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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

AMLO's 6-Year Presidential Term Has Been Mexico's Deadliest

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

AMLO tasked the armed forces with building infrastructure and ensuring public safety. His term will end with newly constructed transport hubs, hotels and a museum, and more than 170,000 murders.

That was the headline from an April 2024 Bloomberg article. With now former Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador term officially at an end, the number of murders in Mexico during his 6-year term is over 186,000; the highest of any Mexican presidents years in office.

From the day AMLO took office as president on December 1, 2018 until August 31 of this year, 186,380 Mexicans have been murdered. September has yet to be calculated and has seen a dramatic uptick in violence in several areas like Sinaloa, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas.

Since the Revolution and the Cristero War, Mexico has never seen a government with so many murders, so much violence and so many parts of the country in the hands of criminals and drug traffickers.

While methods for counting murders during Enrique Peña Nieto’s PRI administration and Felipe Calderón’s PAN regime was different from the one used by the AMLO government; the increase by over 50% from previous presidents is well beyond any variances.

From different sources, 121,683 murders occurred under Calderón and 124,478 under Peña Nieto. AMLO’s strategy, the so-called 'Hugs not Bullets' was based on attacking some of the causes behind the violence: poverty, a lack of jobs and opportunities. “Peace is the fruit of justice,” he would say.

While this was the rhetoric that won AMLO the highest office in Mexico, it never found its way into practice. The homicide rates year over year did begin to drop however. In 2019 there were 34,723 murders, and in 2023 the number dropped to 29,710.

Mexico last year had many more murders (29,710) than the United States (18,854), according to the Gun Violence Archive. The US population is 2.5 times bigger than Mexico’s.

During his government 47 journalists have been murdered, according to the non-government organization Articulo 19. The same number as during the Peña Nieto administration.

AMLO, who in 2010 said the army “cannot resolve the problem of the lack of security” has now militarized Mexico, put soldiers to work on civilian issues and was able to put over 10,000 members of the GN National Guard under military control after being created as a civilian led national force.

This militarization has brought many more deaths than in other 6-year terms. There were at least 5,446 femicides and there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of disappearances with clandestine graves being discovered often.

By the government’s conservative estimate, 113,000 people remain missing in Mexico, many of them victims of criminal groups, state security forces, or both.

While supporters credit AMLO with dramatic reductions in poverty through policies such as increasing the minimum wage, labour reforms, and welfare payments, critics accuse him of eroding democratic oversight and failing to address rights abuses and insecurity.

Militarized National Guard

Last Wednesday, Mexico’s Senate passed a controversial bill placing the National Guard, previously under nominal civilian control, in the hands of the military.

Anyone in the National Guard will be subject only to military justice, with their own tribunals, the military justice system’s prosecutors, and decisions and sentences that will not be made public.

The military, through its operational control of the National Guard, will likely have a certain degree of veto power over security decisions by civilian leaders.

Mexico allocates substantial resources to combat organized crime, including an annual defense budget of nearly $10 billion, and the deployment of over 200,000 military personnel for public security tasks.

Sheinbaum & Mexico's Future

With his Morena Party securing supermajorities in Congress and Sheinbaum preparing to take his place, the outgoing president’s most enduring legacy could be the realignment of Mexican politics that has taken place under his watch.

“For about two decades before Lopez Obrador, several parties were in power and no party had complete control of Congress. Now Lopez Obrador’s party has been able to establish a supermajority,” said Piccato. “That’s something new, and a lot of people are very concerned about that.”

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo was the Mayor of Mexico City, succeeding AMLO in that same position. During her tenure as mayor, she halved homicides in the capital city, in large part by relying on civilian policing, bolstering the police’s investigative capacity, incentivizing cooperation with prosecutors, and sharing intelligence with U.S. law enforcement agencies.

There are signs that she may continue these policies as President. She has appointed her Mexico City security chief, Omar García Harfuch, as security minister (albeit with decreased powers). Harfuch was the victim of an attempted assassination by CJNG gunmen. She has promised to create a new national intelligence agency and binational working groups on security issues, signaling a potential shift towards more sophisticated policing strategies and an emphasis on targeted operations.

Still, some speculate that her security stance will continue AMLO’s militarized strategy. Sheinbaum has pledged to maintain the armed forces’ prominent role in public security, indicating that she may fall into the same trap as AMLO: public rhetoric of reform but punitive policies in practice.

Additionally, deterring criminal violence requires sweeping reforms to the judicial system, which currently resolves only 1% of crimes.

Judicial Reform

“The regime of corruption and privileges each day is being left farther in the past and a true democracy and true rule of law are being built,” Sheinbaum, Lopez Obrador’s successor, said in a social media post celebrating the passage of the judicial reforms.

The most contentious by far was a constitutional change that will make judges stand for election.

Critics said the move will politicise the judiciary and erode democratic checks and balances, while supporters argued it will make judges more accountable to the people.


  1. Politics make me want to smoke a kryptonite blunt and eat THC gummies 100% in it and go on a lavish vacation somewhere far far away

    1. Tanto que chingo la madre ELMO que queria ser presidente para luego seguir con la misma mierda. El crimen crecio.

    2. Smoke a .45 while you’re at it too Senor Guera.

    3. It goes caca pee pee poo poo i just dropped a amlo in the toilet

    4. Yo 3:36 am if I was a senor ~~~~~ I would be one bad ass MF but not , only a every day average guera with my cuerno lista jijiji or mi chankla ,,,, jijiji

    5. Are you the one full of the shit and clogged my sparkly toilet ?homie damn

    6. Guerita, are you ready for Connor?

    7. Is Conner Irish ?

    8. If la güera paisa and Connor have a baby, God help us all!!!

    9. Politics is a mix of having a good gag reflex, that watching it for any extended amount of time will draw out disgust and contempt, but especially when it comes to societal ills like this, is our duty to have a deep understsnding that's made an educated decision about what it supports, or refuses to do so out of an equally deliberated freely thought through reason that is hopefully logical or practical, though we all know both of our democratically liberal constitutions award all adult citizens one vote, our choice. So it seems to me your attractive president (I'm smitten, freely admit it, LOVE strong women who still retain that femininity, but I'll shut up I'm fantasizing now.) has two possible outcomes.

      First she combines cutting edge spy tech likely from CIA/NSA, with the militaristic policy further beefed up and they find strategic lynch pin cartel members whose elimination cause the worst kind of damage, leave organizations crippled and reeling, probably slowly but surely arrest/transfer to the USA all the real bosses . Her making reference to employing new technologies could be a game changer, as we've seen what Israel is doing to Hezbollah, creepy fear building for anything smart, because they can hack it.

      Second she's doubling down on a well known death increasing strategy, militarization of the law enforcement, which my USA has easily proven to be not worth the trade offs, because law enforcement itself starts to see fellow civilians as enemy combatants, not fellow citizens they're protecting even if that means from themselves. We both countries obviously need superior large special forces type SWAT w/excellent everything be it armor, sniper rifles, drones, you name it, and at least at the same levels of force they expect to face, so the very best. These forces can be called when necessary, but the entire force? Nope. The rest are civic servants our taxes pay.

      Anywho, and this second ending, the more likely, is that whatever happens won't be serious enough, underfunded and still very much corrupted, because beating the Cartels for real is a fool's errand if you want keep breathing, not spend your eternity looking for it coming. That particular reason, something that anyreal man would say that's one of the most important reasons that it must be done. That's why I hope whoever is spearheading the operation is smart, employs the lynch pin theory I mentioned, which is very much a well used tool in well funded USA operations, this next generation stuff, AI coming online already targeting law enforcement and already used by the military is frighteningly good too. But I just don't see it until I do happening, but this political stuff is ridiculously important, because AMLO had FIFTY THOUSAND more murders than Nieto! That's ridiculous, wrong, and any government bending a knee to the people doing it shouldn't win theit vote, then people should make it 100% clear regaining control, their damned respect and duty allowing it to persist. That's callec having some balls and some brains, and recognizing being voted into a leadership role demands ultimate authority that wouldn't think of sharing it with the very worst among them. That's strength, and who wants to be ruled by weakness, and that's wrong weakness at that. Not me, not nobody; the things that are stopping this, ugh; are legion. Why I get good and high, smoking Thai extract this moment, well before I read my politics, definitely makes it easier to compartmentalize the bullshit.

  2. 2011 was the deadliest from 2007-2014. Crazy how this decade has surpassed that by alot. Mexico was deadlier then brazil (I believe).

    1. Amlo even changed the methods of counting murders cause we all know they used hide 50-70 percent of murders back when Calderon and Peña Nieto were in charge and people are complaining now cause amlo is transparent with everything

    2. Correct… 2010 alone was the worse year to be in Mexico

    3. the only transparancy i see is he didnt do shit just like all the others

  3. Well done AMLO all we gotta do is keep pushing and we will get rid of all the garbage. Next go after corrupt USA officials and see how this shit dies down FAST.

    1. About the most ignorant and blindly prideful statement I’ve seen in a few years.

    2. 1102 don't bite your tongue.

    3. 11:02 Agreed. Vague nonsense.

    4. AMLO changed the policies alright, but that wasn't just to make it more clear to trace/identify. It also was designed to make it practically impossible to get on the list, a battle to prove some people were in fact missing that absolutely are as all the ones I saw/read mentioned their nearly 100% of the time mother, who usually knows a great deal about their often violent abductions, never being seen nor heard from again, some even with witnesses other evidence, but with these women it's also to be taken off the list. The people doing the confirmation had an actual team operation to sweep as many off the list as they could and did, and even remember some again mothers who took phone calls like these, passed the test to keep their missing loved ones on the list, than discovered they'd been removed! There's no reason to not believe there's been at minimum 300,000 murders, and I've seen liberal guesses in that range, which I see as very credible. That's some frightening dam stuff to internalize, talk about the true untouchables, lost and damned, and just understand many aren't missed by someone, so they essentially just don't exist, like they just weren't ever even here. If I were Mexican, I'd demand a census that's legit every ten years at minimum, a best you can muster account of birth certificates, or whatever it is Mexico employs to recognize you as a Mexican child/adult/citizenship, and if this isnt mandatory and well policed it must be. Another situation here that should be unacceptable to all voting citizens, but when your own government allows shakedowns, when you don't know if your complaint is also your death warrant, stuff like this just gets shoved back to another corner.

    5. AnonymousOctober 3, 2024 at 9:09 AM is completely spot on too, couldn't be anymore right and shows it with thr class and reasoning he certainly won't get in return. And that's okay, because you can only teach by example.

  4. Lets see if Mexicos Jewish president will tackle the cartels or sell out to Israel.

    1. I would smash.

    2. lol we all know where shits heading… we ain’t seen anything yet.

    3. 6:35 I’m sure you don’t realize this but the way you think about Jewish people is just straight up racism. When Vicente Fox was president of Mexico did you worry he might “sell out” to Germany because of his German background. Did you worry that Enrique Pena-Nieto might sell out to Spain (In 2020 he received a so called “Golden Visa” which gives him legal residency in Spain for investing $1 million or more in Spain)?. My guess is it doesn’t even occur to you think this same way about anyone who isn’t Jewish or any country that isn’t a Jewish majority country. Only Jews and only Israel get subjected to this kind of warped thought process. Also, what does “sell out” even mean in this context Mexico and Israel have no important dealings that significantly impact either country. As for Claudia Sheinbaum she didn’t even issue a statement to condemn the biggest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust that thousands of Iranian backed Palestinian Arabs perpetrated from the Gaza Strip last October. The Palestinian perpetrators of that attack also took hostage 2 Mexican citizens who were in Israel and were taken into Gaza along with 250 other hostages and Claudia Sheinbaum hasnt said anything about them. Sheinbaum for her part condemned Israel in 2009 because like many more Leftist politicians not just in Mexico but other countries as well, she is not very friendly to Israel. Sheinbaum’s opponent for the Presidency Xóchitl Gálvez (who is not Jewish) said this about Sheinbaum on October 8, 2023 after the Palestinian perpetrated attacks in Israel “I invite you Claudia Sheinbaum to together condemn the Hamas attacks and stand in solidarity with the international Jewish community and with the Israeli and Palestinian people, both victims of terror,”. Sheinbaum has still not issued a forceful condemnation of the October 7, 2023 massacres in Southern Israel where more Jews were murdered that anytime since 1945. Also I should point out that Claudia Sheinbaum did not win a majority of the Mexican Jewish community vote. Mexico has a small Jewish community only about 50,000 Mexicans are Jewish but she doesn’t have much support among them partly because she seems to run away to some extent from her Jewish background and many Jews in Mexico are very proud of their Jewish heritage so that limits her appeal to that community. Most importantly though, people like yourself, I think, really need to look in the mirror and ask yourself why it is that you have this need to view Jewish people so differently than you view everybody else. People like you tell yourself stories why Jews supposedly deserve it but those are just stories and at the end of the day whether you realize it or not this is about you and your need to make Jews into some kind of special subject, when The truth is Jews whether in Israel or Mexico or the U.S. or anywhere else are just human beings just like everybody else


    5. The reason AMLO never was under any danger is because he’s the last and most important palanca to have in sweet ol mejico. And the likely(but not guaranteed) reason why the big bosses are extraditing themselves is because Uncle Sam and Aunty Smashbaum are gonna militarize the drug trade and likely maybe even legalize some shit, way later tho. But first comes the bloody streamlining I’m so excited to see. Or I could be wrong 100% and I blame it on heavy psychedelics use

    6. 8:17 Youre better than this bro 🤦‍♂️

    7. 1:06 If I'm wrong I don't want be right 🤤

    8. Viva La Chairiza!! Viva la 4ta Tranza!!!

    9. 909 jooz are always playing the victim. You're the prime example. Acts of terror have been committed by both sides. You want everyone to condemn the massacre that occurred on Oct 7, while using it as an excuse to justify the mass murder of 43k Palestinians. So you're gonna tell me all 43k were hammas terrorist? We both know the majority were innocent, but you wont accept it because it strips you of the victimhood persona you'retrying to portray. Jooz have been occupying that land since 1948, but the Palestinians had it for 2000 years before. Maybe you should move back to Isreal and leave your house in the U.S to a native American or better yet, an indigenous Mexican family. After all, they've been on the continent for at least 14,000 years, that's 12,000 years longer than the jooz and 13,500 longer than the European squatter descendants that occupy it now.

    10. 9:29 um I don’t really think Jews need to “play” the victim even if they wanted to, you need to read a history book

    11. 1210, oh but I have read a history book or two and that's how I've come to my conclusion. Jooz like to play victim. 42,000 dead Palestinians since October 7th and the jooz want the world to look past that and only focus on their 1,200 victims. The Jewish state has only existed since 1948, prior to that, the muslims had control of it for about 500 years... I've watched as the media will dehumanize and villify the Palestinians and cast blame on hamas for the number of casualties the jooz are directly responsible for. Call them out and they go with their atypical victimhood strategy of, "your antisemetic! You're a racist! Waaa waaa, were gonna cancel you out! How dare you say we're no longer the victims here" As the saying goes I guess, " History is written by the victors"

    12. 303 I don’t know what media you are watching

    13. “History is written by the victors” ha ha how original

    14. 438 it doesn't matter what mainstream media outlet, cnn, msnbc, Fox they are all the same, they all push the same narrative. They dehumanize the Palestinian casualties. Just look at 909's statement about 2 Mexican hostages. No mames, this fool mentioned 2 hostages while 8 bodies were found in a van in culiacan 1 night, and the following night another 5 were dumped in front of an amusement park. Goes back to the 1200 victims of October 7th and using that to justify the ongoing mass murder of 43k Palestinians. Again, you're going to tell me that 43k were all hammas terrorist? Jooz will play victim to justify the evil they support. Condemn the murder of 43k Palestinians just as you want all of them "antisemites" to condemn the October 7th incident.

    15. dude kinda gives himself away callin people “jooz”

    16. 1240 you don’t want Palestinians to all be deemed terrorists? Literally every single comment you make here you generalize about Jews

    17. 449 do you remember when students and activists were camping out at universities accross the U.S and how the media portrayed them as radicals? People are not justifying "terrorism" they're condemning the massacre of innocent civilians. They're condemning the lies that are being pushed by the jooz and the American media. Who's pushing the false narrative to justify the slaughter of 15,000 children? The jooz. And for as unoriginal as you want to call it , it's true, "History is written by the victors" the jooz have killed 43,000 Palestinians and some how they're portraying themselves as the victims.

    18. About 8 times as many Germans died as Americans in WWII but you wouldn’t know how to understand that war or who had justice on their side in that war or anything else about it from just counting those numbers

    19. Turkish Empire ruled that area of the Levant and most of the Middle East and North Africa for 400+ years not Palestinian arabs. Turks are not Palestinian arabs. Turks are not Arabs at all. All Muslims are not the same, even if some westerners lump them all together from afar. Turks presided over that part of the world from early 1500’s until 1918

    20. The bottom line, the point here is , the jooz have killed 43,000 civilians since the start of the conflict so far and 909 wants to paint the jooz as the victims... and don't get me wrong, there's victims on both sides, but let's be honest with ourselves, the jooz are literally slaughtering the Palestinian population.

    21. 9:0 I remember hearing about Orión Hernandez Radoux he was a Mexican man murdered by the Palestinians October 7

  5. Hugs everyone 🤗🥰

    1. @6:40pm well positioned insert of hugs.

  6. All those deaths and United States don’t bother to help their neighbors out, but they help out countries that are in the other side of the world lol.
    They’re tired of Mexicans and drugs coming into their country but don’t want to help out.

    1. Because they aren’t tired of it at all. It’s a business, drugs create an economy. Local, state, federal. Lawyers, judges, prosecutors, DAs, police officers, correctional officers, DEA, FBI, etc. A lot of jobs come from the trafficking and sale of drugs. The Seizing of assets and then there is the whole pharmaceutical industry thing tied into it.

    2. USA gives A LOT of money to MX, more than people think; keep your friends close, and your enemies closer

    3. LOLZ. Always looking for a handout.
      Mejor qué muevan las manitas y callen la mamadora!

    4. Sorry no tortillas

    5. Yeah I guess BILLIONS ANS BILLIONS AND BILLIONS ANS BILLIONS don’t count right? Oh yeah Mexico is just yearly sucking on the cock of the USA taxpayer!

    6. 11:03
      I can tell you’re those type of people that can’t have a normal conversation without blaming immigrants , taxes and welfare benefits lmao .

    7. Because United States can’t live without Mexicans picking up their veggies in the hot as temperatures, or can’t live without their cup of tea AKA coca lol.

    8. 7:47 dont forget social workers, psychologists, Security workers, shelters, etc.

    9. 828- yea we as Americans are crackheads and send cartels millions of dollars daily. Tex,flor,az, cal citizens are the worst crybabies while empoweringing cartels with guns.

    10. Please please leave the U.S out of it and stop crying about everyone else

    11. Should this surprise you?

    12. Mexico says they dont need help. And wont let US troops go into mexico to fight the cartels. Plus if mexic did allow them many politician will be in trouble and they wont get their cut from the cartel and wont get more money from the US. Come on get informed.

    13. 828. LOL, the U.S gave Mexico and central American countries a total of 548 million dollars last year not even ONE billion.... Isreal, Ukraine and Taiwan received a total of 94 BILLION! And they're not even neighbors. Google the number of deaths in Ukraine and the Isreal Palestinian conflict. Something like 55kbetween the two. Mexicos homicides last year were 29k, according to this article.This article criticizes the number of deaths under AMLO's 6 year term but just last year the cdc reported 111k drug related overdoses in the U.S, the year before was 120k! 180k or so homicides in a span of 6 years compared to the U.S's 230k overdoses in 2 YEARS, doesnt sound that bad now. So lets ask ourselves who has the real problem when it comes to drug related deaths.

    14. 11:47
      You can't hide the overwhelming amount of homicides in Mexico, under Amlo s watch, pure and simple if he had done a better job less deaths would have transpired.

    15. uS has no right helping or spreading democracy around the world. Trump tried to steal last election and you’re telling me that US is democratic nation? Hehehehe that’s a joke. Soon trump will take over and become king for the rest of his life

    16. 849, did you read the article?
      "...The homicide rates year over year did begin to drop however. In 2019 there were 34,723 murders, and in 2023 the number dropped to 29,710."

      Still doesn't amount to the number of recorded fentanyl deaths last year in the U.S. The media and Biden were good at sweeping that under the rug. Let me remind you, 111, 000 Fentanyl deaths in the U.S. Between Ukraine and the middle east conflict, there have been 55k deaths since it started, yet the U.S chose to send 94 billion to that region instead of addressing the 111,000 fentanyl deaths in the U.S. Can you register that? I know you're kind of on the retarded side so I don't know if you fully comprehend the comparison.

  7. highest until this administration. you heard it here first.

  8. AMLO is the worst president ever for Mexico. This guy should be tried for war crimes because he let the cartels go wild and do what they wanted. The dumbest thing he said was hugs not bullets. The stats show that it didn't work. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Do some research... Buddy ... Nuff Said.

    2. Hey Nuff Said. Do you know any Mexicans? Do you care that AMLO had a 60 percent approval rating from the people whose lives were actually affected? You have no idea.
      Abrazos no Balazos wasn't about cartel bosses, and you know it.

    3. its not a war crime to be a bad president.. he didn't slaughter ppl himself.

    4. Previous administrations would hide the number of murders how many times did we hear in the news of mayors always saying aqui no pasa nada. Rocha tried doing that in Culiacán and Amlo shut thatshit down real quick

    5. Buddy Cartels has been going wild for decades! Mexico has had its worse years and even BB wouldn’t report it until now! Nuff said mf

    6. You ain’t seen anything yet…

    7. Amlo did better then nieto and calderon

    8. 7:09 that ALMO let CJNG expand through our many states in Mexico, as long as bribes kept coming in.

    9. that’s probably right

  9. I wonder how many Ms this dirtbag is gonna walk away with

    1. Worry about your household instead of pocket watching

  10. I guess hugs not drugs didn't work. 006 advocated for mecos no dedos con ELMO but he said no to that.

    1. Te gusta el 006 verdad?

    2. Le gusta la masacuata a 006.

    3. 903am, no le gusta a ti hermano.

  11. Its not just amlos fault. All past presidents are at fault for allowing organized crime get this big due to their corruption. Its reached every corner of this country.

    1. Yeah but how many have been seen shaking hands with the mothers have the country’s biggest drug traffickers?

  12. One of the Mexicans goats viva amlo viva sheinbaum viva morena working together with the usa fo a better continent americano viva la usa and Canada tambien let's go Latin America all together we r stronger

  13. Oh Fuck. Here come the US comments. People who don't understand that the amount of counted murders would always increase if the new goal is to count them, instead of pretending the people never existed because the military under the last 2 administrations were under instructions to fight as hard as possible while limit reported casualties.
    Here we go....

    1. Where is your comment coming from?


    The math adds up and numbers don’t lie… now who wants to guess the real numbers? …as they had without a doubt been downplayed

    1. 7:57 You are right.

      There are thousands of unknown and uncounted deaths, as there have always been.

      Ignoring them is easier than thinking about it.

    2. I had been counting from 2006-2014 and around then the “official tally” was 250,000 or so homicides… and that didn’t count disappearances… I can only assume by now at least 1 million have perished.

  15. Lies.. Calderon’s term was. His numbers were hidden and lied about. In Tamaulipas, NL, Coahuila and Michoacán alone damn neared cover those numbers. The whole north east of Mexico been at war like in Culiacan these past months. Difference is they been at it for 12 yrs straight now. Not that month y’all keep talking about. Tamaulipas alone was creating 500 murders a month. A MONTH during the Z CDG war.

    1. Ok. Difference was POS criminals were getting their wigs split. Tormenta and his Escorpiones? MF got killed for eternity. Mass indiscriminate murderer Z3/Lazcano? MARINA downed him.
      All POS sicarios irregardless of affiliation need to take a dirt nap. F them. Those cartel armies are the only reason México can't progress and its citizens have security. Keep it up but don't be surprised with the results.

    2. @8:03 whatever you say man… pero ya deja de llorar

  16. Claudia is QUEEN!!! 👑

  17. Sic006 is part of the LBGT community 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️

    1. todos sabemos eso....sic.oo6 la princesita

  18. How much are ar15 and handguns in Mexico. Sinaloa region?

    1. 649 Had an argument with my friend. I told him depending on region and if there are disputes. I am thinking 30k pesos for one in Pacific region because of current disputes.

  19. Replies
    1. Times that by like 9 for the real number..

  20. This fuktard is the second dunmest person to ever live bested only by Brandon. AMLO you will burn in the lake of fire you piece of dropping.

    1. "dunmest" ROFLMMFAO. The irony. Go back to school, elementary.

    2. Whatever it is, still many many times better than the Maga Republican nursery and mental institution.

  21. Hasta q te cargaste resentido del ejército que te ponían tus madrinas cuando fuiste joven y revoltosa en tabajco

  22. Really??? Bloomberg article….cutting and pasting??? Com’on Borderland, you can do better than this!!! Can’t you???

    1. This is a news aggregate site, please try to keep up..

  23. You gotta say facts behind the numbers. 90% are dead cartels members or related. 90% of murders in the US are? Don’t worry I’ll wait. Also Mexico economy is the strongest it’s ever been and that’s thanks to him taking back what other presidents sold or gave away for their benifits.

    1. Nearshoring. That's what's helping México tremendously. Even Chinese citizens are investing in México because of the political tension between PRC and USA. The lag in the time to ship across the Pacific Ocean.
      If the USA does well than México will benefit. Remesas. Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't AMLO say remesas from the USA are México biggest source of revenue? Truthfully that should be outdated. How many decades has it been since the "Bracero Program" started?
      The "powers that be" in México aren't looking out for the average ciudadano. They're only doing the minimum they have to do to keep giving them "atole con el dedo". 🍻

    2. I am happy that lazy Obrador president is gone. He was the biggest clown, that served as Mexicos president, many Innocents died to cartel violence on his watch.

    3. Yeah, thank god AMLO took back the people's oil, Pemex, and did lots of other good things..
      He had a few screwups that he was able to charm his way out of..
      But when the chickens come home to roost, a bill will be presented to pay for the extensive social programs and pension cash handouts that Morena has been passing out like chicles.. But by then the coffers will have run dry, the financial markets shall panic, Mexico will default, and it's back to the stone age grinding corncobs into masa..

    4. As of september 2024 theres been 11600 deaths due to crime violence. how many does mexico have?

  24. Viva amlo y viva el movimiento que empezó el viejillo guango

  25. Are we forgetting 2010? Chihuahua and Tamaulipas would have like 10 deaths every 10 minutes at that time! But ig BB got lazy with its reports throughout the years

  26. Hugs!!🥰🥰🥰They bad narcos just need some compassion.

  27. Bloomberg is a globalist organization that has its hands in many cookie jars around the world. When some of its stakeholders' financial investments/opportunities/exploits are threatened they will be quick to write negative articles as has been the case with AMLO.

    Dispite everything that was written in this particular article, they need to recognize that AMLO inherited the challenges of increased violence and chaos that Mexico has been facing since Calderon's start of his war on drugs. The fragmentation of criminal groups was not a result of AMLO's approach to the DTO's. This was a result of the previous administrations approach and eagerness to please their gringo puppet masters.

    In spite of all of the challenges this Gringo news outlet highlights against the former mexican president, AMLO still left with a 70% approval rating. The Mexican people are overall happy with his performance during his 6 year term because if they werent, they wouldn't have elected another member of the same party. The hypocrisy amongst these American news outlets is they constantly criticized AMLO for his reforms, like the judicial reform, which is very similar to that of the U.S. Same goes with their criticism of SEDENA taking charge of the Guardia Nacional, yet the U.S National Gaurd is Run by the U.S Department of Defense which oversees the armed forces...

    It's easy to highlight and magnify one aspect of of the challenges AMLO faced and ignore the rest of his achievements.

    1. 3:18, what were his achievements?

    2. @1:25,
      6 national dam projects
      12 national road projects
      4 wind farms
      1 solar energy farm
      6 Iberdola power plants
      Built 1 new oil refinery modernized 6 and bought one in Texas.
      Nationalized the Lithium deposits.
      Built the Tehuantepec Isthmus railway that will create an import/export route and will compete with the panama canal and cut travel time by 4 days and will create more jobs.
      Construction of the Tren Maya which has created direct and indirect jobs and will attract tourism to that region.
      Built 3 new airports along the tren Maya route and remodeled 2
      AMLO scrapped the retarded idea of building an airport on top of Lake Texcoco and instead turned the lake into a national park.
      Rather than a flooded airport on top of a lake, AMLO opted to build the Felipe Angeles Airport for half the cost. All because he made use of his resources and used the military to build it. The construction of the Felipe Angeles Airport also includes an added museum and a new highway to get there. With the money he received from the sale of the 200 million dollar presidential airplane he built 2 state of the art hospitals in Oaxaca and Guerrero.

      Under AMLO the corrupt Polica federal was disbanded and absorbed by the Guardia Nacional. The 30k personnel were absorbed by the Guardia and an additional 90k GN personnel were hired. By the end of his term there were 600 military stations completed throughout the country to house the 120k Guardia Nacional personnel.
      Under AMLO SeDeNa took charge of all land, air and sea ports of entry and not just moved the aduanas headquarters to Nuevo Laredo but is building a new state of the art facility to match the U.S border crossing technology. As a result, AMLO was able to change the constitution so that SeDeNa is now in charge of the Guardia Nacional just like the U.S national gaurd is managed by the equivalent of Mexicos SeDeNa; the u.s department of defense. Speaking of changing the constitution, as I mentioned earlier, AMLO managed to reform the Judicial system and how judges will be elected. Despite what the gringos fear, they're discontent with this reform because their companies will have a harder time corrupting judges. This brings me to the next set of achievements.

      Unlike his predecessors, AMLO has reclaimed Mexico's national sovereignty. He's limited the DEA's power on Mexican soil, he renegotiated the Merida Initiative with the Bicentennial agreement along with nationalizing and subsidizing Mexicos energy and natural resources. This still doesn't include his contributions to the health sector, the education sector and all of the social programs that the elderly, indigenous and disadvantaged youth have benefitted from. I don't know if you are aware, but AMLO recently acquired the land back from the american company Volcan for the corruption they had been committing while exploiting Mexicos resources.

      I can continue, but really, I think you should take the time to cross reference what I'm saying to kill your doubt.

    3. 11:27
      Don't forget the thousands of innocents that died on his watch.
      It's not good to hide the truth. Unfortunately you're in denial, many in here including the youngsters, know he was in it for the bribes.

    4. 11:27 LOL you don't even live in Mexico. You just buy into the U.S funded media. He left office with a 68% approval rating by mexican citizens, people that live there, not Belizean immigrants that live in the U.S. I can gaurantee, you don't have a number of "innocents" that died under his watch. You think you're smart but you're really not. Estas mongolito.

    5. 257 you're back. The washed up retiree came back from retirement. Copy and paste or however you want to see it, but it's accurate. Now show me your stats.

    6. 6:36
      You still defending that grampa 😭 Obrador, let lots of it's citizens get killed to cartel violence. Now I know who you are, like they say in here your the Obrador nutthugger. Lol Detroit was never kicked out as you proudly mentioned, you are copy and pasting, but hiding the deaths he caused for letting cartels grow and run rampant.

    7. 921 LOL. Your Detroits lover boy from Belize who dropped out of night school. When did I say he got kicked out? Oh, thats right, you have a learning disability and struggle with reading comprehension.... If I remember correctly, Detroit put himself on time out after he had a crybaby hissy fit because the new admins weren't as forgiving as Sol when it came to his AMLO misinformation. P.S the homicides for three years still don't amount for the number of U.S fentanyl related deaths in one year. You gringos ssure do a good job at hiding those numbers.

    8. 9:21

      that Almo has many paid influencers to say good things about him. I myself think security wise, he could have done better.
      Like I read in the site, they do not want to say a word on the homicides, I too belive a lot died, while he was president.
      Money bribes is the root of all evil.

    9. 5:06, it is the opposite. Homicides is all they talk about. What 11:27 wrote is what we don't hear about.

    10. 2:40:
      I never left BB. I don't come to this site as often when I'm traveling. I have a life unlike you and the rest of the ELMO chayoteros who are crying because their boy is gone.

  28. It didn't matter who was the president because it's going to keep going up. Keep arresting the bosses and it will continue to splinter.

  29. ARRIVA!!!!!!
    Fuerzas Especiales De Sicario006
    (FEDS006). Informantes de la DEA.

    RIP Gilbertona

  30. Abrazos, no balazos. 6 more years of this. Disfruta lo votado, raza.

    1. La violencia en Mexico no es nueva en Mexico. Simplemente se tiene que usar nueva estrategia.

    2. Chingazos no abrazos!

  31. Drug war and fent overdose deaths. Mex 100/ day, USA 200/ day

  32. Imagine the thousands unaccounted for, the people that just disappeared in a tub of acid, cartels pick up their dead even the government admits this, they dissolve their victims. The real number of victims is probably higher.

  33. Never been to mex but have all these opinions is mind boggling to be me ignorance at the highest on bb

  34. I still don't know how a female, atheist person of Israeli decent became president.

    1. People voted. It's embarrassingly simple.

    2. 9:49
      The citizens of Mexico voted her in last July, I believe it's been in the news.. 😂

    3. The lady has more education than all the trump followers combined, sheinbaum 2024 making mexico great one more time

    4. Bunch of newbies that don't even live in Mexico n have no idea of how corruption works there,Mexicans didn't vote her in but amlo did all he could to have her take his place

    5. She has a doctorate in science and attended an American University. 417, explain to us how he did that. Who should've been the better candidate?

    6. 11:29
      Berkeley an elite school, only super smart people enroll there! 🏛️🏆💡

    7. 947, let me guess what degree and where you graduated from. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    8. 949 much like the U.S, Mexico honors freedom of religion so if she's Jewish, catholic, Muslim or atheist, at the end of the day it didn't matter to the public. She won through the democratic we know as voting, something which the U.S failed to do during the democratic primaries. 🫢


    Guadalupe y Calvo. LA Linea vs Los Salguieros

  36. Elmo could use trumps playbook and tell the killings were fake and AI generated. People believe him

    1. Only Trump supporters will believe something like that.

    2. 10:15 tell us you watch CNN without telling us you watch CNN!!

    3. Watching CNN is better than listening and watching the orange orangutan talki my about water pressure, windmills and small crowd size. Heheheeh

  37. What a Fukn Failure... Go give more Hugs

    1. Yeah he failed but since you people are so successful in USA. Tell us how you guys are doing with the war on drugs ?

    2. Failure ... Lol.... The economy is at its best.... he returned to the people what belonged to them and constructed even more innovations... He even bought refineries in the US ... not to mention all the OXXO coming .. the US is failing by definition.

    3. He has been a better president than Barak and his husband Michael Obama.Sleepy Joe Biden ,Kamala Harris .

    4. Yet....all the Mexicans can't wait to jump the borders and Call America their home... Exactly how many relatives of yours reside in America???

    5. He let a lot of his citizens kidnapped and killed by ruthless Cartels.

    6. 2:18 LOLZ
      México GDP 2022: $1.466 Trillion +/-
      USA GDP 2022: $25.44 Trillion +/-
      Source: Google

    7. 4:10pm Mexico GDP is 2.16 trillion. Mexico debt it’s 250 billion. USA debt 32 trillion and climbing.

    8. 4:10 ... How much does the US owe China .... Don't even get me started on social security....

    9. 5:26 I'd recheck that national debt number. According to CEICDATA.COM in July México debt was $920.7 billion. Not as rosy a picture of its economy you'd like to paint.
      8:26 You ever think how much China owes the American Bondholders Foundation? Look it up and then get back at me.

    10. 12:46 I murdered the drugs so its okay now, you can come out to play :p.

  38. I wouldn't be surprised if they knock him off

  39. Imaginate no vivir en Mexico y perderte de esta joyita!! Ajuuuuuaaaahhhhhh!!!!!

  40. Just another employee, nothing important.

  41. VIVA AMLO y LA 4T. AMLO was the better president in the last 50 years. But he left un cagadero en Mexico( Sinaloa, TJ, Baja Norte/Sur, Tamaulipas, Guanajauato, etc..) His strategy to combat the Narco states failed miserably.. AMLO believed "can we all get along strategy" like Rodney King..

    1. That is true 2 period 🦎 lizard.
      If it didn't work, he could have put more effort, his boring daily conferences were more important.

    2. Lagarto 🦎 is king 👑

  42. Yippie grampa is finally gone!!!!!

  43. I’m just gonna throw one stay out there. Mexico had more murders than the United States by at least 10,000. Yet it’s a quarter of the population. And we have wide open access to firearms. That stat alone says alot. Elmo only cares for himself and his party. And it shows how much the population has suffered.

    1. The U.S had 111,000 fentanyl related deaths last year, Mexico had 29,000 homicides. That says a lot and it shows how much the U.S elected officials care about the American population and its war on drugs.

    2. @843 — and where does that fentanyl come from? Lol

    3. 1225 and you would think the U.S would facilitate more financial aid but instead they sent 94 billion to Ukraine, Isreal and Taiwan while Latin America, not even Mexico alone got a total of 546 million. LoL. Between the Ukraine Russia conflict and the Isreal Palestinian conflict there have been close to 55 thousand deaths and they're not even a part of the U.S population, while the U.S had 111 thousand deaths last year due to fentanyl and 120 thousand the year before. Obviously the U.S could care less if Americans are dying due to overdoses at these alarming rates. Let that sink in buddy.

    4. 12:25 🤔 lol 🤣
      Karma to 8:43.
      12:25 you got him 👍 good.

    5. 346 FYI, Fentanyl is not illegal, it's byproducts are. Fentanyl is being imported into the U.S from China, Mexico and Canada.

  44. Esta bien cuando se matan entre ellos pero lo malo cuando caen inocentes

  45. GOOD RIDDANCE. So tired of that old lying bastard.

  46. I am shocked the hugs didn't work 🙄🙄 Drone strikes on cartels not hugs. If Gov lit them up with missiles i bet cartels would behave more


    1. I wouldn't call him so much liberal. More of a true progressive but not like the American progressives. He really is for pushing the nation forward. He's playing catchup with the U.S and Canada in the sense that he's really developing the nation's outdated infrastructure.

  48. Ok, that's a lotta dead Mexicans, but it's not like they're an endangered species.
    If you study crowds in public places, you're bound to see many pregnant people, almost always women, so things will eventually even out!

  49. Socialists do nothing but and order are back right Shienbaum..they are driving through Culiacan in 50 truck convoys armed to the teeth. Just like Democrats lie lie lie and then gaslight gaslight gaslight.

  50. Yea, at the end of the day AMLO had to comply to his daddy "US"
    He at least left Mexico in a better state financially and with more opportunities for the citizens of Mexico.
    Shoot!, he even gave old people money so they can support themselves, that was a great deed indeed

  51. This article is FULL of crap. The difference is just abvious compared to 5, 10 or 15 years ago. Mexico is doing so much better. How can you explain AMLO's near 80% approval at the end of his 6 year term? Or was it his charm that the mexican people couldn't see all the corpse hanging from bridges? I thought this was different.

    1. You're way off on his approval rating, try like 30%.
      Also don't forget to mention the yearly average of 35,000 people killed.

    2. 855
      AMLO's approval rating amongst the elites may only be 30%, but the poor, who make up the majority of the population, LOVE him 😻

  52. The world woke media goes batsh~t crazy over one muslim journalist Khashoggi but 47 dead Mexican journalists not a peep out of the woke US media. Of course there are no journalists left in the US so nobody cares if they die!

    If only 1% of crime is solved then why have a judicial system? That's as bad as the DNC and its sh~thole NYC! After electing the AMLO and the DNC in the US its safer in Caracas! Wherever Soros and the WEF rules life is worse not better!



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