Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Adriel Jese Velador Disappeared From The New Central Trucking Station; It Is Presumed That He Was Recruited Under False Pretenses By Criminals

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL

Adriel Jese Velador Garcia, 21, asked a friend to have him reported as missing if he stopped responding


Elizabeth Ibal / El Occidental

Since August 5, nothing is known of the whereabouts of Adriel Jese Velador García, 21 years old, originally from Cuisillos, in Tala. He was last seen at the new Central trucking station in Tlaquepaque, where he went to catch a bus to the country's center to train as a private security guard, but then contact with him was lost. His family believes he may have been recruited by crime.

The anguish of the Velador Garcia family led them to file a missing person's report last Thursday and just this Sunday night the State Search Commission issued a search warrant for him.

Daniela, his sister told in an interview with EL OCCIDENTAL, that on the afternoon of Monday, August 5, her brother told her that he was going to a friend's house in Guadalajara, because the next day he had a work appointment at 7:00 a.m., but due to the distance from Cuisillos to Guadalajara he could not make it on time, so he preferred to stay with him and arrive on time.

He was supposed to return home on Tuesday, but he did not, he only had a conversation with his father by message, to whom he said he was fine. Until Wednesday he had brief conversations with his father by message and then he did not connect again, he stopped answering.

In the messages she indicated that she was going to the State of Mexico to train for a job as a private security guard and stated that she had not been told the name of the supposed company.

On Thursday his family found out that on Tuesday Adriel Jese uploaded a video to Tik-Tok from the new central trucking station in Tlaquepaque.

As he began posting on social networks, they realized that he held a conversation with a friend, whom he asked to report him as missing if he stopped responding.

“Where my brother tells her 'If I don't talk to you in three days you report me', he sends her his location in real-time and she says, 'How did she report you, where are you'; she says 'here I am in the location, I'm going to Mexico to see if they don't kidnap me, report me as missing'. That is the only capture they send me”.

Following this, the family believes that Adriel Jese was recruited by crime through the lure of a good job.

“The Prosecutor's Office told me that it is most likely, because it is the same modus operandi they have, because they say that he left by his own means, because he was going to a job interview. He just wanted to work like everyone else, to earn more money. So far, with the little they have, they think it was that, because of his age, it fits”.

Because he reported before his disappearance that he was going to the State of Mexico, the search has been extended to other states in the country, but so far nothing is known about Adriel Jese.

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  1. Garbage ass cartels.

    RIP Gilbertona

  2. That kid, he looks like the no period kid.

    1. No period kid has an Edgar haircut like sicario 006 and sol.

  3. Yup there's a documentary on YouTube of cjng where the recruit people , Tala jalisco being there main hub and sending then off to camps..

  4. Stay in school, kids, learn a trade, look before you leap..
    Use your fuckin' heads, god gave you a brain, no matter how small..
    Endeavor to steer clear of this absurd madness..

    1. 4:08 Two period 🦎 Lizard, ya hippocratic, stay in school, when you use two periods, instead of one.😂😭🤣

    2. Hippocrates, you'll recall, was the ancient Greek physician considered still today as the father of medicine🌜🌤️

  5. CNJG I can't wait to the U.S. Govt take down the CNJG vothe women and men. Recruiting the young and innocent is effed up!! Smdh

  6. I wonder if El Rey Sapo is still in charge of recruiting these kids or La Firma, regardless these guys continue to prey on the weak and poor. They feel untouchable by controlling all levels of law enforcement in Jalisco.

  7. This stuff happens so often, I know there's a couple cities in Jalisco that are notorious for it, or so I've read and heard from more than one source

  8. The only real orphanization that doesn't do this is LFM but that's more because michucanos aren't about cartels or gangs they're more about masonry particularly the stacking of feria just like the OG aztecas use to stack stones as high as the eye could see. The ones enslaving kids are the nortenas under el cubano mayo, yeah I read on here he's cuban so many times it makes sense now. Just like we couldn't take out castro 90 miles away and so many other similarities between mayo and castro. Castro, Guevara, and all thems were in Mexico... Mayo could be Castro's son but these facts is too much for these reddit kids to analize anali and instead just wave arab flags in the US and call me raceist. FYI I got bike chains and uhaul blankets for sell also got a set of craftman lawnmower wheels. You know where to hit me up. Sol don't be afraid to reach out buddy you know I'll give you a nice discount and I sort of miss you hope everything is going well.

    -Semper Fi-

    1. Fi Fi ya always bringing up LFM, which is not related to this article.😂🤣

    2. 855
      Craftsman lawnmower wheels not related to article either, but let the guy say what he wants, it's a free country 🤔😼


  10. That is Chickenshit to do that to these kids ....

  11. Give these kids a chance to live a normal life, and if they choose to get Into crime as adults then fine, but don't just take em ... And the government dont do shit cause they are pus-es

  12. Solitos se delatan los narco satanicos delas 4. En su propio estado asiendo sus marranadas. Es la diferencia de carteles. Los cds les sobra la gente que se enlistan en sus filas por su propia voluntad. Cjng bajo amenazas mete a gente a pelear por ellos. Por eso meten a gente de centro y sur América porque nadie Quiere jalar con ellos por caga palos.

  13. Apoco haci tan desesperados son los pinche narcos que tienen que hacer pendejos a los chavos para reclutar gente?
    Aparte de reclutar menores de edad y en algunos casos forzar a gente tambien?
    Carteles que hacen eso son de lo peor.

  14. All these scrawny kids getting Edgar cuts think it makes them look hard lol


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