Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Mysterious Flight of El Mayo & Joaquin Part 2: What is Now Claimed

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Read The First Part Here

One week ago, we reported on the details of the Beechcraft King Air that delivered Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada-Garcia and Joaquin Guzman Lopez to US authorities. Initially, Mexico's President and Security Secretary claimed incorrectly, based on the Santa Teresa, New Mexico flight records that day that the plane was an older Cessna 250 owned and piloted by Larry Curtis Parker.

We saw from multiple news and local sources as well as photos of the seized aircraft that this was incorrect. However, no record of the Beechcraft with registration number N287KA flew into the US that day, let alone from Mexico.

Further details have emerged from Reforma reported Peniley Ramirez who initially spoke to the Cessna's pilot that the Beechcraft was flown from Culiacan, Sinaloa; not from Sonoroa or Chihuaha as reported prior. She also claims that the plane is owned by Joaquin and the registration numbers were vinyl numbers placed on the plane rather than painted on like the rest of the graphics.

According to the Reforma article, the real plane that carried Joaquín Guzmán and Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada left for the United States from Culiacán, Sinaloa, not Sonora. 

Less than 15 minutes after taking off, Guzmán contacted his contact in the United States. He told him that he was on his way to the Doña Ana airport in New Mexico and that he had "Mayo" with him. The son of "Chapo" paid for the expenses of the flight on the Beechcraft King Air plane "owned by Guzmán," including the pilot.

When the aircraft crossed into US airspace, according to a confidential source, US authorities already knew that it was Guzmán,"not an intruder or a terrorist."

In Sinaloa, officially, the Mexican authorities have found no record of the flight, not even of the plane.

Peniley claimed in her article "the closest thing I have been able to trace, thanks to pilots who work in the area, is that a few days before a plane of the same model and painted the same landed on the El Zorrillo runway, near the municipality of Guadalupe y Calvo, in Chihuahua. I know that runway because I have landed there on one of my research trips. It is a runway under the control of Sedena, as seen in the logos of the video I obtained of the landing a few days before."

That runway is an important air gateway that connects legal flights between some places in Chihuahua and Sinaloa with the most intricate areas of the Golden Triangle. Many people who avoid hours of dangerous and intricate roads arrive at El Zorrillo by air. In my reporting, I also found there that sometimes illegal flights land or take off, for which there is no record, or planes without documents, with covered or changed numbers.

It is difficult to know if the same plane that was in El Zorrillo a few days earlier is the one that took Guzmán and "El Mayo" from Sinaloa to New Mexico on July 25. First, because in the video from a few days before it is observed that the plane was able to land in El Zorrillo with the numbers were covered, a violation of aeronautical regulations. And second, because on the day of the "Mayo" flight, the plane flew to the United States with a duplicate registration.

[Based on our observations of the photos, the numbers appear to have been cloned or Photoshopped off of the plane in the image, versus covered up on the plane itself.] 

A King Air 250 with the same registration number confirmed in South America in 2017 with a different Beechcraft paint scheme. The tips on the wings are also not seen in the aircraft seized in the US.

Cloned Aircraft

The seized King Air with the same number, but in vinyl lettering.

Vinyl adhesive registration numbers are prohibited, they must be painted on for legal reasons.

Closeups show the graphics are painted across the plane.

The plane with the real registration number N287KA, that day, was in fact flying in Texas. He had not been to Mexico since February, when he flew between Puerto Vallarta and Nuevo Laredo.

Peniley Ramirez was able to obtain the seized plane's serial number to identify the true origin and past owners of the aircraft:

"And with that, I tracked down his history in public records. Until 2013, a plane with that same serial number was flying with a US registration. That year, it was sold to a Mexican financial company. It was assigned a Mexican license plate. During these years, according to public records, the plane has been property of that company, and its main airport has been Xala-pa, Veracruz. At least, that's how it was in the most recent record I found, from September 2023."

"That plane was even under an investigation by the National Electoral Institute on the use of aircraft in Veracruz. This particular serial number was related to a company, domiciled in Coatzacoalcos, that provided airplanes to PRI politicians."

"In the photos of the planes, the one that arrived in New Mexico and the one domiciled in Xalapa, you can see some differences, although they have the same serial number. The authorities have not been able to explain this either."

"Now, Mexican authorities are trying to investigate how the flight to New Mexico occurred, what the history of that plane was and how it came to be used by Guzmán and Zambada. The investigation reflects a larger problem that the authorities have not explained: how drug trafficking can use commercial airplanes, officially registered, and others with covered, duplicate license plates, without a flight plan."

The exact location from which the plane that took 'El Mayo' and Joaquín Guzmán López to New Mexico took off is still officially unknown, as is the identity and nationality pilot and the flight plan.

The Attorney General's Office (FGR) opened investigation file 1882/24 in the state of Sonora, in order to clarify the origin and destination of the aircraft in which they traveled to the United States. The governor of Sonora, Alfonso Durazo, and the state Public Security Secretariat have reiterated that they do not have information about any similar flight, so they have ruled out that the drug traffickers departed from Sonora.

The other still unanswered question is if "El Mayo" came to the US and surrendered willingly or was forced to by Joaquin Guzman Lopez and/or other figures.

DEA Official Claims Mayo Surrendered

Frank Perez, "El Mayo's" attorney representing him in initial hearings in El Paso, Texas claimed multiple times that his client was kidnapped and taken to the US against his will. Further reports claimed that the longtime Sinaloa Cartel leader was lured into a meeting and detained at gunpoint by men in military uniforms before being taken to the airstrip and tied to his seat in the plane. Large zip ties were seen in photos inside the plane; however it is not visible if they had been used and cut off of Mayo.

A new report from Proceso, claiming information from a senior DEA official that he arrived willingly.

“I’ve arrived,” was what El Mayo allegedly said when the Beechcraft King Air plane landed at the municipal airport in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, according to what a DEA official told Proceso on the day of the arrests.

“There were negotiations and conversations prior to the plane’s arrival. Our agents, along with colleagues from the FBI, were waiting for it in Santa Teresa,” said the senior official from the DEA.

That DEA official was also the first who confirmed to Proceso the arrest of "El Mayo."

"We never imagined that we would be able to arrest "El Mayo". He never left his hiding places in the mountains of the Golden Triangle (between Chihuahua, Durango and Sinaloa) and on many occasions he suspended the contacts we had with him directly through intermediaries," said the senior DEA official.

The agreed delivery of "El Mayo" to US authorities, according to the official, was carried out through intermediaries; among them Jesús "El Vicentillo" Vicente Zambada Niebla.

“US officials also quietly negotiated with Mr. Zambada García on his potential surrender for at least three years, with interruptions, although these negotiations eventually came to nothing," reported the New York Times. It was around three years ago that Vincentillo allegedly entered the US Witness Protection Program.


  1. El mayo se entrego. En sinaloa esta calmado. Si no nomas en culiacan habria sangre si no por todo sinaloa hasta donde no alcanzan los guachos.

    1. Es mas vergonzoso si se entrgo, que culo. Y Sinaloa no esta trabquilo, tiene años sin tranquilidad.

    2. 4:52 Que verguensa? Si el se sacrificó y va poder por fin ver sus hijos nunca va salir pero ya está viejo y no tiene mucho tiempo

    3. Tranquilo... no segas mamon.. y los 5 que mataron los soldados.. y la balazera en el sur de Culiacan.. no segas pendejo

    4. 100% se entrego. Yo les decia a la raza pero nos gusta la sospensa!

    5. 5:39 Que triste y que verguenza, hablas como si fuera una persona honrada.

    6. EEUU se lo puso muy claro, te calmas cabron o vamos por el chiquelaso.

    7. Easy way to know if a deal was made is if they get life sentences or not. Be I think he traded rest of his life for the life of his children. If so. Salute Old Man Mayo

    8. 8:38 That's what he did. There's no unrest in Sinaloa and that says it all. Besides, they say that Mayo moved around with at least 30 people protecting him, and he was on that plane solo. And supposedly he never came down from la sierra. I think that's why Mayito Flaco had taken over for a bit now. His dad was his training wheels and once Mayo seen that he was up to the task and satisfied that everything would be alright on that front it was time to turn himself in.

    9. @452 vives aki n cln paq digas q no esta trankilo? aki tiene años bien calmado aparte de gobierno?
      @10:22 where u part of those 30 ppl or y are u so sure? el mayo aki se movia nomas con uno o 2 personas siempre les ppl les atention

    10. #1 There´s no unrest in Sinaloa, so he planned this himself #2 He has late stage cancer, #3 He wants to see his sons before he dies, #4 He´s not stupid, he was not caught in 50 years #5 He will sing and a lot of politicians will be changing their pampers now.

    11. 121 lol sure kid

    12. 12:48
      Siempre que miro las noticias ahi un desmadre en Sinaloa con photos de muertos. En lugares disque "calmado" todos los negocios pagan extorcion.

    13. 1:21 am get some sleep.
      You think Mayo was brought to USA to stay, at the 5 star Holiday Inn.
      It's time to pay the Piper, he did the crimes, time to pay the time.
      He has no privileges to see his kids.
      You don't know if he has any health issues, don't tell me Tia Cuca said so.
      Pure speculation on your dream part.
      Next ya going to say he is bringing US🤣🤣

    14. You live in a fantasy world taught to you by propagandists who claimed to be teachers and steady drip from your TV umbilical cord under the absurd impression you have actual knowledge about how the world works

      Just let the real authorities take care of reality while you go about your day being a blissfully ignorant consumer

    15. 10:11am aki en cln siempre amanesen muertos perobx ciertas razones algo isieron aki es muy normal eso y es tar calmado cuando se calienta es cuando ahi desmadre guerras y asi. y ven aki a cln y dime cuales negocios estan pagando couta

  2. Where's the people waxing hysterical about BB being censored about Mayo?

  3. It was a deal , no way around that.
    Only Mayo could make those type of deals with the U.S Government.

    1. Interesting, I see no deal and I see no way around it. Will see who's view gets vindicated in the following months.

    2. nope your wrong mijo. Nuffsaid!!!

    3. Uh huh. 438 is a MZ nut hugger. What boss turns himself in? Chapo didn't, Mochomo didn't. MZ got hussled.

    4. 438 no I dont think so

    5. That is your hypothesis- so please do not state it as fact. We do not know and I firmly disagree without understanding what Mayo was seeking to gain given his age and health. His family is wealthy and safe, he is obviously comfortable and well protected en la Sierra; so what could his motive have been?

    6. Replying to the comment about El Chapo not turning himself in lol..El Chapo made a Deal with the government back in 93 and turned himself in to authorities down in Guatemala..The Deal was he would help dismantle the Aretes while getting protection in jail from Ramon Arellano that was hunting down El initially El Chapo became a snitch for the government while they let him operate from jail,and broke out of jail when the Aretes had gotten weakened by arrests, betrayals,and murders..El Chapos family full of Rats and government informants,and what a coincidence that it was a Guzman that set up MZ for the US government SMH..the real mafiosos should know by now not to make deals or trust a Guzman!

    7. 4:38 Mayo's is the only person that can do that because you say so?

    8. @5:52 chapo was hiding in Guatemala paying bribing but somebody turned him in betrayed him Zambadas have been giving information and testifying turning in people but you keep just mentioning chapos only.

  4. If the US is willing to make a deal with you, you must be an important person.

    1. Or a CIA asset

    2. 538 all the low iqs thinking mayos a cia asset reality he was kidnapped bahahaha and hes not a asset

    3. They make deals with bums all the time. I swear the average person who posts on here has to be like 20 years old and no life experience.

  5. Who will hide forever? Do I think he turned himself in? I can't imagine him being in a situation that would prompt that. Maybe he's got brain cancer and he can't get to a hospital without getting arrested. And he worked a deal out to treat his brain. LOL or maybe he has brain cancer and they're going to kill everybody he cares about unless he turns himself in and they promise to protrude his brain cancer. One thing for sure you can hide forever. And it gets even harder with 50 million on your head. And you have brain cancer LOL

    1. 5:05
      With his money he can have quality treatments in Mexico incognito in his hideout.

    2. 5:05 Better to have brain cancer than to be braindead.

    3. Be careful because you can have brain cancer as well .

  6. Doesn’t look like Mayo to me, sorry. He’s supposed to be tall too, that pic of him on the horse with the rifle or even with Processo shows a diff man.. regardless of age.

    1. It's definitely Mayo.

    2. 5:24 actually makes a good point but I don't know how realistic it is in this situation? I actually know an older gentleman who used to work for Sinaloa in the 2000's in South Florida ,he moved a lot of merchandise for some very important individuals in Mexico, although he is an American. When he was caught higher-ups arranged somebody to go to prison for him, no I'm not bs'ing or exaggerating. I don't know the details but somebody literally served over 8 years for him, they knew what prison he would be and had set up everything with a gang in there to protect him, the guy did his time got released early for good behavior.
      The real criminal was out walking around the entire time. His mother received a phone call saying he was being released from prison and the mother was completely baffled as he had been having dinner at the mom's house for the past 7 8 years. I had no idea but this is a fairly common tactic at least back then??
      Again I am not saying that this is or is not a mile but it is not as far-fetched as I would have initially thought.

    3. I too thought it was a different person because he seemed so calm and damn near bored. Whereas El Chapo was in tears the last time he was captures.

    4. @704 — this happens a lot in Italy, specifically in Naples… Camorristi will pay off a guy and his family to take even the harshest prison times for them…

    5. 8:15
      But with lower level guys not big shots like Mayo who's fingerprints and DNA are in US possession.

    6. @704.....Rubio you crazy as hell!

    7. 7:04 oh brother.
      Please keep your Red panties on.

    8. 11: 57, it's becoming obvious you're bored, standing by the sidelines no longer able to respond as SOL😂😂 you have my number and email, no reason to reach out via blogger. I hope you're doing well, hang in there

    9. @1157 & 1251 — both you guys are weird.

    10. @730 — also if you remember the Processo interview he did year back, he made it very clear he would never let himself be caught and taken to prison…

      …and to be caught with ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY??????

  7. Arriva cartel de los sapos🐸!!!! and on many occasions he suspended the contacts we had with him directly through intermediaries," said the senior DEA official. All the people mayo has given up to them .Mayo kept snitching his whole RIP gilbertona.

    1. Even vizentillo said he was an informant gov went back on their deal.

  8. Can’t even hide their facts straight lmao

    Same Processo that interviewed him too, right?

  9. MAYO and his kids are certified rats, they are official protected snitches.
    OF COURSE he turned himself in

  10. Wheres all the gilbertonas to cheerlead for this snitch!!!!!? Or make excuses for his actions to turn himself in? RIP Gilbertona.

  11. Only Sicario#006 knows the truth about this whole situation. This reminds me of the movie "The Dark Knight Rises ". The scene where Bane hijacks a plane and gets away in another plane with a kidnapped scientist.
    I could see Mossad trained Sic#006 halo jumping from a Cesna and recreating this with JGL and MZ.

    1. Sicario006 for president!!

    2. Right a halo jump from a Cessna. You know you have to get up so high, in terms of Altitude that the Cessna would fall apart

  12. You guys are living a in a world of Disney if you think mayo turned himself in , that man has cancer and diabetes ,in prison they do not give you the health care you need for neither of those illnesses you think he would turn himself in knowing that , and u Guys are nuts if you guys say the government would give him the health care as part of the negotiation you guys are living in a fairy tale land .Chapos son turned him in , the only reason war hasn’t broke out is because there is a lot of government everywhere .He trusted the wrong mf that gained his trust and waited for the right time to strike ,come on his 3 body guards havnt even been found which is Peña chaidez and I can’t remember the last ones name , if they were alive the Mexican government what have announced there arrest right now , mark my words shit is going to hit the fan . Atte gente del salado

    1. 557 but hes a cia asset .... but but but. He got kidnapped and thrown on a plane people open up your eyes

    2. Oh, even if he turned himself in… The federal system has several federal penitentiaries that offer world class medical treatment. For example, the Fort Worth federal penitentiary. Whitey Bolger got treatment in federal facilities… so I guess they just changed the rules huh? Or you were just making stuff up I mean.

    3. Contrary to popular belief, they actually do give you medication and treatment in federal prison , with Springfield Missouri being one (MCFP). State prison ….probably not so much .

    4. Peña, Chaidez and the other individual who you don't remember what his name is claimed the $15 million dollar reward. They gone!

  13. In prison they provide better health care than the average u.s. citizen receives as a free citizen. Know what you're talking about please.

    1. Mayo had better medical care in mex with his wealth.

    2. No they don’t lol

    3. @6:15PM Your absolutely right . I am not sure why so many people believe prisons , especially a federal prison, does not provide good healthcare . There’s actually a joke referring to how much better prison healthcare is opposed to healthcare on the outside.

    4. Knocker....are you 🤪 crazy?

    5. Have you even been to prison ? lol they give you health care but very poor health care and don’t tend to you till it’s almost to late . Keep believing the fairy tale stories

    6. No they don’t you fucking liar! It pathetic health and dental with scrub doctors and dentists. For teeth It’s live with it or pull it for health they put it off and put it off
      You don’t know shit you punk

    7. Yes I have. Better healthcare than average citizens.

    8. This is a load of crap. In prison the doctors will stand around and watch you die of cancer of Hepatitis C. They own you like the military does.

    9. Sure. Thats why they have hospital prisons, because they let you die. Again, you are guaranteed care. Life preserving care and quality of life procedures/operations. You aren't getting dental implants but they'll set you up with some dentures.
      So yeah, Mayo turned himself in. Quit it with the fairy tales like you have something personally invested besides being an apologist/jock rider for any of these evil murderous dirtbags

  14. Zambadas are rats by nature.

  15. The Guzman fatso did what Guzman do best and ratted out the old man. Only reason why war hasn't broken out is the close to 3k solders that got sent there. Oh and they just sent another 200 special forces soldiers.. thats why cant wait for them to leave so the cockroches can take each other out

    1. Lol sin llorar

    2. You wrote this with tears in your eyes huh

  16. I read that Zambada paid scientist from a foreign country to clone him so he can let the copy be arrested. The US has a cloned version.

    1. I have a cloned version of my 11" Chorizo.

    2. And now he lives in space with Darth Vader huh? Get your head out of your fantasy world.

    3. This is 100 percent fact. El Patron MZ1 jefe de jefes was sent to Darmstadt Germany to the Deutsches Museum where all the top scientist in bio mechanics and human cloning are located from there el senor Zambada was given regenerative cellular treatment so he can heal and live a long retirement in the USA in Southern California with his two favorite sons he will be protected by 150 man apparatus trained by black rock operators former Delta tier one operators. He will be joined by his compadre Joaquin El Chapo Guzman this was all a plan for retirement. Ivan Alfredo and Mayito will be the representatives to the federation until it is there time to retire in the USA.
      Sicario 006

    4. DOJ promised him 15 minutes in a MedBed.

    5. Regenerative cellular treatment provides limited benefits at best. As someone with spinal cord injury and many friends who have SCII have seen many of them take this treatment with zero benefits. They go to Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Germany, and other European nations and they spend a whole Lotta money and don’t get shit in terms of recovery or function. There you go again, making up shit out of thin air.

  17. I saw that king air in orbegon sonora 2 years ago at the airport it was the only American registered plane sitting their.

  18. CIA kidnap period. Like they did the Honduran Jaun Matta. The US government a mf. Workin all sides💯

  19. Hey, Mail made a deal and turned himself in. The CDS have been making deals with the DEA since the early days of the criminal group. Additionally, with Mayo suffering from end-stage renal failure, I think he just was tired of looking over his shoulder, running and wondering when the arrest would come. So he decided to do it on his terms, so he could get the best deal possible. CDS has a history of doing this.

    1. El Azul is one of them

    2. 8:38 💯!!!! CDS has a history of snitching, thats Mayo is gonna do, snitch his heart out

    3. One thing that all dying people, criminal or not, have in common is they want to die in their own home, surrounded by family. No person, especially an elderly person,wants to die away from home and their family. They don't want to die in a hospital let alone a jail cell. So it is hard to believe El Mayo would trade in dying at home to dying in a foreign land's prison system. Controlling your exit out of this world is something everyone wants to do. El Mayo, dying on the outside, means he beat the gringos and I would think that would be something that El Mayo always dreamed of. So I find it very difficult to believe that he voluntarily went to the US. What kind of deal could the US even offer an old, dying man that would be good enough for him to spend his last dying days in a US prison cell? As for treatment, everyone says he is dying, so there is nothing US medical care can do for him especially prison medical care. Yes, the US has to provide prisoners with medical care, however whether it be state or federal, it is shitty medical care. Some say its better than a US civilian's healthcare as there are many stories especially in TX where someone has purposely committed a crime in order to get healthcare that was not available for multiple reasons. Yes it is true that prisoners must be provided medical care compared to people on the outside, but that is just a testament to how shitty the US healthcare system is regarding all walks of life in the US. By the way, someone on trial, would probably have better care, because the US government wants a conviction, but once that is attained the shitty healthcare would quickly replace pre-conviction medical care.

    4. 7:26 don't you worry mother Theresa.
      The old school generals from Mexico along with AMLO, are working feverishly to get grampa Mayo out.
      There planning on doing a Cienfuegos tactic. There trying to get Biden at his weakest, by sending a letter, that the government of Mexico will try him at their courts. Unfortunately they have not found a right time. ALMO was making mockery of US, when they set Cienfuegos free. Sorry AMLO ,USA will not fall for that trick with Mayo. Thank God, Mexico was not notified ahead of time, of Mayos arrest or they would have snitched to Mayo.

  20. Do you know how cloning works? Evidently not it seems he came out of the petri dish and the surrogate mother as an 80-year-old man. From a scientific standpoint that is not possible.

    1. You're correct, I think that guy was just clowning.

    2. This is how Mayo was able to evade capture for so many decades. When the authorities were close to capturing him, his scientists would simply clone him in a different location and he would make his escape.

  21. After reading the article but particularly the information in the comments, I feel enlightened in the power of absolutely true, factual, knowledge from the commentators. From all the knowledgeable drug traffickers, and such who would be stupid enough to put information or basically evidence to DEA and LE

    1. Yeah if you don’t like us you can leave ma’m . We say what we want here

  22. Just go to show how he has a deal in place . Anybody with.a brain could see that.

  23. We need to know who the pilot was

    1. El chapo was the pilot while listening to el Alfa all the way to the u.s

    2. 11:58 PM this is true, El Chapo has a high speed rail tunnel from his cell to Mayo's condo. Chapo came to give Mayo an airplane ride, but then his compass went crazy like the Bermuda triangle and got lost. Then he parachuted just from the plane just in time, and Mayo landed the plane. This is what actually happened. It's in the corrido

  24. The dea conviced vicentillo to talk to his dad n get it over with thats how dea works and since mayo already old he knows he cant run forever better a fixed surrender than to get cought almost hitting 80 its just the son lookin out for father like we all do

    1. The only way he would go for a deal is if he is not dying and the deal would only be he would serve no more than 2 yrs and that is an impossible deal. No way he could even settle for a deal that was a 5 yr sentence. He is already reached his life expectancy. One more thing most are leaving out when talking about some sort of deal and that is the US government cannot be trusted and breaking a deal is nothing for the US, because the US gov has no honor. The Feds could just blame it on the judge that refused the deal.

  25. FMC Butner, North Carolina, is affiliated with Duke’s medical school and offers advanced oncology services. FMC Devens, Massachusetts, provides dialysis services to the federal prison population.

  26. He forsure is in health decline just look at his face and the color he has the last picture of his interview he stood tall and face was chunkyy father is the same age and is pretty much just always wanting to see his grand kids in peace and always checking up on me on his last court appearance there where 2 younger zambadas that day a male and female unknown till that day clearly living in the US

  27. Every country/ Government is corrupted. Americans are just too blind to see.
    What ever their government tells them they believe lol, lose a little faith man.

    1. @1:30 Yeah the whole government is corrupt like it is in Mexico right?
      Use that excuse to corrupt the rest of the nation.
      LIsten. Whatever the fuck the government does or doe not do so fuckin what???
      You live your God given life in peace and let others do the same.
      Don't bitch and cry the governments are coprrupt to make you sound smart.

    2. 1:30 is right. Genius level propaganda keeps the sheep in USA believing they have freedom and democracy truth and justice. 653 and 720 typical members of the flock.

    3. 7:20 I’m not bitching or crying over corruption. I’m not making this a mexico , United States comparison on corruption either. I’m just saying that some people think it’s just a mexico issue but don’t know or don’t want to Admit that U.S also has corruption problems.

    4. @7:20 oh calm down John, just because Americans don’t like to listen to the truth, it doesn’t mean it’s not real. We all know mexico , central and South America has those problems and United States is not that behind either.

  28. If I was mayo I would have done the same shit.. avoid mexican hell hole prison at 70 yrs old . Tell the whiteboys huh here I am .. im make yall look good like u caught me in exchange shoot me 5 yrs and a 300 million fine ..and call it a day

  29. American Pilot. That says it all. CIA, DEA, FBI???

    1. I have been saying it will come out us had a hand in his kidnapping and he will be released to live in us with his family

  30. Why doesn't anyone see that it was CJNG that dealt this mega-blow to the CDS? The pilot was actually CJNG operativo yoghurt and the air steward was EL TROYANO. They're making it safe in Cozumel for gringos to wear rolexes. BIG FISH CARTEL

    1. Another made up speculation, by the ninos cabesones marijuanos.

    2. 845 its about as believable as mayo turned himself in

    3. 2:58 I feel like growns up think Mayo turned himself in and little kids believe he didn't .

    4. What is cjng lol clowns are getting their asses handed to them in every plaza they attempt to enter deadchos group didn't last 10 years

  31. A deal being made makes the most sense cuz it doesn’t seem plausible that mayo could be kidnapped but that’s been the word in culiacan.

    Obviously no one wants to die in a prison hospital but there’s a chance mayo made that sacrifice for the sake of the organization and his last free son. Most people know that culiacan has been flooded with DEA and insane pressure from the United States to go after the big names. Considering they got the biggest fish there is, maybe they’ll stop squeezing the city so hard and let people get back to business. Which makes things safer for mayito flaco to continue operating without being hunted like a dog.

    For all we know mayo is on dialysis and they’ll keep him alive for the trial to soak up all the headlines, allow chapo to testify against him and pull the plug once he’s convicted. No one wants to die in prison but also no one wants to die in the mountains being hunted 24/7 while terminally ill.

    With that said, people in culiacan still believe he was kidnapped and betrayed.

  32. Fascinating stuff, great article

  33. My thinking is that his deal will be like his sons or even better

    He will be in a camp or army barrack or whatever that do a private witness facility for cooperators high level ones

  34. Chapitos got one over on Don Mayo for turning their pops in.


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