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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Keegan Hamilton: Here Is The Full Statement From Ismael "Mayo" Zambada, Issued Today By His Lawyer Frank Perez... Mayo Zambada Sends Message To His Son Mayo Flaco Not To Start A War.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 


AUGUST 10, 2024


Since I was brought by plane to the United States from Mexico on July 25, 2024, there have been many inaccurate reports in the media of both countries. In this statement I will provide the true facts of what happened that day. I wish to say at the outset that I did not turn myself in, and I did not come voluntarily to the United States. Nor did I have any agreement with either government. To the contrary, I was kidnapped and brought to the U.S. forcibly and against my will. The details of how this happened follow.

 I was asked by Joaquín Guzmán Lopez to attend a meeting to help resolve differences among the political leaders in our state. I was aware of an ongoing dispute between Rubén Rocha Moya, the Governor of Sinaloa, and Héctor Melesio Cuen Ojeda, the former Federal congressman, Mayor of Culiacan, and Rector of the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS), over who should lead that institution. I was told that in addition to Hector Cuen and Governor Rocha Moya, Iván Guzmán Salazar would also be present at the meeting. 

On July 25th, I went to the ranch and event center called Huertos del Pedregal just outside of Culiacan where the meeting was to occur. The meeting was scheduled for 11:00 a.m. and I arrived a little early. I saw a large number of armed men wearing green military uniforms who I assumed were gunmen for Joaquín Guzmán and his brothers. I was accompanied by four security personnel, of whom two stayed outside the perimeter. The two who entered with me were José Rosario Heras López, a Commander in the State Judicial Police of Sinaloa, and Rodolfo Chaidez, a long-time member of my security team. 

While walking toward the meeting area, I saw Héctor Cuen and one of his aides. I greeted them briefly before proceeding inside to a room that had a table filled with fruit. I saw Joaquín Guzmán Lopez, whom I have known since he was a young boy, and he gestured for me to follow him. Trusting the nature of the meeting and the people involved, I followed without hesitation. I was led into another room which was dark. 

As soon as I set foot inside of that room, I was ambushed. A group of men assaulted me, knocked me to the ground, and placed a dark-colored hood over my head. They tied me up and handcuffed me, then forced me into the bed of a pickup truck. During this entire ordeal, I was subjected to physical abuse, resulting in significant injuries to my back, knee and wrists. I was then driven to a landing strip about 20 or 25 minutes away, where I was forced onto a private plane.

Joaquin removed the hood from my head and bound me with zip ties to the seat. No one else was aboard the plane except Joaquin, the pilot, and myself. 

The flight lasted about 2 ½ to 3 hours, without any stops until we arrived in El Paso, Texas. It was there on the tarmac that U.S. federal agents took custody of me. The notion that I surrendered or cooperated voluntarily is completely and unequivocally false. I was brought to this country forcibly and under duress, without my consent and against my will. 

I am aware that the official version being told by Sinaloa state authorities is that Héctor Cuen was shot in the evening of July 25th at a gas station by two men on a motorcycle who wanted to rob his pick-up truck. That is not what happened. He was killed at the same time, and in the same place, where I was kidnapped. Héctor Cuen was a longtime friend of mine, and I deeply regret his death as well as the disappearance of José Rosario Heras López and Rodolfo Chaidez who no one has seen or heard from since.

 I believe it is important for the truth to come out. This is what occurred, rather than the false stories that are circulating. I call on the governments of Mexico and the United States to be transparent and provide the truth about my abduction to the United States and about the deaths of Héctor Cuen, Rosario Heras, Rodolfo Chaidez, and anyone else who may have lost their life that day. I also call on the people of Sinaloa to use restraint and maintain peace in our state. Nothing can be solved by violence. We have been down that road before, and everyone loses. 

- Ismael Mayo Zambada


  1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 las sinalocas no saven a quien irle, a los chaputos o los cubanos 🇨🇺

    1. That's Koo foo

    2. Cuba kid =emoji kid = BB Gilbertona
      Damn kid how many alter egos do you have . In a post of less say 60 comments 30 be from you . Getting paid by the hour ?

    3. 11:27 bro looks like your getting paid as well, your worse than a crazy girlfriend just looking for my post! Suck it easy!

    4. I follow the fearless commander Sicario 006 only,

    5. Mayo calling shots not to start a war that only would hurt innocent people.

    6. 10:50 hahaha. Facts!! 11:27 that's a negative Tonto.

      RIP Gilbertona

    7. Otro mas que te descubre 😂. 11:27 si es el mismo wey y sus machos le pagan con camote por eso los defiende a mas no poder porque despues ya no le van a dar camote verdad 10:50.

    8. 11:27 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you think every body who thinks different than you is the same guy, compa 99% of mexicans dont think like you, we are real mexicans, we dont cheer for a Cartel, but i can tell who is a Gilbertona from who isnt, and you my boy are in fact a Gilbertona!

    9. La Gilbertona de BB con sus mamadas tipicas. No te cansas niño ? 10:50

    10. @11:27 aye add another another alter ego to 10:50 . He also goes as La Mentirosa. Me and some other guys on here used to clown him .

    11. 5:48 so I'm guessing that being born in Arandas Jalisco Mexico doesn't make me Mexican? Get a life kid .

    12. If you don't agree with the Michoachangos they automatically accuse you of being a Gilbertona. They don't want to admit that nobody likes them, not even other Michoachangos. Zacatecas don't like them,, Durangos dont like them, Sinaloas, Nayarit, Sonora, Colimas, Tijuanenses, Zacatecas dont like them, Guanajuato don't like them, they pretend they're from Jalisco because even they dont like their own but fail to realize that not even Jaliscos like them....

  2. Replies
    1. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherAugust 10, 2024 at 2:32 PM

      The long arm of El chapo reaches out from Florence supermax!!!

    2. That's what she said.

    3. Cálmate chango, si vieras como mejor presta a tu hermana para mejorar tu raza.

  3. This punk actually think the USA will
    Just give him
    Back to Mexico LMAO there is anot a judge in the USA even the liberal pieces of shit who will
    Order him returned to Mexico lol!!!
    Welcome to hell you piece of shit we have a concrete and steel box for your bitch ass
    Fuck your wealth fuck you power and most importantly FUCK your so called legendary status
    Your ass is ours bitch

    1. 50 years later. calm down buddy, this isn’t a win. A capo brought him to justice before the good ole USA could. The drugs are still flowing and your country is still buying.

    2. 11:05 no period kid,
      😭 No need to cuzz homie.

    3. 11:05 again your mad geez! All that hate ain’t no good be happy do it for yourself!

    4. @11:36 The operative word that you used is could, the US could take him out anytime they wanted. It's the Mexican covet that prohibited such an action but the word could isn't not accurate. If the US wanted to they could take out all the capos with drone strikes with intelligence from satellites, something the Mexican government is not capable of doing.

    5. Far from a win , not even a speed bump to deter cartel making money or junkies getting high. Fuck covid did more to stop the flow then our governments war on drugs since the 60s. And now guess what taxpayers are gonna be paying for Joaquins wit sec and mayo's incarceration. Nobody even cares, this isn't justice for victims who need it or vindication for our failed policies. if mayo isn't held in adx hell be a super star have all the commissary he wants and protected by the omeros sure is far from a good existence but definitely not hell. Hell would be a mexican jail where all his rivals are held

    6. In case you guys missed it 11:05 is speaking facts. He doesn't sound like that pansy chump who's claiming that nothing can be solved by violence.

    7. 11:05 Usually individuals that run their mouths without provocation like you just did are the bitches in real life.

    8. Sol, what are you still doing here??? I thought you left.

    9. Sol aka 11:05 so much anger be like frozen just let it go

    10. What country you live in 11:57?

  4. Old man sticking to his peacekeeper fame, asking his people and MF to not start a war….

    Do we really think Flaco and his guys will listen…?

    1. I was thinking along similar lines. That's low, the betrayal is way out. Not only do they kidnap him but they kidnapped him and turned him in. I would think that's war till death. But then I see that nothing is happening. How can you ever trust or be around chapitos or their crews. These stupid as kids are doing more harm to themselves than good. How can anyone trust them now or have any kind of respect for them. MF should join up with Guano and take them greedy sob out.

  5. It's obvious he didn't turn himself in, he always said he feared being incarcerated.

  6. Sounds to me like the government sold him out. Those green guys in military uniforms at the site, were probably Mexican military instead of gringos….

    Chapitos might as well give themselves up already….who is going to trust them now?, meanwhile, Rocha is a dead man walking.

    1. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherAugust 10, 2024 at 1:58 PM

      The question is why kill Hector Cuen? To keep secret that the Govenor of Sinaloa, Rubén Rocha Moya, laid the crumbs for El Mayo to walk into the trap! Obviously, Cuen is Mayo's compadre and the Govenor hates Cuen, his political rival, and his cashman for political campaigns, El Mayo! Ivan would be there for his guy the Govenor and El Mayo for his guy Cuen!

    2. Nmms!!
      Hubiera dicho militares sin pudor.

    3. I put a comment of my theory down at the bottom I think the betrayal is not how we are being told who cares about that letter doesn’t have to be true the zambadas are the ones with a history of cooperating with the feds not the Guzmans I think it’s the other way around Joaquin was kidnapped

  7. Se entrego el wey. All this part of the plan

    1. Why would he keep pushing the idea of being kindapped, if he didn’t??… if he made a deal, it’s better for him to keep the confusion going. Not to release a statement and public announce Chapos turned on you.

    2. 11:16 yup .If the Mexican government finds out he turned himself in.His faction will be over he's a threat to governors and past presidents and current

      RIP Gilbertona

  8. It's all part of the plan in my book .

  9. Fact is stranger than fiction. Hollywood can’t make a movie this entertaining. I wonder if Mayo was really living in the sierra or moving freely throughout the country.

    4 bodyguards for jefe de jefes is crazy , I rather be caught with 100 men than move quietly with 4.

    1. That’s unrealistic moving with that many people all the time it will draw too much attention I assure you those 4 men were more than likely very well trained

    2. And now they're very missing very well!

    3. They get caught up all the time with 3-4 bodyguards all the time! Too many people with guns, or a whole convoy is an easy way to tell the authorities someone “important” is around.

    4. 12:45 4 well trained men is nice until you run into 6.

    5. He was living freely. He has always had deals with the government. Including businesses with the government. Never needed to hide, when he had the governor and locals on his payroll, and as personal friends like he mentioned in that statement.

    6. Más que entrenados, bien relacionados con el poder de Sinaloa y con plazas de trabajo claves.

    7. 12:45 Not if you're in a bulletproof tour bus in the center of the 100 men, then it's different.

    8. Maybe Shawn Penn wrote the story

    9. Maybe Sean Penn wrote the story?

  10. Time will only tell what really happened. Too many theories and stories.

    1. he just told you what happened

  11. Chapo Isidro and guano just waiting for chapos and mayos to start a war between them lol. Que se hagan pedazos para tener el terre limpio.

  12. Mayo Flaco should take the money and run, hide in another country, his clock is ticking.

    1. He shld wipe out chapos sons. Erase that family from existing. Theyre worthless.

    2. He’s coming next the Zambadas are now with this 75-80% cooperating

    3. 12:17 i think its gonna be the other way around everybody underestimated the chapos. They just took the biggest capo out their way and its power. Hence him sending a message to his son to not start a war mayo realized the gov its on the chapos side now. But who knows.

  13. Se me antoja una caguama bien helada y un pollo frito.

    1. That’s koo foo

    2. A mi también me gusta el Kung Fu

    3. Se me antojo una michelada con dos madrazos de tequila y unos focasos.

    4. 😂😂😂😂😂🍻

    5. Tambien a mi. Junto a una Buena chuleta asada y elite, papas y pico de gallo.

    6. That’s a negative chief

    7. A mi se me antoja una torta gigante de la Villa.

  14. I don’t know what to believe anymore.

    1. It’s okay believe in yourself you’ll be good.

    2. 11:49 believe in Sicario 006

  15. US Gov washing their hands with this statement, making people believe they don’t make deals with criminals.

    1. They do make deals and it's all made public. But here, there was no deal.

    2. 2:09 Oh there was a deal alright, but with Guzman Lopez. They knew he was going to bring Mayo along. For sure he has a deal. And the Mexican government knew what had happened since it went down. That's why they started hitting MF the next day and a few times since. It's obvious the governor is in cahoots with the chupitos.

    3. What ever we have seen is not what happen Zambada cooperated and turned in Joaquin Joaquin’s was kidnapped I believe

  16. This is all part of the false narrative theyre trying to feed

    1. I agree or else culiacan would of been on fire right now

    2. Just wait it's going to get ugly

  17. Dice mi jefe que nos hagamos pedazos - MF probably.

  18. With the anger issues MF has he’s going to hang Rocha Moya is this is true.

    1. You also know about his anger issue?

    2. Who doesn’t know lol

    3. Good. But first, the Chapos

    4. Lemme guess, you were workimg drive through at Starbucks, you got his order wrong, he threw a fit, and thats when you realized, this guy has serious anger issues... 🤣🤣🤣🤣.... I tell you, people on here.

    5. I don’t take seriously any comments that use emojis for some reason lol. Looks childish

  19. Rocha Moya was always in chapos side. Artists and influencers of Sin were always supporting him and asking people to vote for him. Markitos Toys , Roberto Tapia and others.

    1. Yes, it’s a well known story that Ivan gave all his music buddies a story to run with when it was election time. Every single narco singer, was using the same # and uploading #losmusicosconrochamoya on their socials

  20. El mayo true to his modos-operandi, tryna avoid a war.
    This time around his words will ring hollow, that chapos vs mayos war is inevitable.
    His "abduction" was payback for Joaquín Guzmán Loera, I'm assuming.

    Ojo por ojo, diente por diente.
    Chapitos prevail, for now.

    1. El Vicentillo aka Niño Zambada was being cocky when he testified against Chapo in New York, calling him compadre. Now Los Rusos who are Macho Prietos creation are flaunting how El Moreno Edgar Guzmán was slaughtered on the orders of Vicente Zambada by accident by El MP. War is inevitable.

    2. Chapitos reign is over. No one within the CDS circles both sides share, will trust them. Majority will want them gone. Ain’t no way they are publicly accused of kidnapping and turning in an OG CAPO like MZ, and nothing changes. Absolutely no way.

    3. 12:06 How is it payback. El Chapo got busted because of his stupidity and ego. He did himself in. Mayo got kidnapped. They bamboozled my, chapo played himself.

    4. Exactly shit is about to break lose just wait

    5. 11:20 payback for his son and brother testifying and giving information to the feds. Did you forget vicentillo and el Rey zambada ratted and are in the witness protection

  21. ** off topic** I have absolutely no idea where this will go but is anybody interested or can anybody see any positives in starting a chat group on Telegram?

    1. Rubio no thank you.

    2. 1208 any money involved?

    3. Give it a try y aver que pasa. Suerte.

    4. Uh 12:08 I have pics and videos of CDS Guzman's in USA selling meth, fucking prostitutes, sucking dick, and smoking crack.

  22. Bizarre story. Why are high level narcos personally mediating a dispute over a university appointment?

    1. This is strange. As is the sincere belief the governor would attend. His friend Coen was obviously used as bait then executed. But Mayo had a commander of the police as a bodyguard, so many of the assumptions that he wasn’t engaged, had retired, had not been seen in years, dead or on his deathbed… it was all just smoke. And many people - at a high political level - still interacted with him. Like when we all learned Osama was living in a safe house a mile from the Pakistan military academy. He was supposed to be living in a cave.

    2. Puestos claves
      Dónde venderias drogas?
      así también trabajaba la familia del güero palma y ese venezolano q mató a su familia

  23. If war breaks out in sinaloa we’ll know it’s true…. If nothing happens we’ll know American Gov is just trying to cover a deal they made with Mayo.

    1. 1215 110% no deal was made with Mayo sorry little guy he was kidnapped

    2. 100% Brothers still getting caught. Joaquin deal was to turn himself in with his Godfather and provide intel as leverage to help his brother.

  24. That was very naive of him, should have came with a lot more firepower.

  25. Chapo Isidro gonna win this war without even being in it.

    1. Exactly… El fuerte is a chill place right about now. All calm

  26. para los que dicen que se entregó usen su cabeza para nada tenía que entregarse el señor nunca lo han agarrado ni lo hiban atrapar el vivía agusto en la sierra y el salado sus hijos nietos lo hiban a ver dnd estuviera obviamente no hiba a querer morir en una celda fría y solo nada ganaba con entregarse

    1. Tienes razon pero al final del dia nunca vamos a saber toda la verdad, si tuviera que assumir yo digo que fue una entrega pactada con la intencion de ver a su hijo Vicente siendo el mas grande motivo entre otros que no conozemos por averse entregado y a la mejor ni la celda pisa si suelta toda la informacion que busca el gobierno americano

    2. Creo que quiere tener paz en su familia con Vicente zera y su hija y más Alfaro viene el flaco el fentonilo va a terminar creo que Joaquín es el que fue traicionado para que mayo parezca inocente lo que reoiten las mativaias

  27. ***off topic*** somebody may have a better idea and please let me know, but is anybody interested in starting a group chat on Telegram? I've updated my email address. 🐙 ms h

    1. Actually I want to start a pornsite.
      Anyone interested?

    2. 03:09 yeah, I have the girls from Denmark and they are hot and ready.

  28. Someone check on Chapo Isidro lol. He’s just too happy about all the attention his not getting. Chapo Isidro ftw.

    1. Your idol got ranned out of Mochis and Maza by Cholo Ivan

    2. Where is cholo ivan and where is chapo Isidro huh ?

    3. 11:04 Cholo in prison but that doesn’t change what happened, all I’m saying is Isidro isn’t all that

    4. Cholo in prison and Chapo Isidro is back in Culiacán and all over Sinaloa

  29. The hard part about knowing so much is when you start to sound crazy. Still think he had to have worked out a deal. but if Ivan and los menores really did him like this wow

    they were more ruthless and strategic than anyone realized. but I still don't believe it.

    there was that narrative from the first day from Chaparro who yeah is whatever, but that Mayo did not want to be seen as a rat or weak. and two, this allows him to call for peace in Sinaloa. if this isn't true, IVAN will hang banners.

    His surrender would make everyone question the security of all the operations. All the Rusos all the aquiles. all his guys besides inner circle have to be kind of kept in the dark.

    the third rail of narcos and lawyers and letters in the 2020's communication is wild. went from silence to banners, to social media, to letters published by journalists.

    1. Chapitos definitely turned him in. Chapitos and Guanos real crush MF and Chavo

    2. The convincing part of this comunicación is Melesio Cuen. He got smoked at the meeting then staged a robbery later. That acuses Chapitos of killing a high level politician in Sinaloa. That will steamroll their deal. By the way ELMO in Culiacan today. Extra military presence is probably the only thing keeping this from exploding.

    3. With all the recent intel the dea has been releasing about El Mayo aside from the Brooklyn indictment in February of this year, it basically pointed to El Mayo being semi/fully retired with El Mayito Flaco running the Mayo faction for a few years now. My best guess is El Mayo made a pact with the US regardless of what this letter says, so nothing should change between all the groups/cells under the Mayo faction.

    4. 9:55 So you're saying that chapitos are letting themselves be falsely accused??? And what reason is there to fake this. That nonsense makes no sense to me. If they were going to make up a story, easily they could have said CJNJ found his location and kidnapped him and left him on the US door step. Why bring tension and heat to your son and interests.

    5. J Why you can not believe that Chapitos did him dirty ? Obviously they are making a deal for them. The same day he was captured there was a rumor that a high Sinaloa cartel leader turned him over to the USA. He was betrayed by Los Chapitos.

  30. I guess everything went down hill after chapos arrest.

  31. and isn't possible Cuen was killed to sell this story?

  32. Hahahahahha pinche Sinalacras.

  33. and a man like Mayo, who never wore shorts, even in the mountains, wore sweat pants to a meeting in Culiacan with officials? In his picture he's wearing sweats runners.

    fuck I sound like a conspiracy theorist.

  34. Makes sense that Chapos are using the military to attack Mayos. Explains all the operations going on.

    1. Exactly. But not many are talking about it. I seen a couple of stories on that on cartel insider.

  35. El Mayo is just gonna roll with 4 personel?! Bullshit story bro 😂

    1. One of them was el 20 Peña that got killed.

  36. If el commadante sicario006 would have been providing security for MZ this would not have happened..he is a one man army . The man is a black belt in every single martial srts known to mankind. He has been trained by at least 6 intelligence agencies and special operations group. The guy has access to technology not available to civilians . Imagine Jason Bourne,James Bond ,John Rambo and El Chapulin all combined into one man.

  37. Alv no se entrgo.

  38. It doesnt make sense , the mayos faction would of chewed up the chapitos asap if this was true . I get him saying all this to help his defense in trial tho , but my question is this , why hasnt MF hit chapos yet , he def has the man power and people , unless he is listening to his pops which i doubt this is the actual order

  39. Is the US admitting that an undetected plane can fly into the country - what if the plane had terrorists/bombs?

    Canadian girl💋

  40. This reminds me of Vicentillo's (MZ older son) capture. He was in a meeting with DEA but was captured as he left. The. Become protected witness . Now he is a free man, a billionaire living large in USA .

  41. He was kidnapped. Everyone who insists he made a deal is delusional. Guy is old and was in no immediate danger of getting busted. We saw the pics of the tape and zip ties in the plane. If he made a deal they will demand he TESTIFY. Intel isn't enough, because everything will be changed once he's in American hands. If they knew two senior cartel leaders were inbound well in advance they'd waaaay more cops at that airstrip. The amount of cops shown was more indicative of cops that's were already there/close when a MX plane crossed into USA.

  42. Trying to do as much of the media to persuade the masses that he did not turn himself in. Funny. They should allocate that money to invest in Kamabla instead

  43. All you experts saying he made a deal?
    76 year old man going voluntarily into custody obviously you dont know shit about prison and prisoner welfare..How street are you people

  44. I would certainly want revenge on the chapos dont care what anyone said including my dad..Kill the fuckin lot of them

  45. For a long time its been known that guero did not get along with ivan and alfredo reason why he wasnt at la leche he acted alone mf and chapito have been holding meetings since this happen war is looming over culiacan and its other territories

    1. You know what, you have a point. And that would explain the lack of activity between the two. Thank you for turning on the light.

  46. Lol dang those Chapitos are some treacherous backstabbing mofos.. then even roughed his ol ass up a little.

  47. Ivan lo ordeno a que se entrege y lo hizo. Asi de fácil. Ahoranel gobierno les esta dando duro en el sur de culiacan. Check

  48. I find it hard to believe that after more than 50 years of not being caught, this is how he gets caught. You cannot easily outsmart this man just like that. This is what I think actually happened in my opinion (just a theory). I believe Mayo is in poor health state and he knows he does not have much time left. He was willing to sacrifice himself and give himself up so other people can benefit and get a deal. I know you might not think joaquin getting the deal make sense but in my opinion it does. All his major sons (except for flaco) are already out, and the reason they are out is because they testified against chapo or someone else. I think now is going to be the opposite where Ovidio and Joaquin testify against Mayo and they get a deal to be out quicker. I believe this was talked and negotiated with all the chapitos and mayito flaco since before it happened. Most likely Ivan, alfredo, and mayito flaco did not want to turn themselves in so they just agreed that the other chapitos get the deal. By Mayo doing this he is setting up a peace treaty with the chapitos for after he is gone. Another way of protecting his family as well in my opinion for after he passes away.

  49. Now the operations south of Culiacan make sense. Govt hitting mayito flaco hard. He’s in hiding plotting his response. Thats if this is true. But if those two bodyguards are missing and hector is dead, then it makes sense that chapos made their move.

  50. Markitos toys and guano deadly combo

  51. The sons probably want to get Sapo out of solitary or allow frequent visits. They just did a Chess move with Mayos ass. Now all they need to do is rat Flaco and Guano out

  52. He Took it like a Man...

    1. Yup. Didn't cry like chapo. I always thought that he was better made than chapo. I mean didn't think I'd ever see chapo crying but I did think he wasn't paper maché.

  53. Same as always a bunch of political Trumper idiots I'm the car who know nothing about the narco world except the bullshit fed to them by the conservative media f the entire conservative Bible thumping republican party and thier followers

  54. Chapo flew the plane. U.S let him do the job on good behavior.
    It’s in the corrido.

  55. Si el gobierno Americano nos da a Mayo, les emtreganos el culo de Sicario 006. Lo justo.

  56. May be true, but if so, mayos leaders should have already started a war. Why is it so quiet all over. I think some sort of deal was made. Chapos son will be free soon. Cuenta con eso.

  57. That was a message from mayo to mayo flaco he said this mfs meat my old ass up tied me up threw me on the floor then to the bed of a truck n now I have back problems but son please “don’t start a war”

  58. Sinaloa politician Héctor Melesio Cuén Ojeda was killed hours before Mayo Zambada boarded the plane with Joaquin Guzman. Mr Guzman had him killed as part of the ploy to force Zambada on the plane.

  59. If this is true expect Ivan and Alfredo found killed or they will turn themselves in soon , Los mayos are the real power house in Sinaloa and Mexico . This after Mayo stood up for them when they were kidnapped , backstabbing at it’s finest.

  60. "I believe it is important for the truth to come out"
    -Mario Sapo Zambada
    He snitched out Ruben Rocha Moya.
    I still believe he turned himself in .

  61. MZ didn’t need a deal (he had them all). He didn’t need to turn himself in (he always moved around freely). He was betrayed/setup by Chapo’s son, there’s no way around it. We can only rate how it happened, but we can’t judge as to why… this is their game, and two can play it. It’s gonna be a shit show now.

  62. El Ocran lo explicara este viernes que biene

  63. If this is true a lot of people are gonna second guess Ivan. Who tf is gonna ever wanna meet with him if they might get kidnapped and flown to the United States. At this point he’s a fucking freelance employee.

    It was bad enough when people thought they gave up nini, now they’re hand delivering drug lords to the United States. As we all know most people in the city of culiacan are loyal to the guzmans whether they like them or not. Maybe they’ll avoid a war but I can see a lot of major families switching sides.

  64. Im no expert BUT i can almost bet that the offiel statement from Mayo is just for political purposes. This dude really wanted to spend his last days with his family in the US. And he knew he was going to die in almoloya if he was caught. So the US figured out a way to bypass Mexican politics.

    1. He's not spending anytime with his family.

  65. The question everyone is asking: is this the truth or is it a cover up? I think since we will never know the truth and that mayo never wanted to step foot in a jail that this is at least mostly true. I think that JGL wanted to go out snitching like a true sinaloa capo and got payback for culicanoz and mayo holding his troops back. I also think that JGL wanted to get a favorable deal for his brother before trial and sentencing. Just my thoughts

  66. Sounds like the entire EL CHUPA family is snitches and bitc--- ... And his boys are punks

  67. At least El chupa and his boy can take turns bending each other over in prison

  68. After his son testified against El chupa, and when they blamed him for not backing em when ovidio got arrested, I don't see why he would ever trust em after that

  69. He wants peace cause he knows his sons ain’t about getting down. Mayitos son culones, they ain’t shit without antrax. Those days are over. The cell groups will go to war with chapitos or they’ll jump ship to chapitos or beltranes.,but in my fantasies it would be nice if JT takes over and keeps zambadas men.. el Peña still alive ?

  70. Fuck man... that last part though " i also call on the people of Sinaloa to use restraint and maintain peace in our state.Nothing can be solved by violence. We have been down that road before, and everyone loses." Thats some godfather type of shit right there. Saludos.

  71. To hell with it. Start the war.

  72. Moya calling his assassin aka pitin toys

  73. So chapitos for the win . They got the governor to roll with their plan . Now they have the governor on their side . Zambada faction took a L ….

  74. Pinche viejillo chillón, ojalá se pudra en la cárcel, es solo un delincuente no tiene nada de honorable, que lo metan con los mayates y le llenen el ojete de mayonesa como cuando estaba en la sierra.

  75. Nemesio will direct 03 and El tio lako from michoacan to send in about 300 of their best trained four letter goons to invade Culiacan ... CHAPO ISIDRO IS KING !!

    1. LOL. Estas bien tonto. You don't understand how CDS works. It's not as structured as you think.

  76. Mf will unite the ruso and isidro factions and wipe out I and a and possibly the lopez fam as they need the salazar so they will get permission from Crispin and take some of Ivan's closest now the question is how much did Ivan know or play hand in the whole fiasco

    1. Calmate pelicula hollywood al isidro le vale V. Ruso retirado. Panchito de la lima tambien le vale verga

    2. A little bird told me Ivan set it all up with the FBI. They couldn’t believe it actually went down, that’s why they were in New Mexico waiting. Chapo was briefed and got to talk to his sons and gave him his blessing it was payback for giving Joaquin up. Ojo por Ojo

    3. Or they all take over the Mz since they all certified informants and protected witnesses

  77. Salazars rusosn isidros guanos all against ivan and Alfredo aside from all the other ops not a good look after how many times mayo saved them is all bad chapos gonna not gonna be happy or it was his idea

    1. Why would guano and Isidro side with the zumbada protected witness family

    2. 957 because their common enemy are the chapitos...

  78. The old school leaders of Sinaloa are now out of the picture! Let’s wait and see how the second generation runs it! Time will tell

  79. Guano is gonna make a play, old school generation

  80. Mencho is licking his chops ready to invade Culiacan .. CHAPO ISIDRO IS KING !

  81. El 20 Peña was one of the bodyguards that’s got killed.

  82. Please don't start gravy train

  83. Honestly I have a different theory I believe he was the one to cooperate and Joaquin was kidnapped that makes mayo look like a victim
    And will most likely be set free we see photos of mayo amd all this and that but one foto of joaquine which he looks a little more panicked what we see is what they want us to think. Why was ovidio transferred, moved, or already if he called and it was a surprise to them that they barely got their


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