Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Los Chapos Interrogate An Alleged Mayo Flaco Hitman Sent From Durango To Culiacán, Sinaloa. Part-1

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

SEPTEMBER 24, 2024 

The interrogation video below was done by Los Chapos and it shows an alleged Mayo Flaco hitman sent from Canelas, Durango. The young underage hitman was sent to fight the Culiacan plaza in the current war of Mayo Flaco against Los Chapos. 



MAYO FLACO HITMAN: Eredier Martinez Rodriguez 


MAYO FLACO HITMAN: I  am seventeen 

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: Where are you from?

MAYO FLACO HITMAN: from Canelas, Durango 

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: What criminal organization do you work for?


LOS CHAPOS INTERRROGATOR: How did you arrive here? 

MAYO FLACO HITMAN: A son of Jose Luis Cabrera Sarabia who is nicknamed Becerro helped me get here

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: How exactly did you get here? 

MAYO FLACO HITMAN: I got here via a bus

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: And welcomed you here? 

MAYO FLACO HITMAN: The plebada (people) of the office 

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: And who was the one that welcomed you here or that gave you the address? 

MAYO FLACO HITMAN: The first one that welcomed me here was El Pelon but then everyone that worked in the La Oficina welcomed me here. 

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: How many people worked for La Oficina? 

MAYO FLACO HITMAN: About 8-9 people were there at the La Oficina 

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: How is it that you were captured? Why are you here? 

MAYO FLACO HITMAN: So there was a car pursuit, We were chasing a hawk or lookout for the Los Chapos but Los Chapos got word and we got chased by armored trucks. The Los Chapos started shooting at us so the driver got nervous and we got out of the car and started running, we went to hide but Los Chapos were looking for us with drones and they eventually captured us. And I am here now. 

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: Where exactly did you want to kidnap the hawk?

MAYO FLACO HITMAN: It was... by ... El forum 

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: What are the other names of the passengers accompanying you in the truck? 

MAYO FLACO HITMAN: mmm.. El Teporron, Alexis, me, and Edgar. Four of us. 

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: They ran away right? 


LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: So you are the only one that got captured right? 

MAYO FLACO: Yes they ran away, and I was captured. 

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: Where is the office (Safehouse)?

MAYO FLACO HITMAN: That safehouse was raided by Los Chapos.. it can be found in Las Torres. 

LOS CHAPOS INTERROGATOR: Where did you guys kidnap the woman from? 

MAYO FLACO HITMAN: So we basically went to look for them at the points where they sell drugs because El Pelon loves to decapitate people and when we could not find any rivals we were forced to keep looking. El Pelon told us that if we refuse to work our families will be killed. 

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