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Friday, August 9, 2024

In Querétaro, A Group That Trafficked Arms Between The United States And Canada Is Dismantled

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL UNIVERSAL 


AUGUST 8, 2024

The governor recognizes the work of the Navy in different parts of the entity

Mexico must continue to have a firm response to the trafficking of arms into the country from the United States, because "they provide the weapons and we provide the dead people," exclaimed Governor Mauricio Kuri González, speaking about the operation carried out by the Navy in Querétaro.

This past Wednesday morning, the Historic Center of Queretaro's capital and six other points of Queretaro experienced an image never seen before, with the presence of elements of the Secretariat of the Navy in the state, leading an operation that led to the dismantling of a criminal cell that trafficked weapons from the United States and Canada, which operated in different parts of the country.

In this regard, the state governor acknowledged that the issue of security is something that must be addressed every day and acknowledged that "it will always be worrying" to find criminal gangs like these in Queretaro; however, he assured that the state continues to maintain its security levels and stressed that they were caught by the Semar.

"To tell (Queretaro residents) that they can rest assured, that in Queretaro we have a good police force, that we are responding and that Queretaro continues to have good levels of security," said Kuri Gonzalez.

He indicated that since it is a federal issue, it is up to the authorities who headed the operation to release the results; however, he acknowledged the work of said authorities for having discovered and dismantled the criminal cell.

"These are federal crimes, they do their job and we only help them if they ask for our support. The important thing is that (the gang) was caught by the Navy and that is good news. I believe that the good news is that this gang was discovered and attacked and that the federal government acted accordingly," said the governor.

Mauricio Kuri recalled when in 2021, then Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard filed a lawsuit against a dozen U.S. companies that manufacture weapons that arrive in Mexico and are used by criminals and drug traffickers to generate violence in the country, a strategy that the governor of Querétaro described as good.

"When Marcelo Ebrard denounced the U.S. arms companies, I think it was a good decision, there has to be much more pressure because they literally provide the weapons and we provide the dead people, so it is very important that this continues to be discussed and that Mexico continues to have a firm response in this regard," he stressed.


  1. There is a video going around of some Fuerzas Especiales Mencho (FEM) sicarios surrending to R5 forces. But I thought CJNG sicarios where the real deal ? 😂😂😂

    1. If you want people to take you serious stop using emojis only little reddit ninos do that

    2. 8:01 apparently not. Now Gilbertonas!!!! Your turn to bombard with comments about the Jaliscas. lol

      RIP Gilbertona

    3. 9:25 Gilbertona. What happened with your lovers?

    4. Here you go 8:49


    5. 8:19 Same goes for you, use periods if people, want to take you seriously.

    6. 8:19 Redditors are known for hating emojis

  2. La foto me trajo recuerdos cuando anduve en las dobles rodadas pues fui miembro de las fuerzas especiales saludos BB desde Ucrania dónde me encuentro desplegado leo los informes pronto estare de vuelta en culiacan Sinaloa

    1. tu eres wey ni alos trastes de tu casa le das guerra mijo. lol

  3. America will stop sending weapons south, when Mexico stops sending immigrants north.

    1. @ 8:04 your comment doesn’t support the reality of why weapons trafficking is always at a peak from US-MX… it is because there are cartels who are fighting and the demand for them is very high, it is definitely not because MX smuggles immigrants.

    2. 8:04 - One of the biggest reasons why Mexican citizens are fleeing to America in the first place is because of all the cartel violence that comes from the cartels acquiring American guns and bringing them into Mexico. You want to lower the amount of Mexican citizens looking for asylum or refuge in the U.S. , than stop the flow of guns from America to Mexico.

    3. @8:04 - You do realize that most immigrants nowadays aren’t even coming from Mexico, but from other countries like Haiti and Venezuela. And the ones that are coming from Mexico are fleeing the violence that is being caused by the cartels mostly using American guns to fight one another and to fight law enforcement.

  4. Glad they dismantled the cell that was trafficking arms to Mexico. How many more to be arrested. And how much time will they serve?
    The news came out that AMLO lost the lawsuit to Gun Manufactures, I course that was going to happen, its not the manufacturers that supply the arms to criminals in Mexico, its the criminals themselves, AMLO has to learn who, to really put the blame on, of course he gets kickbacks from Cartels, that they have free pass to do, whatever they wish in Mexico.

  5. IAG is fucking Belinda. Dude is on the most wanted lists and he out there fucking a fine celebrity. I'm guessing he really is JGL son .

  6. They come from everywhere

  7. Mi Querétaro lindo, u get a murder here and there but mostly on the outskirts or san juan del rio , but overall its safe , way too many foreign companies and foreigners live there for it to be a narco state . It is always said the only issues are the chilangos trying to set up shop but it never happens. Now dont get me wrong there is old zetas from hidalgo, cjng and michoacanos but its all very low key with not much noise. The government and empresarios are the narcos in that state

  8. burh old news Queretaro and Guanajuato have landing fields where arms and freaking contraband land. i also heard that Guzman Sr and Raton used a landing strip to travel to Culiacan from Queretaro when they visited Mexico City.

  9. It's crazy how we blame Mexico for everything. When Americans can buy a gun like buying a shirt. The good ole boys kkk


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