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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Twelve Killed, Narco banners Left, after CSRL Attacks Across Salamanca, Guanajuato

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Twelve were killed in five separate events across Salamanca, Guanajuato last night, in what appears to be a Cartel Santa Rosa de Lima operation against their rivals. Narco banners left at some of the crime scenes explained that the killings were for supporting the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación.

Translated message 

This goes to all of the bitches who support the New Generation. Chill out or we will fuck you up. Lookouts, shopkeepers, fuel thieves, we have a list, bitches. And also to the fucking government who is supporting them and lying also for you something  humiliating is coming fucking slimy people the cleansing of the people of the lord of Guanajuato has arrived.

Cartel Santa Rosa de Lima

The message is fairly typical in content and style for the CSRL. The language and syntax are crude with a simple, threatening directive to the public and government: stop supporting the CJNG. This rudimentary messaging is the norm for CSRL propaganda.

Also typical of CSRL messages are the use of logos and graphics. The logos at the top of the banner show a skull and and a Mexican coat of arms with a hammer inside a triangle. This triangle is a reference to the "triangle of huachicol" a region in central Mexico crisscrossed by Pemex fuel pipelines, from which the CSRL siphon off gasoline to sell.

Image: CSRL logo found on pay stubs after a raid. SWJ

The hammer emoticons are a reference to the nickname of the founder of the CSRL, José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, called "El Marro" (the sledgehammer). While El Marro was captured and imprisoned in 2020, the CSRL have continued fighting against the CJNG for the past 8 years, a war which has made Guanajuato the nations most violent state by homicide count. 

The killings

Around 5:50 a.m., Two bodies were found dumped on top of a narco banner on the side of the Valle de Santiago exit from Salamanca, on the southern side of the city. Upon inspection, paramedics noticed that one of the two victims was still alive, and transported them to get medical help, according to AM Noticias.

Location link
At 6:00 a.m., another three bodies were strewn on the side of Hidalgo Boulevard in colonia Cruz of Salamanca, also accompanied by a narco banner.

Shortly after, the bodies of a couple were found on the eastern side of the city. It is uncertain if this was related to the other killings, as there was no narco banner left behind. There were no shell cases found at the scene, indicating that the bodies were dumped from another site.

Around 6:30 a.m., the dismembered bodies of one woman and one man were found in the central plaza of Cerro Gordo, Salamanca. Two banners were also found at the scene, with the man's severed head used to weigh one banner down.

Location link
Finally, the remaining four bodies, two men and two women, were found in the Los Lobos neighborhood, outside Valle de Santiago. All bodies had bullet wounds, but no banner was found.

Sources: Eco_1_LVM Twitter, @leon_susan59733 TwitterWendoline Adame Twitter, AM Noticias, Small Wars Journal


  1. That drawing looks like watts towers , what skull ? And what coat of arms ? Kinda looks like Maruchan cup of noodles soup too .just my thoughts and opinion , si

  2. Oops yeah I see it in the first picture the coat of arms like my tattoo and I see the skull too , second picture with the triangle and curly things hanging down I can't see it but I see WATTS towers and a cup of Maruchan noodle soup I'm serious or it's the THC twizzle stick I smoked that's giving me the giggles and the munchies.

  3. Let's go Csrdl!! Let's kick out menchos dogs from guanajuato. They good for nothing!

  4. Replies
    1. You may have it right this time, Connor!
      When Marro went off to college, it looked like curtains for his mob, but they've remained bored in like garrapatas in their old stomping grounds..

    2. estos vatos tienen a muchos polis y funcionarios del gobierno en la lista de pago....pos como no....

    3. Connor is always right!

  5. Looks like stupid ass jaliscas trying to heat up the plaza

  6. He was addicted to pain, loved hanging out with Sean Combs, he was known as Sicario 069 in SF.

  7. This just proves that the home team cartel is always very much embedded into their state and can not be taken out. Even with the government in thier side CJNG failed again in GTO. Even after they managed to get Marro arrested the cartel CSRL continues to survive. CJNG wanted to get greedy and go in to take over. See what happens? Nuff Said!!!

    1. Yeah, you're right. Remember all those articles in 2019 saying the CSRL was near its end?

  8. When u see the cuts bruised like that- alive.

  9. Recently a purported boss of CSRDL "Don Pedro" was captured on Tuesday or Wednesday. IDK if these killings are a response from them.

    1. I saw that - havent had time to cover it yet

    2. 7:56
      Not enough hours in the day..
      You only have two hands..
      Much thanks for what you put out there..

  10. Opium growing dates back to Eyghptian time. That's the experience they come over here with to make Mexico subservient to their way. Think about that shit ese. In Bible and narco terms. Think. Then look and pay attention to what is going on in their land over there. Nombre wey se te ase facil paque cuerer desaceste de esa mierda. Neta wey! Les pedo que no se agan pobres como esa jente porque los mios les valle menos serca de una berga para olvidalos en caliente. Or you can go suck that dick over there and stay poor. Because that's where mine plan to keep you. Don't make a shit to us. Our soul is what counts. If you don't know that well then fuck you to. You ain't shit and we'll let you know about it. Pendejo. Fuck you.

    1. Readers of BB must choose between the bible way or the narco way!
      "When you come to the fork in the road, take it!"
      ..Yogi Berra 🤔


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