Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 21, 2024

They Are Searching For Her! Face Of Murdered Drug Lord's Companion In Polanco Mexico City. Manuel Beltran Quintero "El Nini Beltran" Murdered, A Woman And A Male Subject Are Believed To Be Responsible

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EXCELSIOR 

The body of the man murdered in Polanco, CDMX, has not been claimed or identified by anyone.


SEPTEMBER 17, 2024

The body of the man murdered in Polanco, Mexico City (CDMX), has not been claimed or identified by anyone at the Forensic Science Institute (Instituto de Ciencias Forenses, formerly Semefo).

Unofficial versions suggest that the man was Manuel Beltrán Quintero, alias 'El 8', leader of the Caborca Cartel, Rafael Caro Quintero's organization, but so far no one has identified him and no family member or friend has come to claim his body.

It is also unknown whether the alleged drug lord was hiding from the war unleashed in Sinaloa or was already living in Mexico City.

Search for woman who accompanied the murdered man in Polanco
Journalist Carlos Jiménez, who has been following the case of the man murdered in Polanco, has leaked the face of the woman who accompanied the victim, who was left next to his van in the exclusive area of the country's capital.

In a video, it was revealed that last Thursday night, September 12, the man was shot to death when he was about to get out of his vehicle to pay the parking meter.

Meanwhile, new images show how a woman got out of the vehicle after the crime took place; she got out with her phone in her ear, apparently talking to someone.   

After a few minutes, two men came for her and she fled. She allegedly took objects and documents belonging to the victim.


The following pictures were published by Carlos Jiménez on X





  1. But she's cute. Connor, would you smash?

    1. Yes I would absolutely smash .. the eyes chico they never lie ~

    2. IDK about Connor but hell yeah I would. All day evey day! Nuff Said!!!

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. 'Nuffs, use your head!
      Buffy reads this site! 😉

    5. Smash,Connor,Nuffy,what a badass crew

    6. Rubio NYC,es un tigre bocon.......

    7. 730 you’re sad and pathetic. I stopped writing cause of pieces of shit like you that make this site somewhat of a joke. That’s why others have started their own page. At least I don’t come from a country where you guys call each other dogs and kill each other for a t shirt. You fucking Mexican loser. AND….most of you are a bunch of homo thugs. Who have never done time. And if you were in front of me I would round kick your head off.

      Rubio NYC

    8. And again this is the the real Rubio nyc. I guess the two face shit runs in Mexico. Sol is two faced. Hearst is somewhere in her spectrum. You guys are always seeking attention. And it doesn’t matter how ya get it. The only one that’s constant here from what I’ve seen is sicario006.
      And then there’s most of you. The hypocrites. The computer shit talkers. The thinking that it’s cool to have 30 brothers and sisters living in an apartment. And what is up with the lack of being unique? El chapo ( el chapito. El mayo ( el mayito ) 730 el maricon ( the other shit talkers ( los mariconcitos ) lol.

      Soooooooo sad.

      Rubio nyc

    9. There is always some weird PERVERTS in the comments

    10. Rubio was always talking about his Red panties, and always sending love and affection to Sol, instead of sticking to the article. Perhaps Rubio got married to his significant other.

    11. A quien se vendio el sol??

    12. 02:41 Like the incels that write I'd bang that or I'd smash that when a woman is in a story. Predictable and overused.

    13. Rubio , you are on a Mexican website. You are just a dominican don omar who has no brain and is lazy because of the don omar blood. You are worthless. I have never seen a dominican restaurante in my life in the USA and yet Mexican spots are world wide even in Colombia . Why are you on our sites anyways if you dont like Mexicanos ???? You snake in the grass,we all know you carribean mayates are just thieves and lazy, get to steppin like tito puente or some other negrito and tap dance back to your rent controlled government assistance apartment and dont come out foo.... Mexican narco website and we got a new york sewer rat dominican coming here to hop on our nuts,cant even make this up. Nos la pelas,hasta al sol se la pelas y el me cae gordo pero arriba Mexico!
      Ps .... you smell like a wet perra

    14. I can confirm that Connor smashed Sol. More than once..

    15. I was always respecting Sol. Because you guys were very disrespectful and I thought it was unfair and fucked up. I used to be bullied when I came to this country. And also I liked his articles. I tried to be friends with him until I saw some two face shit. Told this nigga about my cases. From my past. And also did the same with Hearst. And come to find out that she is somewhere in the spectrum. Unlike you shit talkers. I showed Sol who I am and proof of what I had done. And why I was interested in this site. Cause I actually have made money. Not selling little baggies and doing little transactions. I’ve actually been locked up. You faggots always asking Sol to show guys doing se uso things. And he finally gave in which I thought was stupid of his part. But he’s grown up. He knows right from wrong. He had his unique thing going with the “ WARNING” videos etc. now Mica has his own page. And Sol is over there. And Hearst well that bitch is also two faced. And you a lot of you make this site sad with the stupid shit ya write. Instead of praising and respecting the contributors. You guys think it’s funny to disrespect them. I know Rikers Island is not a prison. But most of you wouldn’t last two days with the Dominicans or Puerto Ricans. They would have ya wearing those red panties.

      Grow the fuck up. EARN RESPECT. And again at least Sol knows I’m not some shit talker like some of ya.
      Even if I do t talk to him. Show him respect. He’s done more than most of ya.

      Rubio NYC.

    16. Sooner or later you guys are going to start disrespecting this dude that writes these articles and is trying to make up for Sol “ which is commendable from what I’m seeing”. You guys are just pathetic and make your country look way worse. And just in case they post this. My IG is Pan_blanko
      Just in case one or a few of you want to talk shit to me about panties in my face. And I’m in the BX right now. So hopefully I’ll run into some of ya. And then I’ll put ya in your place. And teach ya how to use a wee wee pad like good little dogs.

      Rubio NYC

    17. And Char good articles lately. I think you’ve done a pretty good job taking over with the “everyday publishing”. It’s one of the very few things that has me coming here still. You see most of these little kids that write stupid shit. Don’t even know how to hustle or what it is to hustle or doing time etc. all of ya are brave until you’re sharing a cell with 15 or 20 other guys wondering if you will be able to make bail or not. Or have to shit and pee in front of other delinquents. Ha I g to ask for toilet paper. Being demeaned by CO”s even when you’re being polite. Trying those delicious peanut butter and jelly or hummus sandwiches in whole wheat bread that they give you here in nyc. Or that delicious dry tasteless cereal and milk “ which they don’t even give you a spoon to eat with”. Here in nyc you dont go to a phone on a wall to make that phone call. The cops that arrested you have to allow you to make a phone call on their phone “ which many times takes many times of asking”. I would love to see who ya would be calling red panties. Funny thing is the Mexicans I’ve been locked up here with are nice and quiet. All humble acting.

      Shame on ya that have no respect for this site and it’s contributors.

      Rubio NYC

    18. This site is about the narcos and not who you bang. Let the people hear the narco. Hear that writers. Thank you

    19. Ya Nuffy Said!!!


    21. Ya tiene rato que me fui y para lo que veo todavía recuerdan a este camotito. 😂

    22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    23. Found this on a 2022 article about R 8 or 8. This was him. See the link from BB.

    24. Oh, look out, Rubio means business.

    25. OMG, Rubio, so much hate from you.

    26. @2:41

      I don’t know what the other commenter said but you should get off your high horse. In cities like Detroit they will kill you over a purse and I’m pretty sure people call each other “dog” in the USA

    27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    29. Its the same fuckin idiot spammin the comments pretending to be rubio and a whole host of others,the ghoul of BB answering his own comments

    30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    31. @Rubio NYC. I remember articles in the past where stills from videos showed terrified women being sexually humiliated before being murdered, and you and Sol and Detroit would rate their tits. Save the self righteousness. These kids learnt from all of you.

    32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    33. At 750. You are completely right. I am not Mexican. And we Dominicans aren’t doing at your people’s level washing all that paper hence all those businesses around the world. And thank you for standing up. At 237. Thank you but it’s actually me Rubio. I just wasn’t commenting before because I’ve seen how other people have stopped because of the trollers on here. And honestly that’s annoying. I’m human. I have the right to not like certain things. And there are a lot of idiotic things here being posted. Which I don’t like because I like the site. I don’t really check out a lot of other sites. Usually I’m working out or reading. And again because I used to dab in things. I was really interested in this site. But I Agree that the people that post articles here sometimes get the short end of the stick. I don’t have a patient temper. I don’t like stupidity. I don’t like people that don’t think because the world has enough of that. So unfortunately it’s me Rubio. The red panties thing bothers me cause when I came here I was bullied a lot. And so I see that as a form of bullying. That’s why I also ended up getting my pro card on Muay Thai. And did sports. There are people here that insult others like it’s ok to do that. And I don’t think that’s ok. You don’t know what other people are going through. Or what they have done or not. I actually admire the commentators hat take all this crap. But again it is what it is …..
      Rubio NYC

    34. LFM will handle any nortena interfering with Char's stacking of feria in any way. Online bullying is a serious matter that can affect ones mental health therefore impacting the rate of feria stacking and I already have a thing for you nortenas with your sombreros and pizza boxes and provocative curves on you're potbellies. You rubio I always knew you were trying to take Sol from me even tho you don't like mesicans you wanted to make Sol you're personal egirl but no bro Sol is a wild pony running freely and your tinkering with getting added to menchis list by orbiting Sol. Mess with char = michocunos sledgehammering you're door at 03:30

      -Semper Fi-

    35. @250.
      Unfortunately do to all the fighting throughout the years and the kicks and elbows to my head. My memory is a bit bad. If I did do that. Then I know I stopped. And if I offended the dead. Then all I can do is ask for forgiveness. But don’t make it seem like these things are happening because the three of us were putting some comments. That’s a bit excessive.

      Rubio NYC

    36. This thread is lit!! We got connor who is always cool, rubio, somebody pretending to be rubio, another guy posting and replying to his own comments just to stir the pot, and attention whore sol who thinks that because two people talk about him he's a celebrity lol.

    37. 738. All the Rubio comments are me lol. I wish you could see my IP. it’s just that I read some comments that got me a little pissed cause I just had enough. Actually it’s crazy no one is pretending to be me which is cool. But the whole red panties thing is getting or has gotten very annoying. Because no one can even explain where that came from. Or anything. It’s just about being annoying. And it’s messes up for me the articles just read. I am a very polite person. But even I can get mad. And then my other side comes out. Sucks honestly that I let some people get to me. But that’s on me.

      Rubio NYC

    38. Rubio says "I" a lot.
      Is that narcissistic?

    39. Rubio, thanks for clarifying. I admit I indulge in stirring the pot, didn't mean to annoy.

    40. At 813. I did t think about that. Ummm i say “I” because im referring some things to myself. What am I supposed to use? You know it’s never too late to go back to school. Also the person that said that articles used to be written from videos. What year was that?

      Rubio NYC

    41. 5:11 Negativo. No reconocemos a Sol pero quien se meta con char será picoteado por los gallitos de El Señor Mencho. Advertidos están cabrones. Pura 4 Letras!!

    42. Ya sabe mi CharRo. Cuanta con nuestro apoyo 🇷🇺〽️🇷🇺

    43. Simón ese char also cuenta conostro support always 🖐🏿 firme carnal

    44. Char no tengas pendiente que vos estas respaldado por CCYG vergiaremo quien se atreva 🇬🇹👹🇲🇽

    45. "Round kick your head off"........ fucking classic Rubio. I love it.

    46. Bunch of fkn drama queens on this blog peace im out of BB! ✌🏼 ALV

    47. Ay perras a La CHa🍕 no nos van a poner en blast. Solamente nosotras podemos cuidar y cumplir todos los deseos de Char. Y vete a la chingada pinche Rubio tóxica bien que nos culiabas y le pediste matrimonio a la Caperuzita 🍕🍕🍕🍕

    48. 10:23 Oh No!!! From now on we are gonna do whatever you want, but plz dont leave BB 😭

    49. Hey Rubio no offence but you should start your own website, in of coming in here cryin your dramas.

    50. Seems like this place is becoming infested with screaming children. Their getting hot and horny thinking of s pixelated women’s photo.. their parents have prob webs blocked so they come here…

    51. Char desde Cuba te apoyamos asere. Cuidadito quien le ponga dedo encima a char por ke va ver piñasos y galletas hasta pa la suegra 🇨🇺🤠🇲🇽🥊🦜🏝🛥

    52. Oh I don't understand why Mexicans are killing Mexicans.


    53. Doing time doesn’t make you tough just like getting shot doesn’t make you a G. It only shows you weren’t good at whatever you were doing and the other guy had better aim!!!!

  2. Los Chapitos putting work, after Caborca aligned with MF.

    1. OO6 le gusta la verdura.

    2. No le gusta, le encanta la verdura al Sic006.

    3. This is what I mean. You guys are constantly disrespecting or talking shit about people like sicario. Or even Nuff or Rambo or the other ya called crystal head. But their points had some merit to it. Sicario on the other hand. Whether he’s a real sicario or not. I think he tries to make light of the awful things that are posted here done by the incredible Mexicans. I mean Pablo did a lot of bad things. And other races do bad things as well. And ya can say that the US has a drug problem. But you guys are ridiculously violent. And easy to convince for a penny. It’s sad that ya haven’t had one semi decent president. La Mara in their own country are not messing around with that countries president. Cause he actually is doing something. Again at least sicario tries to make light of things. Instead like the ones in here that are probably some of the ones selling candy on the trains here in nyc

    4. 006 se la como con todo y balones, los prefiere bien chayotudos.

    5. 10:01
      You are insane! Respect? To 006 because he's a cheerleader for a violent cartel? Go jump in a lake.

    6. 622. I didn’t mean about the cheerleading part. If you actually break it down. It makes you. It think about the video or article you read. Yes he’s
      Talking about the cartel. But in a manner that’s silly. That’s my perspective.

      Rubio NYC

    7. @10.01. The reason people "disrespect" Juan Rambo is cos he's a racist clown who doesn't even bother reading the article he responds to. They "disrespect" Nuff Said cos he's a kid who believes everything he reads and misunderstands half of it. Its good you know that Sicario 006 isn't a real "sicario", cos he's always made it blatantly obvious with a wink.
      You talk about "Pablo" and compare it with "you guys"? You talk about Mara without recognising the majority have nothing to do with MS?
      You began with "This is what I mean". I still have no idea what you mean.

  3. Caborca is a very long way away from Mexico City, both geographically and culturally.

    1. Mexico City is the economic center of the country, a city similar to L.A. or New York, all groups have jefes there.

  4. I guess it’s safe to say the girl set him up? How big was this guy? I mean obviously he has two of the coldest sur names in the history of narcdom but was he mid level or up there with el pelo chino? Very well could be a hit from Ivan after pelo chino sided with flaco or it could just be inside job for something he did. Which explains no one claiming the body.

  5. Is NINI really referring to the (Spanish) acronym?

    “ni estudian ni trabajan”

    The fact they also called the “original” by “Chicken Little” as well just goes to show how much of a joke they thought of him… 🦉

    1. 02:-8 That is coming from an organization that called its leader the rat. What is this Teenage Mutant Ninja Aliens?

    2. 4:52 if u talking about ovidio guzman his nickname is "el raton" which means "mouse" NOT rat u sour patch

    3. 7:26 depends on how you say it, raton can also mean (big ass rat)

    4. A big ass rat is a RATOTA , pinche smart guy

    5. Raton is rat, ratonita is mouse 🐀 🐁

    6. ''ovidio guzman his nickname is "el raton" which means "mouse" NOT rat u sour patch'' Who gives a fuck u knob

    7. 11:08 so now you are truing to teach me spanish when i was born and raised in mexico? Again Raton, ratota, ratonsota, ratonsote, ratonona ratonon and we can keep going mean big ass Rat or huge ass rat, no le quieras enseñar el padre nuestro al papa 🧏‍♂️

    8. Yet he has a point. Ovidios nickname is mouse not rat. Other Mexicans have told me that. It’s not like your the only Mexican Living… and I’m an Aztec!

    9. Dios mio, wtf is going on here?!

    10. Pretty sure “Rata” means rat, you fucking mooks.

    11. 8:24 pretty sure you are a no savo kid

    12. @8: Ovidio's nickname is "The Mouse" or actually "The Little Mouse", he was called "El Ratoncito" as a kid. Obviously back in those days toons like Mickey Mouse or Tom and Jerry were very popular.

  6. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherSeptember 22, 2024 at 4:50 AM

    Intel from the gvt to the chapitos! Intel from corrupted (bribed) gvt agents and officials going to Mayos and chapitos!

    1. Snitcher Truther Snitched.

    2. It could only be El Raton or Nini. Of course IAG can but I'm with the other guy, intel from government to get off their ass. My view

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Community Improvements kharmaSeptember 22, 2024 at 4:52 AM

    Another listing!

  8. I think is about time to unleash the beast against Los Chaputos. They need to go.

  9. Yo what up with those eyes they are all over the place....looks like a fucking chameleon

  10. Mysterious. Wonder why no one has come to claim the body.
    Good article !

    1. Sounds like he might have done something wrong and was killed by his own people.

  11. Idk if this is related to the war in Sinaloa….but could be?, would be surprising if chapitos immediately retaliated in a whole other state, and took out a ‘leader’ of Caborca Cartel that is helping MF.

    1. Not surprising at all

    2. They have reach and I'm not a fan.

    3. Chapos and Caborcas been going at it for a couple years now.

  12. I see the standards are pretty low around here. when you look better in your night vision picture that says something.

    1. Kat, stop it. I think you're jelly.

    2. They are all in love like little inexperienced girls,except their grown ass men ?

  13. if she took documents and items, maybe she was looking out for his identity to not be revealed as quickly or easily, Like a relative or wife/girlfriend might

    or she lined him up. How do they have that DMV looking photo and not her name

  14. Por su arreglo físico es chilanga

    1. No way man..this mami is colombiche calena................

    2. Culichilanga norteña para ser exacta puro chilango pawer de norte a sur plebes!

  15. She’s dead as IHOP pancake

    1. She's dead as the kid, that uses no periods.

    2. Here are your period, kid ………….. Happy????? Lol

  16. The dead guy was from mocorito , Sinaloa

  17. These comments wtf? This is why I and almost everyone I know quit fkn around with BB who even in charge anymore,,, Chivis era was the good BB

    1. I agree I miss the early years. People with actual info used to post. Not the same repeated comment that has absolutely NOTHING to add to the conversation. I do greatly appreciate the articles but I don't understand what happened to the decent commenters we use to have. None of this repetitive shit would have been allowed. I know the one site from former person here, but are there others?

    2. Wow 231. Never thought I would see a comment like yours. I experienced a bit of eke. Chivi was around. But yesss BUGGS is doing a shitty job running this site. I always thought that quality over quantity was key to success.
      Now is so sad because you have all these idiots writing all these stupid comments that have nothing to do with the articles. Only a few people here have good comments posting. I’m sure it’s tough monitoring all the comments and approving and disapproving them. But it should still be, something that should be considered important.
      Rubio NYC

    3. Not sure if Mr Char will approve this also. But Mica has a pretty good page. Where Sol is posting also. I checked it out after someone commented about it. The articles are not only translated. But also you can choose to hear them.

      Micas page

      I respect him also.
      Char, Mica, El Huaso, Sol. They have my respect. I hope they can continue doing this. And I wish them the very best. I hope they can get to a point where not only Buggs is the one making all the paper.

      Rubio NYC

    4. That's why the comments are at the bottom. You scrolled down here. You expected more details about the article down here? Yeah there use to be "better" comments during chivis era but the peak was Sol. BB stories persist with less gore but the comments section has gone a different route. You can thank Connor for that. He started talking about girls he'd smash, Sol leaves, comments become unfavorable. You also miss Sol?

    5. Sol stop complaining yes there are bad and worse comments but at least comments are here not like SOL bias and only what he wanted one sided

    6. Things change you become a grumpy grampa, deal with the kids trend, yes they say the dumbest things in here.
      Keep in mind they are keyboard warriors.

    7. Agreed. This site isn't about the US election and there are too many wanna be comedians auditioning on here. Let's stick to the story friends.

    8. Seriously,
      For good reporting and comments you have to go further back. Chivis was biased and spent the majority of the time on Míreles jock. Protecting him by deleting offensive comments about his extra marital affairs.

    9. If she chose Sol as a successor, it speaks of her credibility.

    10. Heard that loud and clear,we could swap ideas and news,now its these fuckin morons shouting about periods,nuffy,chief,mostly one little weirdo,little losers will ruin a different page after BB..
      What a life they must have?

    11. 2:31 PM
      Bro would you be bothered to moderate the shit these losers write ?

    12. All these Nuffy Said, Connor, Gilbertona spam comments are the BB equivalent of Reddit mfs posting “OG Shadow el jefe”

    13. Man I’m just glad to see other people that see what I’m seeing. Cause again I like this site. But I also understand that moderating comments could be a big headache. Kinda interesting a lot of this to me started when Chivi left and after the site was reopened. I said my peace. I’m not going to spend more time on people that are clearly looking to get a rise out of someone. But I appreciate the ones who have shared my concern.
      Rubio NYC

    14. I won’t lie though. There are some things that I read here “ comments” that seem to be written by individuals that are on drugs. Example that new person that writes about LFM, and the things said kinda make no sense. Or maybe at least not to me.
      Rubio NYC

    15. @2:31

      I'm here because of the comments, shit is lit!

    16. I'm on drugs, and shit don't make sense 😒

    17. Rubio....You are pissed at Sol in the comments above calling him 2-faced. Now he has your respect?

    18. DS Rubio NYC ya don't like the Fuken comments, don't read them.


    19. You can imagine them refreshing the page to look at their own comments..How fuckin goofy is that..They need to get a girl or get in a fight the fuckin balloons,anyway fuck ummm..Thanks rubio,whoever it is?

    20. 806. Enjoy
      831 I said what I said. But I also “ if you know how to read”. Said that I respect the work they put. The two face thing is something else. You can still respect something someone does. Even if they do some cheesy things.

      Stay in school!!!!

      Rubio NYC

  18. LFM special ops hard at work here. The caborcas are nortenas but had a pass from LFM because there was a mutual stacking of feria pact but they went out of the territory michonanos allowed them to work in and that's a nono. This will disappear like the numerous LFM ops that take place daily. Maybe some disposable nortena oxymoron lol in drag another oxymoron lol will be pulled out of his mom's attic and paraded to show the public the culprit was apprehended but LFM will keep stacking the feria and dropping nortenas that affect feria getting stacked from behind the scenes like they always have since B.C.

    -Semper Fi-

    1. Chilango power 💪💪💪💪

    2. Semper fi dates Scottish zeta they both cuddle while Semper comments on here

    3. 😆😂🤣Got the comedy routine going now huh "-Semper Fi-"?

    4. Damn, you ghink real highly of LFM. As powerful as you think they are but they pretty much got ran out of their own state. How's that? Care to alaborate.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. 3:59 LFM is a global feria stacking empire Ran out they hood wtf you even talking about This is why I don't read you nortena replies Elaborate why you by they/them and volunteer at an illicit massage parlor

      -Semper Fi-

  19. If I had a face like that, I'd be hiding too!

  20. Sicario 006 es el verdugo

    1. 6:25 porque le gusta la verdura?

    2. Relajate keep calm

    3. Primero, preserva la calma! 😂

    4. Lmao el verdugo del call of duty, maybe..

  21. Sicario 006 es joto, ya no lo alaven.

  22. I like her eyes , sooooo guapa soooo fresh and so clean

    1. 4:44
      You're fkn super annoying, I love it!

    2. 4:44
      You're fkn super annoying, I love it!
      Hes a wanker

  23. I like her lips , soooo guapa soooo foxy

  24. La guera paisa ,,, oh I love her eyes oh I love her face ,,, just one kiss I insist.

  25. Al sicario 006 le gusta la verdolaga

  26. Hi guys can you please delete some of the rubbish these can write. And try make the comment section more professional

    1. Free Speech is KING!!!

    2. Its a narco blog dipshit not some church member group to sing coombaya or whatever together ... more professional in a Narco gore website?!?!?! Serious you sodomite????

    3. Because you say so?

    4. Spammers like “La Guerra paisa” and the Gilbertona weirdo are pretty fucking annoying.

    5. 8:21 RIP Gilbertona is only annoying to the real Gilbertonas, (the sinaloas)

  27. NINI Beltran was hiding out in Hermosillo for a while still working.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. I believe the alias is el niño Beltran

  30. Emma Coronel -de 35 años de edad- debutó como modelo en la Milan Fashion Week, retomando así su carrera en las pasarelas.

  31. Emma Coronel -de 35 años de edad- debutó como modelo en la Milan Fashion Week, retomando así su carrera en las pasarelas.

  32. A few girls are ruining BB comments

    1. But but I thought it was Sol ruining the comments. Lol just kidding we all know its the reddit rangers. They coming to puff CDs tires and talk about how cool they are.

    2. 3:02 Starting with you and your crying

    3. And I don't even think they know it. They're to busy trying to outdo each other.

  33. I mean the Mexicans bro. The Aztec ones. You know that Chicano shit ese. That people who we are from way back.
    Run everything. Todo el jale tenemos quadrado. ES. LA. Herencia que nos tohko. It is what it is. And there's nothing anyone can do about it. Where I'm taking my people is to realization. With the brother who brought me here. Here there is only 1 ruler.

    1. In Chicago all of us Mexicans are proud MEXICANS!!! fuck all that cesar chavez chicano clown shit. What a joke all that chicano aztlan bullshit. Have any of you chicano pendejos even been to Mexico City / Teotihuacan??? The indios are the true people before the Spanish came, not some half breed mestizos from la.. and wtf is up with you fools from southern california letting some arabian clown call himself mr Capone and pretend he is raza....

    2. Orale ese Spanglish bro.
      I like We Wendy's hamburgers.

    3. 1118 I'm Honduran and Mexican, and I'm from Southern California. Use to be Mexico and it feels like Mexico because we are bordering Mexico. I learned that there is no place like Mexico in US but there is people that carry the culture. Unless you live in Mexico you ain't really mexican. Our parents that lived in Mexico could teach us but we ain't real until we go live there. I respect Capone porque he never offended me.


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