Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 21, 2024

At This Hour: Heavy Shootout In Tres Rios Sector And Structure Fire Reported In Culiacan, Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS 

SEPTEMBER 21, 2024

Culiacán, Sin.- Heavy gunfire was reported in the northern area of the city of Culiacán.

The shooting began around 15:00 hours in the Tres Rios sector.

Citizens report hearing gunshots in neighborhoods such as Alameda, Tierra Blanca, CU and Chapultepec.

The shooting occurred in some white apartments located in the Parque Alameda neighborhood, in front of a well-known shopping mall. The report also indicates that a house was set on fire, and authorities from the three levels of government arrived at the scene to verify and control the situation.

It is not known if it was a gun battle between criminal groups or against the authorities.

The first to arrive were municipal police from Culiacán. Elements of the Mexican Army and state police also arrived at the scene.

Some businesses are beginning to lower their curtains and close their doors as they do not know what is happening.

It is not known if there are dead, wounded or detained at the site.



  1. But it's calm in Sinaloa because Mayo is such a pendejo that he simply turned himself in.

  2. Animo Sicarios!!
    Chapiza Special Forces Tier 1 Operators have been highly trained by an ex Colonel of Mossad Kidon Unit Operative in remote detonation of pagers ,2 way radios, walkie talkies and smartphones.
    One of the highly trained Tier 1 Operators is having an affair with an enemy Commandante 's wife .She confided in him that her husband has a 24K gold set of clippers which he uses every 2 days may be going boom after radio detonation.

    Animo Mossad taking out the Hezbollah terrorist . The pager attack reminded me of a CIA Special Activities Center mission to eliminate Fidel Castro with a exploding cigar .

    CDS Special Forces will also be using exploding cigars .

    1. Sicario 006 was trained by the so Very Special Forces of the Culiacan transit police.

    2. The military is hunting you guys down like ratas

  3. Van contra la perrisa ajuaaaa que siga la chinga pura chapisaaaaa 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

  4. Tres rios ? Ahora no veo al perris disparando el 50 como en el culiacanzo. Jajaj

  5. Jajajaj ese perris ya anda más cerca de la prisión o la muerte que de la chapiza!! Se echo el alacrán en la espalda desde que el mismo secuestro al tío Mayo jajaja.

  6. Córrele mi 27 porque luego te llevan con el piyi jajaj.

  7. Here across Cabana. No cars circulating. Blackhawks flying over sector. Propaganda invoking fear amongst people than what is transpiring. Some people jogging and others ducking and hiding.

    1. You are completely correct! WOW!! Spot on…automatic gunfire is normal in population centers. Nothing to see here! I don’t give a shit honestly either way! Just like nobody in Culiacán gives a shit what happens where I live. But, Mexico has basically a 1/3 of the USA population but completely DOMINATES in crime. And, NOT PER CAPTIA! Literally in reported numbers! I’ll give you the FACT that the USA urban centers crime rates are cooked, so it’s much higher then the liberal lying pukes say. Even with that, even with guns being LEGALLY readily available in USA(THANK GOD FOR THE USA & 2nd AMENDMENT!) the rape, robbery, mass shooting, kidnapping, and unsolved rates are NOT EVEN CLOSE! HEY, poor and average Mexican citizens…how’s those disgusting gun laws working for YOU?? Just curious, because they are working great for the criminals, the killers and rapists, the kidnappers and elites, and the politicians! But, you get shit on time after time! When will you do what the supposed racist White men did against the British???.. HUH??… pick up a gun, fight and possibly die to stop the tyranny??!! Those old racist White guys made sure there was 1—freedom of speech
      2—right to self defense or gun ownership and the fucking elites and politicals DONT get a say if I if I if I own a fucking AR or a M16 or whatever the fuck else!!! WHY?? WHY?? Why was that SO important??? You are living it now poor and average Mexican citizens!!! The elites, the politicians, the wealthy, the armed forces, the police all can be armed with a “war” gun so they can at least fight and die!! Fuck poor and average Mexican citizens save up, get the long gun, get the ammo, get the plan, fight and maybe die against this shit!!! Don’t fucking run to the country that is supposedly racist and support the same liberal puke types you supported in Mexico that got you on a hell hole!! I’ll tell you this gangs, cartels or whatever control and dominate many parts of Mexico, just like the British did! Either take the wanton rapes of your families, the disappearances of your families, the murders of your families… ALL WHICH WILL NEVER BE SLOVED…or pick up a long gun and fucking organize and fight!!! Fuck, you want to come to USA fine… I’m all about helping others and I’ll pay some more taxes to do so FOR FAMILIES AND KIDS…NOT FUCKING FIGHTING AGE MALES —FUCK THOSE COWARDS!!! But you fighting age males, you family men, you have to stand and fight and die or be a bitch and come live off the USA taxpayers COCK!!! Swallow every fucking drop!!!

    2. Se me antoja un desayuno del Panamá.

  8. Government after 27 , dude become the number one US priority after Mayo or someone close to him said el 27 was the one that tied him. Or probably even a chapo said that.

  9. The story is that mayo and perris got into a shooting .Mayo left since they let the military take care of it for them .Yet perris did get away

  10. Don’t underestimate Los Zambadas power as USA & MEXICO informant capabilities.

  11. Replies
    1. Desde antes, solo que disimulaba

  12. Chapos fighting mayos and gobierno at the same time lol.

  13. Mayos and it appears to be Rusos to be exact because of the flags on equipment left behind try going in on 🍕but got smoked, fear not though it appears government is focusing on 🍕operatives

  14. My money is on Mayos people. Que viva el viejo del sombreron.

  15. Patas pa qué son!?????!

  16. How come no coverage on manuel Beltrán quintero being killed

  17. Allegedly La Perris 27 got away from a military operation.

    Los Chapos dropped 7 bodies in Culiacan with a message against MF

    Military allegedly on the heels of Chuta ( Chapos)

    Convoy of Chapiza hitmen in Concordia Sinaloa allegedly belonging to Gabito


  18. Escaped through sewer

  19. Una pregunta culichis:
    Que tanto rezan, se persigan y piden paz si en las fiestas se toman fotos con armas, sus corridos hablan de armas y festejas disparando armas.

    Que les afectó hay y estos 10-12 días ?


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