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Friday, August 2, 2024

"El Fantasma" Released And AMLO Complains By RíoDoce

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

Former member of the Army was Chapo Guzmán's security chief; he had been held since 2013.

After 11 years in prison, the former head of security for Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán, Marcelino Ticante Castro, a.k.a. El Fantasma, was released.

El Fantasma had been held in El Altiplano prison since February 2013; he was released on July 2.

During President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's morning conference, the Undersecretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Luis Rodríguez Bucio, announced cases of criminals released by federal judges.

Among the cases he mentioned was that of the Phantom, who was granted early release for the crime against health and carrying a firearm.

The sixth judge granted the benefit of execution of sentences based in Mexico City, on Friday, June 28 and on Tuesday, July 2, he was released from prison.

Ticante Castro was one of Chapo Guzman's most trusted men.

According to court documents, El Fantasma recruited Carlos Manuel Hoo Ramirez, El Condor, who became Chapo's bodyguard and was designated by the Attorney General's Office as his private secretary.

El Chapo and El Condor were arrested together in Mazatlan in February 2014.

El Condor and El Fantasma have known each other since they both belonged to the Army.

El Fantasma is originally from Veracruz and, in addition to being a member of the military, he was an agent of the Culiacan Municipal Police.

On March 1, 2012, it was reported that El Fantasma was supposedly killed in a confrontation with members of the Navy in the town of Oso Viejo, in the Quilá syndicate.

According to the Navy, a group of agents were carrying out an operation in the area when an armored Cherokee van evaded a checkpoint and a ground and air pursuit began.

During the chase there was a shootout until the driver of the Cherokee lost control of the steering wheel and overturned.

There was one man in the vehicle who was left dead at the scene and another who was injured and was transported to a hospital where he died.

The man who died in the hospital was Jonathan Salas Avilés, who was believed to be El Fantasma, Chapo's security chief at the time.

After the confrontation, the then State Attorney General, Marco Antonio Higuera Gómez, announced that one of the deceased was allegedly El Fantasma.

EL FANTASMA. Early release, the motive.

Governor Mario López Valdez assured that the death of El Fantasma would bring "a little bit of peace and tranquility".

"I believe that more than bringing consequences, it should bring a little more peace and tranquility, because if things are like this, there will be someone less who will be in the state committing crimes," he said.

Days later, it was clarified that the person who had died was indeed Jonathan Aviles, but it was not El Fantasma.

It was later learned that the confusion arose because Marcelino supposedly used the name Jonathan Aviles to hide his true identity.

A year later, on February 9, 2013, the real El Fantasma was arrested in the Costa Rica syndicate, along with four of his bodyguards, in an operation in which not a single shot was fired.

The cartel leader was surprised in a house by members of the Navy in an operation that Semar considered "surgical.

As a hitman, El Fantasma entered the Culiacán Municipal Police several times to rescue members of his group.

In October 2008, municipal police arrested one of his hitmen for violations of the Bando de Policía y Gobierno (Police and Government Code).

Police officers said that the man warned them not to detain him, but the officers took him in a patrol car to the Culiacan Public Security and Municipal Transit Secretariat facilities in Bachigualato.

As soon as the agents arrived with the detainee, an armed group led by El Fantasma entered the facility and took the detainee away from the police officers and took him away.

The then Secretary of Public Security, Felipe Renault Rentería, and the mayor, Jesús Vizcarra Calderón, always denied that an armed group had entered the corporation's facilities and rescued a detainee.

According to police agents, this was not the only time El Fantasma went to rescue one of his men; he had done it before.

During his imprisonment at El Altiplano, El Fantasma, along with Héctor Beltrán Leyva, El H; Orso Iván Gastélum, El Cholo Iván; Héctor el Güero Palma and Servando Martínez, La Tuta, among others, filed appeals against the prison authorities.

The prisoners complained that the prison management was affecting their rights with measures such as restricting visits and the entry of their lawyers.

According to the federal government, El Fantasma was released by one of the judges accused of benefiting detainees by releasing them on weekends.

The Undersecretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Luis Rodríguez Bucio, said that between 2018 and 2024 there have been 192 cases of people deprived of liberty who were released on weekends, between Friday and Sunday, only 58 cases between Monday and Thursday.

He detailed that so far in 2024, a total of 21 people have been released on weekends, while between Monday and Thursday there have been 26.

"It is clear that something happens in the Judiciary and everyone wants or all the releases tend to be precisely on weekends, which is when somehow, for example, it is not possible to quickly check if any of those released has another case, another investigation file in a state prosecutor's office. He mentioned that there were 25 relevant cases and among them he mentioned that of El Fantasma.

Article published on July 28, 2024 in edition 1122 of the weekly Ríodoce.


  1. He's free to kill again and fuck more dudes...

    1. Its a wonder he didn't fight to stay inside, fantasma the down low sica

    2. They poked your butt and That’s all you can think of?

      Rubio NYC

    3. 11:46 why are you focusing on that?

    4. Rubio has been reviled ever since he slid out of his mother's filth...

    5. That's not Rubio NYC, that's an imposter, you can tell by the guero writing.

  2. He is about to go be a bodyguard for
    IAG. His stepson is waving that 🍕 flag proudly in the Sonoran war.

    1. Who is his stepson ?

    2. Who’s the stepson ?

    3. Who’s his stepson?

    4. Who is his stepson in Sonora ?

    5. About to be? He was released a whole month ago lol how are you just finding out kid


  3. Have you ever heard the Fantasmas walk? The hooves thudding on the ground? When I heard those steps I didn't even look up to see who was walking around me. The Fantasma did several walks for me. Not once did I raise my eyes. And so now I am among El Fantasma. Y puro cuadra parnita.

  4. In case you shit heads don't know ... this is the chaperros gearing up for war.

  5. Wasn’t he in the Ocran Leaks and was reportedly gay?

    1. Bro mini kid hates the champs, he will Say anything to embatsss them. And the little mocosos eat it up lol

  6. Time to take the pink BMW out of storage.

  7. If this guy has at least half a brain he will go find a nice quiet place and just chill out. Unfortunately I know how these guys operate. He will go find work with the Chapitos and be thrown into the CDS civil war and be killed in about a year. Nuff Said!!!

  8. Thought he was dead

    1. I guess u didnt read the article menso.

  9. El fantasma forma parte de las filas de el chapio

  10. These judges almost as corrupt as Barak obama,Kamala Harris ,Al Sharpton,MLK, jessie Jackson,

    1. You forgot to mention your father too, nino,

  11. Is this the same guy that used to get drunk and beat up police officers?

  12. The fix is in. He was killing and carrying arms. Zetas from the early 2000's are still in jail for the same crimes as Fantasma. Someone got paid.

    1. How about the poor tweakers in Mexico who are sentenced to 100 years for kidnapping or some other looney crime.

  13. So his stepson is into that evil pizza crap?

  14. Sure is boring around here without Sol...

    1. Sol retrasado we know its you who just said this corny sheit. No one misses your clown ass

    2. Then get married with him and go create your own site

    3. ¡Baila Sol!
      Let the rhythm take you over, baila Sol
      Te quiero amor mio, baila Sol
      wanna live this night forever, baila Sol
      Te quiero amor mío, te quiero…

    4. BorderlandBeat mf’s when comments aren’t massively censored: “This place is so boring🤬🤬🤬”

  15. For background: supposedly El Phantasma became drug addicted and was causing a lot of headaches for El Chapo and particularly for Mayo Z. At this time and I think 2012? Sinaloa had a pact with the government at the time that violence would be kept to a minimum and only used in situations with the Beltran Layva Clan. El Phantasma supposedly walked into a couple random weddings that were going on in communities (complete strangers) and just started shooting his gun, brandishing his weapon and threatening visitors that he had never met.... Too many people started to complain about his erratic behavior.
    He became a threat to theSinaloa cartel and El Mayo put his foot down, told El Chapo he must go hence 200 police stormed his residence, and off he went to prison.🐙h

  16. On separate note; anyone notice how similar Bravo and a young Z-40 look? Lol


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