Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, August 9, 2024

Disappearances And Graves 2.0 In Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from INFORMADOR.MX


AUGUST 8, 2024

The first thing to say is that within the daily drama of disappearances in Jalisco, the last two weeks we have been able to witness positive outcomes, which at least have not increased the number of mourning families, and that contrary to thousands of other cases, have escaped the unspeakable pain of the uncertainty of not knowing the whereabouts of a loved one.

Yesterday we had the good news of the safe and sound appearance of Kevin Ulises, this 18 year old young man, who along with his cousin Elena Janetzy, of the same age and both students at the University of Guadalajara, had disappeared since Monday of last week. Janetzy had been released since Monday of this week.

Early Tuesday morning, Juan Alberto was also released and found alive, who was illegally deprived of his freedom when he left the money exchange office where he worked on August 1st. He became the sixth victim of this type of business to be kidnapped and released by his captors after days of captivity, as happened last week to María Alejandrina "NN" and Gilberto "N" who had been taken from their freedom when leaving their business in Plaza Guadalupe, and also to Ramona "N", Rosa María "N" and Rocío Berenice "N", who had been taken from another similar establishment in Plaza Universidad.

What is relevant to note is that we are at a turning point in the modalities of disappearances. On the one hand, those that cascaded from the murder of a user of these exchange houses who had withdrawn a large sum of money. On the other hand, the particular case of Janetzy and Kevin who were released and communicated with their parents, just when they were carrying out one of the several public demonstrations to demand the authorities to locate their children. 

Where there is also a breaking point is in the other burden of clandestine graves in the state. Yesterday, organizations of searching mothers announced that they will not only search and dig in solid ground, but will also explore canals and rivers in search of their disappeared. This after they located remains in the San Juan de Dios River, in the Santa Elena de la Cruz neighborhood, through an anonymous phone call. And surely also, because it is highly frequent the appearance of corpses thrown by criminals in these bodies of water.

These are, then, the disappearances and clandestine graves 2.0 produced by the unpunished and unstoppable criminal axis (which makes up the problem of the disappeared-the houses of terror-the unstoppable "dumping of bodies"-and the clandestine cemeteries) that continues to operate virtually unchecked in Jalisco.



  1. We all know the criminal group that left these graves. No one is talking about CJNG. They’re definitely the presidents choice. Sinaloa is about to implode.

  2. Please don't start gravy fukin train x

  3. The cjng has a strong grip in their home base, they control all levels of government some say even the state governor


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