Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, August 19, 2024

EZLN Claims Cartels in Chiapas Are Fighting Over Mayan Train Protection Fees

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat
From an Infobae Article

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) denounced that the different drug cartels that maintain a dispute over territory in Chiapas, not only fight to the death for control of drug trafficking routes, but they do so for the down payment that will be left by the construction of the megaprojects of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador: the Mayan Train and the Trans-Isthmus Corridor.

In the context of clashes between different cells of the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels, as well as other well-known local cartels such as El MAÍZ, El Machete and the Chiapas Cartel , a situation that has caused the displacement of hundreds of people to different places, including the country of Guatemala, the EZLN made a statement on the matter, highlighting that it is not only about drug trafficking.

“The so-called megaprojects do not lead to development. They are only commercial corridors opened so that organized crime has new markets. The dispute between rival cartels is not only about human and drug trafficking, it is above all the dispute over the monopoly of the protection fee on what is wrongly called the Mayan Train and the Trans-Isthmus Corridor,” the EZLN stated in its statement titled “Adagios,” published on the night of Thursday, August 15.

The text, signed by the Captain, one of the nicknames of the insurgent Marcos, explains that since “trees and animals cannot be charged fees,” then criminal groups will do so “to the communities and companies that settle on that other useless border in the southeast of Mexico.”

The EZLN warns that with these disputes for control and the collection of fees by criminal groups, "the growth of wars for territorial control is ensured, in which the hologram of the Nation State will be absent."

The Mexican guerrilla group says that organized crime is a consequence of the Mexican State's inaction. "The objective is agreed upon: the State wants an open market ('free' of intruders - that is, of indigenous peoples), and the others want control of a territory."

“Those who say that there is an alliance between governments and organized crime are lying, just as there is no alliance between a company and its clients. What exists is a simple – albeit costly – commercial operation: the State offers an absence and the cartel in question “buys” that absence and replaces the presence of the State in a locality, region, zone, country,” reads the EZLN statement.

“The gain is mutual between seller and buyer, the loss is for those who survive in these places. 'Whoever pays or lends, commands' is the old aphorism that analysts and 'social scientists' forget,” Marcos points out, who points out that the Mexican State thinks that organized crime is its servant, who “comes and goes as they are told or forced to.”

“It is because of this belief that they get the surprises they suffer,” says the EZLN, while posing a question: “Why, in a federal state that has been militarized for 30 years, are cartels and their confrontations now flourishing with the government’s approval of those who invaded the southeastern Mexican state of Chiapas, claiming that they were thus avoiding the ‘balkanization’ of the republic? Yes, it seems that Mexican territory is more fragmented than ever.”

Source Infobae


  1. It's Like the EZLN knows the government is corrupt.

  2. EZLN, commi drug dealers

  3. Haci son los putos carteles.
    No tienen nada los gueyes que trabajan para estos ni dejan que alguien mas tenga.
    Pinche muertos de hambre.

    1. estoy de acuerdo
      sin comentarios
      aquí están los carteles:
      cartel del camaleon
      los reyes
      cartel de la virgen
      las revueltas
      los tenas
      (madre de dios)
      los blancos de la troya
      (Hijo de puta)

  4. Puro blah blah blah and more blah blah blah.

  5. Es una verguenza que dejen a los carteles ser tan poderosos. Pinches politicos corruptos de mierda que se venden. Viva Bukele!!!

  6. The Mayan train is going to be appealing to all the immigrants crossing Guatemala. The immigrants are going to take the train to Cancun, Tulum. It will hurt tourism.

    1. From what I remember, the president said the train/s (Tehuantepec as well) would serve several purposes. 1 was to draw tourism to those archeological sites that were once almost impossible to visit. 2 it would serve as a net, to hold off immigrants from going all the way to the U.S and keeping them as laborers in Mexico. Specifically that area. The tren Maya is already an economic booster to that once neglected region. It's going to draw a lot of money and a lot of jobs.

    2. .. todavía aquí, Capitán. Xi Jinping está fumando algunos cubanos o algo así... donde sea... oye, escucha, esos tipos simplemente estaban jugando con ese sureste, ¿qué? Chiapas tiene un heraldo decente, no es eso... tal vez esos trabajadores de paredes secas en Georgia, Texas, Carolina del Norte, Nuevo México o cualquier otro lugar podrían establecer un expediente de intercambio comercial espacial - para el próximo año... cierto, claro, esos sirvientes de hologramas.

    3. yo fumando mucho marijuano wey

    4. Hologramas son KING! 👑

  7. When the drug war started the clown Marcos was silent.

  8. CDS-MF is sponsoring alot of autodefensas and militias in Chiapas. About a week ago MF cell killed over 18 CJNG members in Chiapas

  9. This is what happens when u have a weak government.

  10. and Mexico gov claims to be in control lmao they are a big joke for the free world. so much potential but hugs will do ig.

  11. Dont worry EZLN, we have dispatched our most courageous and brave asset, Sicario 006, to guard the Mayan train from this moment on. You will no more problems with any cartel. La neta, pura gente lavahuebos de Sicario 006!!!

  12. Lo siento, capitán, aquí le ofrecemos una gran disculpa por ese pequeño comentario durante la cena; por supuesto, este no es un acuerdo comercial. no, no- ahahajahajahaj... la balcanización de la nación del sureste es a lo largo de la frontera sureste... tal como acordamos- no capitán, nunca jamás interveniríamos en su contrato de transporte. Eso es una tontería... sí, sí, claro... la nueva familia michoacán. NF para Toro... oh. No. no sé. La última vez Spider mencionó a Michoacán, Edomex, Morelos, Guerrero, Jalisco y Nueva Bélgica. ¿No sé sobre China? ¿Qué dice Mei Ping? que, vale..

  13. But I thought CJNG didn’t collect fees? They all lie. No honor in their word.

    1. CJNG remind me of Trump, always lying to the general public.
      Just the other week CJNG, caught a rival selling drugs and a lady. They put banners, that they come to clean the town of criminals, doing kidnapping, extortion, drug sales yet they do the same. They killed the rival and Saran wrapped the lady and shot her up

    2. @1200
      Lawyers for The Saran Wrap Corporation disavow any connection to the lady being wrapped up, let alone killed!

  14. this end point has been decommissioned


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