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Thursday, August 29, 2024

8 Police Officers Arrested for Providing Info to CJNG in Colima

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

From a Proceso Article

According to the Colima prosecutor, the detainees passed information to the CJNG, manipulated the cameras of the municipality of Colima, and made false reports.

In a joint operation, state and federal corporations arrested eight active municipal police officers in Colima, including a woman, on charges of leaking information to the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG), the State Coordinating Board for the Construction of Peace and State Security reported.

Seven of the detained officers worked as agents of the Public Security Directorate of the state capital, while the remaining one was a member of the security escort group of the municipal president of Villa de Álvarez, Esther Gutiérrez Andrade, announced the head of the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), Bryant Alejandro García Ramírez.

Speaking to the media, the official said that the investigation into the case had been underway for six months and, based on certain evidence obtained through intelligence, an investigation file was opened for the misuse of information from public security activities, the administration and enforcement of justice and the penitentiary system, as well as criminal association.

"The necessary evidence was collected," he added, "and when we finally had the identity of the people, we requested the arrest warrant and it was obviously granted and has already been executed."

García Ramírez said that while the deadline for the judge to determine the legal status of the detainees runs, the FGE will give notice of the case to the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime (FEMDO), dependent on the Attorney General's Office of the Republic, so that they can also pursue the case for organized crime.

The Colima prosecutor said that "the criminal group that we were able to identify that they were linked to (the detained police officers) is the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel and obviously it is the use of the information that they carried out: they passed on information, some of them manipulated the cameras (of the municipality of Colima), they made false reports or if there were going to be arrests they would go and say that they were not there so that they would be let go."

In short, Bryant Alejandro García added, “these people were carrying out a conglomerate of criminal activities and they will obviously be tried for these acts, and we will be waiting for the prosecution, for what the judge decides in the next few hours.”

According to the State Peace and Security Board, the arrest of the eight police officers was achieved after investigation, intelligence and coordination work between the FGE and institutions such as the Public Security Secretariat (SSP) of the Government of the State of Colima, the Coordination, Control, Command, Communication, Computing and Intelligence Center (C5i), the Navy Secretariat (Semar), the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena), the National Guard (GN) and the Attorney General's Office of the Republic (FGR).

The arrest took place on Thursday morning at around 6:30 a.m. in compliance with arrest warrants against these elements, where 5 of them were arrested at the Colima Municipal Police Headquarters; 2 in the vicinity of their homes and 1 at the Villa de Álvarez Municipal Police Headquarters.

For its part, the Municipal Police of Colima issued a statement in which it offered its collaboration with the authorities responsible for investigating the detained officers, arguing that "since the beginning of the municipal administration there has been full willingness to coordinate with all security corporations and armed forces."

He said that the safety of citizens “is our top priority and there will be zero tolerance for any criminal conduct in which any of our officers may be involved.”

However, the municipal corporation also regretted that "in this operation there was no coordination between the State Attorney General's Office and any municipal authority, since the way it was carried out generated tension between the corporations and at some point even put the integrity of people at risk, which is unacceptable."

Source Proceso


  1. It seems like things are blowing up in Culiacan

  2. Reports that a IAG was captured near Culiacan

  3. Reports from culiacan of ivan being captured not confirmed but another culicanazo going on already blockades gun fire

  4. Armed forces supposedly went after a Alfredo or Ivan in Jesus Maria .


  5. There are reports from 30 mins ago Ivan Guzman captured in Culiacan. Has anyone heard this ? There’s a report saying shootout are ongoing -

  6. Rumor is Ivan was just captured.

  7. Ivan was just captured

  8. Was Ivan arrested or nah? I trust u foos more than mexican news tbh

    1. "I trust you foos more" lmaooooo no mms

    2. 9:23 No ones ever told you they trust you huh you snake

  9. Culiacán is burning they reporting Ivan got caught

  10. Ivan going down !!!

  11. Sinaloa is a war zone.

  12. No wonder Zambada told his family and close associates to flee Sinaloa before he surrendered to the gabachos.. he knew what was coming.. he might be singing to the gabachos to cut a sweetheart deal

  13. WTF, go to your on report, this report about CJNG not Ivan being caught

    1. No one cares about CJNG they never win any confrontations lol

  14. reports that CDS is way more popular than CJNG reports report jaja

    1. There is more cds groupies obviously
      Thank all the hundreds of corridos from chapo, MAYO , chapitos etc

      Cjng is more low key and don't care about the fame, they move like REAL gangsters

      Chapitos cants stay poutit of social media and they snitched and kidnapped the guy that saved their life when they got kidnapped in jalisco SMH
      CDS is full of drama like a sope opera so everyone is intrigued and curios of what shenanigans CDSNITCHES will do next

    2. Cjng stays tricking off too. Why you think call them the torcidos? Quit acting like them foos ain’t cooperating with the law in Mexico and in the states here too. Buncha dick riding bozos on here 🤡

  15. Please guys stay on topic. CJNG does this manipulation with all police departments of towns they control. This is nothing new. They also use the police to kidnap their victims. They inform the police of a person they want. The police will then go with a fake arrest warrant to put the victim in their patrol truck. Everybody thinks that the victim is being arrested and taken to the police station. This is false. The patrol truck will then drive to a secluded ranch and not to the police station. CJNG members will be at this ranch. The police hand off the arrested individual to the gang members where he then gets tortured and murdered. The family members will go to the police station to visit this guy thinking that he is held prisoner. The police staff will say that they have no record of his arrest. Most of the victims are "disappeared" forever. Some show up on the side of the road with a narco banner. That is why you see some of these dead bodies handcuffed with their hands behind their back. Nuff Said!!!

    1. That’s koo foo nice book you wrote

    2. So much for this story. Everybody is creaming their jeans over what's happening in Culiacan.

  16. No comment on the crooked cops in Colima from you monkeys?

  17. 9:05 Gracias 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

    1. 12:55am De nada amigo. I just say the truth. I lived in a town in los altos Jalisco and this is what CJNG did there. I know how they operate and control the police. Nuff Said!!!


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