Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Rosa Icela Says That The 'Chapitos' Made A Deal With The US To Hand Over Joaquín Guzmán López

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

AUGUST 6, 2024

Rosa Icela Rodríguez, head of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSC), assured this Tuesday that the sons of Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán agreed with the US government to hand over Joaquín Guzmán López in order to give benefits to Ovidio, who is imprisoned in that country.

In "the United States there was an agreement between the people who are in prison with the people who are free, and there was an agreement between them, for the respective delivery, so that they would be delivered to the United States", stated Icela Rodríguez during the press conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

She said that this is the information that has so far been shared with Mexico by the US government, while stressing that the capture of the members of the Sinaloa Cartel in the neighboring country to the north without the intervention of Mexican authorities.

"We care very much about emphasizing that part," he noted.

"We want what is related to the arrival of the flight, the arrival of this delivery or capture, but in an official way," he added

"But we believe that it is not the total amount of information as we would like," he pointed out.

For his part, President López Obrador said that this is a delicate issue because the Sinaloa Cartel is one of the groups with the most fame and tradition of illicit activity for a long time.

"We do not want a decision that was made in this sense, this agreement or non-agreement, to generate a greater internal conflict, because we have to take care of the lives of all Mexicans. So we do not want to speculate, we are going to act based on the information," he said.

However, it is still unknown how Ismael el Mayo Zambada was apprehended along with El Chapito on July 25 at an airport in El Paso, Texas, United States.


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  1. Que chingados le importa a AMLO y a su pinche gabinete lo que paso con el Mayo?
    Mas chingaderas pasan en Mexico que debe apurarse este guey de que lo que le pasa a un chingado narco.
    Se ve que este guey de acuesta con los narcos de tanto que se apura por ellos.

    1. Jajaja, tranquila mija, no te muerdas la lengua.

    2. @12:08 y luego se preguntan porke Mexico esta como esta.
      Por pendejos como AMLO y tu mas pendejo que defiende a basura de delincuentes.

    3. ELMO le pone al foco.

    4. entonces tu le permites a tu vecino q entre a tu casa y haga lo q se le pegue la gana?

    5. I'm not sure if I should even bother repeating this but let's be honest with ourselves, any politician with integrity is murdered before they can reach their first podium asking for votes. Let's stop pretending that a decent politician would actually survive one month into their campaign. Look at 2023, 53 hopefuls were murdered on the campaign trail not to mention the threats to their immediate family, it is impossible for an honest politician to get elected let alone survive. 🐙Can we please stop acting shocked and horrified at the ineptness and corruption and complacency of the government since 2004.

    6. No saben si ELMO se avento un paliacate con Sheinbaum?

    7. También EU y los mugrosos de la DEA son culpables por cómo anda Mexico con los Narcos…. Ahora son héroes cuando quieran y después se hacen pendejos por sus mamadas !

    8. 7:59 mira guey, voy a ser paciente con tigo porque de lo que se ve es duro que comprendas las cosas. Mexico es un país soberano. Paara que llegue otro pais y haga lo que quiera en un pais soberano sin que sepa nada de nada el gobierno de dicho pais,como que esta cabron. Es como si se porta mal tu hijo, no es par que otro se lo este chingando sin haber hablado contigo primero. Que nomas llegue cualquier y se lo chingue como que no. Especialmente si ni le hablas. Otro ejemplo, si eres amable con la gente de tu colonia, siempre envitando a la gente a un refresco o plato de comida y siempre dejas que se lo chinguen en la cosina. Eso no significa que la gente nomas puede entrar cuando quieran, aunque estes ahi o no. La cosa correcta es avisar omejor dicho preguntar. Hay gente que si se la dejas pasar alrato va andar pisando en tu cama y usando tu ropa. Asi es los estados unidos. Si no le pones mucho ojo van a empezar aver que se pueden llevar, envitar a gente que ni conoces, y hasta tirar fiestas y todo en tu casa y sin tu permiso.

    9. 9:27 como dijiste. Son los de las tres letras.
      Estos cuates trabajan para ellos mismos semi independientes de el gobierno aunque el gobierno no lo admits. Pero no son la unica ni ultima autoridad en nada.

    10. 08:00PM There is no us, just we and you. "let's be honest with ourselves"
      We don't know you and we don't stand with you.

    11. 12:21 Mira compa. Este pinche viejo drogadicto de el Mayo tenia una recompensa en EU para su captura.
      Esta recompensa no decia que el pinche Mayo tendria que llegar por su propia voluntad a los Estados Unidos y o que no se pudiera entregar este solo.
      Ahora por ley internacional autorirades de Estados Unidos no podrian recojer a ese guey por si mismos en Mexico sin dejarle saber a Mexico su intencion y o pedir permiso de esto.
      No ay evidencia alguna que Estados Unidos rompio esa puta ley con la captura de el Mayo.
      Tampoco ay evidencia que lo atrapo alguna autoridad de Estados Unidos.
      Lo unico que ay son rumores que el guey Mayo se entrego solo o lo entrego otro capo de raza Mexicana que de ser cualquiera de las dos cosa no rompio ninguna ley internacional Estados Unidos.
      Haci que dejen de llorar el presidente Mexicano AMLO y gueyes como tu por un pinche delincuente vale verga y ponganse a hacer algo mejor en sus vidas y o el pais mejor.
      Chingue a su madre AMLO si siguen perdiendo tiempo defendiendo a este pinche narco vale verga.

  2. That lady is not even related to the Guzman's talk about being delusional

  3. For his part, President López Obrador said that this is a delicate issue because the Sinaloa Cartel is one of the groups with the most fame and tradition of illicit activity for a long time.
    He forgot to mention also the snitching and betrayal than any other cartel. It's looking like these idiots turned themselves in for a deal. They will be providing info to their daddy the great USA.

    RIP Gilbertona

  4. At Mayo's age, he simply lost his edge. He was outmaneuvered. Nimodo. Peanut butter sandwiches and colored water that is supposedly juice.

    1. You will likey have more Peanut butter sandwiches with colored water than him. I say that because like you said "at mayos age" along with the fact he turned himself in,he will be providing info,he is rich,he likely made a deal that he would go to a fed prison where he wouldn't be locked down,thus allowing him to eat like a king for the remainder of his days. I am not a rider but I am not a hater, so I'm only saying what's likely, not what I desire.

    2. 12:13 I know people that have been in federal prison and they didn't eat like a king.

    3. if he didn't have money when he got locked up more than likely he won't unless he finds a good buddy that does have money and needs somebody to look out for him

    4. 9:11 I wasn't saying he will eat like a king BECAUSE he is in federal prison..I believe with his money he will.

    5. 11:28
      Not in federal prison. His money won't help him.

  5. And this is why I dubbed them the snitch cartel. Plus I kinda sensed Mayo was slowly winding down his affairs within the narco world back in April. I mean, what sort of clown offers money for the return of his own drugs. That act in itself sounds like some shit chumps would do. Ni modo pendejete. Mejor tú y no yo. 😂

    1. Te ancanta mear el panal de las Sinalocas, ahorita va a salir el enjambre a picarte con la cola 🐝🌞🤣

    2. Lmao..check this thing out...he sensed mayo was out....gtfo

    3. Big Brains Big Nuts TrutherAugust 6, 2024 at 11:25 PM

      Can hardly wait for the hit corrido. What will it be called? Back Stab of the Century or Pay Back of the Century or, perhaps, What Happens When You Get Old Sickly and Feeble Minded!

    4. Sol u are legit a keyboard warrior.

    5. Sol please come back brother. We miss you. The BB articles are coming out too slow. You used to give us a lot to read. Come back. Nuff Said!!!

    6. Man SOL you come back to cheer lead I see. Maybe take menchos nuts out your throat before you start talking so we can understand you better.

    7. Sol you provided no insight or knowledge about the cartels while your time as a contributor. All you did was dick ride one cartel over another and post execution videos. Sicko crap. Go sit down somewhere. You haven’t been missed at all.

    8. Its funny how you talk all this shit about sinaloans but you dont talk shit about them in the telegram group chat of cruxyaldea.

    9. He smelled it and senses it back in April 🤣 sol still thinking about sinaloan men 24/7 and not just any narcos

    10. What kind of chump says they’re retiring from the site to only come back and comment on every Sinaloa article?

      That reddit thread really did numbers on your brain

    11. Damn sol sounds like Sinaloa picked on you in high school and now you’re getting even by talking shit about them!
      You a foo

    12. 6:31 I am neutral in here. But do you know what retire means?
      Also do you know what it now means for Sol, just like us put comments without being at the BB office.
      Thinking like a nino.

    13. Always find it hysterical dudes in the US think they know the inner workings of any group over here. It’s truly delusional.

    14. Sol , sol. Oh sol.

    15. Sol, where does Aquiles and Rana fall in line if Mayo is inactive now? Who do they report to ?
      Will Tijuana be under siege by CAF again now that el sobrino is out ?

    16. Look at all you zipper heads responding to Sols troll. how can you not put two and two together your morons are getting trolled

    17. @Sol- "And THIS is why I always said...."
      Sorry, what is the reason? Nervous politicians fumbling their responses to vague questions? This article says absolutely nothing to back up your gossip.
      You dubbed them that because that was what was most fun to talk shit about in the comments. Never mind that every single other boss did the exact same thing.

    18. @Sol. 8.12. You should know enough by now. They often pay for the return of their own drugs. In Central America, Guatemala, Honduras, its the price of doing business. They get loads stolen, they buy them back from the people who took them, all the way up to the northern states. They lose a small percentage instead of risking an entire breakdown of infra-structure and state back-up. The thefts are like a tithe, state skimming off the top, they get thinner the further north the drugs go. CJNG came roaring down to reclaim a few years back after a theft, and... negotiated. That story you linked about Mayo, it's just a bullshit headline dude, with nothing to back it up.

    19. @6.09. So Sol was just a troll all this time? Everything he posted was just for us zipper heads? Completely consistent, but all ending on that punchline? Dude was playing a Loooong Game. Wow. Guess he fooled me for most of a decade.

    20. I remember a few times when Chivis didn't agree with Sol and made his ass simmer down. I also remember him being neutral until the guy who would post the Michoachango stuff had all the CJNG cheerleaders begging Sol to intervene because they couldn't handle the truth. Sol was beaten so bad that rumor has it he was found in a fetal position going on a deleting comment rampage with tears running down his cheeks. Acuerdate Sol, how you had a tantrum. LOL.

    21. 1:08 Are you a Meth head too, you should be sleeping son. You act like you were the fly, that was watchig everything Sol did and has done. Wtf do you care about his life, what are you trying to accomplish, hatred at 1:08 in the morning, get some sleep, shape up from having a bitter life.

    22. 747, AWWW did someone bad mouth your boyfriend, or is it you SOL trying to deflect from an anonymous account? Either way, your ass got triggered cause the truth hurts. By the way, the timestamps could be off depending on your actual timezone weenie.

  6. AMLO is more nervous what Mayo might tell the U.S. about the money he been taking. The U.S. is not going to tell AMLO the truth about Mayo/Guzman arrest.

  7. No se aguiten compas! Arriba Sinaloa ! Los compadres y Señorones Chapo y MZ se retiraron del negocio y viven como reyes en USA.
    El Raton y JGL jr estan de fiesta con El Vicentillo y el Mayito Gordo tomando Buchannon del 18 y comiendo caviar escuchando los narco corridos en sus Ferraris y Lamborghinis.

    Un saludaso al compa Sicario006.

    Culiacan todo bajo control !

    CH y la Pizza y Mayito Flaco haciendo sus negocios tranquilos.
    Un saludaso a todos los commandantes de Grupo Flechas ,Antrax .
    El Sen̈oron Guano al mando de su gente.

    1. Despierta de tu puto sueño tan mas pendejo que escuchado loco mamadas 😂😂😂

  8. Goes to show how weak this Mexican government is....they can't just come out and say the truth...Los chapaitos turned in el mayo for a favorable sentence

    1. Yes. The US government already said this. It is published everywhere. Son Sapos. Mencho going to take all of México now homes

    2. Like he took zacatecas or chiapas? Oh wait he getting wrecked in those states.

    3. You are telling this story since a long time. The jaliscas are still around in zac and chiapas.

  9. The chupas are gonna snitch their whole clique and own family out ... Then what nobody gonna wanna work with em anymore .... Shows how stupid they are

  10. The should start a band and call it EL CHUPA Y LOS SNITCHES


  12. I feel like the grown ups in here have said since the beginning there was a deal made beforehand and the little kids come up with the dumbest theories.

  13. Joaquin gives up to help Ovideo? I don't believe it. Rosa is lying to help her political career. Everyone knows ALMO is the best president and planned this whole caper to catch these gilbertonas.

    1. Amlo has special needs. He needs a protective helmet.

    2. 8:49 the mf could not deter cartel crimes, thousands died to homicide on AMLO watch, and now you want to give him credit, gag me with a spoon.
      The MF never knew what was going on until informed later.

  14. So, what about MZ, they decided to bring him along for good measure. MX govt is useless.

  15. Ah ok, koo story foo.

  16. I can't wait until they get that pathetic little Ivan...

  17. If you can’t trust your brothers, who can you trust.

    1. Half brothers

    2. 9:03 in Sicario 006

    3. Half brothers so does that mean you can kinda trust em

    4. No I think they ovidio and Joaquin have same mother and father.

    5. Edgar, Ovidio and Joaquin have the same mother... Doesn't necessarily mean you can trust your half siblings. Look at what Guano did to his half brother/ grandfather to Mochomito.

  18. Mayo will be tried in Brooklyn, like his comoadre.

  19. At least we have something to talk about.It was getting boring with the same old same same old stories.Like its just repeating itself.But the Americans tricked the fearless mob leader of them all to surrender without a single shot fired.Amazing to me.But now we all have something to read BB everyday for updates.

  20. The Brooklyn don't want to be in Brooklyn MDC.....not sure what the politics at play are

    The idea that he would be in El Paso from a justice standpoint seemed unlikely, was surprised it took this long. That El Paso indictment is old. The EDNY is current.

    but you know who else was prosecuted in EDNY

    Edgar Veytia
    Genaro Garcia Luna

    1. Even if he is prosecuted in Brooklyn does it really matter if more than likely there was a deal made before he surrendered. I know the case has to go through all the legal proceedings but I doubt Zambada would surrender knowing he’d spend what he has left of life in prison. The most credible theory to me is that he is in his last days and wanted to see his son. Who knows

  21. Los Mayitos need to start the war now or they go down. Curious though that the little chapo could trick Mayo like that. I thought they were at war. If true, why would Mayo trust little chapo? Dont trust fucker FBI either. They love latina whores and coke.

  22. AMLO forgot to mention that his son went to school with Ovidio. That’s the real deal… CDS paid lots of money for AMLOs campaign, DEA knew this, and when the US the as ready, they brought that to light through various sources.AMLO is not in good standing with the US. Maybe MZ knew that when AMLO left that the US was gonna get him anyways. Smart move on a deal (if there was one). Might as well live in peace the rest of your days here. Not a bad deal at all.

    1. I've never came across such information. Can you provide a link? I know the gringa AMLO's son married has a daughter with someone from Culiacan.

    2. No, it isn't the "real deal". That was a carefully timed media leak, and it was tit for tat diplomacy. Infobae (always prepared to lie to keep their US funding coming in) even blamed the AMLO admin for losing the chance of catching Mencho as a distraction during that time.

  23. Just came back from CLN, word was, "todo tranquilo... Hay mucho gobierno. Por un lado esta bien para la poblacion, por los que no andan metidos. Por otro lado esta cabron porque no dejan trabajar..." The other thing was, "no se esta moviendo tanto dinero como antes" that's when I went to exchange some cash... hit a few restaurants, visited family and friends, hung out by the pool. Hot as hell, but other than that, it was like any other trip. No pasa nada👌🏽✌🏽

    1. Hum bug...🤔 Another abbreviation..
      People expect us to know it, dios Mio...
      CLN=Celeste Nuevo Norteste.

    2. CLN-Culiacan maybe ? Just a thought

    3. 1219 if you don't know then it's not meant for you. Besides, you should be able to figure it out given the context of the comment or if you've ever traveled outside your 3 mile radius TAPADO. Dios mio!🤦🏽‍♂️

    4. Let me give it a crack. 😜

      CLN....Culiacan Loredo Nuevo.

    5. Ay te va pendejito
      LAX= Los Angeles
      MIA= Miami
      GDL= Guadalajara
      CDMX= Mexico City
      TIJ= Tijuana
      CUL= Celeste Nuevo Norteste... oh wait that's CNN. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you're a mongolito. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6. I know what it stands for...
      Conchita Lorenzo Nuevo/

    7. No one has cracked the 3 letters that stand for CLN let me give it a try again since El nino 8:14 did not give the answer.
      CLN..Cuca Learnado Norte.

  24. I think it’s telling that MX Gov continues to reiterate that they have nothing to do with this operation. Maybe the Chapitos did flip on MZ as vengeance for him turning in their dad? That would be pretty ballsy. Might be another reason the gov is quiet about it. Don’t want to ignite a war.

  25. They will never capture the real Jefes de Jefes; BRANDON and EL TROYANO, making it safe for gringos to wear Audemar Piagets in Cozumel. F.E.M. YOGURTZs Your trusted servant - N1gg4 a LOT #BigFishCartel

    1. Huh what? Spark it up again then go asleep

    2. FEM Yoghurts bad crew your in

  26. Everyone knows that a vegetable is smarter than Biden now. Kamala is another idiot and I'm a Democrat. Don't believe me, just listen to her talk about inflation or Ukraine. Is it possible ALMO or Sedena set up Joaquin and MZ to fall?

  27. Ivan is dead. There was a video on here under the headline mentioning bezerk or bezerker. Sol commented heavily on it. It was ivan being beheaded I'm almost 99.99% sure.

    1. I do believe there was a video on here with a dog carrying Ivan's head down the sidewalk. Yes, I do remember!

  28. So I had a theory.... What if the CIA/DEA had kidnapped one of the other brothers. And in exchange for their release all they had to do was lure El Mayo to a meeting with Vecinos present of course. Kidnap him and one of other brothers turn themselves in alongside and they'd release the other brother. CIA/DEA pockets 2 instead of just 1.

    1. wow, no way. The CIA are the people who make the coca and sell it to the Guzmans, and the DEA is the people who buy the coca from the Guzmans.

  29. I said it back then, chapo told los menores to make a deal , in that letter!! It took time but they did it..

  30. 06:19 Damn. Are you sure? Ivan Archivaldo and my machete have a date scheduled but it's been so hectic meeting up since his security detail got assassinated and recalled to Egypt.

  31. @Char thanks man. Did you see the way that AMLO is hugging and rubbing her? He just had a hugathon with Mayo and JGL last week.

    :) He held their hands and spoke softly while they played with a big stick.

  32. News Flash!!!
    All AMLO hardliners gather up.
    I regret to inform you all, due to unfortunate events transpiring in Mexico. AMLO has Lost the lawsuit against Gun manufacturers, you all have to remind him, gun traffickers bring guns to Mexico, not the manufacturers.
    Yeah!!! No lawsuit.

    1. Yeah I read that article came out today.
      Obrador already has a lot of money saved, from the bribes he gets. He does not need more, from trying to win a frivolous lawsuit.
      If he had his Miltary customs at checkpoints of things coming in from USA, he would not have criminals bringing guns, rifles ammunition into Mexico, quick to blame the USA.

    2. Ay ya yi! You two are the prime example of what people refer to as "sheep" or brainwashed by the media. I can tell you guys read a lot of headlines without actually digging into the facts. I remember when the lawsuit came about, it was talked about on AMLO's mañanera. During that Mañanera he said he knew it would not stick, but the lawsuit was filed for several reasons. 1 was to add a financial burden on gun manufacturers, 2 to waste their time, and lastly, the president said the move was symbolic. It was done to draw attention to the illicit arms trafficking and how the U.S showed so much concern for their drug addicted population and disregard for the lives that were being lost or affected by U.S gun manufacturers in Mexico. Although the product being trafficked by either side is different, the end result has been the same.

    3. 1:42am you need to get some sleep, that meth keeps you up for days.
      What part did you not get the mf lost the lawsuit, I repeat LOST, the lawsuit, he gets fkn NADA.
      Manning check stations for contraband to Mexico, should have been done along time ago, he is good at the Blame Game. Besides the MF was busy hugging cartels, instead of detouring the high homicides, kidnapping.

    4. 1256 what part of he knew the lawsuit was never going to stick did you fail to understand pendejo.

    5. 12:56
      Yes those are valid points, too bad he did not win, that would have been more money, into his retirement account, besides the bribes he had received. He went after the wrong group. Its the criminals that bring then in , that he should be after.

    6. 832 answering back to himself again.

  33. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Rosa Icela Rodríguez are two dirty, corrupt politicians who knowingly took millions of pesos in bribes from Mayo and JGL, and they have no idea how they gave up the good fight. Hugs for everyone!

    1. If you have the proof then show it, otherwise we just gotta wait and see if Mayo spills the beans, which I doubt he will.

  34. AMLO is scared because El Mayo might spill his guts out and rat on everything & everyone like Vicentillo Zambada

  35. Si se entregan la chapiza y mayizaaaaa sigue fuerte con la federación sin.. se entregaron para que sigan fuerte con el nuevo gobierno ayayyyaiiii saludos


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