Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, September 27, 2024

CJNG Claims Responsibility for Terrorist Explosion at Zacatecas Fair Concert, Calls Out Government Support of Sinaloa Cartel

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

CJNG claimed responsibility for the large explosion at a public event in the city of Zacatecas that occurred over the weekend resulting in 20 people injured and several police cars damaged. While local authorities claim it was a faulty tank being used by a vendor, audio from police radio channels has been released claiming that it was actually a grenade attack outside of a concert.

It was reportedly a message to the State Governor, accusing his support of allowing the MZ (Mayo) Sinaloa Cartel faction into the region.

The explosion occurred at around 1:00 AM Monday morning, when regional Mexican singers Julión Álvarez and Alfredo Olivas were performing at a concert in front of 25,000 people. The concert at Carlos Vega Villalba stadium was part of the Zacatecas Fair celebration in the city.

Explosion Outside Concert

Attendants recall the explosion a smoke rising from the stands. The event initially didn't stop, but singer Julión Álvarez addressed it shortly after.

"Did you hear? Law enforcement, the military and all those taking care of security are looking at the issue. It seems like it was a gas tank in a food stand or a home. Stand by, we'll check and continue," he said.

Signs of shrapnel from the explosion could be seen on various concrete pillars, buildings and nearby trees.

Official Government Version

Zacatecas' Secretary General of Government, Rodrigo Reyes Mugüerza reported that the explosion was due to a food vendor's fuel tank that was in poor condition and accumulated gas. He initially said that six people were injured and were taken to hospital by ambulance; all of the injured were in stable condition, the official said.

However, security sources confirmed to Dominio Público Noticias that it was an attack with a grenade that damaged some patrol cars and left 14 injured.

Of all the injured, 11 civilians had already been discharged after being treated, and of the 3 injured police officers, only two required surgery.

A policewoman is the one who sent out the alert about what happened at the Carlos Vega Villalba stadium, audio from police radio channels has been released claiming that it was actually a grenade attack outside of the concert.

“It is a grenade, our comrades are reporting. They are requesting support, behind the Francisco Villa stadium. An armed attack on the Zacatecas municipal corporation. Our comrades are reporting that they have a grenade,” said the woman.

“What more information do you have, friend? Let's go to support, FRIZ,” asked a man.

“Behind the Francisco Villa Stadium, Commander. Behind the Francisco Villa Stadium, in the fairgrounds, on the side of Avenida de los Deportes,” she replied.

Another person mentioned that a truck from the State Preventive Police (PEP) is dumping gasoline, and a third pointed out that people want to leave the stadium, so he asks what order they are given.

In the conversation it was also reported that it was an armed attack on Mujer Segura, directly on the patrol car, outside the stadium, in the games area. Another woman answers that they are going there.

CJNG Claims Responsibility

“Today was not a gas tank, but a wake-up call to Governor David who sold the state to the faggots of the Mayos. Authorities should not get involved in a war that is not yours. Zacatecas is of the 4 letters”

A post began circulating on social media in which the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel claims responsibility for the explosion. It denies that the explosion came from a gas tank.

The image signed by “El Señor de Los Gallos”, and is a message to Governor David Monreal accusing him of allowing the Mayo Zambada faction of the Sinaloa Cartel to operate in the area.

MZ Narco Mantas

After the explosion that occurred outside the Carlos Vega Villalba stadium, narco-banners with threatening messages were placed on several bridges and roads in Zacatecas and Guadalupe.

The banners were signed in support of the Mayo faction of the Sinaloa Cartel. They warn that they will go to after state and municipal authorities that support members of the CJNG.

“This notice is for all state and municipal governments that support the Jaliscas. Zacatecas already has a flag and it is MZ. To all those who are supporting, we are coming for you, State Commander 700 CMT Tenesis. Commander Fuerte, among others from the municipalities of Guadalupe, Zacatecas, Morelos, Troncoso, etc...”

Singer Luis Miguel's highly anticipated concert in Culiacán, Sinaloa, was scheduled for September 27, 2024, but has been officially cancelled due to the escalating violence in the region.


  1. Los que segun no andan de comadres como las locas de Sinaloa la misma mierda como siempre

    1. Seemed really loud for a grenade, unless the person recording the video was very near the explosion. Maybe an IED?

  2. Se parecen a los pinche tiradores de Estados Unidos putos.
    Estos les tienen odio a sus mendigas vidas y se desquitan con gente inocente.
    Useded mierdas de CJNG si le tienen odio a los polis se desquitan tambien con inocentes.
    Metanse esta bomba en el culo y enfrentense con los polis si deberas son de huevos.
    Al menos que los huevos que tienen los cargan en el oscico en ves de entre las patas.

    1. Estan como los MZs en Culiacán 🥱🥱 nomas matando mujeres

    2. Yo no le voy ni me importa los carteles pero si me importa cuando gente ignorante habla para embarrar he alguien o algo y ensucia la verdad. A la señora del video que se llevaron, fueron por ella. No la levantaron a lo pendejo nomas. Claramente ella fue el objetivo. Esta claro en el video. No le hicieron daño a nadie mas. Asi que para de dicir estupideces. Ya hay mas que suficiente gente embarrando y mintiendo a lo pendejo. Lo que se necesita es honestidad. No a niños pequeños dejando comentarios porque se dienten ineptos.

    3. 12:07 dime que cartel no mata inocentes? Ahi estan en culiacan los dos bandos matando mas inocentes que contrarios, son iguales de jotos que el CJNG

  3. And now a little piece of Zaca is theirs. Mencho got his panties in a twist. 😂

    1. 🫎 CJNG has always had their part in Zacatecas
      MZs did weaken the Zacatecas CJNG operatives, however they didn't eliminate them completely 🫎

    2. 12:10
      When Mencho died, he was not wearing twisted panties.
      Perhaps you mean 🤔 red panties Rubio?

    3. Just like any other cartel.
      Cds did the same to la linea
      Autodefensas/CJNG to caballeros templarios
      CJNG to csrdl.

      Not one cartel has ever got completely eliminated by rivals.
      Most get weakened, regroup and re-emerge.
      CJNG still has all of southern and majority of southwest ZACATECAS.

    4. What do you mean, Mayos' have most of Zac, not a little piece.

  4. For those idiots that said that these cjng rats wouldn't try to use this opportunity to make a move back into Zac now that mz is pulling people from Zac n Durango to fight in sinaloa...

    1. Quien ijos de la vrg4 inbento mamada? Se la están haciendo de pedo al gober we por apoyarlos. Eso ya es desesperación de parte da las 4 💅

  5. How is this not terrorist category this is similar to ISIS claiming responsibility for a bombing this needs to be bigger news

  6. When you see a photo of AMLO with Chapos mom and brother, and it does not bother anyone, it questions are Mexicans that stupid????

    1. And just where did you see this picture of amlo with Chapo's mom and brother? I assume you mean when amlo passed through Badridaguato and the mom went up to amlo's car and shook his hand. Because how you describe it, that would be a lie. When you give descriptions like that I ask myself is this guy really that stupid???

    2. Half are by not realizing supporting corridos and glorifying the narco culture will only fuel the fire by claiming it is their right and heritage, and the other half recognize it and just gave up trying to fight since it eventually just became their normal especially ny AMLO pulling that shit and dismissing all the victims of cartels and their families. Then there are the few who fought against the injustice and didn't stop calling out the cartels and government until they were murdered to silence them.
      The Mexican justice system is so fucked up to the point that it only enables more criminal activity and lets rapists and murders walk free without even being tried in court.
      The people of Sinaloa are now recognizing this after they can't get to work or feed their families and realizing the shit they normalized has come to bite them in the ass and demanding the government does something and per usual they say there is nothing they can do and displacing blame.
      The US is now perpetuating the idolization of the narco culture on a major level by allowing artists like Peso Pluma to perform in their country putting on a full show commending all past and current cartel leaders while throwing tax payer money for this war on drugs.

  7. Mexican people don’t care what organization did it. They just want them to stop ! Que se agarren a vergazos entre ellos pero que dejen a la gente en paz !

  8. El Chomen mejor conocido como El Señor de los Gallos tambien mueve Fondan. Los Yomas le estan ganando la guerra.
    El Viejon Pocha puede unir todos los Telcar de Mexico .

    1. Dejese de mamadas dantecommandanjumbora

    2. Cálmate pinche mini leaks.. ya encontraste a tu abuelo y tío we?

  9. Parecen viejas echándose la culpa. Váyanse alv todos. Agarrense a balazos en la sierra para que se maten entre ustedes y dejen la gente vivir en paz.

  10. For this very reason of throwing grenades at innocent concert people almost every state governor will always pick to work with CDS MZ instead of CJNG. CJNG is today's modern Zetas. Everybody hates them. Remember when Zetas burned down a casino in Monterey? Same thing here. Just imagine yourself dancing with your fat wife to a Julion Alvarez song and then you get blasted by sharpnel. My cousin sells tortas in a small town in Zacatecas. CJNG started taxing him when they arrived. After Flechas kicked them out and took over all taxing stopped. The only taxing that takes place is with illegal things. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Yep, same thing in Chiapas. Groups that move real weight don't need to charge piso to normal folks.

    2. Hey u nuff said dummy yes cjng are worst rats of all but flechas be taxing people too in fresnillo

    3. Most likely MZ's trying to frame it on CJNG, who in their fucking right mind would say "hey we did it" if CJNG has done it they would actually say it wasnt them, this is looking like a CDS tactic when the Juarez war started

    4. You mean shrapnel?

  11. Who said the narcos aren't terrorists?

  12. I wish I was there to have some mariscos and a couple of caghuamas y musica y bilar y feliz pero no pizza pues,,,,

  13. Menso cant even take down empresa MZ while its at war everywhere 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. 214
      MZs couldn't defeat CJNG when they were at their weakest. MZs can't even completely eliminate CJNG from Zacatecas? 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱

  14. Cjng lost the war in the state to the point that the only relevant thing they have done in the state in the past 2 years is this bs

  15. A video about a an alleged list by Mexican intelligence of 11 groups supporting MF against the Chapos

    11 hitmen dead from CDN in Nuevo Leon after shootout out with the state authorities

    Authorities vs a criminal organization in SLP


    PS. I see u have an imposter publishing comments with my signature emoji. I knew I had a couple of fans in here but I never thought I had an obsessed groupie

  16. Well they sure are helping to get themselves listed as a terrorist organization. Just like Pablo he was fine until he started playing with bombs. Let a couple of Americans get killed and it’s over for them.


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