Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sushi Business Shot And Burned In Los Huizaches This Sunday Morning In Culiacan, Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by NOROESTE 

An armed group shot and set fire to the establishment early Sunday morning.

OCTOBER 5, 2024

The facilities of a sushi store in the Los Huizaches neighborhood were shot at and burned early Sunday morning.

The Crazy Roll Sushi, located between Presidente Luis Echeverría and Mina de Mazonique streets, was apparently attacked by an armed group that arrived at the place around 4:30 am, however, the report to the emergency number occurred until 6:00 am.

In addition to causing damage to the façade due to bullets, the business was damaged inside when fuel was thrown and set on fire.

No injuries were reported and material losses amounted to thousands of pesos.

Elements of the Investigative Police of the State Attorney General's Office are in the area carrying out evidence collection.

The place, where shell casings were left scattered, was cordoned off by state police.

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