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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Genaro Garcia Luna Sentenced to 38 Years in US for Protecting Sinaloa Cartel Traffickers

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Genaro Garcia Luna, Mexico's Former Top Law Enforcement Figure Sentenced to 38 Years in US on Drug Trafficking & Bribery Charges.

“After years of destructive narcotrafficking and deceit, Garcia Luna will spend nearly 40 years where he belongs: federal prison.”

“Today’s sentencing of Genaro Garcia Luna is a critical step in upholding justice and the rule of law. His betrayal of the public trust and the people he was sworn to protect resulted in more than one million kilograms of lethal narcotics imported into our communities and unleashed untold violence here and in Mexico. This sentence sends a strong message that no one, regardless of their position or influence, is above the law.” Stated United States Attorney Peace.

DEA Administrator Anne Milgram stated that “Garcia Luna accepted millions of dollars in bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel to allow millions of kilograms of cocaine to flood the streets of the United States. Instead of protecting the citizens of Mexico, Garcia Luna was protecting drug cartels.”

“Today’s sentencing sends a powerful message that no one is above the law,” said HSI Executive Associate Director Katrina W. Berger. “HSI continues its partnered commitment to disrupting and dismantling the criminal networks responsible for bringing deadly narcotics into the U.S.”

Bribed by the Sinaloa Cartel

From 2006 to 2012, Genaro Garcia Luna was Mexico’s top law enforcement official, serving as Secretary of Public Security and, in that capacity, controlled Mexico’s Federal Police Force. Previously, from 2001 to 2005, the defendant was the head of Mexico’s Federal Investigative Agency (AFI).

Luna used his official positions to assist the violent Sinaloa Cartel (the Cartel) in exchange for millions of dollars in bribes.

Garcia Luna’s conduct included facilitating safe passage of the Cartel’s drug shipments, providing sensitive law enforcement information about investigations into the Cartel and helping the Cartel attack rival drug cartels, thereby facilitating the importation of multi‑ton quantities of cocaine and other drugs into the United States.

In exchange for bribes, the defendant’s Federal Police Force acted as bodyguards and escorts for the Cartel, allowing Cartel members to wear police uniforms and badges and helping to unload shipments of cocaine from planes at Mexico City’s airport, then delivering the cocaine to the Cartel. The defendant was paid in U.S. currency, stuffed variously in suitcases, briefcases and duffel bags. The bribe amounts increased over the years as the Sinaloa Cartel grew in size and power through the assistance of the defendant.

Trial of Mexico's Former Top Cop

Following a four-week trial in February 2023, Garcia Luna was convicted by a jury of Engaging in a Continuing Criminal Enterprise, International Cocaine Distribution Conspiracy, Conspiracy to Distribute and Possess with Intent to Distribute Cocaine, Conspiracy to Import Cocaine and Making False Statements.

The trial consisted primarily of convicted turned cooperating drug traffickers who testified to their bribing of, delivering money and negotiating with Luna. Former members, including "El Rey," the brother of recently arrested Sinaloa leader Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada.

"El Mayo" is also facing Judge Cogan in the same courtroom and his next hearing is later this week after being rescheduled. Possibly in relation to the sentencing date of Garcia Luna, which had been postponed several times since his conviction over a year and a half ago.

Cartel members testified that bribe money was handed off to Luna in a variety of locations, including at a “safe house” located in Mexico City where large amounts of cash were hidden in a false wall, at a car wash in Guadalajara and at a French restaurant in Mexico City across the street from the US Embassy.

In exchange for the millions of dollars in bribes, the Federal Police Force leaked sensitive information that enabled the cartel to evade detection by law enforcement or use the information in attacks on rival traffickers. In 2012, with the end of Felipe Calderon's presidency, Luna retired and worked in the private sector in the US.

After moving to the United States in 2012, Garcia Luna submitted an application for naturalization in 2018, in which he lied about his past criminal conduct on behalf of the Cartel in an attempt to become a US citizen which resulted in his being charged and convicted of making that false statement.

His defense attempted to show the jury numerous awards, accolades and even letters from former US Presidents and Political figures. As well as the former Director of the FBI offered during his application for US citizenship.

Last Minute Plea for Clemency

Prosecutors requested a life sentence while the defense sought the minimum of 20 years in prison. The CCE charge alone carries a minimum of 20 years in prison.

The day before, the Luna himself sent a letter to the Judge Brian Cogan asking for clemency, insisting that he never had any ties to drug trafficking and that he is “a good man.”

In his letter he spoke of how he was raised in a family with a “strong sense of ethics” and “being good people” with “love for our country.” He said that his family was “witness to my difficult profession” and the “superhuman efforts to fight crime and violence that my country is experiencing.”

He blames Mexico’s current government for its legal proceedings, writing that “my country is undergoing great upheaval. By order of the current president of Mexico, the country’s judiciary has just been dismantled… his quest to imprison those we fight, his political allies linked to drug trafficking, Mexico is entering a very dangerous stage, moving away from democracy and questioning individual freedoms; a pause has just been decreed – suspension of official relations between the US and Mexico, threatening and putting at risk the coordinated work between the US and Mexico,” he states.

With all this, he concludes by asking the judge to consider all these factors surrounding this trial when issuing the sentence, "among others the false information provided by the current Mexican government and the criminal witnesses, their complicity against me and my responsibility in the frontal fight against drug trafficking where powerful political interests also clash."

He recalled that “I am the Mexican with the most recognitions and decorations” in several countries including the United States “for the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking,” and stressed that he participated in the highest levels of collaboration in intelligence and security with the United States. He insisted that he never profited from his positions, and that “there is no record or history of contact or link with any criminal.”

Although he did not dare to explicitly declare his innocence, he concludes his letter by stating that “I have never been a threat or risk to the community” and that throughout his life there is “no criminal record, quite the contrary.” Therefore, he begs the judge to “allow me to return as soon as possible to my family and reintegrate into the beloved society to which I respect and belong.”

He also wrote that he has been detained in the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center for 58 months “in inhumane conditions,” subject to threats, infected with Covid and even segregated in “punishment cells."

But he has maintained, he says, good behavior and has even dedicated himself to secondary and university education efforts for other inmates and to anti-drug programs for those accused of drug-related crimes. He regrets having missed stages in the life of his family, especially his children, as a result of the loss of relatives.

However, there had been several accusations before and during Luna's trial of threatening journalists, witnesses, and attempting to bribe other inmates.

During the Mexican Senate session on October 16, just a few hours after learning of the 460-month prison sentence for Genaro García Luna, the Morena Party hung a banner to point out the links between him and his boss, former President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, with drug trafficking.

Borderland Beat Articles on Luna

Sources DOJ, La Jordana, Keegan Hamilton


  1. Damm azules policia federal were CDS the whole time ... them foos hit (in their prime) LFM hard . The videos presenting the goons to the media were movies lol

    1. Pero a 006 le gusta el pescueso bien grueso y greñudo.

    2. Theres no way DEA dint know what these dude was doing if i was president of the greates country mexico i would put the DEA agents who work with Genaro in jail or cancel extradición
      🦅 El fuerzas especiales 🇲🇽

    3. You should be better informed about GGL before you make such statements.

    4. Apparently GGL familia is originally from Michoacán even though he was born in El Distrito Federal.

    5. Shows how corrupt Mexico has been CDS had a great deal in place and tbh every cartel would have sign those same terms if presented in front of them

    6. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherOctober 17, 2024 at 6:28 AM

      So, Vicente was meeting with cia and dea agents to amend the deals CDS already had in place for years when they arrested him in mexico city! Obviously Luna wasn't the only cop who had deals with CDS! Luna wasn't the only head of an agency who facilitated drug trafficking into cia and dea! Of course, the alphabet agencies knew luna was working for cds with much of the cds info passed to the alphabet agencies, so what prompted his arrest so many years after his career ended? Who did he piss off in mexico or america, or did they find info on alphabet agency snitches he outed to CDS and were killed? More to this soap opera than is publictly known.

    7. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherOctober 17, 2024 at 3:00 PM

      With the banner hung in the Mexican Senate I am leaning that the Luna prosecution was instigated by AMLO's Morena Party. I can easily imagine Death Squad Luna also took part in a dirty war of killing Morena Party members and other politicos while he was head of the Federal Police! That also explains why he cut and ran to America as he knew once he was out of power his days breathing in Mexico were numbered!! Luna was smart carefully building his resume with medals and accolades from top America police and gvt officials for the day he had to leave Mexico, but he wasn't smart enough---eh AMLO!

    8. Awards from the DEA and CIA, but not the FBI. Interesting.

  2. Pero andava de muy salsita.

    1. ahhh bien salsitas o que show, bien salsitas?!! POW 💥

    2. Ahi andava de caliente con la bola de cabrones.

  3. He’ll be out in 20 with good behavior maybe even not do 80 percent of his 38 years in the feds.

    1. 9:34
      Not while doing fed time.

    2. In fed pen, you serve every day of your sentence. Unless you snitch out someone more important, of course.

    3. This isn't Mexico. He's serving a federal sentence and will be lucky to do 33+ years, with good behavior. He's cooked.

    4. He's doing federal time, there is NO early release. He must serve the full term.

    5. hes dead in 20...

    6. I don't think so. He's not in a county jail or a state penitentiary. He'll do most or all his time with the Feds.

    7. U don’t know much of how federal time works huh? He has to do 75-80% of time! If he was American he can join a drug rehab that takes time off also,but he isn’t! Of those 38 yrs he’ll do probably 30 plus the 5 yrs he has from being in jail,hell do 22/25 yrs!

    8. 10:58
      Drug rehab is for drug addicts not corrupt douchebags.

    9. 85% = 32.3 yrs .

  4. Miren nomas como quedaron estos cuates que apoyaron a el CDS.
    El Mayo, el Chapo y sus dos hijos y hasta Garcia Luna todos valiendo madre en la carcel de los United States.
    Ni su pinche Santo Val Verde los pudo ayudar.
    No me quita sueño.
    Que chinguen a su madre estos cuates.

    1. 9:37 por eso ahora cambiaron de santo, ahora al Santo que le rezan es a la Gilbertona, se dieron cuenta que Mal Verde no los ayudava, y ahora la Gilbertona es su nueva ilucion, hasta se pintan el pelo rojo como ofrenda para que los proteja y les traiga abundancia de macanas

    2. Praying to Jesus malverde is like praying to a rock

    3. No hay peor tortura que levantarte y ver las mismas 4 paredes el resto de tu vida, pudriendote. Es mejor irse como Arturo

    4. Just put the fries in the bag bro. Ni pa sacar a tu vieja de viaje tienes.

    5. 12:04 calamate muerto de hambre.
      Gracias a Dios y mi esfuerzo trabajando duro nada me falta y te conosco todo Mexico.
      Lo que te falta a ti es cerebro y ganas.

    6. 12:04 I ain't no idiot that doesn't know how to work and can make a loving for myself fool!
      Yo no soy ningun pendejo como tu as de comprender que no sabe ganarse la vida honesta y no tiene dinero para pasear.

    7. @7:16 Funny you say that about going out like Arturo because there’s some accounts that say Garcia Luna personally ordered that Arturo was to be killed and not arrested when the Mexican Navy conducted the operation to apprehend him. Either way it’s probably true that Arturo would have rather try and shoot his way out and be killed than to get arrested. Who knows

    8. @12:04

      Que tiene que ver la vida personal? No seas corriente.

  5. I say he was innocent but AMLO decided to make a move against him. All the evidences provided are testimonies from untrustworthy people and obviously eye witness testimonies are not reliable.

    1. Innocent ? Jajaja this guy was a bad guy and i hope he dies in prison.

    2. Lmaooo okay CIA we gonna believe you over all the evidence...🤣

  6. This guy made hundreds of millions during his “fight “against cartels/ crime haha . This time justice was served ! He should have gotten life.

    1. That's Koo foo

    2. ''That's Koo foo''
      That shit is as old as your undies..

    3. 8:07 You go girl!

  7. r/narcofootage was actually a mass suicide. They moderators found out MZ was kidnapped and didn't actually turn himself in. So they self banned they're subreddit and held hands and killed themselves.... RIP Narcofootage!

  8. Allhu akbar Sicario 006, me la pela Mossad,

    1. Yahya Sinwar eliminated!!! Mossad ,Shin Bet and IDF great job!!

  9. He was faithful to CDSnitches . He kept it solid . At the end it was the sinalocas that caused his fall. With this guy's help sinalocas couldn't even take over Mexico , just caused death and destruction. He should've cooperated like the others .

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. Kept it solid? Criminals don't "keep it solid" they're all trash. They have morals and principles when it benefits them. When it doesn't they will lie, murder and steal at any opportunity they get.

    2. They're all bad asses until they get caught.


    Black American fugitive from Midwest killed in SLRC Sonora

    1. If more Americans participate in this war los griegos will soon dig up deep into Mexico .

    2. Looks like your typical criminal from the BLM cartel .good riddance

    3. 222...You are a certified dummy.

    4. @6:20, 2:22 is right my friend. Dont be too upset that we judge you by the behavior of your people.

    5. @222,620,955

  11. That is one heavy lineup of individuals. All they need is the a cursed mummy, James Bond, and Grizzly Bears as their pets.

  12. The Americans should seize his houses and cars and bank accounts

    1. They should give you periods.😁

    2. ''They should give you periods''
      Your on your period

  13. Todos los Mexicanos que. Son entrenados por Mossad es porque son maricas.

  14. Almost all 3rd world figures w power abuse that power, sooner or later.

    1. All 3rd world countries! Greed and corruption exists in all countries where power and money coexist hand in hand. Look closely it’s evident all around

  15. One pawn down, who will be the next ones? This dude was dirty but bit more than he could chew. And, I’m sure the Chapitos had a lot of intel on him, and they leveraged with it, a deal is a deal.

    1. Chapitos were not involved.

    2. Absolutely. I admire the chapitos, genuinely, without jealousy. They really got it going on and are pulling all the strings. Now with CJNG in line, oh, the empire is born in blood. A deal is a deal.

  16. He’ll be out in a couple of years and get government protection lol.

  17. Calderon should be investigated as well.

  18. Se ve que se la lleva muy salsa pero era capaz de lamberle los zapatos al Barbas y asta el mismo Chapo todo para quedar bien el ojete.

  19. El mayo arrested and garcia luna sentenced, thank you dea 2024 good year for the dea keep it coming my friends

  20. garcia luna siempre fue un agente doble,se creyo el cuento de que era el mejor,lo dejaron que llegara hasta donde su imaginacion lo transportaba,pero el dia que ya no les sirvio a los gringos,le dieron en la nuca,,dato curioso donde quedo todo el billete que hizo...mucho billete....y porque no quemo a su patron el chupitos..uh.uh.CALDERON....tendra la esperanza que este mueva sus contactos de ex.presidente y le ayude a salir del bote,la verdad es que segun proceso e infobae viene una serie de extradicciones en mexico....solo es cuestion de tiempo,los gringos saben todo solo que los tienen en remojo,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  21. I feel like crying. Pobrecito hombre.

  22. Another narco wanker going from leading the glamorous life to starting an early retirement in the federal prison system. Enjoy!

  23. US has just as much corruption. May not have as much killings at plain sight or caravans of foot soldiers. The corruption US has laundering, stock market frauds, investment frauds, loans, city/county building frauds that includes bribery in the billions, State/Fed personnel corruption and more. The money game is very very corrupt here in the states.

    1. 8:39 AM
      Thanks for pointing that out,never would have guessed,some intelligent people here at BB yawnnnnn

    2. You have a higher probability of going to jail if you do this stuff. Legal system in the states might not be perfect but much better than in mexico with all their amparos.

  24. 'No one is above the law' proceeds to let Cienfuegos walk.

    1. He will stay in mexico, never leaving the country in fear of getting arrested again. He has to pay a lot of people to stay out of jail, i would assume they are draining his bank accounts.

  25. Guera paisa, is gilbertona still making you sick?

    1. 10:07 Arriva La Guera Tortas . Who eats bolillo with tapatio and a bag of tostitos.

      RIP Gilbertona

    2. 10:07 you must be new, Guera tortas already admitted to been a guy, so from now on he is Guero Tortas, he said he has a rifle and nutts

    3. Torta is a dude? Yuk 🤮

    4. 8:07 yep and im 99% sure he is the good old SIR, he is back in the streets doing drugs, he was in rehab for a while and atayed clean for a month or so, but he is back and now calls himself Guera Torta

  26. Lalo from Cuini clan got life and this guy gets 38?? This guys did wayyy more work then Lalo!!

    1. 1059am Lalo Valencia didn't snitch and took it on the chin .. he refused to testify against menchito

  27. Off topic, a while back a poor fellow was saying here that the IDF hasn't killed Yahya Sinwar. They just did.

    1. Yes they did. One by one, they're going, going...

    2. What’s your point ? The world knows who is killing woman and kids by the thousands .Cowards are known and their faces are remembered by all the victims of genocide . Life has ups and downs and Israel will reap what it sowed . Iran can literally obliterate Israel off the face of the earth any second . Israel = genocide . That will be synonymous for a very long time .

    3. 4:17, you are just mad that they care about their people. Seems you missed a lot in history class. You might ght google the surfers from gaza and who killed them? IDF will get them all, they get support from jordan, egypt, saudis…nobody likes palaestine, not even their neighbors.

    4. @4:17 Maybe Hamas shouldn't have pulled off a mass killing?? When's the last time Iran won a war?

  28. 38years, means he will die there unless he is snitches on his bosses.fuck him.

  29. Bueno. Take out the trash. Enjoy super max and beautiful, beautiful Colorado hombre.

    1. Colorado is beautiful, this guy should demand a supermax cell with a big picture window! 😹

  30. Get ivan and his brother get el menso and el m flaco and let the old school reign again, no extorsions,kidnapping, killing of people that has nothing to do with the business men and women and children and we will believe in the dea ,Cia, and fbi again come on guys let's do it

  31. Crazy to think how the U.S can convict you just off of hear say

  32. Sinwar is DEAD, Garcia Luna in jail for LIFE. Today is a good day. 10-17-2024

  33. AMLO is gonna be mayo’s ticket home

  34. Ramon Pequeno? Is he another one,the guy who was the face and voice of perp walks..This guy lorded it over all the capos caught and probably was dirty

  35. FEDERAL SENTENCE and ACTUAL time served. To some MENSOS, please pay attention. BIG MEECH...

    Big Meech was arrested way back in 2005, and in 2008 he was sentenced to 30 years in prison after being convicted on charges related to drug trafficking and money laundering. 2005 to 2024 = 19 Years ACTUALLY SERVED out of a 30 year sentence.

    1. Yeah like dumb asses they let people out early for good behavior for doing something bad cause the system is idiots

    2. BB should post it up.

  36. I don't like politics, I like to kick back and have a caghuamas and listen to real chingon corridos y good times only nunca triste , nunca perra, nunca pendejastes, nunca tosti Loko, nunca chupa Deez nuts, solamente chakalosa, solamente Mente en Blanco, solamente tiki taka, solamente cavrona en control shauuuuuu wauuuuu

    1. So finally you admitt been a dude 👍 good for you Guero

    2. 6:27 STAY ON YOUR SIDE OF THE STREET PUTO , and the show with your plastic TONKA TRUCK don't impress me

  37. Chapito out of prison

  38. Thank you Mossad! Yahya Sinwar eliminated! Shalom Sicario006

  39. The nerve of that fuc-ing fool to say strong ethics, love for his people and being good people .... he should of said love of money and greed led him to be corrupt, the love of letting his people be destroyed by drugs, and a strong desire to be corrupt and lie .... fuc-ing fool

    1. Hypocrites are not a dying breed. Just getting bolder.

  40. Just the scapegoat! Others in their political circle was in it as well.

  41. Woow
    Tan lo máximo que se sentía con sus escoltas.
    Y hoy no saldrá vivo de prisión
    Aunque dejo muy bien a la familia y con restaurantes en Miami

  42. Viven la pura vida hasta que los tuerse la ley verdadera o caen muertos los pinche corruptos y narcos tambien.

  43. he's gonna end up doing a lot less, remember this post


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