Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Genaro Garcia Luna Writes His Letter Calling Out AMLO, Turned Down a Six Month Plea Deal

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

As we saw recently, "El Mayo" Zambada issued a statement via a letter through his lawyer Frank Perez detailing the events leading to and accusations against government officials.

Last year, Los Chapitos, issued a lengthy letter disputing various portions of the new superseding indictment against them, to which "El Mini Lic," provided Borderland Beat with exclusive rebuttals to their claims of innocence regarding fentanyl and certain deaths. Former Los Zetas leader "Z-40" wrote a letter denying that he is the same person authorities claim him to be.

The practice of drug lords penning letters to the media and US authorities to either proclaim their innocence, dispute allegations and indictments and spread propaganda about rival cartels and government officials is not a recent trend. 

Prime examples include "El Chapo" denying the charges laid out in a large Texas indictment in 2012 and a letter written by "La Barbie" accusing Mexican officials of collaborating with the cartels.

And now journalist Keegan Hamilton received a handwritten letter from Genaro Garcia Luna, currently awaiting sentencing at the Brooklyn MDC (Metropolitan Detention Center). "El Mayo" was just transferred to the same facility as his trial in New York proceeds. It is highly unlikely they have any direct contact with each other there.

In the letter he details the offer to become a witness in exchange for a 6-month prison term, which he declined and reasoned that his arrest was not necessary for his cooperation against criminals as he claimed to have done so throughout his career in Mexico.

He also makes claims of agreements and collaboration between various government officials including President AMLO, citing current judicial reform as evidence of this corruption.

The letter also goes to length defending his innocence and claims that no evidence aside from witness testimony of drug traffickers who were arrested and extradited during his time as the Secretary of Public Security for Mexico under President Felipe Calderon.

Below are key translated portions of the letter provided by Luna's lawyer.

 6 Month Cooperation Deal

"After the arrest and during the first few days I was repeatedly offered a deal with the New York Attorney's Office to charge me with crimes related to drug trafficking in exchange for being detained for a short time (6 months) and receive financial benefits in this way to become a witness." 

Denial of Trial Evidence

"In February 2023, I went to trial. As is public knowledge, the prosecutors did not present a single piece of evidence or proof of the crimes that were being indicated-essentially crimes linked to drug trafficking. They did not present any documents, photographs, videos, audio, telephone communication records, tax or financial documents, bank accounts, or any record of contact with any member of the drug trade or their family, as the Mexican government claimed."

"Similarly, in Mexico, a Collegial Court of the Judiciary ruled in October 2023 (after a trial) that there was no evidence to prove illegal income in my assets prior to 2012, during more than 20 years that I served as a public official. In short, both in the U.S. and Mexico, the respective judicial branches ruled that my assets of more than 20 years are legal, that there is not a single peso-dollar linked to drug trafficking." 
"These witnesses were arrested, imprisoned without escaping, and extradited in the same period of time that I was Secretary of Public Security of Mexico."

Accusing AMLO of Working with Traffickers

"...President of Mexico Andrés López Obrador and his operators with the leaders of drug trafficking and their families, particularly with drug traffickers who were used as witnesses against me during the trial, who even during the trial accused President Lopez Obrador and his operators of being linked to them and drug trafficking."


AMLO's Response

Following the allegations made by former Secretary of Security Genaro García Luna, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador challenged him to present evidence of his alleged links to drug trafficking, “so that he does not fail, to ask his friends at the DEA and the U.S. State Department for the information.”

"If one is a leader and wants to transform a reality of oppression, injustice, and privilege, one must have moral authority, one must be honest, because otherwise one cannot do it, they will destroy one. In my decades-long career as a leader, I have suffered many accusations and they have not been able to do it." President AMLO stated during his morning press conference.

President López Obrador said that if, as Garcia Luna says, he is innocent, "why doesn't Calderón defend him? Then those who rewarded him, the United States Embassy in Mexico, the DEA, of course the State Department, the Department of Justice in the United States."


  1. amlo and morena are such cynics , they use the race card to pose as "pueblo" when all of Mexico is under threat of organized crime

    1. amlo and morena are organized crime. get ready for the next six years.

    2. You sound like you dont know what youre talking about.

    3. So Jose Humberto Bermis Gidovus Lopez Pacheco Zambrano Orelleno Hernandez del Carmen.
      You're saying Sniderbaum Claudia, will be controlled by AMLO and cabinet members, to have her do what they wish?

  2. Is not obrador fault Mexico is under the organize crimes is the past presidents giving power to the cartels! That’s why they got so big that’s why he is trying to clean all the senate so they won’t be able to let go when they have been arrested

    1. Who had Ovidio released in the first Culiacánazo? @3:57

    2. 655, If it was your brother, sister, dad, mom, son, or daughter threatened to be killed by the cartels, you would be asking AMLO to release Ovidio too. 💯% gauranteed. Ovidos release was a tactical withdrawal, retreat and regroup. The second apprehension was successful because it was coordinated in house. As a result of the DEA conducting covert operations without the president's consent DEA visas were canceled.

    3. No period kid, go play with your Tinka Toys. 3:57 leave it to the mature people in here.

    4. Ah bullshit. AMLO released him because his son went to school with el 🐭, and many k ow he took a huge bribe, no se hagan pendejos.

  3. AMLO & his sons are all linked to cartel rackets. AMLO has a nickname in Mexico “ El Rey del cash”

  4. LFM sponsored ELMO and sense michocunos run the most thoroughbred feria stacking network it's only natural their shadow intelligence network is on par. Thas why nortenas got behind ALMO because if LFM backed him he's bulletproof. This the only mexico commander in chief to confidently challenge the world to scrutinize his paperwork. He knows as long as he let's michonacos do they various assorted activities that by michocan nature leads to feria getting stacked, LFM keeps him untouchable. I'm getting back on track guys got some refurbished car batteries and a bunch of amazon packages I'm auctioning behind winco after 6 when the DEI manager leaves Let me find out Sol you got another bestie

    -Semper Fi-

  5. Tan bien pendejos igual que ese wey

  6. 6 months I highly doubt that, he should’ve been out already.

    1. If he would have taken a plea deal!

    2. No way they offered 6 months given the testimony they had against him. Federal drug witnesses usually get sentenced to 20+ years up front and then their sentences are reduced after they testify. And they usually remain in custody until they testify in all of the trials the DOJ wants to use them in. I’d bet most federal drug witnesses do at least 5 years in most cases, often closer to 10 years.

  7. What a loyal dog GGL is, just days before getting (probably) life sentence, he choose to go against AMLO like their masters told him.

  8. Lots of American main stream propaganda get regurgitated here lol

    1. 8:37
      I don't think you understand what propaganda is.

    2. 1021 I don't think YOU understand what propaganda is.

  9. Unless u are close to these people like everyday then u guys DONT KNOW SHIT .... SO STFU

  10. Lockup this garbage filthy murderer in solitary confinement and throw the key into the ocean

  11. My contacts in Mazatlan are reporting Gabito pizza is having trouble with a Mayiza incursion into the Malecon area in Mazatlan. They are reportedly coming from the north and east through the road that leads to Siqueros presa. I have a few local barbies in Maza I met at the carnaval hope they are safe .I will send some feria to their accounts tomorrow.. u have to play gentlemen

  12. Moron is in no place calling anyone anything, even ELMO…

  13. Genaro, Mayo and P Diddy are together in the SHU.

  14. Luna, Mayo, Puff Daddy. Quite the group that's been recently added.

  15. Coming from the guy who staged many fake arrests & executions of big names in the underworld with the help of Televisa...these accusations have zero credibility.Hes looking to shift blame so he doesn't get life in prison & doesn't have to give up all the dirt he has on his former bosses!


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