Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, September 20, 2024

Mayos Hitmen Execute A Woman Working As A Hawk/Lookout For Los Chapos In Culiacán, Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

SEPTEMBER 19, 2024

Los Noticieristas and Luz Noticias both news sites from Sinaloa reported the execution of a woman on Thursday, September 19, 2024, in the Montebello sector of Culiacan, Sinaloa. 


The woman appears to have been killed by gunshot wounds by alleged Mayo Flaco hitmen. The woman seems to have a frog and slice of pizza with a knife stabbed to her mouth plus a walkie-talkie next to her. The walkie-talkie would mean the woman is the eyes and ears for the Los Chapos, the frog on her mouth means she is a traitor. 




  1. These assholes really need to stop wasting food like that.

    1. There's a war in Sinaloa, leandro vs leandro.

    2. Puñal vs puñal in Sinaloa.

    3. Gilbertona vs Gilbertona, nopas se rayan la madre, mucho bla bla bla y muy poca accion

    4. 6:17 A si es, se quitan sus tremendas botas baroniles y tienen las pesuñas pintadas de rosa.

    5. Agreed didn’t their mothers tell them to clean their plates at dinner. That was followed by a long, seemingly irrelevant statement, what about children in Africa or India, or some other Third World country who were starving and would love to eat whatever my family happened to be eating that evening. And if you didn’t clean your plate, there were consequences. They were called dad’s belt, and hurt like an MFer. So I say to the mayo, faction, such wasteful, horrendous, pathetic acts; I’m sure there are millions of children starving worldwide because of all of the wasted pizzas. It is a tragedy on par with the best Shakespeare novel ever. I challenge the mayo’s to buy pizza for the countries of the world where children are starving. The same challenge to the chapizzas. Just think if you did that all the governments of the world might dismiss all of your criminal charges. Well, probably not, but it’s the thought that counts.

    6. 6:17 takes one to know one

  2. Its a slice of pizza with a knife stabbed to her eye

  3. Looks like deep dish Pizza pinned to her!!💀🍕💀🍕💀🍕

    1. its not. its just a regular hot n ready from little ceasars

  4. Kill all of them Sapo Chapos. Nobody likes them.

    1. We did not like than in Mazatlan every time Chapo was locked up and we hate them more now.

  5. Seems Like the frog in her mouth with a nice thru her eye which is holding a pizza 🍕 on her face.Seems like the Mayiza made a statement

  6. That's Sicario 006, he was in disguised doing Mossad counter insurgency surveillance.

    1. Yes, in a new vehicle developed by Mossad with bulletproof tires, bulletproof windows, engine etc of course and a 50 Cal Ma Duece controlled remotely, of course and that automatically picks up the enemy and kills them by simply touching a button. Of course, their vehicle is the best and fastest with a top speed of 300 miles an hour and has level 12 armor, and cloaking abilities to make it invisible. and they were trained by a colonel in the mossad… Sicario 006 of course you know that there’s only 114 individuals in the mossad. At the hierarchy of Mossad, according to a former c-4 operative of the IDF
      First of all, we need to determine whom we call a “general” in the mossad since we simply don’t have a rank called “g-e-n-e-r-a-l”. The IDF and mossad ranks have Hebrew names, inspired by the Old Testament.

      The common convention is that the three highest ranks of the mossad are “general officer” ranks: rav-aluf, aluf and tat-aluf. They are usually translated as lieutenant general, major general and brigadier general, respectively. Right under the rank of tat-aluf is the rank of aluf-mishne, which is equivalent to colonel — a senior officer, but not a general officer, for sure. So, let’s assume that we’re talking about the three highest ranks of the Mossad. And though foreign mercenary’s are often hired by MOSSAD. There is one requirement you must be Jewish… more specifically, you must be born Jewish. I’ve seen pictures of Sicario 006 and he is not Jewish. Additionally, the physical tasks required to qualify for mossad and the IDF are so far beyond 006.’s physical capabilities I would give him three maybe four days before he would die of a stroke, or a heart attack.

  7. BRO..

    1. Owning a pizza store in cln is gaining profit a lo wey jajaja

    2. Never mind the pizza they are carrying around frogs in their trucks 😂😂

    3. Some boxes are half eating also

    4. Those mofos stop at Lil Caesars before patrolling the streets!!

    5. Frogmart doing booming business in Culiacan these days

    6. Frog Lives Matter 🐸

    7. these guys own sinaloa, for sure one of em runs a pizza place. you need legit businesses to launder money.

    8. Is the frog sign of Azarte brothers Aquiles and La Rana?

    9. 6:56 no' it means snitch 🦂

  8. That is cold blooded, while Mayos faction is fighting with Chapitos, CJNG is growing and growing.

    1. They’re irrelevant lol they never win any wars

    2. Growing where? They try gaining plazas and fail.

    3. CJNG is the biggest already! They're just watching this clown show called CDS internally combust!

    4. CJ only run them chuntaro states where enemy presence is low next to none. Keep an eye out for them Juarez/Linea paisas… them mfs know how to handle biz and know how to handle them chapitas/salgueiro. Mandándolos pa Durango y Sinaloa en bolsas 😵

    5. Growing and growing or extorting and extorting! Lmfao

    6. Cjng is not even a real cartel they are just a bunch of mugrosos ugly mofos

    7. 🤣🤣🤣 you guys are funny, all you have to do is look at the map and you will know who is the bigger cartel

    8. Their guts are growing and growing .

    9. MF can't even kick NG from Zacatecas.

    10. 5:07 Ahi si los de Sinaloa son puro hombre guapo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 mas puttttttttt

    11. 4:12 That ugly ass border town lol

    12. So I was just curious if anyone knew what kind of odds the cartels are getting in Vegas as to who will win this year’s cartel championship. I haven’t seen the line on any cartel, but I think I’m gonna have to agree with @159 CJNG currently has to be the favorite and I’m going to guess Chapitos are distant second with the mayo faction bringing up the rear, and then they also the have the has been cartels below that— you know the ones like the Carolina panthers of the NFL certain to have the worst record in the league again. So if I had to put my money on the cartel Super Bowl winner, I’m going with CJNG with an outside chance that the Chapitos could pull off of stunning, upset, primarily based on their extraordinary play in victory over the Mayos with his kidnapping. And the cheap, straw cowboy hats and the pizza boxes well I’ll just say this as my grandmother would say, stop showing your ass and do something productive.

  9. You have to be fucking deranged in your brain to stick a knife in someone's mouth
    This war will last very very long!

    1. It seems as if it’s in her eye not her mouth

    2. Near all cartel members are low IQ, they don't have to be deranged. Just dumb enough to wanna be cartel member, or fan like you see on BB! Low IQ!

    3. 3:31 the way you write is low IQ lol you don’t even make sense mija

    4. 4:03 proves Low IQ readers on BB, since he cant read 2 sentences

    5. Low IQ, really you think… Does the constant binging on Coke and meth and alcohol and the various other drugs they abuse have anything to do with that?

      And folks I guess you’ve been hiding under a rock, but there’s not one measure of intelligence anymore the famous dude from Harvard named Howard Gardner did some research in the 80s and identified eight separate autonomous intelligences , but why am I saying that of course you know that 403. If you really knew anything about how IQ was measured and the instruments used to measure it, then you wouldn’t sound like you have your foot in your mouth. Please remember like your mother and grandmother said before you open your mouth know what you’re talking about and remove your foot first before speaking.

    6. also i don't believe they are low iq on average. think of the interrogations.. always extremely articulate with a precise memory .. is what it is

  10. MF winning this from what it seems. Heard Rusos, Cabrera, and Gente de Guasave are on his side

    1. MF can't even kick CJNG out of Zacatecas

    2. Negative. Los Beltran leyva and chapo isidro aren't getting involved. They don't like the zambadas.

    3. Los beltran leyv y el chapo isidro don't like the zambada family.

    4. Actually Chapo Isidro had a war going on with el Chapo.. if he still doesn’t like the chapiza, i see him being on MF side

    5. 2:32 Yeah right they have more plazas in Zacatecas than CJNG does lol I was there a few weeks ago

    6. There is a video where a Mayiza member is naming the people that are with them and he names Musico (BLO) also there is an audio where they say Gente de Guasave is with them .

    7. Who the fck is this Mother Fucker every body is talking about?

    8. They might not like the Zambadas but they definitely hate the Guzmans also Mayo was the one who broker the peace between both cartels if you didn’t know

  11. Pizza stores in Culiacan are profiting from this war lol.

    1. Thats if they paying for them pizzas if not they losing.

  12. Idk with all those green baggies looks like she was slangin not a puntera

  13. Now Culiacán is like other parts of Mexico where scenes like these are a daily or every other day occurrence. Kinda makes you forget how much peace there was when mayo & chapós just mean mugged each other. This war was eventually going to start thanks to the American government that destabilized the cds organization like they tend to do to create more violence in places that don’t have any

    1. Blah, blah, blah

    2. If you havent seen the other cartel wars, plz dont call this a war, this is like comparing a slap contest to MMA, this guys are soft as fuck

    3. 5:35 your right even cds worst killers are more humane then other scumbag cartels.

    4. 6:34 exactly, thats why Sinaloans dont go out of Sinaloa, if "they" are fighting other states is not them its people from other states, Sinaloas dont stand a chance out side of Sinaloa, but they sure love to brag, they still believe Chapo can stop the world from spinning if he gives the order 🤣

    5. The fault of the United States. I get so sick of countries, blaming their drug production problems on the demand in the US. My question would be. Is there a demand for drugs in Mexico? Is there a demand for drugs in Caribbean countries? How about in Canada and how about in South America? How about Australia? How about Europe and Asia Asia? By the way is the largest consumer of meth albeit in pill form in the world much more than the US. All of the countries blaming the US for their drug problem need to wake up look in the mirror and ask themselves if their country has a drug problem because the answer to that is yes to all, I suspect the percentage of drug addicts relative to population is higher in Third World countries with significant problems, in terms of their population, Socio economic status, and the rampant poverty that exist in all of them, with the exception of Asia, Europe, and Canada. Does the US have some ownership in all this absolutely. But the countries, judging everybody else, and blaming the US for their citizens, decision to traffic and manufacture drugs that is the real cause. The people who blame the US and go out and manufacture and traffic drugs are the catalyst for all of this because they’re greedy and want more money than they could ever spend. If the criminals of the world would stop, manufacturing, drugs and drugs, went away from a black market standpoint. All countries drug problems would end and virtually every country has a drug problem even China and Taijuan, who have the death penalty for drug possession and drug use. So remember look in the mirror and I’m talking to the criminals and drug traffickers out there you are responsible for the death and destruction that drugs have created in Mexico, Colombia Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana Belize, all the Caribbean islands, Canada, Europe, Asia… You are all a bunch of freaking hypocrites, except responsibility for your own behavior. And repent and ask forgiveness from the one who created you. If you don’t, there will come a day when you stand before the creator of everything around us, and he judges everything that you’ve ever thought and everything that you’ve ever done. He is after all the reader of hearts and minds and I’m glad it’s the good Lord instead of me because I certainly wouldn’t want to know what all of you crazy lunatics are thinking when you’re cutting peoples heads off, creating a drug problem in your own country and just being a lowlife criminal. Good luck with that when you stand before God and may he have mercy on your soul you are going to need it.

    6. 916, orale Biden Donald Harris, you just said a whole bunch of nothing.

  14. Killing woman is cowardly. They are cowardly & afraid to go look for real men from Chapitos.


    1. She knew what she signed up for

  15. Espero que esas muertes le las atribuyan a Mayito jflaco en usa

    1. No se puede baboso! La unica forma seria si alguno de ellos fuera Estadounidense o los uvieran matado en tierras Estadounidences

  16. It is sad to see a woman get murdered but if you play in the game everybody knows the consequences. The one good thing about this war is that all of the pizza restaurants are making a lot of money. Pizza sales are through the roof. MF mob is buying them all up. My uncle has a pizza shop in Jalisco. He's thinking about relocating to Culiacan. Nuff Said!!!

    1. 3:40 pizza shop in Jalisco ? It must have pride flags all over

    2. You assuming they’re paying

    3. 5:27 exactly, who ever thinks they are paying for the pizzas were born two months before they were suppost to

    4. There's been 50 or so recorded deaths so far but you're trying g to make it seem like there's been hundreds or thousands. Relax nuffy, no es pa tanto morro.

  17. At least she was responsible enough to buckle her seatbelt!

  18. Pizza in Mexico is straight trash 🍕 🚮

    1. lol facts that shit is gross

    2. Yes, for the most part. I've had good pizza in baja(ran by gringos), Guadalajara(ran by Argentinians, pretty much Italians) Guanajuato and CDMX. There maybe other states where its good but other than that, you're right, it's pretty crappy.

  19. Typical cowardly cartel killings. The punks only kill these low level people, and rarely bang it out. Tough guys with there vests walkie talkies and guns yet they rarely seem to bang it out. It’s not tough or macho it’s cowardly and pathetic.

  20. Was the frog dead? Was it a real frog? Poor frog? They didn’t have to kill the frog!

    1. Bro I genuinely feel terrible for that frog

    2. I know. What did the frog do to anyone?

    3. I heard he stole a load

    4. They’re low down dirty frog murderers! Somebody call PETA!

  21. I was wondering who the people want
    to win in culiacan los chapos or Mayos son?

    1. Definitely Mayos

    2. mayos.. no love for chapitos.. tablasos for not wearing covid mask.. tax on alcohol.. and just arrogance.

  22. I like my pizza with Xtra queso y Xtra pepperoni, y jalapenos ~~~~~i can't put this on the "N"~~~ mi pinche celular won't let me

  23. I don't like my pizza with lengua or ojos or lavios or something like that not even on Halloween.

  24. The only companies who are making money in this war are the ones who are selling red hair paint, 🤣🤣🤣 Pinches Gilbertonas

  25. One woman gets kill and all los chapitos fans get riled up is funny, israel have been dropping bombs on children,women and the elderly and I don't hear any chapita saying anything they just want to wear them overpriced ugly Gucci shoes wacala

    1. 💯!!! what this"war" is showing is that the ex CDS are the same garbage as CJNG,Z's, CJ,CDG,FM,CU,CAF, BLO, you name it, they are all the same shit

  26. Ocran leaks has been reporting, he's been spot on . He has news that cholo vago will also cooperate 🥳. Arriva el cartel de Los sapos 🐸🐸🐸🐸. Sinaloa motto "La traicion se paga con traicion. If Gilbertona was alive none of this would have happened. Now all they have is the Santa Gilbertona to pray too.

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. Mentioned Gilbertona 3 times , you’re obsessed dude lol

  27. Negative it was Los patas cortas.

  28. Is that Neapolitan pizza or New York slice or perhaps deep dish Chicago

    1. In Mexico Pizzas are known as Tlayulas and quesadillas don't come with cheese.

  29. De dónde sacan a los sapos?

    1. There's 3 rivers that run through Culiacan. Toads and frogs are not hard to find.

  30. Maybe she was a sapo'line?

  31. Man or WOMAN, if you PLAY, you PAY

  32. son puros morrillos sin experiencia la vez pasada yo estaba en un oxo y los mugrostitos sean de un bando o del otro....agarraron cervezas y botanas y salieron sin pagar....esto en un oxo de culiacan norte.......triste espectaculo................micky vs memin pinguin.....


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