Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 28, 2024

At Least Five People Found Murdered Inside A PIckup Truck In Alturas Del Sur, Culiacán: Sinaloa. September 27, 2024

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was reposted from LINEA DIRECTA 

A report received by 9-1-1 tonight indicated that the bodies of several people were left abandoned in a white van on Heroico Colegio Militar road.


SEPTEMBER 27, 2024


Culiacán, Sin.- At least five lifeless bodies were left inside a pickup truck that was abandoned next to the Heroico Colegio Militar road, a few meters from a well-known private cemetery and in front of one of the accesses to the Alturas del Sur subdivision, southeast of Culiacán.

Most of the bodies are bagged and tied with tape, which were located on the aforementioned road on one side of the lanes that communicate from north to south.

A report received by 9-1-1 this evening indicated that the bodies of several people were left abandoned in a white van and agents of the State Preventive Police (PEP) along with elements of the Mexican Army went to the scene.

Uniformed officers guarded the site with yellow tape and notified personnel from the State Attorney General's Office to carry out field work at the site and remove the bodies to the Forensic Medical Service, where they will remain under the custody of the Public Prosecutor's Office.

Relatives will go to the social representative of the state agency with the corresponding documents so that the bodies can be handed over to them and funeral services can be carried out.




  1. Innocents again or opps?

    1. Hope they're ops, and hope they keep killing each other and leave the innocents alone

    2. Just a bunch of dead Cabreras. 🍕 is smacking them as soon as they arrive

    3. No se, pero lo que si es que le gusta el chorizo a 006.

    4. Eran tres mecanicos de culiacan que mataron junto a cuatro ladrilleros, Les robaron trokas y hasta la ven del otro vato. Que cule**s los chapiza, usando los problemas para robar smh
      god bless those workers


  2. Ay nomas chavalones .Pues asi esta el Ocran en Sinaloa .
    Seran tolerespi de los Pochas o de los Yomas? Asi esta el Telcar.

    1. Cálmate ocran leaks 😂

    2. Juan Rambo se ve que eres bien fanatico del Ocran Leaks Mini Lic.

    3. 6:31 orcan leaks reminds me of some kind of diaper for adults

    4. Juan rambo 😂😂😂😂 que estupido se oye ese nombre

  3. A Gilbertona faction dropped leaflets on the Zapitos and associates. For people to report to Mexican government and the DEA 🤣. "Traicion se paga con traicion " Sinaloa way.

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Most definitely MF/MZ dead sicarios

    1. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherSeptember 28, 2024 at 3:35 PM

      I have doubts as recently chapitos have been leaving hats on their victims! However, Mayos seem impotent in Culican with Chapitos maintainiong lock with the support of the gvt(rocha and AMLO), police and military! Who controls Culican controls Sinaloa! OK, there is more fighting to be completed to fully control Sinaloa but the strength and power is on Chapitos! Stay tuned!

    2. What makes you think they are "sicarios"? Because they are dead? They could have been serving a dozen other purposes.

    3. Snitcher Truther Snitched.

    4. @ little nuts little brains, why would they fill up a van with bodies, and write “welcome to Culiacán”, if you ain’t the local gang(Chapo’s)…..

    5. @05:04 they’re Sinaloan cheerleaders for chapizas

  5. Do we have any info if these guys where Chapos or MF? If I had to guess I would say Chapos because MF has been paying the military to go and pick them up from their houses. Why would the killers leave a pretty good pickup truck at the scene. It's a waste of resources. It's been fitted to transport people. Why not just dump the dead on the street? MF should really discipline his hitmen who are probably teenagers from Durango. Nuff Said!!!

    1. The mental gymnastics the mayo fans girls play is unbelievable 😂😂

    2. The message is “welcome to Culiacan” alluding to the fact that the murdered sicarios where trying to enter the city. And from what we know the city is still mostly Chapiza… it’s likely those bodies are MZ

    3. Waste of resources? Boy this guys will steal 10 more of those vehicles the same day, is actually better to get rid of them cause they are stolen anyways

    4. 1:09 ur fucking annoying n retard to top it off...the message alone written on the van pretty much says who these dead guys belong to... Mz trying to enter n take culiacan n chapos welcoming them

    5. do you take the money to the military or whats your role that ur certain they are paying the military

    6. Nuff said you need to stop the cheerleading. Why would they write welcome to culiacan on the van if chapos are already in culichi? They’re people from los cabreras from Durango

    7. Most likely mf ,they’re e bringing people from Durango and other states

    8. @3.19. You shouldn't believe everything you read, especially if it's written in spray paint, on a truck filled with murdered men. During the first war in Culiacan in 2008 the same things happened- one side or the other would pick up the lowest hanging fruit and display their bodies, saying they were gunmen from another State. It deterred allies from out of Sinaloa getting involved because their political protection would run for the hills.

    9. @3.30. Probably, but it's sometimes done as a deterrent. People already held for various reasons- dead bodies, and a message sent to anyone from Durango who might want to join in. Sometimes it's done just so certain cells can keep getting paid.

    10. Ya cay esta la riata ese tule de nugly

    11. 01:09 so you prefer severed heads and cadavers strewn into downtown urban areas akin to the operations of Zeta?

  6. Probably just some kids sent by los cabrera or some other assholes.

  7. No Pizzas,Sombreros,or other gimmicks, just a Van full of Corpses..

  8. Did the MX forensic team send all the fingerprints of the deceased to Mossad to see if they match Sicario 006?

    1. I guess the pendejo got away again.

    2. Yes, but the pendejo still alive.

  9. Animo Sicarios!
    Now is the time for M Flaco's people to surrender. El Señor Ivan and Alfredo own Sinaloa.

    Los Mata Sombreros Special Forces Tier 1 Operators are out there! They can't be bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.
    These are highly trained hunter killer units. They were trained by an ex lieutenant of Mossad Kidon Unit . They are elite assasins. They carry Barrett M82 Sniper rifles ,Benelli M4 Super 90 Semi automatic shotguns, Dynamit Noble Matador 90mm man portable shoulder rockets ,IWI Galil Arm/SAR assault rifles, IWI TAR -21 fully auto silenced assault riffles and Uzi.

    Congratulations to Mossad for eliminating another High Value Target in Lebannon in the last 24hrs.

    1. Screw you and Mossad, they cant find Yahya Sinwar, they go after easy targets only that kill thousands of civilians.

    2. I heard Sicario 006 surrendered his loose culo to all Chapitos to abuse.

    3. I heard to were trained by Unit 8200 Shin Bet Intelligence. You enjoyed killing innocent Palestinian civilians pleading on their knees for empathy. U piece of mierda.

    4. "Mata Sombreros" 🔥🔥🔥

    5. 02:37 Shalom habibi

    6. Se me ase que al sicario006 le gusta que se la metan por donde sale el chocolate

  10. Most likely MZ since most of them are coming from BC and Durango

  11. Ivan too powerful.

    1. He's the most vulnerable. Not boss material.

    2. In culiacan definitely mayos will lose

  12. Mex "pickup trucks" look diff than American ones.

  13. Fkn Culiacanistan ALV! 🍕 🤠

  14. This reminds me when gente nueva loaded a van full of dead linieros and left a similar painting message back when they started fighting

  15. Sicario 006 is a phony, put that on my momma and my dead homies.

  16. Alv se les van a dejar venir Nemesio y las 4 letras con todo alv a Sinaloa ...EL SAPO GAYTAN CJNG IS KING!!!!!

  17. That's still won't stop me from my mariscos y caghuamas, eeeee machine

    1. Guerita, te tengo unas ganas.

    2. Si mas o Meno's la vida que vivan yo ,,,,

  18. No pueden solos 1 por 1. Necesitan pedir ayuda de afuera son una bola de monteneros los del mayo. Hasta tiran propaganda por las avionetas. Mf se hizo chayotero no puede con IVAN. ya ni sabe que hacer. Por andar pediendo por resfuersos la linea le metio una paliza tumbaron como 8 o 9 del ssicariod del mayo unos dias atras en una emboscada. Todos quedaron calcificados en un troka monsto.

    1. Se les está acabando el tiempo a los rateros de los chapos , ahora si que aguanten vara. Nomas te la pasaste llorando en tu comentario . @6:21 el Mayito sólo se come al Iván y a todos los chapos , simplemente que mucha gente ya les trae coraje a los lacras que diga los chapos y si quieren hecharle la mano quien dirían que no .

  19. Gente de Cabrera. Son los que manda de Durango por eso dice “ bienvenidos a Culiacán “

  20. Those are all sicarios that came to Sinaloa to fight for MF….only to die.

    That’s why the “welcome to Culiacán”…..

  21. rumores dicen que eso va dirigido al presidente y su visita titere de mujer dictada en su reciente visita.🥱

  22. Mayos are not going to win this war against chapos in culiacan you all seen the power on view in both culiacanozos,chapos knew what would happen but they still did it

    1. The power in both culiacanazos ? You mean the power in the first Culiacanazo where mayos backed them up . The second on the chapos got lit up and picked up ovidio . Mayos are a power house . The only reason chapos looked crazy strong the first time was because mayos sent overwhelming support . Mayos are more powerful and ( liked ) by the people . Chapos made too many enemies and with mayos against them their time is running out slowly but surely.


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