Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Gulf Cartel Faction Group Metros Of Reynosa Plaza Boss Of Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas, Ricky Segura "R53" Or "R57" Captured By National Guard And Army In Reynosa: Tamaulipas

 "Char" and "Enojon" for Borderland Beat 

August 29, 2024

This past Thursday morning, August 29, 2024, Ricky Segura "R53" or "R57" was captured by military forces, which included a helicopter being used on a special raid in Reynosa, Tamaulipas. Ricky or R57 is a close collaborator of Cesar Morfin Morfin "Primito" leader of the Gulf Cartel faction Group Metros of Reynosa, and Alvaro Noe Morfin Morfin "R8" second in command of his brother Primito. 


Ricky Segura was the plaza boss of Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas, which is about 2 miles across the U.S. border next to Roma, Texas. Miguel Aleman is a key plaza for the Group Metros of Reynosa, but recently has faced an onslaught of incursions from Cartel Del Noreste, as both rival groups try to have control of this key drug plaza. 


A source close to the Group Metros of Reynosa said the following about the capture of Ricky Segura,

"El Primito gave him up to authorities because Ricky was creating too much conflict in the Miguel Aleman plaza, civilians were complaining about him extorting businesses, and raising the quotas so Primito sacrificed him to calm the waters. That is why today there were no roadblocks or burning of vehicles, and we were told that the radio frequencies got turned off so Ricky did not have time to react".


Segura would be named in an open letter that was published to social media on August 16th, 2023 where residents of the Los Guerra town of Miguel Alemán, Tamaulipas would urge for the deployment of federal authorities amid the severe insecurity that would derive from the attempts at territorial control by the Northeast Cartel and the Gulf Cartel who deem the town to be a strategic point to conduct illicit activities, while advocating for security forces to locate the whereabouts of Segura for his alleged involvement in a series of crimes such as orchestrating attacks against residents of the town Los Pueblos. 

The constant violence would result in the forced displacement of around 50 families from La Guerra who would flee towards the City Miguel Alemán in an attempt to seek refuge from repeated attacks and threats by the criminal organizations, who had previously targeted residents as they attempted their escape but were supported by State Police and Mexican Military personnel.

Image By: VerdadTamps on Twitter (Original Letter)

Image By: Obscuro (Translated Version of Letter)

 The forced displacement of people from their land has been an often overlooked consequence of the ongoing narco-conflict as people often are forced to seek refuge during times of heightened violence between criminal organizations who will routinely directly or indirectly harm the local populations, although the Government of Mexico does not maintain any records on the number of individuals forcefully displaced by narco-violence the 2020 Housing and Population census would record 251,513 people who reported as moving to other municipalities due to violence between 2015 and 2020.  

Sources: Hyperlinked in Text



  1. Don't know how true it is but rumour going around Primito is only wanting people from Jalisco and Michoacan in positions of power within CDG Metros loyal to him in power .


    1. But but yet only CDS snitches and only CDS turn in their own 😂😂


    2. Well so far only CDS has kidnapped a leader only to have ovidio inform on him in the US. Like it or not nobody snitchs quite like CDS. Look at nini already snitchin. So stop with but but CDs is and always will be the snitch cartel

    3. That's Koo foo

    4. 5:15 how did Osiel the maximum leader of prime CDG get out early ? Snitching!

    5. 5:15 not only a leader, but the Gilbertona's narco god

    6. 05:15 yeah foo, and CJNG is the cut you up, sacrifice you, make pickled acid soup with you, and then eat you cartel.

    7. 2:52 there must be Gilbertonas in Michoacan and Jalisco then too . Not for nothing they are known as Los Torcidos. Also whenever the real Gilbertona died. Didn't he get some flowers from " Tus amigos de Jalisco"?

    8. From my understanding Primito has been losing power snd the one that seems to be replacing him more and more is el Mono. Might want to look into that BB.

    9. 4:12 all you have to ask yourself is, where was la Gilbertona from? And that will answear all your questions

    10. 4:12 there you go buddy, now you know how it works, when you say (Torcidos) we know who you are talking about with out saying who they are, just like when we say (Gilbertonas) we all know who we are talking about with out saying who they are, when you try to call people outside of Sinaloa (Gilbertonas) it doesn't make sence, just like it does not make sence calling (Torcidos) people in Sinaloa 👍 but then again they might not be (torcidos) but for sure they are Snitches, we all know this monikers 👍

    11. 12:44 where are you from ? Lol

    12. Fat comandante Roque is KING!! 👑

    13. 1:40 just how Primito is snitching on his own guys ? Or how Mencho and Cuinis snitched on Lobo ? They must be from Sinaloa right ?

    14. 2:24 not a Gilbertona! (Not from sinaloa), shit!! Why am i even explaining my self? If im not from Sinaloa its ovious im not a Gilbertina 🤦‍♂️

    15. 5:36 they are called (torcidos) for a reason, just like sinaloas are called (Gilbertonas or snitches)for a eeason, come on man get in the game

    16. @8.23. They aren't called Torcidos for any reason, ever. You're talking about names you don't understand from more than 2 decades ago man.

    17. 8:04 next time you post a comment, can you not be on drugs?

  2. Another great capture this year.Right up there wih Mayo and company.

    1. Would you smash Sheinbaum?

    2. 12:44 AM
      This little geezer is no period ghoul thinking up new little jokes only he gets,sitting in his bedroom laughing to himself

  3. Nemesio y las 4 letras del terror estan operando a gran escala en Tampico liderados por el Chito Cano y su operative lagarto que se trasladaron de Michoacan a Tamps

    1. There you go again cappin 🧢
      According to you chito cano in Nayarit, zaca, Michoacán and Chiapas oh and not to mention según esta chambeando con los de la línea up in chihuas…Make up your mind where he at… you act like that mf moving freely throughout the land. 😂

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. @333: He's a Cheer-squad Pom-Pom boy.. He just roots for Chapo-Ysidro or CJNG, which tells us He's an Infant.. Mentally if not by his age..

    4. @1:03 Se trasladaron porque los verdaderos Michoacanos les estavan partiendo la madre alli.

    5. 3:33 and you think he cant do all of that? Just a question, not saying he is doing all of that

  4. He must be very much looking forward to the fact that they will first abuse him for days and try all kinds of torture on him. The little bitch who took bread from people and harassed others every day...goes directly to a cell without any luxury. I wouldn't let the main boss betray him and have him captured, if he thinks that he will get out and be free again... the torture is just beginning for this moron!

  5. Wuweeeee Mexico is finally doing something. Give credit to the new administration?

  6. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherSeptember 1, 2024 at 5:44 AM

    Stooge Ricky was extorting on the orders of the parasite primito bros to send them more dinero as the parasitic authorities wanted an increase in protection payments! Stooge is locked-down and now it's back to the same-old, same-old!

  7. According to Borderlandbeat commentary only cds turns in there own. Hmmmm. Can't wait for all those cds haters to not comment and hide. Lol

  8. This fool is wearing a winter coat in Tamaulipas, no wonder he got caught, no common sense.

  9. One of the worst plazas in Mexico as far as disturbing violence is concerned

  10. Off topic but there's about to be tren de aragua vs hells angel war

    1. Hells angel lmao meth heads dealing meth, bunch of losers

    2. Bunch of bikers that get mad when I passed them lmao.

  11. Se ven bien piratas esos camaradas de Tamaulipas, no se comparan a los de Sonora.

    1. Pero te apuesto que todavia se las mamarias a todos esos camaradas de Tamaulipas. De lo que dicen eres bienlibre cuando se trata de eso.

  12. Ni los de su cuadra los conocen. PURO SONORA !

    1. Los de “sonora” andan de retardados matando a migrantes, y tirandole balazos a dos ancianas en un pick up ase unas semanas… por cierto las mataron a las dos.

  13. Si así se ven los jefes de grupos ya me imagino los pistoleros jajaj bien piratas.

  14. Sicario 006 likes guys

    1. 2:48
      Sicario 006 has no spare time to enjoy a social life.
      Kinda got his hands full at the moment !!

  15. Seems like all I hear is CDS / Cartel Jalisco lol. I totally forgot about these other cartels.

  16. El Mono M36 just allied with Matamoros CDG. Reynosa people are not liking CJNG people taking Full Control of high ranking spots in the Metros Faction.

    1. A little to late

    2. Where did you get that from? If that's true in a couple months Tamaulipas should be calm.

  17. Shiiet I partied with this guy way back in the day (2006 día del grito) in that town. Back then they all claimed to be Zetas and I asked them what meant that word and they all just laughed and said "the end, everything ends, there's nothing after it"
    He got drunk and told me in a depressed mood that he shot someone during training earlier that day or week. That the person was messing with him, and that was fine, but then he decided to insult "his holy saint mother" and he lost it and shot the bully right there in the face.
    You could tell there was some tension because he tried to greet some guy and he looked at him with murderous rage and said "wtf do you want?"
    My buddy and I drove him later that morning to the border birdge and he crossed it with a bag of weed that he forgot to gave him a us lo earlier in the party.
    I stayed with my buddy's cousin who's dad was the only doctor in town.

  18. Segun ya cayo la Bola Treviño, jefe de los Norestes

  19. Buenas tardes,

    Ricky no tan seguro. Adios a otro participante de la misma canción.

    Una cosa...¿que tiene el güey que quere hechar a la Shienbaum? Está mal y se recomienda buscar apoyo psicologico. Harioso sinverguenza.

    Hasta luego,


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