Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Hector Cuén Ojeda's Autopsy Report and Illegal Cremation Contradicts Sinaloa Authorities Claims

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

From a Proceso Article

"The immediate cadaveric signs, temperature, thanatological signs, lividity, and the correct description and evolution of the body are not correctly established," the report states.

“Nor were the measures for preserving the body complied with by any of the authorities involved, allowing for cremation which is contrary to criminalistic practices for investigating homicides.”

According to information from the FGR, the body of Héctor Melesio Cuén Ojeda had a strong hematoma on the head and received four shots to the legs, which contradicts the version of the gas station video exhibited by the Sinaloa Prosecutor's Office to support the attempted robbery as the main line of investigation into the politician's murder.

Due to the publication of the letter from "El Mayo", the FGR requested the report of the investigation into the murder of former rector Héctor Melesio Cuen that, according to the Sinaloa prosecutor's office and as reported by the governor, had happened because of "a robbery" at a gas station, but Mayo says no, that he was murdered the same day and in the same place where he was kidnapped.

The Attorney General's Office (FGR) stated that upon reviewing the investigation file initiated by its counterpart in Sinaloa for the murder of Héctor Cuén, former rector of the Autonomous University of that entity, it found various inconsistencies that indicate that the events did not occur as claimed by local authorities.

This afternoon, the FGR indicated that it obtained a certified copy of the investigation file, which is being reviewed by experts and analysts from the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC), who reported that the autopsy performed on Cuén Ojeda's body had irregularities and that his cremation was illegal.

"The video from the gas station has sound and only one shot can be heard; the three gas station employees do not report hearing any shots," he said.

It was reported that he was shot in the leg during the attempted carjacking and hit a major artery.

In addition, the FGR indicated that its counterpart in Sinaloa did not accurately identify the physiognomy of the occupants of the truck, nor did it establish a mechanics of the events, nor did it process the crime scene or the vehicle criminalistically.

"There are stains of human blood in the back of the truck, but there are no expert reports or determinations in this regard," he said.

The attraction and review of the investigation into Cuén's murder arose from the statements made by Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, which were released in a letter in which he stated that the former rector could have been murdered after being summoned to a meeting with the governor of Sinaloa, Rubén Rocha Moya.

On August 13, Proceso reported that weeks before his murder, Cuén accused the Morena party Sinaloa Governor Rocha of removing the National Guard escort that protected him and held him responsible in case something happened to him.

In his letter, Zambada stated that he did not turn himself in to U.S. authorities but that on July 26 he was kidnapped by Joaquín Guzmán López, son of his godfather Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, leader and founder of the Sinaloa Cartel.

In the report released this Thursday by the FGR, it was indicated that the investigation for treason initiated against Joaquín Guzmán López, derived from the statements of "El Mayo", is based on the fact that said crime establishes that it is committed by anyone who illegally deprives a person of his or her freedom in Mexico to hand him or her over to the authorities of another country or transfer him or her outside of national territory for that purpose.

“The essential evidence to prove this crime is located within the territory of the United States of America and is directly linked to an illegal flight; to a plane with a cloned registration; and to the absolutely irregular conduct of the person who piloted this plane and who concealed all information about his flight in Mexican territory until he reached the border, where he only gave notice of his approach and landing in the territory of the United States, where they were already waiting for him,” explained the Prosecutor’s Office.

For this reason, investigative elements went to the Doña Ana airport in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, with authorization from the US authorities, since "El Mayo" was arrested there, but they were unable to obtain sufficient evidence against Joaquín Guzmán López.

Various data requested from the US Department of Justice (DOJ) that have not been provided to date, such as the authorization from CBP on the flight on which Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada and Joaquín Guzmán López arrived; the advance passenger information (API) document, among others.

"Report from the US radar security system in the border area with Mexico; certificate from immigration authorities regarding the reception of that flight at the Santa Teresa airport, New Mexico (pilots, passengers, passports, valid visas); certificate from customs regarding identification and inspection of people and belongings; identification data of the pilot; registration number of the plane at the time of landing, legality and origin of the registration; identification of the aircraft," he listed.

"FAA aeronautical records on the aircraft's registration and serial number, including a historical analysis; whether the serial number that appears on the aircraft's door, as well as the registration number N287KA, are legal; and whether they historically correspond to that aircraft today, or if there is any irregularity in this regard; the actual serial number of said aircraft; and whether there was a change of any part in which said serial number has been modified."

He added that the AIC has already located the clandestine runway near Culiacán, Sinaloa from which the aircraft in which “El Mayo” Zambada and the son of “El Chapo” Guzmán left Mexico bound for the United States took off and has data on the takeoff and flight, as well as the approval that was obtained to land on U.S. territory.

The International Affairs area of ​​the FGR, and INTERPOL-Mexico, have formally requested the following information from the Department of Justice of the United States of America, which has not been provided to date:

1. Prior authorization document from United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for the flight on which Ismael “N” and Joaquín “N” arrived.

2. Advance Passenger Information (API) document.

3. Report on the US radar security system in the border area with Mexico.

4. Certification from immigration authorities regarding the reception of that flight at the Santa Teresa airport, New Mexico (pilots, passengers, passports, valid visas).

5. Customs certificate on identification and inspection of persons and belongings.

6. Pilot identification data.

7. Registration number of the aircraft at the time of landing, legality and origin of the registration.

8. Aircraft identification.

9. FAA (Federal Aviation Agency) aeronautical records, on the aircraft registration and serial number, including historical analysis.

10. Whether the serial number appearing on the door of the aircraft, as well as the registration number N287KA, are legal; and whether they historically correspond to that aircraft today, or whether there is any irregularity in this regard.

11. Actual serial number of said aircraft; and if there was any change of any part in which said serial number was modified.


  1. Los Cubanos van a vengar al amigo de El Cubano Zambada, agarrense chapillos que lla estan llegamdo 100 barcos llenos de Cubanos para vengar esa traicion! El unico que podia traicionar era el Cubano Mayor!!!

    1. 9:28 You go girl!

    2. 9:55 thank you sweet heart, now i have a cheer leader!! 🎉🎉🥰🥰 Yayyyy!!!!

    3. Sol loves him a cuban sandwhich between mayo and Tony Montana

    4. 10:22 You go girl!

    5. 10:28 no period kid, 😭
      You still with your deep hatred towards Sol, do something of yourself instead, of being here all day.

    6. 8:05 Thank you for tour support 🫡👍🎉🥰

  2. Zambada turned himself in. First, no infighting with CDS; Second, the claim of being kidnapped is a ploy to get out of capital punishment in the US. MZ is being accused of leading a criminal organization that has caused thousands of death in the US because of fentanyl. Third, allows US govt and Mayo to negotiate a deal while the cronies back home think he is not turning over. Finally, Mayo knows to.much about CIA operations in Central America and has been working with the DEA for years. Mayo will have no trial and he will be disappeared from society like his son. A trial can be detrimental to US national security. Vicentillo's case is the blueprint for Mayo's case.

    1. 9:30

      Have you actually read the indictment?

    2. 9:30 you forgot the number 5 and most important reason why Mayo turned himself in, so that the Gilbertonas can go to sleep at night with out crying

    3. "Mayo knows to much about CIA operations in central America and has been working with the DEA for years" thanks for telling us your 12 years old with out tell us your 12 years old.

    4. I think guys like him do not need to read the indictment. They already know everything.

    5. I call BS on the death penalty. Just something that people are saying to gather more views on their channels. I was a firm believer that he turned himself in until his letter. He grenades the political carear of the Sinaloa Governor and implicates Rocha Moya and the chapitos in the murder of Cuén. Not only that. Chapitos are now being investigated for treason. Any deal that Chapito gets won’t matter. Mexico will insist that he is returned to face their justice. If US snubs them, Mexico will refuse to extradite others to the U.S. and relations between the 2 contries will fall apart. Maybe we will get to see U.S. marines driving humvees down Mexican streets.

    6. 11:09 negative 💯%

    7. 10:11 we know its you sol retrasado

    8. Way too many tv shows. First of all the pathetic poison peddler doesn’t know shit about CIA cases or ops in Central America or anywhere else. Are you fucking stupid. He is a stupid drug dealer he has no play with the cia you dumb fuck. He got bitched up by the chapitos plain and simple. You dumbfuck he wil not get the death penalty especially with the baby raping loving dems In power. Man you are fucking dumb. It shows you how pathetic corrupt and backwards Mexico is when they are whining and botching about lol treason! lol, not the hundreds of thousands of dead and disappeared, not the countless sex trafficked victims no none of that
      You are a stupid media believer and stop watching all the fucking fake as glorifying shows

    9. 1109 Americas holding all the cards

    10. 11:09 why are you guy’s so obsessed with U.S invasion of mexico? First that would never happen without Mexico’s permission and second you guys shouls focus on your homeless and drugs addiction and stop sending weapons to mexico and bunch of other countries. You guys mingle in foreign affairs and destabilize so many countries and then cry that those same ppl seek refuge in the U.S.

    11. Alucin at 9:30 there no capital punishment for extradited mexicans per agreement.

    12. "Mayo knows to.much about CIA operations in Central America and has been working with the DEA for years. Mayo will have no trial and he will be disappeared from society like his son. A trial can be detrimental to US national security. Vicentillo's case is the blueprint for Mayo's case."

      lol. yeah Mayo sure knows everything, everywhere, all at once. He has militias in Honduras and Guatemala waiting for your bitch ass to come out and play.

    13. @8:45 am...exactly, he was not extredidated, that does not apply here, he was arrested in US territory.

    14. His son didn't disappear from society, cause they took a pic of him boarding a plane at an airport .... That's not disappearing .... DUH FOOL

    15. At 11:09
      The situation was handled fairly great on the plane. No one got hurt, 2 pleaded not guilty, that opens the doors to a trail. I'm sorry no bribes can be done to American judges. USA is not going to fall for a Cienfuegos strategy again.

    16. The militarization of MX DTOs started in the early 80s during the Reagan Administration when guns flooded Latin America as an attempt by Reagan to wipe out communist movements. Reagan was right on bringing down communism around the world but the collateral damage was our inner cities flooded with drugs with absent fathers lost to their communities because of death or disparing sentencing laws.

    17. 4:44 Ya sueñas a Sol hasta cuando estas despierto 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    18. U.S. judges can definitely be bribed and I know that for a fact

    19. U.S. judges charge more

  3. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherAugust 15, 2024 at 10:05 PM

    Has AMLO sent any consular officials to interview El Sombrero? Mayo's rendition was AMLO's Leave-Me-In-Peace card from the US gvt when he retires! He doesn't want to be another Garcia Luna!

  4. Flacc playing safe , he can’t win unless he has clear head on his shoulders. Chess not checkers

  5. And this is why they sent 3k soldiers to Culiacan... MF I think THINK is playing it safe getting people on his side. I think once again neither siede has enough over the other to go balls deep just yet.

  6. They came straight here and asked for asylum.

  7. They’re still trying to debate what happened ? It’s obvious there was a deal they gotta stop trying to make it seem other wise. Not like it affects anything a ways. MF , Ivan , and Mencho still run the show in Mexico.

    1. El sobrino de los Aretes is a free man since last year. Tijuana va volver a ser 10-5

    2. Except Mencho he has nothing on the other two he may move a kilo here and there not toneladas like Sinaloa

    3. Mencho runs the show at the Guadalupe cemetery.🪦
      His job is lifeless.

    4. No they don't FEM Yogurt runs the show and has appointed Brandon and EL TROYANO as subcommandantes for QR Cozumel.

      Don't you know anything? Your humble servant N1GG4 a LOT.

    5. It's obvious it wasn't a deal.

  8. No deal with anyone, he didn’t need to make one.

    He was kidnapped by Chapitos and in return one of them turned themselves in, as to make it obvious who’s in charge.

    They forget who’s had many deals with gov officials, for decades.

  9. Is it possible that with a change of leaders on both sides of the border and many unknown issues we haven’t even imagined (that will probably come to light eventually), these two bosses are just playing along, but are really staying out of Mexico before some serious adjustments are made? For example, the cleanup starting at the bottom of the “shit-rolls-downhill” portion of said hill? Or should I just keep believing the US and Mex reports that completely contradict their counterparts, in addition to sounding like shit made up by the news to keep us busy not knowing? Ah, I’m prolly trippin, disregard

  10. Is it possible Rocha and Chapitos set this up. Rocha undid Cuens security 2 weeks prior, amlo making excuses for Rocha being in CA, amlo blame USA?

    1. El Ruso is responsible for the surrender of Mayo and JGL. It sure beats getting your head sawed off with a rusty blade. #CJNG is King........

    2. Cjng is not even a real cartel and yes they are king of Maruchans

    3. Don't insult Maruchan Cup 'o Noodles like that🍜🐙

    4. Maruchan is KING !👑

  11. Joaquin actuó solo los hermanos no estaban al tanto de lo que iba ser no se llevaban bien el y ivan ay mucho sobre la mesa ahorita en Culiacán

  12. mayo’s story sounds legit…. And war hasn’t broken out, cus MF can’t just go to war without seeing who is with him, and who ain’t. Sinaloa is 1 state, 1 Cartel with a bunch of factions and families who been working alongside both for years. This will break out, soon. I expect MF to have mostly everyone’s support…who’s going to side with the brothers that just turned in one of the most historic capo figures?, no way.

  13. Correct me id im wrong but, didnt the chapito turned Mayo to the FBI? I swear i read that when the news first broke out, if thats the case i highly daught Mayo made any kind of deal and he really got betrayed, if DEA is the one who waited for him then maybe he made a deal, those agencies dont get along and are always messing with each other, steping on each others toes and shit just s thought

    1. Those agencies are the same agency dipshit. It's called the Department of Justice. (DoJ) which encompasses many divisions such as the DEA, ATF, FBI, etc.

    2. 10:32 🤣🤣 Even in the DEA there are groups who work on cases the other DEA groups have no idea they are working on, thanks for letting me know you dont know shit! Pendejete de mierda!!!!

  14. AMLO is not going to get anything from America. Just do what your told or we will shut your economy down.

  15. Mayo is saying the truth. He got kidnapped. Plain and simple. The Chapitos better be getting ready for backlash. Mayito Flaco is going to go all in against them. Nuff Said!!!

    1. If it was a kidnapping the fight would have started not even the military would matter lol

    2. There will be no war chapos have the backing of the governor and amlo

  16. Well,there is no war in Culiacan,no one is doing shit against chapos because they cant,mayo was caught in a killer rat move end of story,no weird deals as you all think,but keep on keeping on,some of its entertaining,not much tho

  17. I really believe mario turned himself in. We won't know till his trial begins and see what he has coming. He is still not on BOP locator. If he did get betrayed they sure fooled his @ss. I been saying cuens murder was staged so was cheyos. They need to investigate that murder as well. Rocha up next ,dead man walking. Next arrest Ivan or mayita flaca. You heard it here first.

    RIP Gilbertona

  18. Humm bug 🤔.....
    "Mexico probes disappearance of arrested drug lords bodyguards".
    Mexican prosecutors investigating.
    There putting 💯 percent effort, what's the purpose, of finding them, if they are known criminals. More likely killed and buried.
    Meanwhile... thousands that are made disappeared or kidnapped yearly, no one puts effort, in helping it's citizens find their loved ones. Mexico 3rd world, backwards thinking.

    1. The majority of those claiming their loved ones went missing are failing to mention that their loved ones were also involved in criminal activities... in this case, you seem to be missing the "big picture". If what Mayo Zambadas lawyer mentions in his letter, then this would implicate the state governor in the crime. I'm sure they could care less for missing hitmen, but because the governor is trying to cover up his crime, a whole cardigan of other crimes is about to be untwined... Look at the silver lining in this, Rocha is going to face some serious blowback as a result of this drama.

    2. 7:19
      All due to Mayo Z. getting captured, more stuff is being exposed, on the curupt government of Mexico.
      The fat lady of PGR resigned, because of what is being exposed.

    3. @719
      What's a "cardigan of crime", an unlawful sweater?



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