Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, August 30, 2024

Ivan Archivaldo Guzman's Arrest Denied; Public Security Reports No Arrests

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS 


AUGUST 30, 2024

Sinaloa's Public Security Secretariat denied the arrest of Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar, leader of Los Chapitos, a faction of the Sinaloa Cartel, in an operation by the National Defense Secretariat (SEDENA).

Clashes, groups of armed civilian “sicarios” in the streets and burning vehicles were the consequence of a “normal” operation by federal forces.

The Sinaloa Public Security Secretariat denied the arrest of Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar, leader of “Los Chapitos”, a faction of the Sinaloa Cartel, in an operation by the National Defense Secretariat (SEDENA).

In an exclusive interview for Luz Noticias, Gerardo Mérida Sánchez stated that the violent events that took place on Thursday afternoon, August 29, with confrontations, groups of armed civilian “hired killers” in the streets and burning of vehicles, were the result of a “normal” operation by federal forces.

“I cannot confirm it, neither to you nor to the Sinaloa society. It is a note that yes, at some point it was mentioned, and it was mentioned by a national media, even from the central part of the state they have been asking us if we have knowledge of this event.

“The authorities are deployed here, in Sinaloa, as in the ninth zone, National Guard, those of us who are permanent as State Police, Municipal Police, we have no knowledge of any event of that magnitude,” he clarified. 

The war zone in Limón de los Ramos
He detailed that the violence was triggered after an aggression against military personnel in the area of Peñasco and Paredones, which resulted in a follow-up to the aggressors, who tried to block the arrival of reinforcements by setting fire to vehicles in the community of El Limón de los Ramos.

“There was an aggression against military personnel in the area of Peñasco and Paredones. The aggressors tried to block the advance of our forces by setting fire to vehicles in El Limón de los Ramos. Fortunately, we were able to control the situation with the support of the State Police, SEDENA and the National Guard,” stated Merida.

 In spite of the intense violence registered on Thursday, August 29, the authorities assure that there have been no casualties of military personnel, but neither have there been any arrests, and that the operation was part of routine actions.

In view of the alarm generated by the events, Merida Sanchez called on the population to remain calm and trust official information.

 “I ask the people of Sinaloa to remain calm and to adhere to the reliable information we are providing. The security forces are working hard to guarantee security in the city,” he stressed.

With security forces deployed throughout the city of Culiacán and rural areas, authorities reiterate that the situation is under control and that there is no reason for alarm.

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  1. La Chapiza controla Culiacan alv

    1. Ever since Mayo was kidnapped.

    2. They'll snatch him sooner than later. Although they used to chill in the city, I reckon they are now in the Sierra given the current war. To keep this war from spiraling out of control they need the capture this pendejo.

    3. Sic#006 controla el trasero de tu mujer alv

    4. Alv mayo no se entrego.

    5. Thats why Ivan left Mexico, his ass has a price on it. Mayiza is going after all top rank people from Ivan. Chapos are done, they will break up or merge with others. No one wants anything to do with Ivan.


    7. @4.40 left mexico,? ivan is here in cln geting his days counted

  2. Replies
    1. Sicario 006 you can’t keep getting away with this, your time will come

    2. They need to get those lil motherfuc-ers and put em away

  3. Replies
    1. On it's way to pass Afghanistan now that they're opening of tourism in the country.

  4. They were protecting the escape of some capo for sure, they dont just do that just because , who ever it was im sure the heat is on them now and it will be in a matter of time they get killed or captured

    1. Yeah ivan should have taken the mayo plane like jgl, but was definitely not the smartest of the remaining three🤷🏿‍♂️ damn still not understanding ivan thinking he is not gonna be hit by this round of cleaning up tha shit in culiacan. Dude is just 41 years old, just like myself, but not making deal is the suicide option here i 🤔

    2. Supposedly El Perris or El Panu , that area where it happened is chapiza territory

    3. 01:21 congratulations on the big 41, I didn't ever think you would make it buddy. I am glad you are not suicidal like Ivan Archivaldo.

  5. Paredones was el financieros base of operations he leaned more towards the mayo faction then chapitos could they have gone after mayo flaco?

    1. paredones is chapos terreno its in jesus maria

  6. It was just a little shooting with the military, which then lead to 2-3 blockades….and people went into panic mode. Claiming a Culiacánazo, when the entire city had no issues at all. It was just in that area where the shooting happened.

    1. 12:59

      Yeah, just "a little shooting" there, a few dismemberments in another part of the city, another shooting elsewhere, a few went missing somewhere else. Oh, busses burning. The military is in town. Wow, so peaceful and happy, are you sure it's Sinaloa and not Shangri-la?

    2. 12.59 thats exactly wat happen ppl when on panic mode cuz of dum ass ppl and instagramers hyping up everyting their was a shitload of trafic everywhere off ppl rushing to get home i live here in cln i was going to the farmacon to buy formulaa and couldt het threw cuz of all the dum ass ppl rushing to buy tortillas literly a block fsr of ppl doing line and double parking in the street

  7. Can anyone confirm if the video was of yesterday? Multiple people on social media kept stating the video was old and being passed around to cause further chaos (along with the shootout video from Chiapas where the dude missed jumping back in the truck and was dragged a few meters until deciding to let go and jump in the follow vehicle instead 🤣 ).

  8. Animo Sicarios!

    "Yo soy ivan archivaldo salazar, tambien por mis venas corren el apellido guzman soy el hijo del general
    El es mi apa no hay nada que comprobar pues soy el vivo retrato y hay chapitos para rato y se los puedo asegurar
    Soy el mayor y mi tierra es culiacan y para ser mas exactos quieron que chequen el dato soy el que piso el penal
    No hubo razon para estar en la prision pues por ser hijo del chapo me agarraron en guanatos sin tener una razon
    Han de pensar los que no me han de tratar
    Y a donde me les presento mi estampa se hace notar para mi eso ya es normal
    Saben quien soy
    Y de donde vengo yo
    Pero si me aprecian mucho no es por lo que han de mirar la humildad mi cualidad
    (hay venimos tranquilon, puro maximo grado viejon!)
    Me eh de cuidar
    Con buena seguridad
    Tambien con mi 38 super del aguila real que en cintura eh de cargar
    Me gusta portar
    Una hembra pa bailar
    Todita la noche entera y las cachas de pantera aveces an de brillar
    Hay que tomar cerveza wisky o champagne
    Con el pano o con el trebol dos compadres muy sinceros
    Y el jimmy no ah de faltar con mi hermano alf
    Simpre estare hasta el final y apoyo siempre ah tenido somos los hijos del tio hay nomas pa aclarar
    Yo soy ivan archivaldo salazar tambien por mis venas corren el apellido guzman soy hijo del general el es mi apa no hay nada que desmostrar pues soy el vivo retrato y hay chapitos para rato y se los voy a comprobar"

    1. Animo sicario!!!

    2. How come you ran like a coward when MZ got kidnapped? They got you on film.

    3. Hey puto, where is your corrido?

  9. Rocha moya was the one that obstructed everything for the release of Ivan.

  10. AMLO is mad Chapitos made power move without his knowledge, he going after them.

  11. They are taking fire in that video

  12. Ese 006 es toda una leyenda, Ivan aprendio que si le da vacaciones al 006 es cuando los agarran, asi le paso al Raton y a Don Mayo, por eso de hoy en adelante 006 va a dormir en la misma cama que Ivan, cuando valla al baño 006 lo va a limpiar, cuando esten haciendo orgias gays 006 le va a entrar, cuando le revicen el colon 006 es el que le va a revisar el colon, practicamente 006 va a estar con el 24/7, 365 dias al año, de hoy en adelante es su mano derecha, cuando Ivan se la quiera jalar 006 lo va a hacer por el, porque es su mano derecha!
    RIP Gilbertona!
    Nufff said!
    Thats koo foo!
    Cuban kid!
    James Brown!
    Sol cogido!

    1. Don't forget:
      Canadian girl
      Scottish Zeta

      No longer here:
      Texas Grandma
      Canadiana (not to be confused with Canadian girl)
      Negative chief (original not Connor)
      Well shiver me timbers
      Chapo snitched guy
      Chivis is a Zeta (they rarely published his post)

    2. That's Koo foo

  13. Poor Mayo, tasting US legal chorizo on the daily through every orfus.

  14. Something like this happens only if a big fish cartel leader is nearby. Chapitos control these territories. It looks like the Mexican military picked a side on the Chapitos vs Mayos war. Nuff Said!!!

  15. I was hoping he was taken down

  16. You heard it here first. This will be the war of the snitches, both factions of the cartel will utilize this to their benefit. Los zaputos will fall soon. So will MF. There will be worse betrayals in this war. If vicentillo would've kept his mouth shut and taken a life sentence ,like a real man (allegedly like a Sinaloa corrido) a lot of this wouldn't be happening today but it's in there nature to snitch and betray. It runs in there 🧬 dna.

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. 3:57 you hear this first . You ain't talking about shit little kid

    2. Talking about DNA , you who doesn't have his DNA? Mencchosss kids el 3 and la Negra

    3. 10:26 al hablar de la negra me agarras descuidado

    4. 10:26 gilbertona detected🚨 . All your sinalocas are snitches traicioneros. Prove me wrong cheerleader. Hbe you gotten your Gilbertona starter pack?

      RIP Gilbertona

  17. It's a sad day for the BB trolls today lmao

  18. Someone was arrested for sure. They aint gonna burn shit down just cuz

    1. You'd be surprise, pinches simios get all locas lol.

  19. Chapito was able to circumvent thighting MX government security measures to extract him from Jesus Maria. The only thing that got extracted yesterday was Sicario 006's culo. The commander of the armed forces got some cabeza from him.

  20. @12:48 it is so much easier to just kill them while they are captured to be arrested. The DoJ doesn't care if you deliver Ivan Archivaldo dead or alive, however, it is strongly recommended not to release the captured, wanted fugitive of the law to the Americans until proof of funds is delivered. They weren't sure if taxes have to be paid on the reward bounty, but pretty certain that they cannot pay in gold only US dollars.

    I recommend sending Ivan's pubic hair and foreskin of his penis as proof of life. Then, every day that you don't get paid pull a toenail off and mail it to special agent culero at:

    Narcotics Rewards Program
    U.S. Department of State
    Washington, DC 20520-6310
    United States

  21. caltrops is out of control

  22. Probly caught and released

  23. Paid his way out that's why they keeping quiet

  24. Bloomberg has a report out that Ovidio is in protective custody in US. He’s done some major ratting if he’s already in PC. Maybe all this stuff happening is related to him directly. Strange things happening here.

  25. It’s Witness Protection Program not Protective Custody. So yeah how does he get in that without going to court first. He’s not even locked up.

    1. If you're in WitSec before trial, and while serving a sentence you'll be in custody through your sentence in PC. After serving, you'll be in the actual WitSec. Like Vicente, and MG, the Guzman's are going to serve time. The template would be the Flores twins. Basically the same shit.

  26. Ivan too powerful. He was chilling in new jordans in Lomas de Chapultepec eating sushi

  27. IAG must’ve been laughing his ass off reading all the news articles in the comfort of his ⛰️

  28. If they really wanted to captured someone….. they would have brought out the choppers.

  29. Have you guys heard yet. El Raton entered witness protection program and was released. This was the deal if they gave up Mayo. Nuff Said!!! Here's the article:

  30. Famous last words from the government, “remain calm and trust (believe) the government’s official version of events”. Okie dokie Mr and Mrs PRI governor

  31. Puro Guzman hijos de su puta madre

  32. Chapitos people under new management

  33. We are witnessing the fall of chapitos
    Cds needs better structure and might even get stronger after they get eliminated


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