Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, September 23, 2024

US Not Responsible For Surge Of Violence In Sinaloa, American Ambassador Tells Mexico

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by ABC NEWS 

U.S. Ambassador Ken Salazar has rejected accusations by Mexico’s president that the U.S. shares some responsibility for cartel violence in Sinaloa state

ByMEGAN JANETSKY Associated Press

MEXICO CITY -- U.S. Ambassador Ken Salazar rejected accusations by Mexico's president that the U.S. was partly responsible for a surge in cartel warfare in northern Sinaloa over the weekend.

Sinaloa has been eclipsed by violence as two warring factions of the Sinaloa cartel have clashed in the state capital of Culiacan in what appears to be a fight for power since two of its leaders were arrested in the U.S. in late July.

“It is incomprehensible how the United States can be responsible for the massacres we see in different places,” Salazar said in a news conference in Chihuahua on Saturday. “What is being seen in Sinaloa is not the fault of the United States."

The arrests startled many because it appeared that the son of notorious drug kingpin Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán abducted an elder cartel figure, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, and flew them both to the U.S. to be detained. Such a violent outburst was expected in the wake of the arrests.

As the warring cartel factions and authorities have clashed in firefights, helicopters regularly circle overhead and military rove the streets of the capital. Families have said they are scared to send their children to school.

Meanwhile, bodies have appeared across the city, often left slung out on the streets or in cars with either sombreros on their heads or pizza slices or boxes pegged onto them with knives. The pizzas and sombreros have become informal symbols for the warring cartel factions, underscoring the brutality of their warfare.

Local authorities said that as of Friday at least 53 people had been killed and 51 others have gone missing in Sinaloa state since the fighting started.

On Thursday, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador blamed American authorities in part for the bloodshed.

Asked at his morning briefing if the U.S. government was “jointly responsible” for this violence in Sinaloa, the president said, “Yes, of course ... for having carried out this operation.”

“If we are now facing instability and clashes in Sinaloa, it is because (the American government) made that decision,” López Obrador said.

López Obrador claimed American authorities “carried out that operation” to capture Zambada and that “it was totally illegal, and agents from the Department of Justice were waiting for Mr. Mayo.”

Salazar had previously denied that American officials were involved in the alleged kidnapping.

It was the latest blow to bilateral relations between the two regional allies.

Last month, López Obrador — a populist prone to lashing out at critics — said he was putting relations with the U.S. and Canadian embassies “on pause” after ambassadors criticized his controversial plan to overhaul Mexico’s judiciary by requiring all judges to stand for election.

Still, the Zambada capture has fueled criticisms of López Obrador, who has throughout his administration refused to confront the cartels and has falsely stated that cartels respect Mexican citizens and largely fight amongst themselves.

Under López Obrador, who leaves office at the end of this month, cartels have employed an increasing array of weapons and tactics, including roadside bombs, trenches, home-made armored vehicles and bomb-dropping drones. The criminal organizations have also seeped into new industries such as migrant smuggling and the lucrative avocado business.

While Mexican authorities said Saturday they had sent an additional 600 soldiers to Sinaloa as reinforcements, Salazar cast blame for the surge of violence in the state on Mexico's wider security crisis.

“The reality is that there is a problem of insecurity and violence” in Mexico, Salazar said.



  1. If AMLO and his predecessors had done a better job of improving security, then the criminal gangs wouldn't be able to cause this much trouble.

    I'm looking forward to the day when this chode is out of office and I won't have to listen to his BS anymore.

    1. 11:09 You are a complete idiot if you really believe that

    2. I don't know why the idea that a country's politicians are responsible for improving things for the citizens is stupid to you.

    3. Es neta que le gustan los hombres mayores a 006 que le tengan recia y venuda.

    4. 11:09 has a valid point. 1:57 you're the idiot they make fun of for not using periods.

    5. they didn't get enough hugs so they resorted to brutal sadistic torture and murder. Amlo just needs to get a nice bouncy ball castle and a clown with a Mariachi band with lots of hugs and everything will be just fine.

    6. You are embarrassing yourself. Its the teen troll playbook- target grammar instead of the tragedy and wait for the lols. You can do that anywhere, so do it somewhere else.

    7. @7.32. THEY don't make fun of him. One embarrassing US teen who can't answer intelligently so falls back on their recent understanding of grammar attempts to make fun of him, and reveals his age.

  2. No offense to char, I understand you're just reposting this article, but, this is from ABC news, an American news outlet. Of course they are going to write articles that favor the U.S Government. The fact is, the U.S had been negotiating with Joaquin Guzman Jr for months, prior to his surrender and this article fails to address that, because it changes the narrative. During the press conference that this article is citing AMLO brings up that point which would debunk the spin this article adds to the whole situation. Again, if the U.S negotiated with JGS Jr. Then YES, they are in part responsible for the violence that has resulted from the capture/surrender/negotiation that took place... The CIA coined this phenomenon "blowback". The unintended consequences of U.S intervention.


    2. @12:25 spot on💯

    3. Mexico knowing JGS Jr was wanted by the US since their most wanted list is public and accessible, then why didn't Mexico plan for damage control or make a deal with him themselves?

      Mexico had decades to prepare for the change of guard which everyone knew was bound to happen since no one escapes death, Chapo/Mayo were getting up there in age, and México has seen what happens when groups splinter. Mexico refused to address the issue and turned a blind eye because it was easier to them than actually confronting the issue.

    4. If the Mexican government was a more reliable partner, then the US wouldn't have had to resort to such tactics to arrest one of the world's biggest drug lords. If it wasn't for the corruption in Mexico, the Sinaloa Cartel never would have grown as powerful as it has. If the Mexican government didn't suffer from so many judicial inefficiencies and had done a better job of combating poverty, then the cartel wouldn't be able to cause so much violence. You're looking at a symptom of the problem and not the root cause. Mexico's problems are Mexico's fault alone.

    5. @12:24

      ABC also reported when ELMO said the US is responsible, so it's balanced reporting. It's not ABC's opinion at all on either side, they're simply *reporting* the news. No offense, but you might have reading comprehension issues or critical thinking issues because it's very simple to verify what you got wrong.

    6. The US has a drug problem also but the difference is the dealers aint killing each other and hanging banners almost on a daily. Dope houses arent in the open like in mexico. Mexico cant control their criminals cus the govt is on their payroll. So dont blame the US for that.

    7. 3;02 is that you rubio

    8. @3.02. That was the flipside of the same narrative, set up for the same scorn. You make it sound like balance, but it's the same story. You sound like those reddit kids who focus on logic and comprehension, even when they talk to people who witnessed the atrocity they've only read about 4th hand. Is that "lighterthensome"?

    9. 1244 why would Mexico negotiate with JGS jr after Culiacanazo 1 and 2 and then extraditing his brother Ovidio along with a handful of Chapiza operatives. That makes no sense. As you mentioned, Mexico has seen what happens when cartels splinter, but apparently you don't understand what causes those splinters so let me explain it to you... when you capture or kill the main cartel leader, the cartel splinters. Thats it, its not rocket science... We've all seen this, and sinaloa is experiencing it now. so what's your approach? How do you combat the cartels while deescalating or minimizing the violence? I'm asking you, since you seem to know how to approach this very very complex problem.

      148, No offense, but you seem very uninformed. The issues you mentioned, predate this administration. As a matter of fact, this administration has been addressing the root problems that you're mentioning. A judicial reform was just passed that would ironically be very similar to system practiced in the U.S. I can list a handful of social programs created under this administration meant to target poverty in Mexico and discourage vulnerable youth from joining the cartels... I disagree with your statements. Mexicos problems are not just Mexicos fault, there's several stakeholders who helped contribute to the issues Mexico is currently facing and the U.S is one of them, but lets not get off topic...
      If the U.S was conducting covert operations and negotiating with Chapito Jr, then yes, the U.S is somewhat responsible for the violence that has occurred as a result of Joaquin Jr's surrender/negotiation and Zambadas capture. You may not agree, but that's a fact, and as I mentioned it earlier it's referred to as "blowback".. 1146 thanks for the link.

    10. S,

      How can it be set up when it's not their opinion? Do you know the difference between reporting in an article and an opinion article?

    11. How bout the full responsibility lies with the filthy criminals. Making excuses and pointing to the government as responsible only lets the real people responsible off the hook. No government should let criminals dictate conditions. Violence or not mayo is locked up and that’s all that matters here. Let the criminals kill one another makes it easier in the long run. Burn it down for all I care. The entire city can burn. 🔥

    12. 12:39 I never blamed the current administration alone for Mexico's problems. The problems stretch back generations.

      Is there any actual evidence that the governments programs to reduce poverty are having an effect? I'm genuinely asking, because something that sounds good on paper doesn't always work in practice.

    13. @8.29. I honestly don't know where to begin. US news agencies get their stories from the same filtered sources. It's why they all say the same shit, using the exact same words. I worked in Mexico and sat in town halls where local journalists and businessmen and traffickers and politicians held what can only be called a bidding war for the leaking of stories that would make the most money for all of them, filtered through the local media. It was shameless. 3 days later a grinning Zeta mouthpiece is announcing a new Dam Project, and nothing gets reported, even when activists are disappearing. The journalists who risk their lives reporting what is really happening haven't got a chance- what they have to say doesn't suit the traffickers or the politicians, or the national media, or, especially, the US media. They know they are being lied to, but the lie suits everybody.

  3. As always... America always blames everyone for their mistakes.

    1. You mean Mexico, AMLO blames everyone for their mistakes.

    2. That's a funny thing to say when ALMO is trying to blame the US for his country's problems.

    3. The reality is we're all to blame! Both American's and Mexican's. Both nations embrace the narco, drug culture. The pride of Mexico is not hard workers any longer its Mexicans are bass ass because they are top sellers of Narcotics, and with that comes the devaluation of mexican lives. The casualty of this is the loss of many human lives on both sides.

    4. Us is fighting the war on drugs in the wrong fronts, they should Fix their own house; the us did an Illegal Intervention to arrest zambada and the other idiot, totally responsible of what’s happening in Sinaloa. Mexican government and narcos are the same shit, no difference, and that’s how the us justifies incursions and logistical support on covert operations
      Us, like the Jews always shift blame’s on others and has Zero moral ground, anyone who buys Us official story is just void of critical thinking… thieves and drug dealers, just look at history and current events. Pitiful governments on both sides

    5. @10.46. You were doing ok until you said "us, like the Jews"... Do you mean you and yours, like the Jews? Was that empathy highlighting shared faults, or just one more hating clown who compares Americans to Jews when they mean Israel? You remind me of a kindly old dude I met last year, talked beautifully about his love of Islamic architecture and the insult to moderate Islam that the war on terror represented, how love was the only cure, then two young black dudes got on the train. "Fokn Niggrs", he said. I thought he was joking. He wasn't.

  4. The reality is the US causes caos everywhere they go , with the excuse of they’re helping . This is the main reason why on a global scale they aren’t the worlds hero anymore.They lost their position as the most powerful country in the world, back then people admired and respected the US; now no one wants the US to help , because they understand what that help really means .

    1. Three comments in a row. Give it a rest. If México can't secure its own territory does it need help from outside? More work and less chit chat.
      Perhaps the three levels of government(local, state and federal) need to actually enforce the rule of law.
      Pay law enforcement a better wage, equip them with the necessary firearms when on duty and allow them to carry a firearm off duty.
      But the most important thing is for the government to go after the criminals and kill all those who resist their arrest through aggression.
      "Abrazos, No Balazos" is a failed policy. Más atole con el dedo.

    2. 1:18 One reason why Mexico's insecurity problems continue is because the presidents seem more inclined to keep reorganizing the police instead of addressing underlying issues like poor training and low pay. Reform isn't easy, but they need to think long term instead of going for whatever sounds good on paper.

    3. What are you talking about , what 3 comments ? I only commented once and it was this one.
      Also ,I agree with you …more work is needed at the root of the problem , the root of the problem is in the US . Without addicts there’s no one buying drugs hence cartels operation, money would be gone . Where’s all the progress and all the work that’s being done to reduce addiction??? I agree with you ,we need more action and less chit chat from guys like you who clearly fail to see the root cause . The side effects ( violence in Mexico ) is minimal compared to the root cause which is a staggering number of addicts who throw away their life for a high that’s momentarily . Does living a reality in the US suck that bad ,that so many people (choose ) to drown in drugs ? These are all questions that should be analyzed , studied , and countered with the right measures where progress is visible. So all that other nonsense , chit chat about how Mexico is this and that , hey why not look at your society first and realize your problem is what’s causing side effects elsewhere and start taking steps to help your people .

    4. 7:09 A lot of the violence that currently happens in Mexico is because of criminal groups fighting for local criminal economies. Even if the US had no addicts it wouldn't instantly destroy the cartels and the US isn't the only country that the Sinaloa Cartel exports drugs to anyway.

      And as I've said elsewhere, it was the corruption in Mexico that allowed the drug cartels to gain that much power in the first place. The cartel's durability is also in part because of various social problems in Mexico, like widespread poverty and a high impunity rate.

    5. 9:54 right , let’s completely ignore the root cause and spend the rest of the time pointing the finger elsewhere. We get it . That’s the us goverments way of doing things , yes it takes the attention away from you guys, wow you guys are great, you guys are awesome ! Yet the number of american drug addicts are continuously dying on your streets by the hundreds of thousands yearly , homelessness has been a growing issue , the desintegration of your families are occurring daily and increasing by the minute . Your society as we know is not moving forward , hey I got an idea, maybe we should pay attention to this… instead of wasting billions on genocidal Israel and fix our society instead .

  5. Amlo, blame your buddy ruben rocha for the Chaos. He requested the money, he took the money and is now hiding in the US. They should place him on the ofac list.

  6. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherSeptember 24, 2024 at 12:56 AM

    Does anyone really believe when the American gvt announces its Orwellian denial of involvement in anything bad? War is Peace! Lies are Truth!

    1. Assuming that the government is automatically lying about any claim they make is a pretty narrow minded way to view the world.



  8. 🫎 mayo fangirls are going to end up boycotting that glorious picture of 5
    dead mayos 🫎

    1. Pues al 006 le encanta la riata.

    2. Sicario 006 is the badest mother fucker alive if i saw him in person j would drop down on my knees and pleasure him

  9. “It is incomprehensible how the United States can be responsible for the massacres we see in different places,” Salazar said in a news conference in Chihuahua on Saturday. “What is being seen in Sinaloa is not the fault of the United States."

    This Salazar twit is another insufferable and deluded Amerikan idiot. Not exceptional in any way, shape, or form--just a psychopath meddling in the affairs of other nations, and only possible courtesy of the magical currency printing press down in the bowels of The Eccles Building.


    1. That's a weirdly harsh response to a guy rebutting a false claim from Mexico's president.

  10. Animo Sicarios !

    A team of 150 highly trained Tier 1 Special Forces Operators desended via HALO jump last night into Sinaloa at 24:00.

    They are highly trained by an ex
    lieutenant colonel of a super secret inteligence agency 's paramilitary unit. I am not at the liberty of discussing, However I can say they were trained at The Farm in Camp Peary, Tel Aviv-Yafo secret facility and The Killing House in Stirling Lines Barracks UK.
    They have been trained in Urban Assault,anti terrorism,VIP protection,Escape and Evade ,Close Quaters Battle and are the best hackers NSA has trained .

    They all carry M16/ SAS modified FN Minimi, M72 LAWS FIM-92 STINGER missles , HK G36 submachine guns,HK 417 medium range sniper rifles,AW 50 . Cal anti material rifles .
    Tactical Omega Seamasters self destruct watches to be used in the very highly unlikley event of being captured.
    They are 3 time black belts in Krav -Maga ,Spetnaz Sambo,Capoeria,Kung Fu, Thai Kick Boxing and Mexican Lucha Libre.
    They are driving in convoys of Level 7 bullet proof Ford Raptors ,Mercedes Benz AMG G 63 6x6 trucks ,and VECTOR GRF Light Tactical Vehicles.
    Special Forces K9 trained Belgian Malinois are on the alert 24 x7

    Onta el tal Commandante Comanche que le gustaba hablar por los radios ? Ahora anda con caja de diente el vato .Operation Pager Attack !

    They all have a tactical tattoo of a slice of Pepperoni pizza with 2 Cuernos de Chivos across in the chest as a symbol of their loyalty .

    Arriba los Patrones JGL La Chappiza

    1. lol very informative!!!

      Rubio NYC

    2. I want what you are smoking

    3. So what equipment did they have to successfully, navigate a halo jump, while high on meth, probably, in order to safely execute such a jump at night from roughly 35,000 feet?
      No, they damn sure didn’t train at the farm.
      The farm is owned by the CIA, and where top candidates spend at least six months, in the ultra-secret 9,000-acre military base in Virginia where spies master skills from shooting Glocks and M4s to parachuting, speed boating, and recruiting assets. The NSA has no activity at the farm, rather all of their training occurs inside the Pentagon in a location often termed the war room.
      One of your main problems 006 is that you don’t differentiate between special forces and intelligence assets, who have totally different roles, regardless of the country they operate from it’s all the same.

      Intelligence assets do not carry stinger missiles, or an FN Minimi, any type of 50 caliber rifle, any type of machine gun or any type of weapon or other warfare device that would call attention to them and blow their cover. Intelligent assets, are covert not overt, while special forces can be overt or covert, but generally try to be covert as well.
      And generally special forces do not use halo or Haho jumps at night because of the extreme danger and risk, and the fact that it’s night and dark, and unless the enemy has some bad ass, radar, which Mexico doesn’t they rely on the United States for that help via use of Estados Unidos satellites. I’ve noticed that you love to put as many technical weapons, military strategies, training, sites, etc. in your descriptions as possible to make you sound knowledgeable. They do the opposite. I will state you have excellent copy and paste technique but that’s about it.
      And I would not suggest wasting time, as much time to earn (and I think the term you were looking for here was not 3X, but third-degree)black belts in half a dozen fighting disciplines—waste of time. They should be working out daily getting and staying in shape and taking care of their bodies to a degree only known by Mexican special forces, and primarily only the FEC. All Mexican special forces are trained by the Estados Unidos. It does not matter how many degrees you’ve attained through black belt training and half a dozen martial arts, when you’ve been getting high on meth and cocaine and fentanyl, and whatever other mind altering substances, are lying around. To be a tier 1 operator in the US military, you must have discipline and a strict regimen that you follow daily as you pursue your training.
      Did you not look up on the websites how long these training activities last? They last many months to years long. Yet according to you over the last 10 years or so they’ve been in constant training so much so that they haven’t been fighting or really couldn’t be fighting because they can’t be in two places at once.

      And of course you’ve got all these alleged bad asses driving around convoys of Ford raptors, AMG, 63 six by six trucks, and vector GRF, light tactical vehicles. Did you not realize that the Defenture, the only manufacture of these vehicles, has only produced 11 the spar all for the Netherlands military. Their contract specifies for 40 more to be delivered this year. The other 11 were delivered only nine months ago. The cartels do not have one of these vehicles manufactured by the Defenture. If they do, they will be out of business soon for violating United States federal law regarding doing business with just about every major cartel in Mexico. Or do you think the cartels bribed the Netherlands government to get one of the first 50 manufactured. If so, you do not know the Dutch or have never been to the Netherlands and I have spent significant time there in the 80s and 90s and they hate hard drugs with a passion.

      Not that this would be stupid, but it would be ultra stupid! The element of surprise is one of your best tactical advantages in warfare. And you might as well place a new neon sign on the front backs and tops of these vehicles that says cartel operators inside. SMH.

    4. Yes, as an American citizen, I can state that though I’m embarrassed and ashamed. I believe the United States saw this opportunity and jumped on it.

      I think they realized that there would be collateral damage among Mexican citizens who are completely innocent of any wrongdoing, but the US agencies involved seem to have no ethics or morals when it comes to the “war on drugs“
      They are more desperate than ever to maintain their livelihood/jobs… So desperate that they would allow innocent people to be killed, children to be killed in. It’s one of the more heinous calloused actions I’ve seen US govt agencies involved in this so-called winnable war on drugs ever take and I pray they are held accountable.

    5. no fumes mucho esa mota compa ,te esta afectando el coco

    6. Sicario 006 es marica.

    7. Señor 006 how do I join the unit ?

    8. Sicario 006 is the badest mother fucker alive he so bad ass that I woud drop down to my knees and please him if i saw him right now

    9. Sicario 006 is the badest mother fucker alive if i saw him in person j would drop down on my knees and pleasure him

    10. 006, how many hours of PTO you get per year?

    11. Don Sicario 006, que quiere decir el 006? Que tiene dos oyos para 6 riatas?

    12. Are you sure they didnt do the Halo jump in into Sinaloa at 24:01?

  11. The USA addiction to drugs and Barak Obama's "Fast and Furious" Operation which provided military weapons to the cartels is the reason the Cartels in Mexico have so much money and weapons.
    The Patron Saint of Fentanyl Sir George Floyd has also been inmortalized by the American Mayate culture as a role model for fatherless nappies.Which increased Fentanyl use across the USA.

    Biden-Kamala-Obama Open Border also has made the Cartels billions of dollars in human trafficking and drug smuggling .

    As you can see the USA is the Problem!

    1. The US's policy failures have certainly contributed to Mexico's problems, but it was the corruption in Mexico that let things get that bad in the first place and it's political apathy that prevents things from getting better. Don't be like ALMO and blame other countries for Mexico's problems.

    2. Oh yeah how many weapons did Barak obama provide do you have an exact number?

    3. Yes, Mr. Republican and your Republican beliefs and your parties platform are never wrong… It’s the scumbag Democrats that are responsible for everything

    4. Sicario 006 is the badest mother fucker alive if i saw him in person j would drop down on my knees and pleasure him

    5. 152 there's no official number, but according to the U.S government, who doesn't lie, somewhere around 2000. It may not seem like a lot, but that is a lot.

    6. Just check the numbers from Op FF and compare them with the crossed guns going south. Numbers do not lie but weak people.

    7. 152, you're contradicting yourself. How can you say U.S policy failures have contributed to Mexicos problems and then go on to say don't be like AMLO and blame other countries for Mexicos problems.🤣🤣🤣

    8. 12:01 There's no contradiction. The US may have contributed to Mexico's problems, but the roots of the problem still lie with Mexico.

    9. 430, So you're allowed to cast blame on the U.S for Mexicos problems but AMLO is not allowed to blame the U.S for the problem Sinaloa is facing as a result of the U.S's intervention? Gotcha. I see how it works now. 😉🤭

  12. But they dont have a problem pointing the finger to china or mexico for the gringos own drug problem. Typical arrogant americans.

    1. Reminds me of the Spider-Man meme. Every government around the world is playing dirty inside and outside their own borders.

    2. Given that drug trafficking to the US would likely be much harder if those countries had a stronger rule of law, they aren't entirely wrong.

    3. Sicario 006 is the badest mother fucker alive if i saw him in person j would drop down on my knees and pleasure him

    4. @ 1:52, I agree, let me guess, you also believe banning the 2nd amendment would magically make all gun violence go away 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    5. 7:32 That has zero relevance to what I said.

    6. @4:31 so stronger rule of law would work for one but not the other?

    7. It'd help the problem at least. The USA does have a much stronger rule of law than Mexico. China I'm less informed on, but I know that corruption and poor regulation is part of why the cartels can so easily obtain chemicals from there.

    8. And all you false claiming bitches are sitting safely in the U.S that you hate,how can you stand it,mexico needs you?

  13. A video of a MF hitmen getting interrogated by La Chapiza


    1. Didn’t seem like an interrogation. No stress in his voice. Looks really staged. The smurfs have a media campaign you see it here on this site. Some are just fans who listen to too many corridos. But some are operatives trying to sway public opinion. In their favor.

    2. That guy just said what he thinks they want to hear so they dont kill him

    3. Sicario 006 is the badest mother fucker alive if i saw him in person j would drop down on my knees and pleasure him

    4. I agree looks staged in my point of view but I still thought it was interesting. Alot of propaganda and misinformation In this war .


    5. Are those dark glasses in your emoji to cover up your embarrassment?

    6. 8:54 actually his eyes 👀, look bloodshot, using Meth and no sleep, the eyes look like zombies, that's why 6:36 uses them.💀

  14. Chihuahua got Hella violent recently

    1. Where OJ? I think that's linea internal dispute


    3. Sicario 006 is the badest mother fucker alive if i saw him in person j would drop down on my knees and pleasure him

    4. 06:26 I can send you his OnlyFans page.

    5. That would be great plz

    6. Ooohh i cant wait

  15. That's right Mexico. Learn how to protect your citizens just like any other country, why is Mexico the only country with a significant cartel problem, learn from El Salvador.

    1. Same applies when crying about your drugs killing us citizens ha

    2. It's hardly the only country with powerful transnational criminal organizations.

    3. Burma has the largest armed cartel like group in the world 636 that's a fun fact for ya

    4. 6:36

      El Salvador solved a thug problem not a cartel problem.

    5. You mean imprisoning a third of young poor people? In 20 years time people like you will be moaning that middle aged criminals from Salvador are "Invading" your borders, and it'll never occur to you that it's a direct result of policies you cheered. Those "criminals" are going to be released when the money runs out, and they will have nowhere to go. You think they'll try to reach Anarctica, or Los Angeles?

    6. 636 you can't compare a country with a population of 105 million people to a country with 6 million people. El Salvadors population is not even half the size of Mexico Citys'. Mexico is 63 times bigger than El Salvador while El salvador is roughly the size of the state of Hidalgo. As a result of being the neighbor to a country with the most civilian owned guns, the Mexican cartels are are far more deadly and better equipped than the machete weilding cholos of El Salvador. I remember seeing a documentary where the gangs made guns out of pipes, bullets out of bolts and rubber bands. I get it, your proud of your country for what Bukele has achieved, bit his approach would be a total catastrophe in Mexico if implemented.

  16. Pinche AMLO bien que se acuesta con los Chapitos y ahora anda bien apurado por que estos esten bien.
    Por eso acusa a los Americanos de la violencia que sucede aya.
    Mejor cayase el oscico y deje que se den en la madre los de SInaloa como los demas narcos en todo el paiz.

    1. Algo mas malinche vendido?

    2. No brother, proteger nuestro país de la mierda del narco no es malinchismo, es patriotismo. El gobierno ataca a su propia gente y no nos deja defendernos… el gobierno ha abandonado al país, los guachos, los narcos y los gobernantes son los mismos

    3. No mames güey. Según tú proteges al país de los narcos, pero a la ves incitas a que se den en la madre los sinaloas. Ábrete con tus pendejadas vendido Malinche. Vete alabar a tús jefes, el par de ineptos Trump y Biden.

  17. Obrador just loves to be a grumpy old man. Blame others, for what he could have done for Mexico.

    1. Obrador is just doing what the us has been doing for the last 200 years blaming mexico for the usa shortfalls and sometimes Iran and china

    2. 1:57 such a childish comment, you should practice using periods, like the grammar police have been telling you in here.

  18. So having one of CIs kidnap a Mexican national without due process and cause and split in the cartel is not the US…poor guy just wants to sleep at night

    1. AMLO is just butthurt that after all those friendly visits to their grandmother during his term, that the Guzman family betrayed him.

    2. @12.52. You don't mean that one time AMLO shook her hand, silently wishing he could murder his personal security there and then for letting her get so close? He was there because of a security fuck up, and it was a second security fuck up. He was surrounded by cameras and journalists and the whole thing was transparent.
      "Butthurt"? Really?

  19. It most definitely is responsible. They used the Guzmans as puppets to get Zamabada. It is what it is.

    1. It's not the US's fault that the Mexican government can't protect its own citizens.

    2. They are walking mayo zambada with a dog colar around his neck with a chain making him crawl around like a dog

  20. Good article Mr Char. What a waste of resources with the hats thing.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Ya trying to butter up Char, not going to work like with Sol, and don't go calling Char the machine, and he does not need help, he can defend himself.😂🤣

  21. i mean if they did entice joaquin to do this then yes they share responsibility. if not then no. simple.

  22. Man that’s karma if you ask me you can’t go around killing people in other states now the war made its way to where it’s suppose to be 💯

  23. If there was no demand then there would be no supply....economics 101

    1. Yes. People act like there wouldn't be guns all over Mexico if not for Fast and Furious. News flash: 100x the number of weapons involved in F&F are sold off Mexican military bases every year by members of the military. Where there's a demand there will always be a supply.

    2. Works both ways genius

    3. You can't force people to stop wanting drugs. It's a problem that needs to be approached from every angle, and both supply and demand need to be addressed.

    4. 11:08 AM You still bangin on about that on every page?
      ''economics 101'' Losers on here

    5. The $64,000 question is which came first the supply or demand?

    6. The demand is not only in the USA. Its also in mexico little tienditas everywhere not even hidden from public. Common sense 101

    7. China fills cartel precursor demands while denying they do it.

    8. Not hard at all to buy guns very very verryyy easy no problem

    9. 12:01
      Unfortunely AMLO omitted that part of where guns come from. His military don't get paid well, so many officers steal the weapons from the base and sell them to the cartels.

  24. Sol what's this Shet Rubio calling you a two face. He was gone, now his out for blood.

    1. That's what happens when they smash and develop feelings.

    2. Damned that Rubio dude even through Hearst under the bus, and she is not here to defend herself. Rubio has become a Rabid dog, that has rabies to the T.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. I hate to say it because I'm American but where ever our government goes it shit all over everything and leaves it far worse. This is not to say Mexican president's aren't straight dog S... and they don't care the slightest for their people.

  26. Los mismos sinaloenses son los responsables.
    Ya no veo buchonas presumiendo viajes bolsas ni nada
    Y ya hay viudas de malandros y desaparecidos

  27. They are responsible for offering Joaquin a deal and incentivizing him to kidnap Mayo which leads to unrest. The absolute rest is the responsibility of the incompetent Mexican government. If your police, military and politicians are for sale, then you have failed as a government...

    1. Well said. The US may be responsible for the split in the cartel, but the inability to address is on Mexico's government.

  28. Replies
    1. lol. Wow and the trolling continues. Pathetic.
      I’m just going to laugh.

      Rubio NYC

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. It's typical rhetoric from Mexico that the US is the problem. If it wasn't the US, then it would be another rich country that wanted the drugs. Perhaps they should just admit that drug trafficking in Mexico is state sponsored and could not occur without the full consent and involvement of the Mexican government.

    1. You're right, it was state sponsored and that is why Genaro Garcia Luna, Mexicos top cop that the U.S met with, praised and honored is now behind bars. You know what else was state sponsored by the U.S? operation fast and furious, which introduced firearms into a country where firearms are prohibited and knowingly distributed them to criminals. How many American politicians went down for that catastrophe? Apparently, this is a one way street and the U.S faces no backlash for their fuck ups.

  30. Rocha is in Los Angeles to negotiate with federal prosecutors and 3 letter agencies. He is dirtier and more corrupt than Yarrington and Duarte. They should strip him and his family of all assets to set a example.

  31. Well 70% of cartel weapons are from the US and drug demand is high in the US…. So he does have a point

    1. You need a point to use periods.
      Here I give you some periods............

    2. 99% of drugs are from Mexico and the demand for weapons is off the charts in Mexico... But Mexico is always the victim.

  32. America is just a greedy country, this has nothing to do with democrats or republicans. They arrest these guys from Mexico, bring them to America hoping to get some money out of them.

  33. Ivanka has ordered his own men to be killed or captured chapisas believe in that paycheck they receive once his money is gone rumor will spread that his men starving and nobody will fight for him. Mayos people fight with no pay because they know Ismael flaco has heart and will further help the Sinaloa cartel get back up like always. Cocaine shipment 3 tons gets the ball rolling again people have faith that Colombians always stock up zambadas! only chance of survival is to retreat and retire for alfredito and Ivanka

  34. The US didn't ask Mexico to make fentanyl for us.

  35. ''US Not Responsible For Surge Of Violence In Sinaloa'' Someone has to be responsible? It certainly isnt mexicos problem lmao same tune,can we roll a different one?

  36. Mexico always stays with the class

  37. The U.S The U.S ohh man give us a break

    1. 3:09 dont blame the US but blame druggies like u

  38. Mexico is mexcos problema jose,deal with it yourselves,stop draggin everyone else in kicking and screaming in..Wahh Wahh blahh blahh fucks sake its boring,go tell AMLO he agrees with you

  39. no problem man..mexico is finish my dad born in mexico....and we travel so many times...beautiful man but

  40. U.S dealing directly with organized crime, demand of illegal drugs and exportation of weapons into Mexico

  41. "Fueled criticisms of López Obrador, who has throughout his administration refused to confront the cartels"
    Let me see, the Mexican government has confronted the cartels with all its might for the past 20 years and in doing so it only caused the deaths of 250,000 Mexicans. It has also not slowed drug imports into the US.

    1. The issue is that he preferred to ignore the problem, instead of trying different approaches to the problem.

    2. Thats the hugs no bullets mentality.
      But quick to play the blame game.

    3. With all its might? Sorry, any country with a modern military that lets sicarios travel around in the beds of trucks with .50's in open view isn't making any effort whatsoever.

    4. Oh jesus, easy minded people all over the place. Hilarious!

    5. In 2006 Mexican President Calderon unleashed all branches of the Mexican military onto the cartels and each successive president has continued this policy even Obrador. So it is either blind hate against Obrador or deep ignorance about the drug war in Mexico over the past 20 years that would say Obrador is not doing anything to confront Mexican Cartels. Since 2006 all the cartels top leaders have been killed or arrested and again some of those on Obrador's watch yet killings in the thousands continue and drug still flow into the US. Just remember this Mexico is following the US game plan regarding the drug war in Mexico it always has so yes it is partly the US's fault as to what is happening in Sinaloa. People are very stupid if they think more military and more military violence will solve the problems in Mexico. What the Colombian war against the Medellin Cartel showed us is that there is no military solution to the drug war. The war against the Medellin Cartel brought Colombia to the brink of disintegration and their win over Escobar did not effect drug production or lessen violence in Colombia in the 90s early 2000s. The US is at fault because the US never changes course, never learns from mistakes, and never tries new solutions to any of its wars or even domestic issues. All the US agencies care about is their budgets and news headlines if they arrest a cartel leader. What they did with El Mayo was stupid, short-sighted, and a crime, but Biden, DEA, and FBI wanted news headlines. Once again the US strategy of going after cartel kingpins fails spectacularly.

    6. "The issue is that he preferred to ignore the problem, instead of trying different approaches to the problem."

      The US does not allow different approaches to the drug war. Its either their way or the highway. If Mexico tried other ways such as reducing poverty, more education, and US would decertify Mexico regarding the drug war just like it did Colombia in the 1990s. Also, the Mexican elite would overthrow Obrador if he increased taxes on them in order to fight poverty. The US is the country that needs to try different approaches to the drug war after all it is the US drug consumption that drives the world drug market. Fifty years of the US war on drugs shows it has failed yet decriminalizing drugs, taxing them, enormous increase in drug treatment, plus other things would work, but the US always has to be in favor of violence, war, and imprisonment. Like I said before US agencies like DEA, FBI don't want the drug war to end, because then their budgets would shrink.

    7. 7:10 You need to cut back on the conspiracy theories. The US isn't going to sanction Mexico if they try to reduce poverty.

    8. 7:01 you got to be on drugs, for havens sake AMLO has not been on the boat 100 percent, he has cut DEA staff from being in Mexico, he had DEA airplanes out of hangars, he was butthurt for the US arresting Cienfuegos or like people call him Cienpedos. Give me a break, don't forget also the totally off landish remarks he fuken says about the US. I'm glad that Gramps is leaving office.

    9. 7:10 You need to cut back on the conspiracy theories. The US isn't going to sanction Mexico if they try to reduce poverty

      Naive. The US certifies states such as Colombia and Mexico regarding the drug war it is called The U.S. Drug Certification Process. If a country is not following what the US says it will be punished, but I doubt you even knew about this. And so what if AMLO reduces DEA staff in Mexico, it is Mexico's sovereign right to restrict other countries influence in its domestic affairs. Does the US allow Mexican LE in the US to go and arrest Americans? Bolivia kicked out the DEA and is dealing with drug issues much more successful than when the US was involved. You are extremely ignorant about laws, requirements, and the drug war for the past 50 years. Mexico cannot win the drug war through military or LE mechanisms. Mexico is too poor to do what you think it can do. All the capos and drug cartel leaders have been killed or arrested and has that effected drug use in the US or reduced drug imports from the US? Of course not. The US insatiable thirst for drugs keeps increasing and no matter what childish ideas you have about more military, more arrests, or a different Mexican President solving the problem will never happen. if Mexico let in a 1,000 more DEA agents it would not matter as long as the demand for drugs in the US exists. You are perfectly aligned and share the idiotic opinion of the US government's policy on drugs. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Maybe the US should leave other countries alone and solve its own domestic problems for a change. The world is changing and 75% of the world's countries are no longer willing to do the bidding of the criminal politicians in the US who's only talent is to spread war, death, and chaos around the globe. $35 trillion in debt and the US pays $1 trillion per year just in interest on the US debt. How long do you think the US can continue to do this before it collapses? My guess is when it happen children like yourself will say, "What happened, why weren't we warned about this before hand, maybe we should send more DEA and FBI into Mexico, yeah maybe that will help".

    10. "you got to be on drugs, for havens sake"

      It is heavens sake not havens sake. Why I am arguing with someone who probably dropped out of high in the 9th grade. Reading your responses show you are of limited intellect so I feel sorry for you and your childish view of how the world works.

  42. So sad. How america blaming another country

    1. Your the dorky no period kid, why you dumb and forget periods.

    2. 707
      There are pharmaceutical drugs available to treat obsessive compulsive behavior, such as constantly commenting about periods. Ask your doctor for more details

    3. 9:46 if you would not forget your periods, no one would be making fun of you.🤣

  43. Yup, Americans with their addictions are forcing the cartels to supply them and kill each other. Stupid gringos.

    1. I can tell u dont go to mexico or else u would see all the addicts running around stealing. And the tienditas verywhere operating in the open to feed mexicos addiction. Thats where all the fighting is over those plazas with the tienditas.

    2. Pretty much ! You nailed it . Don’t know if you were trying to be sarcastic or not but everything you said is true . Next time you try to be sarcastic -make sure that you don’t state facts -so it’s actually taken as a sarcasm .

  44. All these mexican americans who think they mexican to bone but hardly go to mexico if that are funny. And they like to put down the US from the safety of their USA home. Go to mexico and you will see all the druggies. Its the same demand mexicos docters lawyers and not least normal people also like to party. Mexico just mad the US offered a better deal. And mexico lose money.

  45. Sad stuff. If the US is partly responsible whats the Mexican president going to do? Probably nothing and that will speak volumes

    1. Another uninformed comment. In the past AMLO canceled visas and reduced the DEA's Presence in Mexico. Just recently, AMLO put Ken Salazar on time out for criticizing Mexicos judicial reform. You not knowing about this speaks volumes about you.

    2. ALMO can't put Ken Salazar on a time out, Ken works for the government of the USA, not Mexico but 10:05 good try.

    3. 1026 you're in denial. That's always your defense mechanism, stick your dead in the sand and pretend you know what you're talking about... actions speak louder than words and your short term memory.

  46. Hey México, specifically Sinaloa, while hundreds of millions of dollars were propping up your economy through the manufacture, smuggling and sale of fentanyl in the USA and causing the overdose deaths of hundreds of thousands yearly it was of no concern to you. Now that your criminal groups are fighting each other your society wants to cry about the deaths of mostly criminals and the effects it's having on regular citizens? Let them kill each other off and then the government can take care of those that remain. Especially the pedos that want morritas...

  47. All the one talking shit about the USA are unhappy deported , wishing they had another chance people!!! Mexico has a failed third world mentality, tell me im lying??!!!!

    1. Mexico is the 12th richest country in the world and continues to grow . I think you might be stuck in the past . The only decline I see in economy , is in the US .

    2. Mexico is the #1 homicide capital of the World. Congratulations AMLO.
      You going out with a bang.


    3. @9.06. And the US biggest trade partner. How do US kids understand what that means?

    4. Mexico tops the world in homicides.

  48. both share responsibility.

  49. Why would anyone want hateful morons like this on here immigrating to a country they hate ? Fuck mexico keep them out



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