Trump and jr swing 4 ways.

    3. 09:42 Is that intel from the CDC or the DIA?

    4. Rumors is that Dámaso is scorned because he really is bisexual or full on queer but damasos doubt they laughing or maybe since they where so greedy left all their family back home

    5. it will only be skeletons

    6. Why should i be responsible for other peoples actions even if its my own family? Even with your own kids, at the end of the day, they become adults and are responsible for their own actions.

  24. Sigan solapando a los Chapitos asi como los Tamaulipecos lo hicieron con el Golfo/Zetas o los Michoacanos con Nazario y sus pendejos y al rato van a vivir igual o peor que esos estados

  25. All of that because mini dic snitched on chapizas/chaputas and told the DEA that they sucked his dick.

    1. Chales. Puras Gilbertonas, cakinos, puñeteros y pone dedos en CDS. Verrrga como les gusta a los Chinolas.

  26. It was the short fat pug who wants to be Tony Montana aka el Alucin

    1. The dude that looks like a cabbage patch

    2. Don Camilo punks

  27. Chapitos just mad because mini exposed them for being Homosexuals

  28. Snitcher Truther knows about it.

  29. 👑👑KING MENCHO👑👑

    1. The baby killer aka el Mata ancianos?

  30. I never thought I'd say this but fuck I miss sol. Although I hate his opinions his content was the best. Sol I'm sorry please come back. We need real cartel news. This site has become CNN.

    1. No it’s better like this because he would had made a bias headline and translation and then only post the dumb comments or the ones that suit him. I mean it’s better just we get an even playing field with the comments.

    2. Jajajaja, vato joto.

    3. Shut the fuck up Sol. It's pathetic when you make these fake ass profiles just to post shit up like this. Your hate for Mexico runs deep. I just love knowing your country will never amount to ten percent of what Mexico is.

    4. Stop it Rubio.

  31. Chapitos are mad because Mini Lic exposing them for being gay

  32. Zambada appeared in court again, this time in a wheelchair.

    1. His first court appearance he was in a wheelchair too.

    2. Ok and you want me to cry or laugh, that he is on a wheelchair?😭

  33. Good for him and his asshole son

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Saludos Char.. did u hear anything about el inge alineador Cafetera got quietly released from prison and now nowhere to be found he was to haved check in right after release to a Mexican court probation check.. never did .one must think he met with enedina .. El piloto 3 and the Aguirre galindo clan along with piloto 3 to take back firm control of at least some.of La tia juana

    2. he's out

      ZETA reported it last week

      really don't think he comes back to TJ but he probably did make some contacts down there

      not sure where he would fit in. Flaco's team doesn't need him or want him. Flacos team doesn't even really exist, it's him and maybe 3 other guys and a couple crews in Tecate and Zona Norte.

      Inge was never even really a factor when he was out is the truth. His last moment was the 2010 Gordo Villareal crew Luz Verde RICO. His team was a lot of guys from Imperial Beach San diego. The Escamilla family.

      Johnny and his brother, Ivan Magana. Gordos cousin None of those crews are around anymore.

    3. So el piloto exists?

  35. Aqui se vio lo corriente que son los Chaput0s, ojala los MZ los saquen alvrg de Culiacan y Sinaloa a todos esos lacras

    1. Ojala y se maten todos por igual y se acaven de volada, entre mas rapido mejor , son las mismas lacras los Mz's y Chaputos, que se acaven para que la gente de Sinaloa este tranquila y pueda disfrutar la vida sin tener pendiente de que alguna lacra viole a sus niñas menores de edad

    2. Corrientes los chapos pero los damasos mayo de informantes testigos protegidos son tus heroes.

  36. Does anybody remember the old MySpace page the Cartel Report?

  37. yeah maybe Damazo is being put to talk and how they retaliate? well destroying a burial spot. hope Mencho takes sinaloa for good. puro 4 lettras alv.cuh

    1. Sinaloa will never be Menchos, you would know this if you weren't a Lazy Narco-Fanboy.

    2. 11:20
      Mencho will never ever have Sinaloa.
      He is dead, at the Cemetery.
      Bet you did not know that lazy fanboy.

  38. Why would anybody steal two bodies than destroy the place?? Why not destroy the building while the bodies are in the building? Unless you care about the bodies, that are in a place you can't visit

  39. Looks like Bordeland is no longer allowed to upload "warning" type videos.. Looks like you new president who is part of the tribe is giving herself a "new look"... jajajajaja.. Trump assassination attempt may not win him this election if the Biden administrations get v=credit for El Mayo... jajajajajaja.. The Theater continues..

    1. They are allowed, but realized teeny boppers, reddit kids come in here.
      Sol would snoop the black underground for odd videos.

    2. I see why Sol quit. Dumb ass comments he had to read and deny posting.

    3. 8:27 Easy to label and dismiss, huh?.. Over stimulated fufu's that lack a brain. Just say it, if you have no clue what you read and the message behind the words.. "he had to read" silly, under 100 words isn't that much... lol . Poor Sol. jajaja

  40. For all those who are in organ trafficking and how it works:

    1. It's not like changing car parts and most illegal organ transplants will fail if not properly matched (eve then they may still fail) and will require a lifetime of medication and regular check ups.

  41. Kamala Harris President 2024!!!
    Sol Prendido Vice President!!

    Numb nutts Custodian Trump.

  42. False claiming bitches,fuckin losers and haters

  43. ''Kamala Harris President 2024!!!
    Sol Prendido Vice President!!
    Numb nutts Custodian Trump''
    What a fuckin bellend

    1. Lol trump will be nominated as custodian, cleaning the White House grounds. Cleaning dog poop.

  44. Has El Mini Leaks gone silent since?

  45. Gotta thank camillo for this


    Untouched till he posted his video on the location


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