Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 21, 2024

3-Year Old Burned Alive by Gunmen as Father is Kidnapped in Berriozábal, Chiapas

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Gunmen kidnapped a man and burned his home with his 3-year old daughter inside in an early morning attack in the town of Berriozábal, Chiapas yesterday. Three suspected attackers were arrested by the military along with incriminating evidence, but the father has not been found.

Police reports indicate the attack occurred around 6:00 a.m. on Friday in Berriozábal, a small town 15 miles to the east of Tuxtla Gutierrez, the capital of Chiapas state.

The armed men were after 22-year old Jose "N", and set fire to the home as they left the area with the captive father. Inside, the sleeping daughter was burned alive and died in her bed where her corpse was found by police. The mother survived the attack as she was working her night shift job.

Heraldo de Chiapas reported that the Mexican army captured three suspects in connection with the attack, along with seizing two stolen vehicles, a number of weapons, tactical gear, and fire starting equipment - a gasoline canister and two torches - likely used in the attack.

The kidnapped father was not found however, reported Chiapas journalist Isain Mandujano. It is unknown what the reason for the attack is.

What is happening in Chiapas?

Chiapas has become the front for a bloody territorial dispute between factions of the Sinaloa Cartel, the CJNG, The Guatemala Cartel, as well as local crime syndicates such as the San Juan Chamula Cartel. Symptoms of criminal conflict long absent from the state such as shootouts between armed criminals in up-armored vehicles and security forces on highways, killings of police and political candidates, and narco videos have become common.

Between 2022 and 2023, homicides increased 52% from 377 to 500, but some have suggested the actual increases in deaths are much higher. For example, a local NGO claimed that 25 civilians were killed in the crossfire when the Guardia Nacional engaged armed criminals earlier this month. The government reported that the actual death toll was 10, not 25.

Discrepancies in reporting are compounded by the insecurity in the state. Local journalists face grave threats, and there are some areas where reporters totally avoid, stated Isain Mandujano, a journalist reporting on the region for 20 years. 


  1. Pure filth burning child!!!. Burn those who did it 🤮

    1. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherSeptember 21, 2024 at 4:22 AM

      Narcos are lower than pedophiles! Fact!

  2. Wtf you dirty muthafuckers!!!! Most likely CJNG

    1. Lol ok snitchola

    2. There is no honor among em, wake up kid.

  3. Whoever ordered this doesn't deserve to be call a human being

  4. We need capital punishment for this type of criminals.

    1. There is no possible rehabilitation for the people who would do this


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