Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

"El Jaguar" Jose Torres Marrufo is No Longer in BOP Custody, Testifies Against "El Menchito"

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

A former member of the Sinaloa Cartel has identified Rubén Oseguera González, "El Menchito," as the second in command of the CJNG, answering only to his father, El Mencho, during the second week of his trial.

José Antonio Torres Marrufo was the head of hitmen Gente Nueva for the Sinaloa cartel in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. They called him "El Jaguar."

During his testimony he said that in 2010 he had a meeting with the CJNG, to negotiate joint trafficking work. The meeting took place in a cabin in Tapalpa, Jalisco. “Mencho, Menchito and all the people from their team were there (…) A commander from the Federal Police and Beto Ureña, alias Peludo.”

"El Menchito" was “someone with an important role, second to his father de El [Mencho]...” Marrufo said that it was at that meeting where it was agreed to allow the CJNG to traffic drugs to the United States via Juarez so long as no trace is left in the plaza.

During this meeting, the possibility of collaborating on the trafficking of methamphetamine through Juárez to El Paso, Texas and on to Atlanta, Georgia was discussed.

Torres Marrufo, also detailed that in the meeting he saw men armed with M16 rifles and grenade launchers, which he requested obtaining these weapons as well and received them a week later in Agua Prieta, Sonora.

The witness also reported that, after that first collaboration, he continued acquiring cocaine shipments from the CJNG, although the collaboration did not last due to his arrest in February 2012. However, their paths crossed again in the Federal Prison of Oaxaca in 2015, where both remained inmates until 2018. During his stay, he claims that "El Menchito" continued buying weapons through a lawyer who visited him daily.

El Menchito's defense questioned the need to continue operating arms trafficking from prison. The witness explained that this was done so that Oseguera González could verify the quality and type of weapons. Torres Marrufo also commented that he and "El Menchito" listened to a corrido that had been composed for him after the downing of a Mexican Air Force plane in Villa Purificación, Jalisco, in 2015.

Sources DEA, Milenio, Infobae


  1. Puras patadas de ahogado que se quede encerrado por todo el marranero que isieron en juarez fucken backstabbers and snitches he just tryna snitch to get a reduced sentence typical cds

    1. “Not longer in custody “

    2. 1148 give it up man nobody's talking about Sol except the dumbasses from reddit.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. @12:38 funny how sol is always on Reddit and the only ones that mention Reddit is people like you that are on Reddit

  2. wow

    never would have thought those two crossed paths way back in 2010

    but this was the witness against him from the summer court filings right?

    Always thought it was Chapos line that fed Juarez Gente Nueva, but that was back when they had Nacho in GDL and Mencho worked with him

  3. so CJNG been moving dope threw juarez for a long time.

    1. It’s been documented for some time now

    2. 1209 butt hurt CDS fan

    3. Pinche Sol go back to Honduras and eat iguanas and hamsters,you will never be from Sinaloa . Arriba Mexico you central american jungle bunny

    4. That's correct at least a decade

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Thanks Sol, gracias for being around compa

    7. Sol how does one get to the second page of Cartel Insider? I'm using my phone and scroll down to the bottom of the first screen but don't see any options.

    8. Jajajajajaja I got soup beans all over the front of my shirt i was laughing so hard, lol funniest comment of the day @ 108

    9. 5:19 Lol did 1:08 mentioned the Gilbertonas with res hair? Now thats funny🤣😭

    10. Sol te quiero ser el amor

  4. Memsito fucked up he should've taken the deal. He started talking then decided he would go to trial . They are using everything he said against him . Now you have this CDsnitch. Buenos pa cantar🎵🎶🎼. Arriva El cartel de Los sapos.

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. Menchito will be used to set an example, just as El Mochomo. The pendejos that come on here talking about snitches this and snitches that have never been threatened with a life sentence. Once reality sets in, everyone starts talking.


    1. Has been known as cartel de las traciones since chapo betrayed beltran who is his half brother menchito is a real one not like mayos and chapos full of snitching

    2. This guy was one of the first sapos from the CDJ. He was said to have worked for Javier Sanchez a big time capo from Ahumada Chihuahua and CDJ.
      He jumped ship to Sinaloa and turned Sanchez into the government forces under Genaro Garcia Lunas control.
      Ever since everyone in Juarez has always been sapos. No loyalty whatsoever en today.

  6. Wrong!!!!!! Unless you're a rat BIT.. Then you'll find any lame excuse

  7. Say Mencho and up pops fanboy Sol. Never fails. Has his pom poms and lip stick ready. Hola Sola

  8. All of these tough guys aren't so tough when they get into U.S. custody.

  9. Another snitch from the SNITCHaloa Cartel. Mas culones no pudieran ser! Pero los alucines dicen que son la envidia de todo México. 😂🤣😭

  10. For a second I thought it was a jalisco or michoacano but I see it's onother snitchaloa lol

    1. Dude
      They all rat. Top to bottom, bottom to top. Even the that’s koo foo would rat along with sicario.

    2. The truth is that 99% will tell, especially with the possibility of a life sentence staring them right in the face. Survival instincts are naturally ingrained in us , and this is why so many are suicidal, yet never bring themselves to actually going through with it . The truth is we are all selfish creatures that care more about ourselves than we truly would like to admit . This is a fact that can be investigated. I’m not saying that this is every single person on this planet . Just like there is people who go against their survival instincts and kill themselves , there are also a very small percentage who commit suicide with their freedom . Both scenarios are a form of “throwing your life away” , except one does it free and willing , while the other winds up there by bad decisions. You think if someone (the government) tosses him a lifeline, he’s going to go against his survival instincts and not take it ? Some do don’t get me wrong , but it’s such a small percentage that it’s unbelievable, in terms of statistics.

  11. Sinaloa tierra de sapos y puercos smh

  12. Damn, so how many murders did he get away with??

  13. I bitch slap this cat in jokers piece of shit


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