Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, October 28, 2024

Three Killed in Rehab Center Attack in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Three were killed and another two were injured after gunmen attacked a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato yesterday. This is the second attack at a rehab center in Guanajuato this month.

The attack occured in colonia San Martín in the eastern part of San Miguel around 7:00 PM on Saturday. As is typical of attacks in Guanajuato, the gunmen arrived on motorbikes and fled the scene before authorities arrived. According to Periodico Correo, two of the victims were patients of the clinic while the third was a youth who worked nearby.

The unlicensed rehab clinic was being run out of a home, which has now been seized by the State Attorney General's office.

This is the second attack at a rehab center in Guanajuato this month. The last attack occured on October 1st, when gunmen killed five at a clinic in Salamanca, as reported by Borderland Beat.

Five were killed at a rehab center earlier this month in Salamanca.

Attacks like these are common in Guanajuato state, the most violent region in Mexico for the last several years. Businesses are often targeted by organized crime for failing to pay extorsion rents or allowing rival drugs to be sold on premises, while drug rehab clinics are attacked as criminal groups fear that they may provide hiding places as well as potential recruiting pipelines for rival groups.

Sources: Periodico Correo, Periodico Correo, El Universal, Borderland Beat Archives 10/2/24

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