Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Attorney General's Office And The Navy Conducted Searches In The Guadalajara Metropolitan Area: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

A total of about 30 officers from the Secretariat of the Navy provided support.


Elizabeth Ibal / El Occidental

The Attorney General's Office and the Secretary of the Navy carried out several raids on properties in Huentitán El Bajo and Nuevo México, in Guadalajara.

The officers from the Attorney General's Office headquarters in Mexico City and the marines arrived this Friday morning at the property related to an investigation file.

The search was carried out at the intersection of Volcán Sajama and Volcán Miravelles, after a judge granted the search warrant for the property located in one of the departmental towers.

A total of 30 officers from the Secretariat of the Navy supported the event, who were deployed in the surrounding area to ensure that it took place in a calm manner.

The presence of officers was also reported at the intersection of Yahualica and Juan Gil Preciado Avenue, in the Nuevo Mexico neighborhood. At that site, traffic was closed and another proceeding was carried out.

On Sunday, August 11, another security operation was carried out in the Santa Margarita neighborhood, where Héctor “C”, accused of being an accomplice of the former Federal Public Security Secretary, Genaro García Luna, was captured.

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  1. Mark my words, Mencho is dead man walking. And this time his fan girls will finally be able to say he's dead man.

    1. Why? Got any arguments? Mencho is like MZ, they don't want the publicity unlike Chapo and his ilk. They needed to trick MZ with a meeting with the governor and mayor to get him down from the Sierra otherwise they wouldn't get him either

    2. U fools they are all dead men walking ... Have any gotten away it doesn't take a genius to figure that out ..... DUB FOOLS TELL US SOMETHING WE DONT KNOW

    3. that’s cool fool

  2. Remember when MZ send El Ruso to mexicali

  3. Replies
    1. Menso mencho ESTA muerto vato loco.

    2. 9:47 that's what you lot said about Mayo too. You know the rules: pics or it didn't happen

    3. No he has alfaro in his pockets, alafro will obey otherwise he gets the sandoval threatment.

    4. 1:08 no period kid, I never said Mayo was dead. Get it straightened, mencho ESTA muerto vato loco.

  4. Amlo might want to finish off with a big CJNG arrest. The Mexican armed forces have already been close to catching Jardinero and 03 in the past year .

  5. Are they going after a particular top boss?

  6. 🤣🤣🤣 Don Mencho el de la M Grande le gusta este post 👍

  7. Calm down Sinaloa fan girls! Rarely does mencho go to Guadalajara,he’s in the hills,mountains!!

  8. El Señor de los Gallos will never be caught .He is too powerful .
    The only time they were really close to capturing him ,his security team took down a helicopter . Even if American team 6 went for him it would just be a failed mission.🐓

    1. Vato loco, he will never be caught, because he is dead, at the Guadalupe cemetery. 🤣😷

    2. Eso crees contra el gobierno nadie pero nadie puede ahí vas a wachar

  9. Put the brakes on 3:37. If the US focused the resources of its armed forces in special forces, and spent a significant amount of time looking for Mencho, he is ass would be in custody in a very short period of time, and that goes for every person on this planet. The resources and abilities of the US military, both overt and covert is overwhelming. Fuck with us and you’ll have more F 35s A-10 warthog’s and missiles flying up your ass. Be careful what you wish for, and making claims that have no factual basis, or evidence to support them.

    1. how many years to get obl? resources are limited...and when they go back old school its pretty tricky to find them.

  10. Warthogs VERY scary weapons system 🤨


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