Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, August 5, 2024

UpDate: Former Police Officer Among Those Killed By The Army In Loma De Redo, Quilá: Culiacán, Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS 


One of the men killed during the confrontation with Army and National Guard elements in Loma de Redo, in the Quilá syndicate, belonged to the ranks of the Municipal Police, and another had an arrest warrant for homicide in 2015.

The man who was a former Municipal Police agent was identified by his relatives as José Luis N, who left the force several years ago.

On the other hand, authorities indicated that the man who had an arrest warrant for the crime of homicide in 2015 was identified as Juan Miguel M, 32 years old, who had an address in the Quilá syndicate and another address in the Rosarito ejido, in the Eldorado syndicate.

The information indicates that Juan Miguel M, had a court order for the murder of Efraín G, who was 21 years old.

Jose Luis was identified by his relatives yesterday, while Juan Miguel was identified last Saturday morning.

Relatives are waiting for the authorities to complete their investigations so that the bodies can be delivered to them for the funeral.

The others killed
Relatives identified six of the seven men killed during the confrontation between Army and National Guard elements and armed civilians in the community of Loma de Redo, in the Quilá syndicate.

They are: 

  • Julio Aarón N, with residence in Navolato.
  • Juan Miguel N, 32 years old, residing in the Quilá syndicate.
  • Mario Alfonso N, from the town of Tecomate.
  • Marco Antonio N, from Quilá.
  • Inés Guadalupe N, from San Pedro, Navolato.
  • José Luis N, with address in Culiacán.

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  1. Pues no que muy calmado en Sinaloa.

    1. Pues si está calmado , se toparon pero eso se agarraron..

    2. Todo calmado nomas otro dia en un estado donde ahi mafia .

    3. En Sinaloa se agarran a bergazos con la chota y wachos. No como en michoacan y jalisco donde los muertos de hambre del menso levantan a la gente por dinero

    4. Esas son mentiras en Durango el cartel de Sinaloa ya tiene a los pobladores hasta la verga con sus extorsiones y cobro de piso. Niñas en Culiacán no cobrarán piso pero todos otros lados si. Igual el cartel de Jalisco. En sus casa no cobran ni madres pero en otros lados la misma mierda

    5. In Georgia the same, 4 tons of meth seized just this last week. The shade of Mayo is over buddies, I’m your Daddy now

    6. 9:09 eso siempre a pasado,ambas lacras son unos muertos de hambre nomas que los alucines se avionan con sus corridos

    7. @Daddy Hi Daddy, how much meth do you have?

    8. En Jalisco y Michoacán topamos de frente por eso siempre ay balacera y top ones entre uno no Como en Sinaloa Que nomas en Los corridos alarden y nomas son Puro soplon
      Cartel De Soplones y no quien diga Que no

  2. Arriva la chapizaaaaaa

  3. Humm bug...🤔
    So a police officer was going against the Army, no sympathy for the police officer, he had dirty hands.

    1. That police x police had a warrant for murder so he was not an innocent police off duty.

    2. The x policeman was not the one with the warrant for murder.

    3. 9:51
      The warrant is active for the police man, that done a homicide. Go back and read the article, don't be lazy.

    4. "One of the men killed during the confrontation with Army and National Guard elements in Loma de Redo, in the Quilá syndicate, belonged to the ranks of the Municipal Police, and another had an arrest warrant for homicide in 2015.

      The man who was a former Municipal Police agent was identified by his relatives as José Luis N, who left the force several years ago.

      On the other hand, authorities indicated that the man who had an arrest warrant for the crime of homicide in 2015 was identified as Juan Miguel M, 32 years old, who had an address in the Quilá syndicate and another address in the Rosarito ejido, in the Eldorado syndicate." 8:12 Juan Miguel is not Jose Luis, genius. Don't be stupid, or lazy mijita.

  4. Culiacan is do for a little nuke like the one in hiroshima and nagasaki, trust me, no body in mexico is gonna miss that rats nest called Culiacan, shit we are gonna be forever thankfull, i hope Trump pulls the teigger when he becomes president and does us Mexicans that huge favor

    1. Kind of mind-boggling comments like these are approved by the "moderators". Is Solecito Mana back to his mod role?

    2. Nuke your moms tamal with raid

    3. 12:57 PM
      Guess your not a part of the herd mentality,you can stay

    4. Damn so f the innocent i guess, not everyone moving drugs dude and Sinaloa got some baddies and i heard they got good sea food too, Don’t be like Sol hating on a whole state/city just because of a couple bad apples

    5. 1:52 no period kid has a lot of free time, he is on lock up. So his reptilian mind runs wild.
      He doesn't realize, the bomb he is fixated, would wipe out 1/2 of Mexico.
      😂 Lol here he thinks it will only wipe out the Cartels.

    6. It's not mind boggling since sol posted himself similar things.

    7. Culiacan is not the only one where narcos and crime is. For you to call for a nuke to kill Mexican people and you so called Mexican yourself mind boggling.

    8. Ya no es Sol hoy en adelante se llamara LUNA APAGADA.. es una vieja harguendera

  5. Ahí vienen los que dicen “ Mayo el
    Rata , Mayo el punta dedos , Mayo soft “ entre otras mientras los que le tiran tienen trabajos regulares y no tienen nada que ver con el negocio jajaja. Váyanse a trabajar a su trabajo de 9-5 jajaj.

    1. 12:59 mamasela asta que se inque de su silla de ruedas put@. Duro años porque entregaba a su Gente y enemigos ala DEA y govierno Mexicano. I va seguir en lol mismo ahora con FBI. Arrival cartel de Los sapos. RIP Gilbertona.

    2. Neta 💯 puro pinche yo no sabo pochos valen verga

    3. Órale mamariata. Tu sígueles hechando porras a tus machos mientras lloras por la caída de Mario.

    4. El gobierno gabacho se lo puso muy claro, "mira hijo de la chingada, te calmas o prestas el apestoso".

    5. Y tu no trabajas huevon. Haha. Con mi trabajo que tengo me la paso mas agusto que eso weyes que admiras. Yo aqui libre con todita mi familia. Y ellos durmiendo con otro vato en una celda. Alucines valen pito muy mexicanos pero viven en USA. Alv

    6. 1:07 éntrale tú primero cabron ya que traes eso en la mente. Vato mañoso.

    7. 2:09 otro que nomas piensa en mamar. Que traen ustedes bola de mayates que solamente piensan en mamar? Son 4x4 o porque piensan en eso.

    8. 1:07 4:29 an de apoyar alas 4 letras de terror 😂😂😂

    9. So hablan de mamar, el apestoso, de gays, y garratos aqui. Que no era de narcos esto.

    10. 4:29 Y tú si eres narcotraficante buey?
      Cuantos kilos vendes al mes. Que te queda de ganancia?
      Eres familiar de Mario Zambada? A cómo lo defiendes tienes que ser pariente de el.
      O como ya le escribimos vários, eres un simple alucin que se la croma a sus ídolos. No te acabes Gilbertona.

    11. 3:56 Entonces que estás haciendo subiendo comentarios a una página cómo está si eres muy trabajadora culito.

    12. 1:26 Ni sabes donde está tu mayate sabio vrg.

    13. 1:26 ,4:26, 4:29 Gilbertonas protegiendo a su macho👏🏽. RIP gilbertona .Arriva el cartel de los sapos .

    14. Como les encantan el camarón sinaloense aquí…

    15. 5:15 💯🤣.
      Arriva el cartel de los sapos. Ahora su nuevo jefe is Gerarda de mocorito.

      RIP Gilbertona

    16. Andan con Tokio los chilangos alucines.😆

    17. Y ésto en que afecta las olimpiadas

    18. 3;56 sorry my friend pero de tanto que trabaja y tanto dinero que haces, tú morra te pone el cuerno con uno que ni dinero tiene y ni trabaja. Chale don billete!

    19. 3:56 exactamente 💯

  6. Corrupt police officer killed by the Military

  7. Reportan enfrentamiento entre grupos armados en el km 32 de la carretera de Chiwas a Juárez. Sinaloa vs Juarez

  8. RIO DOCE says his 4 escoltas are confirmed missing

    things are tense in the Alamo and Salado

    Zamabada's don't have the people to make a move without outside support

    They are outnumbered by menores

    still think that there's no way I believe that story, but it's going to be murky for awhile.

    1. We should step back and looking back at what all happened during the last 8-12 weeks in culiacan. All those peoole who got killed in the last few months. I think we can see something like a bigger picture. Something like mayo got tired and told his closest people to retire, killing those who did not want to or mayo lost the fight as he run out of money as all his money is invested in businesses in sinaloa and mexico.
      I am pretty sure that if we understand those actions better, we get better picture of what happend.

  9. Apologies but I can't find out much information on this and This is completely off topic but I haven't heard much about Michoacan lately, is Cartel Unidos still active, or are they still holding CJNJ back to a certain extent? Thank you for any info

    1. 7:11 blog del narco released video today .cjng executing 6 thieves on their Twitter . Also sargy AKA chimuelo on his yt channel always has news on them and Viagra's,cartels unidos .His yt channel is unidad de inteligencia ciudadana.

      RIP Gilbertona

    2. Thank you, will check it out. Good day sir

    3. El chimuelo prestas.

    4. 9:41 te voy a prestar pero la cara de ava

  10. Huge fight broke out in prison between Los chapos and mayo ... seems they most certainly are at war

    1. No period, why you making things up? Getting bored in da holding cell.

  11. Estoy aqui a decir a todos #BIGFISHCARTEL FEM Yogurtz making it safe for los gueritos to come visit Cozumel, we are safe, the plaza is calmada. Bring your guerita wifes por unas vacaciones. Your trusted servant N1GG4 A LOT....VIVA Brandon y el TROYANO.


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