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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Training Camp For Hired Assassins Destroyed In Teuchitlán, Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL

In the last 7 years, at least 10 sites that have been used for criminal training of young people have been dismantled.

Elizabeth Ibal / El Occidental

Jalisco is the main stronghold of the New Generation Cartel, which is constantly recruiting mainly young people to take them to drug camps or schools to prepare them as assassins. Recently one was secured in the community of La Estanzuela, in the municipality of Teuchitlán. It was a fenced ranch where implements for the training of future gunmen of this criminal group were detected.

In the last 7 years, at least 10 criminal training camps have been detected and dismantled in Jalisco. The most recent one that was secured is located in the town of La Estanzuela, in the municipality of Teuchitlán; it is a huge fenced property. The main gate has a black gate with the legend Zacuirre Ranch, with two horses painted in the center and some cracks also painted on it.

Inside there was a small building where two silver family vehicles were located, weapons were also found and 10 people were arrested, presumably members of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation, who were in charge of taking care of the people they had under training. The body of a person was also found, wrapped, ready to be abandoned.

The president of the Supreme Court of Justice of Jalisco, Daniel Espinosa Licón, said: “(It was) a camp that was fully equipped to recruit people and recruit them to give them training, almost almost military training, and co-opt them or recruit them into organized crime. The 10 people were taking care of them, they were training them, and so they all have the same relationship in the issue of forced disappearance and homicide”.

Hector Flores, co-founder of the collective Luz de Esperanza AC, assures that after the disappearance of his son Hector Daniel Flores Fernandez, he began investigations on his own and realized that he was taken to a camp in the Valles region of Jalisco.

“I have been pushing for almost three years for the investigation of these camps. The last I heard about my son was that he had been recruited. There is a witness who says that he was with him for 15 days and it is most likely that he was taken to some camp. The ones they had there, and if they didn't accept to be recruited, they killed them at that moment and my son had already been there for 15 days”.

After the seizure of the narco school in La Estanzuela, he pointed out that this confirms what they have been saying to the authorities for a long time, but no one listens to them.

“We have been pointing out for some time now the existence of these recruitment camps”. The reports they have received anonymously indicate that there are other clandestine camps in the area of Los Camachos, Los Altos, Valle de Guadalupe, Ameca and Tala. These are located in the highlands, where hundreds of people could be held against their will.

“It is a situation that is proliferating thanks to the protection of impunity and corruption in the country, the control of criminal organizations under the protection of the authorities, which is the worst.”

The recent seizure of this forced recruitment school gives Hector Flores hope of finding his son Hector Daniel, who has been missing since May 18. “There is a good chance that they have them working. The bad thing is that, unfortunately, these criminal organizations operate all over the country; they can send them to Zacatecas, Colima, Michoacan, they can be anywhere.”


  1. This is one of the camps where all the missing teenagers are taken to and trained before they get sent into the meat grinder of either Zacatecas or Michoacan. The citizens in the towns where these camps are located know exactly what is happening there. Some report this but the government gives them a blind eye and deaf ear because they are in CJNG's pocket. The missing teen Hector is most likely already dead in central Zacatecas where MZ Flechas have everything in tight control. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Sad to say but true , the difference between the MZ flechas vs CJNG is that MZ want to fight , and the youngsters fighting against them is at their own will

    2. Where the hell is the UN? Just this year they spent $46 BILLION on humanitarian efforts, this is truly disgusting.

    3. 727 yeah sure.... acting like MF isn't scum just like NG. stop living in a fantasy fanboy land

  2. Thanks for sharing Ivan. Interesting

  3. Mis contactos en Zacoalco de torres , Jalisco por el whats estan reportando el asesinato de Mario Gonzalez en la region de tepa san juan.... ARCHIVALDO IS KING !!!

    1. 🤔. De que grupo de CDS es el 30 de Aguascalientes?

    2. Otra vez?! Le dan piso, lo reviven, lo vuelven a mat@r… se pasan de verg4 we

  4. Hahah bootleg ass camp full with a bunch of kidnapped kids forced to fight for a cartel that always loses

  5. 🫎 Man CJNG is truly unstoppable 🫎

    1. And you’re a piece of shit.

    2. 200 we are all big pieces of poo

    3. @204 — speak for yourself, corn nugget.

    4. I'm a piece of shit.

    5. I'm a bigger piece of shit.

  6. I would be able to live in that as long as I had a way to cook with a small gas tank and a mini stove , don't forget that I need a big pot for my pozole and menudo , I need sage to burn too and some zote to wash my phone's y calcetines, and a clothes line to dry my clothes on I will make , I already lived this way before for many years but not actually in one of these things in the story . .

    1. Sounds like you need a lobotomy more than anything.

    2. 2:01 yeah you need a colonoscopy but where your mouth is leaking shit.

    3. @623 — spicy Mr Guera! Maybe you need some pepto for that diarrea de la boca!

    4. I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy 😸

    5. Nice , brain surgery that means I get pain meds after !!!! Yessssss

  7. Like a clown college?

  8. I’ve seen homeless communities under the bridge that looks better than that rats nest

    1. I have better better people, that do use periods.😂👽

    2. 1:07am I didn’t know fentanyl addicts living under the bridge awake at 1am had phones

    3. @ 1.07. Its supposed to be a rats nest you spoilt little boy. That is the whole point of training.

    4. The posted times of comments are not when post was written. Times frequently get warped fyi

  9. Oh man I miss the action on that place. That’s where I took my family camping. Hehhehe

  10. Those fortunate enough to graduate get a huge party, spare no expense, with hookers, crack, booze, meth, and pizza. Those unfortunate ones who do not graduate get their heads taken by that cartel dog that carries heads away

  11. I'm glad AMLO is no longer president.

    1. You’re that daft, that you believe the president is responsible for the country or truly has any power to change anything?

  12. Yeah it would be me , there , with mi musica, y tequila, and building a fire with wood to dance around it would be chill and nice and feeling fine all day every day.

  13. More like kidnapping camp for young males between 11-24 years old…

  14. How can I get in contact with whoever runs it to sign up? How soon can i start?

    1. Sorry, charlie, we're only accepting the cream of the crop, the best and the brightest at this time, but feel free to contact us in the future!


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