Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, October 7, 2024

Human Remains Found In Pit That Could Have Been Used As A Clandestine Crematorium In El Salto, Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL

They are waiting for the authorities to carry out the prospecting and exhumation of the well.

OCTOBER 6, 2024

Elizabeth Ibal / El Occidental

The collective Guerreros Buscadores de Jalisco located skeletal remains in a well that was presumably used as a clandestine crematorium, and also found two complete bodies.

The group worked all afternoon in a property with a ruined farm, at the intersection of Medrano and Matamoros, in the El Quince district, in the municipality of El Salto.

After prospecting, some skeletal remains were located in a waterwheel, whose banks showed traces of fire, while at the bottom there were bones.

Through their social networks, Guerreros Buscadores confirmed two findings at that point.

“Today our collective Guerreros Buscadores de Jalisco found a well used for burning, and at the bottom water, in which bones of a human body were found. Civil Protection personnel are expected to rule out that there are still more bodies inside”.

He also reported two bodies at night: one that could be a man because of his clothes, which were a white T-shirt and under it another turquoise blue, blue jeans and white socks with a green stripe and a red stripe. The second one's clothing was not visible.

This group of relatives of missing persons indicated that they are waiting for the authorities to carry out the prospection and exhumation of the well, which could be a grave.

The collective has located three other clandestine crematoriums: one in October 2023 in Tlaquepaque and another in March of this year in El Salto.


  1. This is a place where CJNG disposes of their kidnapped victims who refuse to join them or refuse to pay extortion fees. If the Buscadores team was smart they would've set up secret wildlife cameras nearby pointing towards the well to catch the culprits in the act. Nuff Said!!!

    1. 1242pm semper fi ...That's a negative chief

    2. Semper fi cuddles with Scottish zeta and then sends sicario 006 love messages

    3. Como chingas con tu "Nuff Said!!!" pinche viejo mugroso


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