Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

DEA Closes Two Key Offices in China Following Drop in Government Cooperation

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

From an AP News Article by Jim Mustain

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is shutting down two of its hard-won offices in China, The Associated Press has learned, a move that comes even as the agency struggles to disrupt the flow of precursor chemicals from the country that have fueled a fentanyl epidemic blamed for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

"These closings reflect the need to harness DEA's limited and strained resources to target where we can make the biggest impact in saving American lives," DEA Administrator Anne Milgram told agents in an email last week that also included plans to close a dozen other offices worldwide to trim DEA's current footprint of 93 offices in 69 countries.

Though rumored for months, it was unclear exactly why DEA is shutting down its offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou, leaving only those in the capital Beijing and the autonomously-governed city of Hong Kong, and how that could affect its efforts on fentanyl. DEA said only that the move followed a data-driven process intended to maximize the agency's impact.

"Americans have a right to know why this decision was made and where DEA intends to reallocate taxpayers' hard-earned dollars," said Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

DEA veterans say it marked yet another setback in the often-halting cooperation between the two geopolitical rivals. Even though China has added dozens of fentanyl-producing chemicals to its list of controlled substances and warned companies against shipping them, the country remains the world's largest source of precursors in a fentanyl crisis blamed for nearly 100,000 U.S. deaths a year.

"We need to work with the Chinese and get them to help stop the flow of precursor chemicals," said Mike Vigil, a former head of DEA's foreign operations, "and it's hard to develop those relationships with less representation in the country."

It took years of U.S. requests before China even agreed to allow the DEA to open offices outside of the capital of Beijing in 2017. Hopes were high for its two-agent office in Guangzhou, a major center for trade and organized crime, and a similar outpost in Shanghai, the country's financial hub.

But a U.S. official familiar with the closures who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive diplomatic matter said China's cooperation was largely in name only, and that the agents assigned to the field offices faced difficulties obtaining visas and numerous restrictions as U.S.-China relations soured.

China suspended anti-narcotics cooperation in 2022 in retaliation for then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, a self-ruled island which Beijing claims. Those efforts appeared to improve more recently, however, following President Joe Biden's meeting last year in San Francisco with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.

The DEA's Milgram traveled to China in January with Todd Robinson, the top anti-narcotics official at the State Department. A few months later, authorities in Beijing arrested a Chinese national who fled the U.S. after being named in a criminal indictment out of Los Angeles federal court for fentanyl trafficking.

Milgram has increasingly emphasized how such cooperation could help disrupt China's trade in precursors and its role as a magnet for the laundering of illegal drug proceeds worldwide.

"This work has been constructive so far, but I believe it's too early to know whether we'll see the results that we want to see," Milgram told a congressional panel earlier this year. "If we could stop the flow of precursors from China, we could have a significant impact."

China would not comment on what it said was a DEA internal matter. However, Liu Pengyu, a spokesperson for China's Embassy in Washington, praised recent cooperation between the two countries on fentanyl, citing the recent visit to DEA headquarters by a delegation led by the director general of the Chinese Narcotics Control Bureau.

"China hopes that, the U.S. side can work with China in the same direction and continue the pragmatic counter-narcotics cooperation based on mutual respect, managing differences and mutual benefits."

Closing 14 DEA Offices

Collectively, the 14 offices DEA has slated to close account for more than 100 agents and employees, and include some, including in Russia, Cyprus and Indonesia, that are home to flourishing criminal underworlds with connections to Latin American cartels who smuggle the bulk of cocaine, methamphetamine and fentanyl sold in the U.S.

Other offices slated to close are: Bahamas, Egypt, Georgia, Haiti, Kazakhstan, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nicaragua and Senegal. Milgram also announced plans to open offices in Albania and Jordan.

The actions come 18 months after an outside review of the DEA's global footprint that followed an AP investigation into a foreign corruption scandal involving José Irizarry, a disgraced former DEA agent in Colombia who confessed to skimming millions of dollars from drug money laundering operations to fund a worldwide joyride of partying and prostitutes.

That review noted the now-50-year-old agency had never conducted such an assessment to reflect changing threats, and recommended a "rightsizing" of resources to fight fentanyl.

Four of the offices slated to close – the Bahamas, Haiti, Myanmar and Nicaragua – are in countries that, along with China, were designated by the White House as major drug producing or transit zones.

Andre Kellum, who retired in 2021 as regional director for Africa, was especially critical of the closure of the office in Senegal, where an elite unit of local police trained and vetted by the DEA was behind scores of major busts. Close ties with authorities in Mozambique, where the DEA opened an office in 2017, was key to nabbing Brazil's biggest drug trafficker.

"This is shortsighted," he said. "Those relationships are critical and aren't easily rebuilt."

William Warren, the DEA's former regional director in the Middle East, noted that the agency can also act as a vital extra set of American eyes in countries that are hotbeds for weapons smuggling, human trafficking and terrorist groups.

"The DEA is a force multiplier for national security," he said "It's not just about seizing drugs. The leads, information and intelligence the DEA passes on to other federal agencies keeps Americans safe from all kinds of threats."

Source AP News


  1. George Floyd Patron Saint of Fentanyl Overdose

    1. It must suck that more people know his name then yours. From all over the world!

    2. Good try officer.

    3. Oh yeah it’s awesome to be known for dying of an overdose because you swallowed a bag of fent.

      I know the officers restraining him didn’t help the situation but he would have ODd either way.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherSeptember 18, 2024 at 4:40 AM

      China remembers the Opium Wars! Kharma! Pay Back Is a Beach!
      Isn't asymmetrical potent! Another flashing light the Empire is in undeniable collapse mode!

    6. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherSeptember 18, 2024 at 4:46 AM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. Lmfao I actually think it’s funny af

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. LFM made the call to shutdown those offices because nortenas had corrupted them and it was affecting the never ending stacking of feria theres a video on muchocano exclusive groups of 3 chinos heads in woks with a piece of pizza sushi on each of them with dark cubanolooking chinos yelling chongchingaronsumadrechangchang "{unaudiable} pura sombreriza" this nortena conflict went intercontinental lol prime feria stacking environment that helped create LFM hundreds of years ago gracias compes nortenas Sol we rocking out tonight got $29 ebt pullup man

    -Semper Fi-

    1. This fker fi Fi always has to mention LFM even though, it's not related to the article. Wtf gives.

    2. Put the pipa down, what do busters have to do with this?

  3. God forbid an autonomous government... you mean 1 that usa doesn't control and manipulate. Now thaaaaaat makes sense

    1. That's what I'm saying... and the U.S appears to be offended by their lack of cooperation.

    2. Nobody ever said this sucks I'm going to China

    3. Nothing moves in/out/around China without the direction and approval of the Chinese Communist Party.

      If Xi Jinping really wanted to stop precursor chemical exports, the Chinese manufacturers would be arrested and shot.

    4. China is not a government it’s a communist dictatorship…

  4. Con bigote y sombrero
    Caminava el señoron
    Conosido como el mayo
    Bien valiente y de respeto
    Pero cuando la ley vino
    Y la miro serca
    Ya no le gusto
    Y se hizo el "yo no fui"
    A que las aperencias engañan
    Para eso me gustavaaaa
    Tan tan tararara

  5. 20 Pelones (Chapos) hitmen captured in Sonora .


  6. Another example how the US is losing its respect and power around the world, as a matter of fact in 2025 US citizens will now need visas to travel to Europe. We're no longer respected folks.

    1. Everyone needs visas to go everywhere these days, just like tourists visiting the US use ESTA.

      Go online, sign up, pay a few $$ and get easy entry because you're already authorized.

      Internationally, only the disrespectful have lost respect for the US.

    2. And that's a good thing!

    3. and why should you be respected? you ain't the us government just a US citizen maybe

    4. U get what give to others. As European I need an US visa for centuries, and then they can still refuse me at the border for not liking my smile! But still traveling to US, as I do like it a lot. And they still let me in when I was 16 years old while totally drunk after 10 heini’s on board🤷🏿‍♂️

    5. ''Another example how the US is losing its respect and power around the world''
      Says this loser sitting in the U.S complaining ?


    La linea killed a cds leader recently. Hora BB, trucha!

  8. Replies
    1. Escandalo!
      How long have these shenanigans been going on, right under our noses!? 😉

  9. They need to close all their offices. It is a waste of government resources and waste of money. It is pretty clear by now that the war on drugs is lost. I read an article about a group of DEA agents who shared an office in Colombia. All these guys did was party every night with hookers, drink and consume coke. Get ride of them. Nuff Said!!!

    1. You know not of what you speak, but you are indeed a moron.

    2. Nuffy Grumpy old man...
      You know they are a valuable asset.

    3. Nuffles, your credibility just took a major hit.

  10. I know they weren’t getting shit done at the dea in china..

    it might have sounded like a good plan to open an office but if they don’t have chinas cooperation they can’t find anything or get anything done.

    Millions and millions of dollars wasted.

  11. Time for some heavy sanctions on bad hombres China .

    RIP Gilbertona

  12. Anne Milgram….. probably the worst DEA admin of all time. A legacy of stupidity.

  13. Not a bit of this in US news, thanks again best North American News Borderland Beat.

  14. Who is winning mayos or chapós ?


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