Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, August 9, 2024

Prosecutor's Office Confirms Four Dead And Four Wounded In Attack In Tlaquepaque: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

Video surveillance cameras located in the area are being analyzed to try to identify the assailants.

AUGUST 9, 2024

Román Ortega / El Occidental

The State Prosecutor, Luis Joaquín Méndez Ruiz, confirmed that the attack perpetrated early Friday morning in the El Vergel neighborhood, in Tlaquepaque, left four people dead and four more injured with bullets.

The Prosecutor detailed that of the four deceased, three are minors and one adult of 27 years of age, while of the injured three are also minors and one adult.

Initial investigations indicate that the perpetrators were at least two individuals who arrived in a white vehicle, shot at their victims and escaped.

After the attack, a 17 year-old teenager and a 27 year-old man died at the scene, while a 15 year-old girl and a 17 year-old boy lost their lives while receiving medical attention at the Red Cross.

"We obtained the version that the people were outside a home, the deceased and the injured. This vehicle arrives with some occupants. There is a version where they say that a male subject descends and another one apparently on board the vehicle and they begin to shoot directly at the people who remain lifeless in the place, the other injured and the people who also lose their lives receiving medical attention".

The crime scene was left scattered with 30 percussion casings from an AR15 assault rifle.

"All the people, both the deceased and the people injured by firearm projectile, in the place that was processed and that was worked 30 casings were located, apparently .223 caliber. We will review with the experts and with the corresponding ballistic expert opinion, the correspondence of the bullet shells with the caliber and if they were eventually related to other facts".

He added that a few blocks from the scene of the incident, the authorities located an abandoned vehicle, "which at the moment is presumed to be related to the facts within the versions that are being collected or that could be collected at the scene by the elements of the Investigative Police in coordination with the authorities who are also supporting them".

He added that they are analyzing the videos from the video surveillance cameras located in the area to try to identify the aggressors.



  1. A new autodefensas group from Chiapas are going after Los Herrera from CJNG.


    1. El Machete? From what's being said, they have also killed civilians. Displacing people from land? Someone wants it at a cheap price...

    2. Not new autodefensas but old malandros from sinaloa.

  2. La gallina y los delta chambeando no pasa nada

  3. Prosecutor needs to visit Chiapas you get 4 dead everyday, government does nothing.

  4. Nueva Plaza vs CJNG?

    1. I don't think Neuva Plaza a thing anymore pretty much extinct


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