Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, October 7, 2024

Seven Dead After Two Bar Massacres in Celaya, Guanajuato

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Seven are dead after two attacks on bars in Celaya, Guanajuato, in mass shootings against businesses which are typical of criminal violence in the state. In addition to homicides, Guanajuato state leads the nation in massacres - attacks with several fatal victims - with 57 massacres so far in 2024.

The first attack occured on October 4th, when at least two gunmen entered Belfast Bar in central Celaya, killing three employees; two women, and one man. The attack occured in the evening, before any guests had arrived, while employees were preparing for service. Other news sources also confirmed that only these three employees were killed, with no other injuries. 

A short statement on Belfast Bar's Facebook page lamented the casualties but provided no further information.

One day later on October 5th, another bar, Código Postal 19, was attacked in a similar way leaving four dead and one wounded.

In 2022, Código Postal 19, a chain of bars, closed four branches in Celaya after an armed attack left five dead.

It is unknown what the reasons for these attacks is. Businesses in Guanajuato can be targeted by criminal groups for a variety of reasons, such as allowing the sale of drugs or prostitution provided by rival groups, or failing to pay extortion fees. In addition to homicides, Guanajuato state leads the nation in massacres - attacks with several fatal victims - with 57 massacres so far in 2024, according to think tank Causa en Comun.

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