Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, August 17, 2024

El Mayo's Bodyguard Chief Security Had 24 Years In Sinaloa's Prosecutor's Office, Revealed; FGR Went To Do Diligences

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from ZETA TIJUANA 


AUGUST 17, 2024

Jose Rosario Heras Lopez, who Sinaloa drug lord Ismael Mario Zambada Garcia, alias “El Mayo” - 76 years old - claimed to be his chief of escorts or security - who was present when he was allegedly deprived of his freedom, on July 25, 2024, in Culiacan de Rosales, is currently an “Investigation Agent” of the Ministerial Police, of the Attorney General's Office (FGE) of Sinaloa, with 24 years of service, in said institution of law enforcement.

This was revealed on August 17, 2024, by the newspaper Reforma, which indicated that it obtained a copy of Heras López's police record, in which it was detailed that he joined the Attorney General's Office of Sinaloa on July 6, 2000, as an agent of the Ministerial Police.

At that time, PRI member Juan Sigifrido Millán Lizárraga was governor and the Sinaloa Attorney General's Office depended on the state executive branch. On December 15, 2010, Heras Lopez became an “Investigation Agent” of the Ministerial Police.

Later, Heras Lopez was assigned as commander of the Ministerial Police in the region of El Salado, an area that, according to the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) -- quoted by the same newspaper -- has been the area of influence of “El Mayo.

Jesus Antonio Aguilar Iniguez, then director of the Sinaloa Ministerial Police, was in charge of assigning Heras Lopez to that area. The co-founder of the Sinaloa Cartel confirmed, on August 10, 2024, that Joaquín Guzmán López, “El Güero Moreno” - 38 years old - son of Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera, alias “El Chapo”, ambushed him in Culiacán de Rosales.

El Mayo” was expecting to meet with Ruben Rocha Moya, governor of Sinaloa since November 1, 2021, and with Hector Melesio Cuen Ojeda, a politician assassinated on the day of the arrests of both Sinaloa capos, on Thursday, July 25 of the same year.

“I was accompanied by four security personnel, two of whom stayed outside the perimeter. The two who entered with me were Jose Rosario Heras Lopez, commander of the Sinaloa State Judicial Police, and Rodolfo Chaidez, a longtime member of my security team,” the Sinaloa drug lord said in the letter, released by his lawyer Frank Perez.

According to Reforma, a sister of Heras Lopez reported her brother's disappearance on July 25, 2024, but it was not made public by the Sinaloa State Attorney General's Office until after the Sinaloa drug lord's letter was revealed.

“There is no search card, nor is there an alert. For now, there is only an unpublished photograph in possession of Grupo Reforma, along with his letter of service prepared by the agency where he has worked for 24 years,” added the newspaper.

Heras Lopez is a “police officer who tarnishes the corporation,” emphasized Sara Bruna Quiñonez Estrada - who until the morning of August 16, 2024 was head of the Sinaloa Attorney General's Office - after the revelation of “El Mayo's” missive.

“The plane that took Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada to the US left from a fumigation airstrip near Culiacan. At least, that's what the Attorney General's Office (FGR) believes. The real pilot is Mexican”, this was revealed on Saturday, August 17, 2024, by Mexican-Cuban journalist Peniley Ramirez, in her opinion column ‘Linotipia’, titled ‘The Mexican pilot’ and published in the newspaper Reforma.

“So far, this is indicated by the evidence of the investigation. It flew with radar devices turned off until near El Paso, Texas, it radioed Ciudad Juarez and requested clearance to land. Juarez forwarded the request to El Paso and, before it was cleared, another airport official at the nearby Santa Teresa, New Mexico, airport responded to the plane with cloned U.S. plates that it could land there,” the reporter added.

“Last week, FGR officials went to New Mexico to carry out an errand there. The matter was not a minor one, because it is not common for Mexican agents to be able to carry out an errand in another country. And it was rather a fiasco,” the journalist wrote.

“The Mexican officials were not given videos of the airport, they were shown some objects that 'El Mayo' and Joaquín Guzmán used on the flight, but they were not allowed to process the fingerprints on those objects. When they were able to see the plane's serial number, they realized it was different from the one the U.S. government had reported a few days after the capture,” Ramirez said.


  1. El infierno lo espera.

    1. Y porque? Todos tenemos un precio, y si no es hacer bien será haciendo el mal. Nomas juzgan, pero cada quien su pedo compa. Ser valiente también tiene precio, y tener huevos más… así se cobra y así se paga. Ni modo.

    2. A kual infierno compa que no sabes que los pecados siempre se an pagado con dinero.

    3. 7:31 ya nomas porke no cree en Dios no quiere decir que el inferno no existe.
      Que triste y feo es que prefieren creer en idiots como el mentado Juan Valverde o otras cosas antes de creer en Jesus.

    4. 7:31
      Nimodo, puros huevos y nada de cerebro.

    5. CHAR - FGR Traveled to US (El Paso) to conduct Due Diligence on the apprehension of Zambada

    6. @1:49
      Yep, they got to see the empty bags of Sabritas, empty bottles of Yoli, and not much else, at least that's what they're saying!

    7. Únicamente si eres religioso te espera el infierno porque claramente es una creación de tu Dios.

  2. There's grown men, married with adult children, throwing tantrums that their dear hero was captured via a ruse and not by their romanticized wet dream of the noble narco that, after consultation with God through prayer and meditation, decided to turn himself in to usher in a golden era of peace and tranquility. TFO

    1. ''There's grown men, married with adult children throwing tantrums '' Bro,very disconcerting to realize that fact..
      So easy to manipulate these morons

    2. Anon 3:41pm Say no to hard drugs and take your meds.

    3. 5:47
      Agreed, I can only hope you heed your own advice.

  3. Peniley Cuban Mexican communist. Porque no pudo aser ningun penny pa ley en su pais de pobres que ni de penny se pueden empinar porque no les kala el jale. Aaca en Mexico esos lacras andan de libre. Ese pedo no se va awantar. Oh the communist Cuban reporter said what. This is Mexico pard. Not Cuba. My chiefs been in there when it got started! Wtf you think this is. We'll let you play your own when it comes to ours. Somos los Reyes del jale. Y hoy si queremos podemos mandarlos todos ha chingar su madre. My cheifs right there Foo. In el sion.

  4. Es obvio así lazcano tenía capitanes o escolta o tenientes normal

  5. Another man dead in Sinaloa. 30 gunshots to his Tacoma.


  6. There so many stories about this incident. Sicario006 please tell us what really happened!

    1. Sicario 006 close to tears at this point, has taken to his bed, watching telenovelas on tv, eating junk food, and wondering how everything has gone to shit..

    2. I think 006 got a life boys

  7. One of chapitos security personnel got killed.. don't wanna say to much that I'm not sure of as of now thats all that's been said. Mario had 30 bullet impacts died in city center

    1. Alfredo is missing and quit communicating with me suddenly on Friday around 1030 am. This has onky happened one other time- when he'd been robbed and ended up in the hospital. Obviously he is using a diff name with documents and id's to back up said alias, but I can't locate him anywhere I'm worried sick

  8. El Tano from la Chapiza found dead in Elota Sinaloa.


    1. Along with his brother and an associate. The assassins are identified and condolences have poured in from all organizations around Mexico for Leobardo's family. My heart goes out to family and friends.

  9. Ivan too powerful.

  10. I'm guessing it was a seal team or some sort of tactical unit that assisted Guzman. The way this plays out is that it was a total setup for el Mayo. They let him think it was a good old fashioned peace meeting to work out differences between the cartel and the politicians. So they knew he wouldn't have a hundred plus soldiers guarding him. Just a small contingent of bodyguards. Which the team took out. Also killing one of the corrupt politicians. So yeah totally setup from the beginning. What I don't understand is no matter how much he trusts the Chapitos he never should have left the safety of the mountain hideout with hundreds of soldiers. Especially after Damasso tried to assassinate him and the Chapito a few years ago where the bodyguards were killed and they barely got away in the mountain jungle hiding out among the poor population till they got rescued by their backup. Does anyone remember that happening awhile back? After the failed assassination attempt Damasso was immediately arrested in Mexico City and the little Damasso minilic went to the border and turned himself in. Can B.B. do some sort of relook at that attack and add anything else that didn't make it out to the news? Also how can I find that B.B. article about it?

    1. It is skechy and how feds were waiting in airport. I think govenor and chapitos had a plan payout would go to govenor for taking mayo out and cuen. Feds get an old trophy but seems like operation is crumbling down with a lot of loose ends. Wont be surprised if govenor betrays chapitos with the heat and attention. If mayo was weak why not kill him? Why go through all the process of labeling plane and flying to states. A deal like that was made by higher politics like the govenor rocha/amlo chapitos just followed orders.

    2. Ya been watching too much movies.

    3. Negative, Ghost Rider.

  11. Same guy that posted about Mario... I guess they tortured and killed 4 more gente de los chapitos one was the supposed jefe de Plaza de Elota. That's 5 so far today..

    1. Three, 'T' Rex, 'Rabbit' and an associate. Falsely reported that Leobardo was one of the Corrales brothers executed. Not sure of the report they were tortured since Tano has facial surgery from a recent truck accident. Again, the assassins are known!

  12. Did el mayo turn himself in Like el menchaca from ojinaga

    1. 555 big negative looks to be kidnapped

  13. Donde esta el 20 el Peńa ?

  14. Going to be hilarious how “no one knew”, not even anybody in his units and the guy he was in charged of. When we all know he more than likely had his own guys, run security with Mayo.

  15. Mayo is ratting out his own body guards putting them on front street. Im sure Mayo's people know who went to the meeting with Chapo jr. no need to be telling.


  17. Se pasaron de vrga con el viejo los hijos del señor Joaquín guzman que el si se merece todo mi respeto pero sus hijos especialmente ivan no se merecen ningún respeto algúno mas que ser catalogados por todo mexico como traidores de la patria.

    1. Llora mas fuerte mija. La familia del mayo se los chingava a cada rato. Vicentillo, el rey, el myito gordo, el chino antrax(no es familia pero igual con permiso de mayo). Todos chingando a los chapitos en corte y dedos. Finalmente actuaron los chapitos. Traidores de la patria? Hahaha no digas mamadas.

    2. 3:37 serafin tambien se entrego con los gringos a sapiar.

    3. 3:37 💯 💯 facts. Par de ratas del gobierno Chapos y mayos. fue la única manera de pelear contra los Arellanos.

  18. MF forces just killed 15 CJNG sicarios including a comandante in Nayarit.


  19. Nice touch that Mayo's paisana is reporting on this. ¡Cuba Libre!

    1. 8:07 Y que VIVA CUBA CHICO!!!!! Atraviezo!!!


  20. Chapitos made sure to take everyone who would provide any sort of assistance in sinaloa to mf daaaamn used the old man to take damaso out talk about chess

  21. CIA, DEA, Chapiza, and mexican government screwed Mayo. A big war is coming in many parts of mexico now. US made a big mistake like when they murdered Kiki, the DEA agent that knew too much. Problem is chapiza are MFs. They kill for fun and they will wipe out id say one million people in México, it may take a few years. They kill babies and rape and kill women. Kill civilians i know them and their people, they are all over cali, az, nv, nm. Everywhere. The worst. Dont retire in México though, you are not safe. Mencho and his gang are real bad too. It will become like colombia under medellin cartel. Bad thing is USA us violent too and too expensive to live.

    1. Esas mamadas van aqui abajo.

    2. Noooooooooo pues wey, mis contactos en jalisco me contaron q todavia esta vivo .

    3. 4:53 la cartel CJNG ESTA vivo.
      Pero El jefe, ESTA en la tomba, la salad lo mato.

    4. FEM Yogurts is the only REAL BOSS. Mexico will be safe under Brandon and EL enough for everyone to visit Cozumel and wear Audemar Piaget or Rolex or Constantins...We are the only #BIG FISH CARTEL...Ven a QR, esta calmada la plaza.

      Your Humble Servant - N1GG4 A L0T

  22. Maybe a few year Netflix will make a narcomentary about this when it all comes out how it went down. You can’t make this shit up.

  23. Mexican cops got played like small town hookers thinking they were going to put their dirty hands on any evidence of significance.

    1. 1232
      Im a small town hooker and I resent your implication.
      I'm honest as the day is long, I have a heart of gold and a snatch to match!

    2. 11:20 AM
      How much for half an half baby,i want rump to pump

    3. Es mucho puñetazo

  24. Esta con el guano y el 🐪

  25. This was Mayos plan all along according to many here? To retire into captivity lmfao

    1. 😂 😂. Retiring into the sunset along chapo jr while leaving Mayo flaco behind to die 🍻 😂 sounds about right.

  26. Snitchaloas do not stop snitching

    1. So wtf do you care, let them fuken snitch.

    2. Mommy mommy, there snitching again. Son mind your own business.

    3. 9:22,12:04 Gilbertonas detected🚨. Defending there machos cause they are snitches.

      RIP Gilbertona

  27. Just goes to show that the Sinaloa government, police, attorney general, even university directorate are crooked! Now they have the heat of the spotlight on them and 'no i was in california...' yeah f*kin right, y'all was eating fruit off the table at the meeting.

  28. Chapo still running the show from super max


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