Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, October 10, 2024

TD Bank Fined a Record $3 Billion for Cartel Money Laundering

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat
From a CNN Article

TD Bank will pay $3 billion to settle charges that it failed to properly monitor money laundering by drug cartels, regulators announced Thursday.

The fine includes a $1.3 billion penalty that will be paid to the US Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, a record fine for a bank. TD also intends to pay $1.8 billion to the US Justice Department and plead guilty to resolve the US government’s investigation that the bank violated of the Bank Secrecy Act and allowed money laundering.

The US Department of Justice said in a statement that TD Bank had “long-term, pervasive, and systemic deficiencies” in its procedures of monitoring transactions.

“By making its services convenient for criminals, it became one,” said Attorney General Merrick Garland, at a press conference Thursday.

More than 90% of transactions went unmonitored between January 2018 to April 2024, which “enabled three money laundering networks to collectively transfer more than $670 million through TD Bank accounts,” according to a legal filing.

“I want to be clear, these systemic failures did not just create hypothetical vulnerabilities, but they resulted in actual, material harm to American citizens and communities,” Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said in a statement. “Time and again, unlike its peers, TD Bank prioritized growth and profit over complying with the law. The bank enabled drug trafficking.”

In one instance, TD Bank employees collected more than $57,000 worth of gift cards to process more than $470 million in cash deposits from a money laundering network to “ensure employees would continue to process their transactions” and not declare them in required reports, the DoJ said.

In a related statement, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), a US agency that regulates banks, said TD processed hundreds of millions of dollars of transactions the clearly indicated highly suspicious activity.

“This is a difficult chapter in our bank’s history,” TD Bank CEO Bharat Masrani in a statement. “These failures took place on my watch as CEO and I apologize to all our stakeholders.”

“We have taken full responsibility for the failures of our US [anti-money laundering] program and are making the investments, changes and enhancements required to deliver on our commitments,” Masrani added.

TD is ramping up its anti-money laundering surveillance efforts, including the hiring of more than 700 new specialists with “experience and qualifications in money laundering prevention, financial crimes, and AML remediation,” as well deploying new processes to “better prevent, detect and measure financial crime risk,” the bank said.

The Canadian bank will be subject to four years of monitoring by FinCEN to observe the lender more closely and ensure it is following the agreement. The US Federal Reserve also fined TD Bank and will force the company to relocate to the United States its anti-money laundering compliance office.

And, in a significant part of the agreement, the OCC is restricting TD Bank’s growth in the United States. Although extraordinary, it is not unprecedented for a bank to be monitored and its growth restricted by the US government. Wells Fargo was saddled with similar restrictions on growth and a hefty fine for “widespread consumer abuses” in 2018 and has yet to convince regulators to remove that asset cap. Wells Fargo previously admitted that its workers responded to wildly unrealistic sales goals by creating as many as 3.5 million fake accounts.

The tough penalties from regulators on Thursday caught Wall Street off guard. TD Bank’s (TD) US-listed shares slumped 6% as investors brace for higher legal expenses and weaker growth.

TD ensured that it has adequate liquidity to pay the fine and continue operations. In a call with analysts, the bank said it expects a one-time charge of $1.5 billion after taxes and will reduce 10% of its assets to address the massive fine.

“We believe that the market was becoming increasingly comfortable with the thought that there would not be any growth restrictions placed on TD,” John Aiken, analyst at Jefferies, wrote in a note to clients on Thursday. “TD will need to find a new avenue for growth from its traditional reliance on US retail banking.”

TD Bank Money Laundering

First, over the course of a three-year period, a person who TD Bank employees knew as David moved over $470 million in illicit funds through TD Bank branches in the United States.

David has separately pled guilty to laundering drug proceeds through the bank.

David had attempted to launder money through numerous financial institutions. But he found that TD Bank had the most permissive policies and procedures and chose to launder most of his funds there.

He also bribed TD Bank employees with more than $57,000 in gift cards in furtherance of his scheme.

David’s illegal conduct was obvious, to say the least. On more than one occasion, he deposited more than $1 million in cash in a single day. He then immediately moved the funds out of the bank using official bank checks and wire transfers.

TD Bank employees at many levels understood and acknowledged the likely illegality of David’s activity.

In August 2020, one TD Bank store manager emailed another store manager and remarked, “You guys really need to shut this down LOL.”

In late 2020, another store manager implored his supervisors — several TD Bank regional managers — to act, noting that “[i]t is getting out of hand and my tellers are at the point that they don’t feel comfortable handling these transactions.”

In February 2021, one TD Bank store employee saw that David’s network had purchased more than $1 million in official bank checks with cash in a single day. The employee asked: “How is that not money laundering.” A back-office employee responded, “oh it 100% is.”

In a second, separate money laundering scheme, five TD Bank employees conspired with criminal organizations to open and maintain accounts at the bank that were used to launder $39 million to Colombia, including drug proceeds.

That money laundering organization reused the same Venezuelan passports to open multiple accounts at TD Bank. It sometimes used the same passport to obtain multiple debit cards for a single account.

Despite significant internal red flags, the bank did not identify that its own employees were conspiring to launder tens of millions of dollars to Colombia, until law enforcement arrested one of them.

In yet a third scheme, outlined in today’s charges, a money laundering network maintained accounts at TD Bank for at least five shell companies. It used those accounts to move over $100 million in illicit funds through the bank.

Even though retail employees flagged suspicious activity connected to those accounts, the bank did not file a suspicious activity report until law enforcement alerted the bank to the money laundering network’s activity. By that time, the accounts had been open for over 13 months and had been used to transfer nearly $120 million.

On multiple occasions, bank employees openly joked about the bank’s enabling of criminal activity.

In one instance a compliance employee asked a manager what “the bad guys” thought about the bank. The manager replied: “Lol. Easy target.”

Other employees consistently joked on the bank’s instant messaging platform about the bank’s motto, “America’s Most Convenient Bank.” They linked it to the bank’s approach to combating money laundering.

For example, a compliance employee asked a colleague why “all the really awful ones bank here lol.”

The colleague replied: “because … we are convenient.”

There is nothing wrong with a bank that tries to make its services convenient for its honest customers.

But there is something terribly wrong with a bank that knowingly makes its services convenient for criminals.

The Bank Secrecy Act requires financial institutions like TD Bank to establish and maintain compliance programs that guard against money laundering.

But TD Bank chose profits over compliance, in order to keep its costs down.

That decision is now costing the bank billions of dollars in criminal and civil penalties.

Less than a year ago, the Justice Department secured felony guilty pleas from Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, and from its founder and CEO. We also obtained one of the largest corporate penalties in U.S. history.

Because of the seriousness of the accusations, some critics, including Democratic Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, said the penalties didn’t go far enough.

“Big banks treat government fines as the cost of doing business,” Warren said in a statement. “This settlement lets bad bank executives off the hook for allowing TD Bank to be used as a criminal slush fund. The Department of Justice and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency need to do better in enforcing our anti-money laundering laws.”

Last year, TD Bank paid $1.2 billion to settle a lawsuit alleging its involvement in an infamous $7 billion Ponzi scheme orchestrated by disgraced financier Allen Stanford more than a decade ago. The money was used to pay back victims of the scheme but the bank denied any wrongdoing.

Sources WSJ, CNN, DOJ


  1. El maricon de Sicario 006 les puso el dedo.

    1. Se te moja el trasero cuando Sicario 006 deja un comentario.
      Pinche joto.

    2. 006 es bien puñalon todos lo saben.

    3. También a ti te puso el dedo para taparte el sol.
      Nuff said!

    4. A 006 le gusta el chorizo.

    5. 5:28 a mira regreso la esposa del puñalon del 006 a defenderlo, a tambien te llevava a las fiestas de Diddy y te llenaban de aceite de bebe 🤣🤣🤣

    6. 528pm, dice 006 que se la pelas puto,ajotado.

    7. 8:46pm is a fake Nuffy. I don't comment in Spanish. Falso Nuffy. Nuff Said!!!

  2. Nobody has heard of or even used this bank

    1. I got a Truck financed through them. TD Auto.😅😅

    2. False when i refinanced my car they did it. F them

    3. TD Ameritrade, ThinkorSwim (TOS) is one of the most popular trading platforms on the market. They charge commissions per trade many times up to $5 each way, that’s a lot of fetty. Plus all the money they make through other avenues - they are huge. Crawl out of the small hole you live in.

    4. 4PM, The US arm of TD is worth $430b, BBVA is Mexico’s most valuable bank at $159b.

    5. YOU never heard of this bank, so in your low I.Q
      brain, you assume NOBODY has.. 🤨

    6. TD Bank does not do car loans

    7. used to use TD Ameritrade to buy stocks til it went to shwab

    8. Yes they do car loans I also had one with Td bank. Quick Look on their website shows that as well.

    9. In July I took out 3k from my bank to go to the casino with my wife Buffy. The bank teller notified a supervisor. She came out and asked why I needed that amount of money. After I explained they allowed the withdrawal to take place. For a moment there I felt like a criminal for taking my money out. It seems like the government wants everyone to go cashless. This way they can monitor our every move. We must fight against this movement. Nuff Said!!!

    10. I have the oracle of Omaha on speedial!

    11. @7:58 You're an idiot as well TD Bank does car loans. Stop saying stuff. Irritating.

    12. How's dude know about what cartel snitched on them? Early comment.... Amazing

    13. 5:02
      If you're easily irritated, BB may not be the site for you! 😅

    14. @4.22. Nuff Said. They made YOU feel like a criminal? You poor thing. The US could decimate the networks if they went after the money, but the people employed to track it are shut down, and when the banks (HSBC ffs) get caught for knowingly laundering billions they get a fine that equates to a tiny portion of their yearly profits.

  3. So if a cartel member gets caught laundering is he going to get fined and not go to jail, just like the employees, CEO, Management at TD Bank, they got a pass, they knew it was dirty money.

    1. Yup. Americans at that level are allowed to indulge and encourage that type of cartel activity while US overdoses soar and Mexico is mired in a drug war. I sell ice cream from a push cart and heaven forbid I front somebody a nickel of cut shit before I'm bent over and made to take it like a man by the law. Then the local politicians go on TV and gleefully declare "this demonic ice cream business man was selling nickel bags as a side gig but we put an and end to him". Then, away from cameras, and behind closed doors, they smoke the best 8 balls of meth to fuel their 13 hour freak offs. It's a very twisted state of affairs.

    2. 4:49 that guera torta must be a Gilbertona cheerleader . How does it feel to cheerlead for a Snitch cartel? Arriva El Cartel De los Sapos🐸.

      RIP Gilbertona

    3. 🥹 Guera plz tell me you are not a torta, and if you are at least plz tell me your friend Lizeth is no a torta, i can take one torta but not 2 😘

    4. 06:33 yup, at the board room table meeting everyone puts a 3.5 a piece into a giant meth caldron, and then they take turns puffing on it through giant straws and laugh.

  4. Seems like ninjas don’t travel much out of cali and AZ. TD bank is big in the East coast. The Celtics Arena is called TD bank Arena. Just a fun fact

  5. Guera paisa, es gilbertona still making you sick?

    1. I think the patrulla espiritual got Guera pasisa in TJ, she is gonna be pit of comission for 6 months

  6. 3 billion? That is a joke. They made over 6 billion. That was a win win for everyone

    1. Its a start, just check the peanuts the US banksters paid for similar amount of money. But they have very nice living with all the buy now pay later folks around.

  7. Slap in the wrist.


    1. Still copying me ?


    2. @5:45 Yall both lame. Always putting some sunglasses emoji on every lame comment you make. Irritating.

    3. It's slap ON the wrist, you moron! 🥺

    4. Don't talk about irritating if you go by yungpo haha


  8. If they are doing this cause it caused harm to American citizens and community then how come the money don’t go to citizens and communities that were directly damaged? I do not understand

  9. La gilbertona de Nuff said les puso el dedo mientras el Detroit y Semper fi se la clavaron por atras

  10. El joton de Vicente zambada puso dedo

  11. Canadian bank..... say no more

  12. Just like Wachovia..

  13. El rifle favorito de Sicario 006 y de Nuffy es el de Puffy


  15. Bb should cover the message MF sent out in El Dorado

  16. No wonder they had good interest rates on certificate of deposits

  17. It’s a legal money grab for the government. Cartels aren’t giving up that kind of money. But the banks will.

  18. Hey Guera kricosa, presentame a tu amiga Lyzeth

  19. My former hubby was at the top of a Canadian bank earning a paltry six figures a year but millions in bonuses...he was squeaky clean. But bro Masrani at TD more squeaky than clean.

    Canadian girl💋

    1. en los 80 vuando vivi en montreal canada este banco se llamaba toronto dominion bank....y siempre era mas facil abrir cuentas y mandar feria al exterior....

    2. I bet u really left him clean after u we're done with him

  20. This is the reason why drugs will never end 💰 😉

  21. de que les sirve tanta feria si terminan enjaulados como queee...portate bien con tu suegra y ella te puede dejar una herencia..y viviras como rey.......como la ven............comentarios....ok

  22. The homie Raul always use to say, "Money is not a problem""...
    Eastsiden Lowridn

    1. When I did some prison time in socal, the Black prisoners, upon hearing of someone's death, would say:
      "He's through with money" 😅

  23. What about Trumps money from Russia? Or -China????

    1. Trump's "God Bless The USA" bibles, the ONLY bible personally endorsed by the Donald, turns out to have been made in China!

  24. Sol jimmy told me you were trying to get some carga from the new vatos over at the winco. Don't bro they're shit is hot. They gave me some a few days ago and I'm still coming down and they broke into my trailer. They made bandit od and took barbara and they jumped nacho. Don't buy from them. We're all moved behind the aldi pull up bro where going to go get back my samsung and ipod cases and the michocanow homies coming thru with some of that carga we had last time at the beach

    -Semper Fi-

    1. That's Koo foo

    2. @328 — Senor Koo Foo, you need to remember your periods! 🚨

  25. Revoking their license for the US market would be a strong signal to all bank managers but this fine is almost a joke for them.
    Thx for your time and engagement socaly.

  26. Chapitos and CJNG alliance

    1. In what world is mencho a better ally than mayo for the chapitos? Safe to say they have misplayed their hand

  27. Good article by Daniel Pardo from 10/10/24 on BBC News Mundo regarding the change in security of Tampico Tamaulipas.

    1. Tampico has been fairly quiet for a while… whatever happened to those Fresa brothers?

  28. Sol Prendido snitched

    1. Nice try we all know Chapo snitches

    2. Nope Snitcher Truther snitched.

    3. lol these comments would have never flown before…

    4. 12:36 am they are flying now.
      Get some sleep, lay off da Meth pipe.

  29. TD Bank stands for Toronto Dominican Bank.

  30. No wonder every time I withdraw from TD bank bills smell like cocaine.

    1. Mine make me nod when I smell them.

  31. "greed is good"
    .. Gordon Gekko

    1. "Greed is the disease of discontentment."


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