Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, September 12, 2024

AMLO Admits That Events In Sinaloa Are a Result Of Fighting Between Armed Groups Over 'El Mayo' Case. Follow-Up: "El Panu" Death News Is False

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS 


SEPTEMBER 12, 2024 

Mexico City, Mexico - Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, President of Mexico, highlighted on Thursday that there were two homicides in Sinaloa on September 11, contrary to what is mentioned in social networks and some media outlets.

Showing a graph of yesterday's homicides in a 'morning' conference, the federal president took the opportunity to comment:

“There is the Army in coordination with the Navy, the National Guard, the State Police are pending.”

“To tell the people of Culiacán, of Sinaloa, that we are with sufficient presence, to guarantee peace, tranquility,” he commented.

“Yesterday, here is Sinaloa, in the whole state we had two homicides,” he reported.

“I say this about Sinaloa as well, because I saw in some report of I don't know how many deceased and today we saw this report,” he added.

López Obrador considered that the situation that has been occurring in some municipalities of Sinaloa, including the south of the capital city, is being addressed.

“There is fear, but tell the people that we are pending, that so far this is the result and surely it is not because of these clashes, these homicides may be other causes,” he stressed.

“There is fighting between two groups and we have to try to ensure that it does not affect the population and also that they do not confront each other,” he explained.

“Is it related to the 'El Mayo' Zambada thing?” he was asked.

“Yes, I already said it is a matter that has to do with a confrontation of (criminal) groups,” he reiterated.

AMLO lashes out at media that 'magnify' violent events

AMLO called to avoid alarmism and sensationalism, especially from conservative media that magnify the facts in this and other states.

“In the case of Sinaloa is there are enough elements from the Secretary of Defense, the National Guard, everything also so that there is no alarmism, sensationalism, because the conservative media or those who do not like us, make everything bigger, they magnify it, before there were even pacts of silence,” he opined.

“As they are angry with me, they would like the country to go up in flames, they see the social networks, the newspapers and it is like the old Alarma”, he pointed out.



Rumors ran wild on Wednesday throughout social media, especially on X about the death of Oscar Noe Medina Gonzalez "El Panu", I want to state this news is false, fake, and erroneous. This news was started by a specific X account which I will not name out of respect and the Blog Del Narco news page ran with it and spread like wildfire. 


  1. There was two before breakfast, jaja.

    1. What ever happens who ever wins is ok . Al MaYo lo amarro lo cacheteo y lo entrego al la ley eso es un cojidon k le dieron al mayo y descojidas ya no hay
      Bravo por el junior

    2. El panu casi lo matan los rusos quienes solo tienen como objetivo eliminar a los altos mandos de la chapiza 24/7 . Mientras el Comanche y la operativa tienen la consigna de tomar control de puntos estrategicos en Sinaloa, y el chapo Isidro y los antraxs frenar los refuerzos y eliminar a sus comandantes para destabilizar la cadena de mando.
      🦁 El fuerzas especiales 🇲🇽

    3. @3:07 whatever happens you’ll still be a broke lame so worry about yourself

    4. Hard to believe that los antrax n chapo Isidro made an alliance after the 2008 war broke in which he exterminated almost all them the antrax

    5. There is nothing but new ANTHRAX members, all of the ones that went to war in the CDS/BELTRAN war are gone. What brings people together over anything is money, Isidro see's his window in Sinaloa and he wants in.

  2. Blog del Narco is full of fake news all the damn time.

    1. 5:57 You go girl!

    2. 5:57 thank you girly

    3. 9:48 I am not a girl.
      But I do like to wear red panties.

      Rubio NYC

    4. And this site is full of political trash and most articles are copied from other site what's your point

  3. Post the video of El 27 crying begging for help that all his men are dead. He cries like the punk he is. Let the rest of these alucines punks see that ypur giving your life for a piece of shit that will let you die

    1. Do u understand spanish cus thats not what he said on that video. Sounds like ur the alucin believe everything u read

    2. El 27? Bruh the average bb reader has no comprehension skills.
      Dude on the radio was el R27.. 🤣🤣
      Pinche morro mongolo..

    3. 11:01 AM
      El 27 who was under Nini? post a link bro

    4. It wasn’t him, prolly a teenage sicario

    5. That was not even el 27 🤣 relax your hate

    6. 11:01 sour patch relax time for u to go clock in at ur minimum wage job with a boss that bangs u harder than these narco guys bang their guys... BTW that guy on doesn't sound like El 27

    7. Estás bien pendejo si crees que ese audio es verdad xD

    8. He loved to show off that he was wearing that dumb over sized helmet shooting at Mexican military

    9. Yo im surrounded by my enemies i need backup oh wait let me pull out a camera to record myself crying to upload later if I survive, yall the same dudes that fell for Panu getting killed, a lot of false information on the internet guys

    10. @5:38 For one, it wasn't a video of him, nor did he record it himself. It was an itercepted radio call for back ip that someone else recorded., Regardless if it's hard from r you to accept, it is what it is. And two, how do you know Panu isn't dead??? What do you know that proves he isn't??? I'm not saying that he is or isn't, but you're discrediting the report that he's dead while say there's alot of fake info on the internet. We'll this is the internet and I'm trying to see if this news of yours isn't fake. So I ask, how do you know he's alive?

    11. 4:43 it’s been said by the person who posted it on Twitter they even apologized for it I can’t recall the exact page feel free to search yourself on X, yikes if you that gullible to fall for everything on the internet you probably wear a tinfoil hat too i bet

  4. Grillo just dropped an article about how this alliance MF - Chapo Isidro - Caro Quintero went down. Unfortunately it’s under paid subscription

    1. Grillonautas is just like Blog del Narco …. Click bait is what they live for and it does get the average joe to watch.

    2. Verified, Caro and Isidro are allies for a long time. I personally know a place he would reside. As for alliance between Isidro and Sicairos. Common sense as to which side he would lean to. The deal is for Isidro to take full control of Mochis, Guamuchil, El Fuerte and operate freely in CLN. This is how it *may look. The new federation. Guano has Escuinapa already. He will manage El Rosario, Concordio to Mazatlan and still control his current turf. Isidro the North with support to also work in CLN and Maza Sicairos the same and Mochis. Which will be very prosperous soon.

    3. what does the linea de Quintero look like?

      He has the ones who run work through the east, Queretaro and Cancun right? and used to hold a plaza in they still have Obregon?

    4. Not Grillonautas, Iian Grillo. The journalist. He broke the Mayo kidnapping news first. He’s legit.

    5. The deal is *ONLY* MF-Chapo Isidro-Caro Quintero’s

      Guano is fighting alongside his nephews. Was somewhat confirmed last night.

    6. 1214 Sol, is that you? LOL. Pinche vato toxico, stop hating. They provide good info as well.

    7. @12:27 you are dead on. These guys have negotiated themselves into great spots if they come out on top, they’re not just helping to help. Blo/ Caro Quinteros will have full uncontested control over most of northern Sinaloa and southern Sonora.

    8. This does make sense and benefits both , Isidro would gain the city of guamuchil and Mayito flaco would let chapo Isidro take out chapitos in guamuchil helping his cause as well . Interesting and smart move by Mayito flaco .

    9. 4:06 🤣🤣 ya ves a Sol asta en tus sucaritas

    10. @4:06 That’s cool to hear that I’m always on your mind. 😂 Unfortunately, that’s not me babygirl. I actually happen to like Grillonautas.

      Their formula isn’t hard to figure out though. They’re cherry picking the best paragraphs from different articles and pushing it out as their own work.

      There might be a few slight changes here in there in what they do. But their methodology is very easy to recognize. And in case you haven’t noticed it yet there are also other writers online who do the same.

  5. Finally Char. I kept seeing all these idiots saying that Panu was killed both on X and YT. Even credible YT pages took that rumor and made it a reality, you know whom I'm talking about.

    1. Mofos thought a ‘boss’, not known to be a gunslinger, would be out on the streets doing the fighting. That made no sense.

    2. 11:02 we have Trumpito Jrs in here making up stories that Panu was killed
      Just like I have a hard time believing, immigrants are eating up pets in Ohio.

    3. From a young woman who's father migrated directly from Haiti to Springfield Ohio. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself. Before you lead off with making up narratives trying to pigeonhole & lash out with some TDS ignorance... and proceed with some ironic "in here making up stories," inform yourself. Don't just whine about, "having a hard time believing." The more you know...

    4. You can go watch videos of Haitians eating people in Haiti, but you don’t think they would eat peoples pets. Sure thing

    5. I wish these stupid Mexicans dont eat my cat! 😿

    6. @5:06 don’t nobody wanna eat dusty ass thang cat lady

    7. 5:06 Trump quote " those illegal immigrants from Haiti that are in Springfield, Ohio are eating up, the neighbors pets".
      He never mentioned Mexicans.

    8. 3:24 I regret to inform you, but you jumped to conclusions, you did not read 1:32 2nd sentence correctly.
      Convicted felon Trump said it also at Tuesday's debate, unfortunately you missed that clip. Most of the stuff that comes out of Trump's mouth are fabricated lies, that why it is being said it's UNBELIEVABLE, hope you comprehend this time.

    9. @5:06 Hopefully your cat is left slone but your stupid ignorant ass gets chopped up into little pieces.

    10. @3:24

      And? That's old news and it's not very accurate. It's making accusations about a country that's not the US.

    11. They don’t really eat them, they just kill
      Them for animal sacrifices . It’s a major religion down in Haiti

    12. @5:06 PM...we'll est your mom's, wife's, and daughter's pussy,that's about it

  6. NOBODY:



    1. 1114 don't you know that Mayo turned himself in...............

  7. Are they sure Sicario 006 didn't get popped?

  8. La gente no mas avla a lo pendejo aki se estan dando con todo los dos grupos que es muy triste por que ay muchos conocidos entre ellos

    1. Triste? 🤣🤣 puras lacras, que se exterminen todo ALV, los Mexicanos verdaderos no los vamos a extrañar, creeme que nadie los va a extrañar a lo mejor sus mamas, pero es su culpa por no darles sus cintarazos

    2. @2:53 tu no importas güey

    3. 8:07 lo mismo que tu 🤣🤣🤣

    4. Gilbertonas detected 🚨🤣 11:36 esta triste por sus machos . 8:07 a difender a sus machos .lol. Ballan a rezarle a la statua de La Gilbertona.

      RIP Gilbertona

    5. 2:53 respecto a todos Los Mexicanos de Bien .Trabajando pa salir adelante.

      RIP Gilbertona

  9. Ambos grupos an empezado a meterse con los negocios formales qué menejan.
    En la avenida hidalgo al norte de Culiacán rafagearon un lote de autos de lujo.

    1. Le están pegando a las finanzas de los Chapos. Ayer estaban desmadrando las maquinitas traga monedas que controlan en toda la ciudad los Chapos, y hoy eso que mencionas. Lugar muy frecuentado por el Markitos Toys. 100% lavadora de feria ese negocio.

  10. AMLO is a dumb narco-president

  11. They caused the fear by shit going on around town but pendejo Rocha saying everything was calm. That worked on the people ten years ago but not now with widespread media access. Once you lie, no one will have any faith in you or your word making it easier for rumors to spread. Especially with him MIA since his ten second tranquil walk a few days ago. They are only forced to acknowledge it now due to the media after trying to deny everything the last week. What is with that shit of Rocha forcing some other official to come out and be the bearer of bad news also?!? Take responsibility for your state and be there for your people or resign!!!!
    No idea where all the military and police are either. It seems they magically disappeared yesterday too into thin air.

  12. Only 2 homcides in Sinaloa ? Yeah…. sure Mr.President 😒😄 That’s secretly like a low diss to the Sinaloa cartel’s hitmen , saying that out of the tens of thousands of bullets fired yesterday… only 2 hit their mark 🤦‍♂️🤣. Basically he’s saying Chapitos and Mayito Flaco’s sicarios couldn’t hit the side of a barn door 😄. How disrespectful 😄

    1. 2 REPORTED. You need to keep in mind, in Mexico when someone dies, the services are held that same night and they're buried the following day. Many times, no questions asked.

    2. What about you keyboard warrior? You ain’t done nothing in your whole life aquí criticando como vieja chismosa

    3. Sinaloa crime and deaths are way higher but government always down play the violence and crime

  13. Animo Sicarios!
    El Commandante Panu is alive and well. He just did a 15K march with 75 pounds of tactical equipment with El 27 El Perris ,El Gavillan and El 24 down at "The Farm" in a secret training location in the outsides of Sinaloa.

    An ex Mossad /NSA Operative who trained Edward Snowden has joined the team,he will make sure all this false news is neutralized. He will install running Pegasus Program version 6.0 on the 512 bit encrypted 6G network.Update your tactical tablets.

    10.4 Cambio y Fuera.

    1. Pinche gente Corriente envés de salir a el topon mandan a levantar a inocentes. El Iván no sale de esta. Ya les renunció el 28. Si no se lo kiebran ellos mismos lo van a entregar. 🤠

    2. 15k march with only 75? That’s weak. lol. AMLO seems to have beat Panu at his own pace, and with more weight on lies

    3. Why not wifi 7 has the war cost the living standards in the cartel???

    4. Lmfao sicario 006 is the final boss alucin forsure 😂😂

  14. Blog del narco is all lies..but BB cuts and pastes 99% of their articles..

    1. True that was sol favorite source

    2. Facts bb went to shit

    3. 220 still have sol on your little brain?

    4. 1:56 so what's your problem?
      What the F are you trying to convey?

    5. Humm bug 🤔
      Gots to be 1:56 the 2 period 🦎 Lizard.

  15. Panu wasn't whacked but everybody wanked about it.
    -Gary ✌️

    1. 2:02 are you the other type that like Chorizo.

    2. 4:23
      Daaayuuum, that's what's on your mind.

  16. AMLO: Nothing happened, nothing to see here.

    1. AMLO hugs and 💋 kissing them won't work. Besides your almost leaving office. Go enjoy all that money you have hidden at overseas banks.

  17. Se empezo a calentar mas Culiacán, unidades de militares an empezado a llegar desde sonara hasta Culiacán para reforzar seguridad.

  18. all these people waiting on confirmation of PANU being dead, LOL. When Markitos upload a video crying then you'll know.

  19. No shoot outs today? Is that all this Sinaloas have? Man i was expecting at least a whole week of crazy shoot outs, i guess the rumors are true, Sinaloas are only brave in their corridos

  20. AMLO is trash. He always down plays everything and lies. I do not go to other places for my narco news because there are a lot of fake reporting there. I only use Boarderland Beat even without Sol. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Uh, many of the articles here are taken from the same mainstream media outlets you don't visit.

    2. Gracias a dios, que se va ese Viejo de Amlo. Ese Nuffy donde estas tu mujer Buffy.

    3. 8:30pm Mi esposa Buffy esta dormida ahorita. Mato vampiros ayer amigo. El Basta Ya!!! Nuff Said!!!


  22. Amlo is like trump .... a fool

  23. We need a detail article on mayito flaco v ivan, allies, what will decide the war

  24. Can I get a gilbertona cheesy chalupa with a nacho ghetto sauce and a 22 inch torta on the side ?

    1. Mejor ordena algo un poco mas exotico, como arroz con frijoles, osea, morisquetas vali. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Pinche Ketchup. Asking for that special sauce after getting squirted by a 🍅.

  25. There’s some crazy videos going around like the guy they chopped up skinned his face beheaded and left pizzas next to him

  26. What war? no dead bodies any where...Over hyped news.

    1. They picking up the bodies to stay low and away from the armed forces .

  27. Guy killed today outside of Sam’s Club in Culiacán, was “Comandante Huevito” of the Zambada faction.

    I do not understand what a guy like that, was doing grocery shopping in a city that is in the middle of a narco war, in which he belongs to one of the sides?… wtf

    1. You would think he would have people for that. Unless he was there just to meet up or organize with others.

    2. It’s not all cocaine and bullets. Can you say logistics. You need food water and other things to supply an army.

  28. El Peligro a plaza boss for cjng in Chiapas captured after shootout with the military

    Military vs Chapos in Culiacan



    1. El dorado es terrenos de los menores. Si ay 🤠 patruyando es que desplazaron a los dominos 🍕.

    2. Eres un lambe wevos pinche vato lambiscon

    3. 1046
      Los detenidos en el dorado fueron chapos.
      Cayeron 10 pistoleros.

  30. Sinaloa had a good run. But it’s all over now. It’s about to implode right before everyone’s eyes. Sol is squirting all over herself right about now. Maybe now the governments will put the full court press on Mencho and his cartel.

  31. Que rollo en Tamazula? Segun se metieron los menores. Hacer desmadre.

  32. Pura gente del senor 11 dep pura chapizaaaaa alv

  33. It's interesting, the graph he was reading was for August, so it was last months tally. During the press conference a reporter asked something in regards to the "latest reports " in regards to the confrontations occuring in Sinaloa and he responds by saying that they were still waiting on more information. Unfortunately this article fails to mention that which in my opinion makes it bias and misleading.

  34. Mis contactos en Mazatlan en el face reportan que fue el mayo quien ordeno quebrar al cheyo antrax por andar de cobrador a nombre del 5nto mes

  35. Impresionante los convoys del 3 y 7 de la chapiza, que por los visto son los que andan guerreando mas fuerte y son los que an echo las incursiones a las plaza de los mayos.
    En costa rica, plaza historicamente controlada por los mayos, ya empezaron a ser zanjas en las carreteras, al estilo michoacan.
    Nadie entra, nadie sale.

  36. Los Cabrera ya se unieron a la guerra, hoy se enfrentaron con los gabitos/cascos en los limites de Durango y Sinaloa el choqué fue en el palmito, con gente del 7 de canelas, el es el qué estaría tratando de entrar a Sinaloa.
    Por igual algunos enfrentamientos se sucitaron en Durango cercas de san dimas, se dice que fueron chapos vs cabreras.

  37. Cierran puente Durango - Mazatlan por balaceras .


    Levantones en oso viejo.

  39. Noke muy brabos los del sombrero poes jajajaaj pinches culos correlones puro chapo alaberga

  40. Has Costa Rica fallen to the barbarous invaders?

    1. Costa Rica is Pura Vida, I love the rainforest.

    2. 11:19 Costa Rica siempre va a ser de los Ticos!!!!!!

  41. AMLO makes me hungry and thirsty


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