Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

"El Lobo" Valencia and "El Pilo" Testify as the Trial of "El Menchito" Begins

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

With Contributions by "Char"

During the first day of trial, a former leader of the Milenio Cartel said he had known Ruben Oseguera González since 2005 when "El Menchito" was 15, he was introduced by the father, "El Mencho," during a meeting in Guadalajara.

“In the meetings we had with his father, with his uncles, that's where they introduced him to me,” emphasized the former leader of the Milenio Cartel, who also stated that Oseguera González was also in charge of security for drug shipments for the CJNG. “We talked about work, drug trafficking and the enmity we had with the Familia Michoacana and Los Zetas,” Nava Valencia recalled.

Mencho was already trafficking marijuana and cocaine, "El Lobo" Valencia said that in 2008 the father and son proposed producing methamphetamine.

By 2008, “El Mencho” decided to enter the methamphetamine business, and with him, his son did too. According to “El Lobo,” the Milenio Cartel provided the precursors and ephedrine to the future CJNG leaders to produce the synthetic drug, which they used to send by plane to Tijuana, Baja California, and then transported it by land to the United States and from there begin distribution to Los Angeles, Atlanta and beyond.

Who is "El Lobo?"

Oscar Orlando Nava Valencia, known as “El Lobo,” 52 years old, served as the leader of Los Valencia or the Milenio Cartel. In addition, he was one of the closest collaborators of Ignacio Coronel Villarreal, better known as “Nacho” Coronel.

Originally from of Aguililla, in Michoacán, he assumed the leadership of Los Valencia after the arrest of his uncle Armando Valencia Cornelio, “El Maradona,” in August 2003, in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

“El Lobo” and his brother, Juan Nava Valencia, “El Tigre,” were in charge of planning and transporting cocaine shipments from Central and South American countries, through shipments that had as their final destination the port of Manzanillo, Colima, from where it was sent to the United States.

“El Lobo” was arrested in October 2009 by members of the Mexican Army in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, after an armed confrontation. In January 2011, the Mexican government extradited him to the United States. Nava Valencia said that until 2009, when he was arrested, the Milenio Cartel moved 5 tons of cocaine, 5 tons of marijuana and up to 2 tons of methamphetamine a month in the United States, Mexico and Europe, thanks to the collaboration of "El Mencho" and other criminal cells.

At that time, the Oseguera clan was part of an armed wing of the defunct cartel and directed several drug dealing operations.

After having his sentence reduced twice, “El Lobo” was released from prison in the United States on November 27, 2023, after 12 years of incarceration, according to a search carried out in the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) registry, under number 84193-279.

According to the newspaper Milenio, which reported the incident on December 1, 2023, Nava Valencia would remain in the United States, as part of the protected witness program, along with his wife and children, who were already in the country.

"In accordance with the agreement signed with the Department of Justice [of the United States], 'El Lobo' will remain available to the authorities to cooperate in future cases, as he did with Genaro García Luna and one of Los Cuinis," the same newspaper said.

The defense of Genaro García Luna attempted to discredit the credibility of "El Lobo," who claimed, during his testimony to have paid more than $10 million to the then federal official, in exchange for security and information about his rivals.

During his questioning session, defense attorney Florian Miedel focused on “El Lobo’s” criminal past and also on the fact that since he was arrested – from 2011 to 2020 – he never mentioned García Luna’s name during the dozens of meetings he had with US security agents and prosecutors.

However, Nava Valencia tried to justify himself by saying, on the one hand, that the United States Attorney's Office did not ask him specifically about García Luna until 2020 and, on the other hand, he said that he was afraid of possible reprisals against his family.

However, Miedel noted that in 2022, “El Lobo” told US security agents that he was retracting his statements regarding García Luna and that he had not met him, although after speaking with them, he decided to continue with his original testimony.

García Luna's lawyers maintain that the Eastern District Attorney's Office of New York has no "objective" evidence against their client, such as documents, recordings or videos, and that they are based on the testimonies of criminals, drug traffickers and murderers, who want to take revenge on those responsible for security and reach agreements to get out of prison as soon as possible.

"El Lobo" Nava Valencia concluded his testimony, with remarks from "El Menchito's" lawyer about how he took advantage of all his collaboration to be free after being a prominent drug trafficker.

"El Pilo" Testimony

The Milenio Cartel split into two in 2010 following the death of "Nacho" Coronel. Elpidio Ramírez, known as "El Pilo," expected to be the next leader of Milenio, but a faction backed "El Mencho," giving rise to the CJNG and El Pilo's La Resistencia who was fighting against them and seeking alliances with other cartels.

Journalist Angel Hernandez has been following the court proceedings and reported that, Elpidio "El Pilo" Mojarro Ramírez says that Abigael González Valencia, "El Cuini," was very close to his nephew, "El Menchito" and took him to meetings to learn about the business of cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine trafficking.

“I always asked why they took that bunch of young people to the meetings that were their 'Chiquimafia,' he recalls about a group of young people to which Oseguera González belonged. “I saw him several times in the office, but there were only three meetings.”

According to El Pilo, El Menchito collected drugs and returned money to the Milenio Cartel: “He collected the merchandise that was delivered to Los Cuinis and took the money that Los Cuinis sent us. Many times I was present when they gave him the drugs or he received the money.”

"El Menchito's" defense revealed that at one point El Pilo said that he thought Oseguera González was too young and did not believe he was involved in drug trafficking.

Prosecutors also said they have photographs of the weapons that were used by the defendant and seized in Mexico, as well as statements from law enforcement officials from other countries.

Judge Beryl A. Howell was the same who sentenced Jessica Oseguera, El Menchito's sister, to 30 months in prison in 2021. "La Negra" was released in early 2022. Rubén and Jessica were born in California and have Mexican and U.S. passports.

It is believed the next witness will be an uncle of Ruben Oseguera González, "El Menchito."


  1. The late great Nacho Coronel ... Mencho learned from the best .

    1. King of Crystal

    2. He learned in Califas...

    3. He got betrayed and died, doesnt look like the brightest bulb on the shelf.

    4. Ahuevo … tenía que ser un compa de Durango que tenía al margen a todas las marranas flacas de Jalisco y Michoacán.

      Puro Durango !

    5. Nacho Coronel took the Idea of making product for sale like the Michoacanos, instead of buying and selling other countries products.

    6. 5:59 Y lo traicino el chapo 🥹😥😭

    7. Maybe so maybe nacho is better at faking his death than mencho. He didn't learn about mayo and chapo betrayals if the assassination attempt in colima is true or maybe he did and that's why he's still alive. Crazy to think he's a free man and mayos on deaths door in us custody. How's the emmita thing going connor.

    8. I would smash Sheinbaum.

    9. These are sham trials that are put on. You get more justice in a 3rd world country

  2. Both his lawyers repped my boys, got their case knocked back to probation - and even got my homies Rolex back LOL

    I know one of them on a run into basis. He's really cool....but they can't do anything for Menchito here. no one can.

  3. Funny part is I ran into him out one night with his wife, and introduced myself, and said you took care of my friends case, that''s my best friend, and I wanted to thank you.

    he said "those boys took a helluva hit....let me tell you"

    it was hilarious. He's one of those 100 lawyers.

  4. He is done . He should’ve taken the deal he’s young , he would’ve came out an old man but be free. In the mean time enjoy Gilbertona vs Gilbertona word on the street Gilbertonas before battle they dye there hair red and offer gifts to Gilbertona statue .

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. 1:49 🤣🤣🤣 Antes le rezaban a Malverde antes de entrarle al topon, hoy en dia los Sinaloas le rezan a La Gilbertona y traen colgados en el cuello una imagen de la Gilbertona antes de matarse a besos y agazajos

    2. 12:14 pm 🤣🤣🤣🤣 aqui va una (LGBTQ). Las Gilbertonas Burras se nesesita algo pa la T y Q o si ay algo major.

      RIP Gilbertona

    3. Las Jaliscas y las aguacateras están igual le mandaron rosas al la gilbertona en su funeral 🤣🤣🤣 traen tatuada a la Gilbertona en el pecho el rr,el APA la menchilla le reza en la cárcel para que le den unas metidonas los morenos 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. @12:14 no te equivoques la gilbertona era la ley en sinaloa

    5. No se an dado cuenta que despues de que fallecio la Gilbertona todo el CDS se vino abajo? Pareciera que era la unica persona que mantenia la paz entre ellos, ahora ya hicieron a la Gilbertona una santa, nimodo a rezarle para que todo se calme, porque ya no funciona rezarle a Malverde

  5. Big Nuts Big Brain TrutherSeptember 11, 2024 at 3:05 AM

    I sense a class action lawsuit soon from all the overdose and addicts families against all the major cartel figures for the destroyed lives their poison trafficking has caused! Trillions of $$$ in damges! The list is long: Chapitos, Emma Chapo, El Mayo, Vincente, Menchito, Menchito, Luna and hundreds of other narcos in America and throughout the world. Even the ones who have testified and living in America need to be sued!

  6. I know a lot of El Lobo’s relatives got killed after he became an informant to get his time reduced, I wonder if the same thing happened to El Pilo?

  7. Don Nacho Coronel was not a " Beltran Leyva Operator"! He was a boss ! With same rank as Don Chapo ,Don Mayo ,and Don Azul.

    One more mistake like this and im leaving.

    1. OK no worry's 327 you won't be missed

    2. ''One more mistake like this and im leaving''
      Cye,dont let the door hit you in your arse on the way out

  8. im sayin free menchito til menchito free

  9. First time seeing anything about Nacho being a BLO operator. I always found Nacho to be one of the more interesting narcos because how little information there is about him and how much power he held. But to my understanding he was part of Juarez before joining the federation and pretty much ran his own line that was separate from milenio and Sinaloa. Supposedly that’s why mayo and chapo took him out because he was planning on breaking off and pulling a BLO and was just as powerful as Hector & Mochomo ( not quite on Arturo’s level). I would love to know the real details behind nacho though being that without his death CJNG probably wouldn’t exist.

    1. Did they ever confirm his death with DNA, fingerprints etc? What about his bodyguard that looked similar to him that disappeared?

    2. Not one of those guys was on Botas blancas political level or social network, his tentacles stretched all over Mexico, from famous people to all 3 level of the government. He was just quite for a long time till his brother was captured but barbas was a millionaire before chapo.

    3. It sounds like you're believing Arturos megolomaniac drug fuelled estimation of his own power. Jefe de Jefes? He wasn't even the Jefe of his home state. The brothers had a huge operation later on, but Tennis Shoes Blancas followed in Chapos slipstream early on. It's sad how many people still idolise him, and believe the official version put out by Garcia Luna, that he refused to surrender and went out like Scarface. He was executed for kidnapping Luna and murdering his protege. And you underestimate Nacho Coronel, he had at least as much power as Arturo ever had.

    4. 139 he's dead fanboy

    5. 156 looks like it hurt your feelings cds fanboy. Fact is he kept half of sinaloa BLO to this day runs half of the state and he controlled mire states than mayo and chapo combined. 400 million usd per month while chapo was struggling to pay cholo vago 30k usd😂 there was a 4 hour shoot out that’s not an execution. Arturo el mero padre del cartel de las traiciones

    6. No, you didn't hurt my feelings. I'm 49, I was working in Mexico at the time covering the clashes, and we got warned off by Hectors "business associates".
      Chapo was struggling to pay his men because he was in hiding, like a mafia boss in a bunker with billions in the bank having trouble meeting payroll because any movement of money will be tracked. You don't understand how money flows.
      You think the Beltran Leyva Organisation runs half of Sinaloa today? Wow.
      And yes, it was an execution. He was never going to leave that complex alive, and he knew it. He was waiting for a meeting with the head of the military zone to protect him, the fact that the operation was cautious was because his panicky bodyguards were throwing fragmentation grenades down the stairwell.

    7. 9:38 I'm no fanboy of him or any other Mexican narco being that they've mexico the living hell it has become for a lot of mexico's good citizens. Wouldn't be the first outlaw to fake his death and pull it off.

  10. Thought only c d s had rats???? 😆

    1. No but until now CJNG has no rats

      These guys were never CJNG, they were milenio cartel

    2. They are all rats when the US government hands them 4 consecutive life sentences. There are very few people built that way

    3. All of a sudden they aren’t cjng no se les alla

    4. 10:53 your obviously clueless

  11. Nacho Coronel never worked for the Beltran Leyva people. They were both members of what was known as The Federation (Sinaloa Cartel).

  12. Gotta tip your hat to lil mencho ... instead of snitching out his pops operators he is going to roll the dice and take whatever punch comes in the chin alv pretty ballsy in my opinion. CONNOR IS KING !!

    1. I thought no one in that cartel snitches? His own uncle ratting him out too. Menchito literally thinks his dad is going to save him from up out of this one. Little ninja must’ve forgot where he at

    2. I'm sure he'll be grateful for your admiration when he gets sentenced. Rest assure he's gonna think, "geez, good thing I'm in great standing with Connor and the rest of my my Basement Boys at borderlandbeat." nothing like a fifi and a bomb ass spread to make you feel better when you start thinking of the outside mi Conner. 🤣🤣🤣

    3. Should ban this weirdo

    4. That punch will likely be a life sentence. He should've listened to and watched his father when he told him to stay out of the city and when they allegedly caught mencho and let him go. I don't think mencho intends to be captured again if he's alive.

    5. Negative Chief, Koo Foo, No Period Kid...
      Please fucking stop Connor. You turn this comment section into a teenage chucklefest.

  13. Yes, see not only Sinaloa snitch it was just a matter of time as a neutral i love this we can get more information and details about these criminals

  14. His uncle Gerardo aka Lalo may testify too
    He was extradited and pleaded
    Guilty and got a life sentence last year it was all pretty quick - reminds me of Damaso

  15. Nacho Coronel still has family who operate doing the same things. They work for cds . All of Sierra de Durango does

    1. Durango work for sinaloas
      They aint hard enough or smart enough to have their own cartel

  16. Los Michoachangos andan muy calladitos. No que en michoacaca no cantaban. El lobo no canta pero si aulla. 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Aulla porqué lo congelaron del negocio. Igual el otro dedo de "El Pilo", los desterraron a putazos y resultaron culones.

    2. Las sinapuercas dying to get the spot light off them ofwhat’s going in gilbertonaloa get over its esos chango son mas huevuedos Que ustedes hay esta el menchito de ejemplo tomen notas sinapuercas

    3. 409 no le dicen Menchito por nada. Pobre pendejo, I hope you put some money in his books payaso.🤣🤣🤣🤣

  17. He’s done! Shoulda took the 20 yr sentence they offered! He’s doing life!! Dam it

    1. They were offering 40. At 35, he'd have 10 served, plus reductions for good behavior and acceptance of responsibility. but he still wouldn't be out until he was like 65 years old.

      He can still get a post sentence reduction.

      but, that will be political internal DOJ stuff, probably influenced in the election. We

  18. It’s saying his next witness is one of his uncles? Did I read that right? La chepa?? Man it better not be him,crazy if it is!

  19. The NO SNITCH state. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 hasta el tio le va poner dedo!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  20. Pinches ratas! 🐀
    No le agan copy a los snitchaloas
    Se ve muy mal eso tontos!!

    1. Jajaja, tu que crees que les importe mas, que se vean mal delante unos morros mocosos alucines, o que se avienten 40 años en la carcel para que tu no pienses mal de ellos? Haber, tu por que no te avientas los años por ellos tontito.

  21. I don’t understand why you guys are holding these losers to a higher standard. They all rat. I know 2 guys serving life because their own homies testified against them. In one case. The lawyer told the family, when the crime happened your son was driving around with his best friends. After the altercation and shooting your son drove away with 3 rats. No evidence just his pals telling on him. The friends couldn’t sleep at night and decided to cooperate. Not worth it.

  22. But wait, wait I taught only the mighty Sinaloa cartel were the only ones that snitch. 😂 😂 les arde el culo cuando se dan cuenta.

  23. Puro Valencia de Michoacán 🥑🥑
    Aqui seguimos
    Saludos de Modesto CA

  24. Young Menchito looks so weird… like not just awkward weird but disturbingly weird. Some kind of evil boy genius almost like Dexter from Dexter’s Lab..

  25. La Chepa gonna testify against Menchito! Dam!! Say it ain’t so! Who woulda thought!


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