Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 18, 2024

US Accuses Treviño Brothers "Z-40" & "Z-42" with Leading CDN Cartel from Prison

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The last major leaders of the Los Zetas Cartel were imprisoned in Mexico over a decade ago.

Recent extraditions have all largely been those figures from the Sinaloa, CJNG and various other cartels across Mexico. Z-40, arrested in 2013, has still not been put on trial for any crimes in Mexico. He has been under preventive detention for over 10 years in Mexico. But US authorities accuse Miguel Angel "Z-40" Treviño-Morales and his brother of still running the cartel's remnants the Cartel Del Noreste or CDN from prison in mexico.

The indictment was filed by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in Washington, where it alleges that “the drug trafficking organization known as Los Zetas, and its successor organization, the Cartel del Noreste (CDN), engaged in a continuing criminal enterprise; drug trafficking conspiracy; firearms offenses; and international money laundering conspiracy,” according to a statement from the U.S. Department of Justice.

According to the indictment, the Treviño Morales brothers, ages 51 and 48, “allegedly assumed control of Los Zetas after more than a decade as members of the violent drug trafficking organization.

“The Zetas previously served as an armed militaristic wing for the Gulf Cartel to maintain control of drug trafficking routes throughout Mexico. Since becoming leaders of Los Zetas in 2012, which they later renamed the Cartel del Noreste, the defendants have typically continued their history and pattern of using extreme violence to control large swaths of northern Mexico, including along the U.S. border,” the Justice Department adds.

He also notes that after the arrest of Miguel in 2013 and Omar in 2015, “they continued to control the CDN through various means, including installing several family members to direct operations at their command.”

“Miguel and Omar Treviño Morales are presumed to be personally responsible for committing dozens of murders and directing murders, kidnappings and acts of torture by members of Los Zetas and the CDN to promote and protect the Cartel’s drug trafficking activities and enrich its members,” the document reveals.

Both are currently imprisoned in Cereso Number 12, in Ocampo.

Massacre in Guatemala

In 2007, "Z-43" began trafficking drugs from Colombia through highways in Guatemala and Puebla.

In 2011, the Guizar-Valencia faction spread terror in Guatemala. During his command, several massacres occurred; for example, one of the worst massacres in Petén, where gunmen dismembered 27 peasants on a coconut farm, a massacre that was attributed to Los Zetas.

Source DOJ, DEA, Riodoce


  1. Extradite these fuckers

    1. Its wild how they havent

    2. You mean execute these fuckers

    3. Soy sicario 006 y soy puñal.

    4. Hang on a sect, let’s consult the oracle..

      🎱: the story of lazcano lazcano & the white tiger in the last days of disco is true.

      🎱: and the CDG Sinaloa rumor wasn’t a myth after all but the real reason why the MF is such a cult statuses…

    5. These guys look uglier live on camera or latest image

  2. These reptiles should be in ADX contemplating existence.

  3. Everyone knew this already. Everybody knows that they are calling the shots from prison. That is why they haven't been extradited to the U.S. The U.S department of justice barely found this out? They are behind the ball. Sleepy Joe needs to be out. Trump will do much better. Nuff Said!!!

    1. I sure don't want a convicted felon as president and he is worse than pinnocloe.

    2. 12-13 years now? Lol

    3. @1:03 ROFL, a "convicted felon". The last 8 years the Dumbocrats sole purpose has been "get Trump". He conviction will be tossed on appeal and you won't be able to call him a felon any longer. Of course, you love spending billions on a failed war in Ukraine, 20 million illegals invading America, including 13,000 convicted murderers (google it) , but hey, no "mean tweets" right? You're a fucking idiot, and your stage 4 terminal TDS is showing. I can't wait to hear you skyscreaming when Trump becomes your daddy again on November 6th, chump.

    4. Lol. Trump is a toddler conman traitor. Leaves have more intelligence.

    5. Trump? Who was president before biden?? Why didn't diaper don get them from 2016-2020?? You trumpers are crazy

    6. @ Nuff Said. I still can't tell if you are serious, or just a troll. You think you found out before they did? Making it official is a political and diplomatic move, it's not meant as an earth shattering revelation. It puts pressure on the officials who help them. You have cause and effect backwards- They haven't not been extradited because they still run things in Tamaulipas, they still run things because they haven't been extradited.

    7. 3:16 you might be right. Trumps felony conviction might/most likely will get thrown out but the fact that he is a pos is what 1:03 meant. Someone who kills someone but beat it in court is still a killer.

    8. Haha all the Democrat cultists in here...Joe and Kameltoe ruined the country. Record high gas, inflation, groceries, lending rates, wars all over globe, and a wide open border. Yet you are crying about Trump...cant make this stuff up. Idiots.

    9. Trump is going to lose big time, he is racist hates Latinos in general he needs every vote possible, most in the latino community know if he were to make it again as president, he will bash latinos big time.

    10. @ 3:16 you and Trump are just as stupid and cowards lol hilarious watching you so called “America First” “Patriots” call John McCain a coward but quick to slurp the Daddy Money Draft Dodger himself lol

    11. 8:33

      You actually believe a sitting president is responsible for all that? Really?

    12. @3:16 stfu! There are not 20 million undocumented immigrants in America. More that a million are deported each year from the US also including today.
      If your white ass ancestors heard native Americans talking when over 50 million Europeans invaded and physically conquered lands in this continent and slaughtered millions of these natives then you'd perhaps understand who the real demons in this country are!

    13. You guys are stupid yet funny! TRUMP 2024 BETTER THAN THE WANNABE BLACK GIRL! LOL 😅

    14. @8.33. You should fact check outside your bubble, brother. The economy is better now, by every single standard, than it was under Trump. Where do you get your information from? Trump?

  4. The Trevino brothers were known as Sicario006.b and Sicario 006.c.

    1. Comparing the two would be like comparing Steve Urkel to Epstein.

    2. Sicario006 for president

    3. 1:08:
      Barak Caguama for president. We need to lower the price of cerveza.

  5. Z42 era novio de Sic006, el tambien lloro como un bebe cuando lo atraparan.

    1. Hahahahahhaha hell ya she did

    2. Le gusta el tronco grueso.

    3. Z42 era el Grande Verga, Sic041 era el Culito Pollito..

  6. Sicario 006 se la pela a Hamas. Mossad nomas mata ninos y ancianos, son como CJNG. Allahu akbar cabron.

    1. Hamas son los que matan niños y ancianos y son violadores comos las jaliscas dejate de mamadas.

    2. 12:53 no mames guey

  7. 006 has a tattoo on his rear end that says "Please Enter thru Rear". Te digo.

  8. These goons were pretty wicked in their prime days

    1. Didn't they make their imprisoned rivals scrub their floors with toothbrushes, naked and whimpering?

    2. Connor loves Red Panties Rubio.

    3. They haven’t changed and still do the same shit , the prison acts as a fortress . They can control who gets in and out .

  9. What happen to Osiel Cardenas? Wasn’t he freed not long ago from US prison?

    1. Haven't heard anything, my guess is he's a guest of witness protection.

    2. No one knows. His nephew still in charge in matamoros from his prison cell in durango. Doubt oziel is free and if he is he is keeping low profile.

  10. These mugrozoz never lost power, on the contrary theyre probably more powerful now and alot safer inside those prison walls. They have Nuevo Laredo on lock and its very lucrative $$$

    1. Lol they are probably more rich than chapos now.

    2. True… still chump change compare to the Sonora corridor

    3. Z40 allegedly not too long ago had ex nuevo laredo plaza leader killed in prison because he was trying to negotiate a pact or truce with cjng.

    4. @1.09.They never lost power? Come on. They have no power compared to the power they used to have when Los Zetas were at their peak and they controlled more than half of the organisation. They are trying to run a bunch of kids from their cells to protect extortion rackets in a single state. Power comes from money and protection, and they have barely any. Just because they are still active doesn't mean they are still powerful.

    5. They extort citizens at check points for scraps, not even comparable to the zetas.

    6. 7:08 They are the third biggest cartel in terms of money-making and purchasing power (I'll dare to say second now, probably). Sadam Hussein's army was one of the top 5 biggest armies. Fell off in less than a Month. ISIS/Daesh took control of Iraq and Syria and they were just a gang in the desert for years. And now they are still around in Afghanistan.
      They move only cocaine in terms of drug trafficking. CDS will collapse because of Fent (which costs 5-10 bucks to sell and is their most lucrative drug as of now). CDN can do the same, just charging fees to anyone crossing the busiest bridge in North America without taking the heat CDS chose to by selling low synthetic garbage.
      And I'll let you know a little inside trade secret, Uncle Sam doesn't care if they take out illegal immigrants and harvest their organs. That's big business too. And just wait until they get the green light to wipe out Venezuelans.
      That's why some US Army officer (second or political uncle) told me they were a necessary evil.

    7. The nuevo laredo plaza used to have more 18 wheelers crossing into usa than any other point of entry from mexico. Nuevo laredo is a damn good plaza you can get your product into san antonio dallas htown and from there the rest of the usa. And you can get weapons and American gas and if you dont pay taxes to cross it into mexico sell it and make a killing.Thats why cds wanted it thats why jaliscas want it and thats how the cdn has maintained its power. No one gives a fuck about dusty ass sonora. Plazas that conemct to arizona or new mexico aint shit sorry.

    8. 7:08 no tienes ni la más mínima idea de lo que comentas y del poder de estas personas

    9. El tartas was killed that’s true

    10. You are crazy if you think they don’t have a cocaine line down in South America they make a shit load of cash yearly coming in even though CDN sicarios usually get killed easily just look at there firepower always well equipped top firepower shit load of vehicles and monstrous.And the fact they still haven’t been extradited they are paying top dollars to stay in Mexico

    11. More powerful? Los Zetas lost influence in Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Durango, Chihuahua, Veracruz and much more

    12. @618 — that the one who got hit by the guy who went down the building ninja style and broke thru the window?

      Talk about shitting bricks your last moments…

    13. Im always surprized by people on here.. CDN have Nuevo Laredo locked down, its all they ever need.. Why do you think a fuckin federation tried to get it from CDG/Z back in the day.. Nuevo Laredo would be on any wish list for moving anything into the U.S all day every day, anyway

    14. S controlling from prison is power silly

    15. @3.43. I didn't say they were powerless, I was responding to the commenter who said they'd never lost the amount of power and influence they had. Silly.

    16. @2.07. I worked on the border where Zetas were targeting migrants and I promise you, that "organ harvesting" is a myth. The Trevino family don't control the entire Nuevo Laredo border, they control the families loyal to them. You think CDN are the second most powerful organisation in Mexico? I don't know what to say.

    17. S 7:38 pm mijo vivo en néctar y los Treviño controlan NL al 100% y el que le quiere jugar al vivo va pal chorro

    18. Dude stfu CDN is ran by a bunch of extortion gangs that’s the only shit they have on lock and for good reason .. without it se mueren de hambre .. if you ask me La Linea de Chihuas is #3 … they have Juarez on lock, but extortions and cobro de piso is unheard of, no one fucks with uninvolved civilians, and they’re strictly about the blow business no peddling fent nor glass … can’t argue that Juarez is a more relevant plaza than Laredo and it’s CDN tecatos that are only good to increase the body counts for washos

    19. 7:34
      I'm sure you two have better Intel and data than the DEA. An agent from that agency told me they are the 3d biggest cartel and used the analogy about Sadam's army lasting less than 90 days after the US invasion and al-Qaeda and DAESH decades even tho they look not so powerful.
      I think they know a little bit more than you two.
      CDS is collapsing because it is run by a bunch of lowlife cheap fent peddlers. They can't stop because it is too lucrative even tho the dose is 5-10 dollars. They are desperate because the business is on halt until November.

    20. @3:31 … you can preach to the choir if you want and it won’t change a thing pendejo. We are to believe that the DEA is sharing intel with your 17yr old tacuacha -ass ?? Grow up and get a life. I could care less and I have no dog in this fight but from the time I spent in N.Laredo back in 2013, I never saw an abundance of wealth anywhere in the city even in the “nice” colonias, poverty is as rampant as the violence over there. On the other hand I have personally seen an over-abundance of wealth generated by narco dollars in places like Sinaloa, Chihuahua and Jalisco. Mansion-styled homes in ranchos are seen throughout the state, morritas driving G-Wagons and Lambo SUVs in pueblos de la Sierra that aren’t even on a fucking map. you just don’t see that kinda shit in brokeass Tamaulipas. You do however have an idiot with a gun in every corner of Laredo charging you piso.

      FACTS !

    21. @3.31. Frankly, yes I do have better intel and data than that "DEA agent", IF he was really saying that CDN harvest migrants organs etc etc. I think you misunderstood. He must have been talking about the "threat" to the US border, not the power of the organisation itself. More trade goes through the Nuevo Laredo crossing than any other, so the DEA who work there treat it like the centre of the Universe. Same in Juarez, same in TJ. Either that, or he was talking about Los Zetas decades ago instead of it's hobbled bastard cousin CDN.

  11. It’s weird how they never got extradited to the US. Seems like they got more power and connections than chapo or Mayo lol

    1. El poder del dinero nomas eso

    2. @6:08 So other capos don't have money?

  12. Is there a reason why they never got extradited to? Seems off knowing they were the main heads of the Z’s organization.

    1. $$$ just like viceroy got 28 years in mexico. Paid not to be extradited.

    2. They got everyone threatened.

    3. They have a lot of dirt on Mexican and American politicians from the glory Zeta days

  13. Seems like at the end of the day, these guys didn’t bark like Sinaloans about having power and good connections when they haven’t been extradited.

  14. Mamito is waiting to testify. He is living next door to Zambada and Cardenas and Guzman brothers in Miami protective custody.

    1. He kinda already did testify.. like twelve years ago..

  15. NO SHIT!

    If they even are in prison…

  16. Looks like the Trevino brothers will be getting extradited soon...👀

    1. No because they'll do the sovereign citizen argument in mexico and that will mindfuck the Mexican judge. Z40 is playing 4d chess.

    2. Mark my words, they’ll never be extradited.

    3. 3:16
      Z40 not a 4d chess player, just another indio locked in a cage 😹

  17. I understand that judges are shitting their pants, and won’t dare to extradite them…but, damn??? Wtf. This is ridiculous.

    We been seeing Sinaloa guys get arrested, and sent out to the US within the same year. THE SAME YEAR….

  18. Forget not getting extradited yet, how the fuck are they not at Altiplano?… the highest security prison Mexico has. That alone is absurd. They really have all the judges by the balls.

  19. I hate the cheerleaders here but danm do you guys think this dude had more power than Chapo.... Why the fuk weren't they ever shipped out. Why the fuk was that animal walking around like he opened the place when he got caught.. Why the fuk does sicario 006 love CDS Leather pole so much..

    1. He didn't smuggle as many drugs into US as Chapo did. Chapo got so much attention that the government must treat him harshly as an example to others. The other side is that Z40 and zetas cooperate with PRI, imagine the most secretive and dangerous cartel combined with the oldest and dirtiest political party. I think that's why they don't want him to talk. Tho Chapo was arrested later than Z40.

  20. The order to murder Otto Salgueros family and his workers came from 42. It worked like a zig zag- lawyers contacted Guatemalan officials who passed on the orders back to Mexico- 200- and then it went to the men in Guatemala who carried out the attack.

    1. i just researched that. didnt find alot but they wrote a threat in BLOOD on the ranch. fucking evil shit. they killed 27 or 29 because the owner stole kilos.

  21. El senor se señores Z40

  22. They can only do that because they are enabled by top to bottom corruption.

  23. Moreiras protection all the way, well connected to the Texans why do you guys think they have not even been extradited? Is it gods good mercy o que?

  24. Still the MOST feared Drug Lord in the history of Mexicos drug game. Hate him or not. Guy has manage to evade extradition and if he ever does get the boot. They established their core in N Laredo for generations

    1. His arrest footage without wearing the cuffs, while being surrounded by the fucking military, does speak volumes…. His brother wasn’t even in cuffs either; just look closely at those arrest photos. The fact they haven’t been extradited or even sought for it opens a lot of questions… that will likely never be answered.

    2. @4.16. People read way too much into that. That wasn't arrest footage, or a perp walk. It wouldn't have been released if it was. His lack of extradition has more to do with the fact that hundreds of tortured and murdered Mexicans means more than the amount of drugs he smuggled into the US, which was pathetic compared to others before the fent era. It's fucked that Mexico's prison system leaves him top operate, but he should be tried in Mexico.

    3. S no tienes ni la más mínima idea del poder de esa persona

    4. 6.23. I do though, roughly, and I think people overestimate the power he has based on the myth instead of the man. You're either 42, from Tamaulipas, or you believe the relentless drip drip campaigns that painted him as the devil himself, which make it so hard to find out anything real. (If you are 42 then sorry, somebody made me write this and I like your tattoos. Peace.)

  25. I Think Every Single One Here Has Known That For Many Years Now. Since Like 2013 The Family Has Always Been The Leaders And The Ones Who Run The Whole Show In That Part Of The Border In Mexico.

    1. More like since Lazca’s “death” …which I think was faked; he likely was retired and is hiding away somewhere in Uruguay or Dubai.

    2. @4.16. It wasn't faked. I know in the death photos he looks older and deader than his photos from 20 years previous, but when you're older and dead you tend to look older and deader.

    3. It wasn't faked, his location was dropped, you do the rest of the math.

  26. Fat ass prison losers

    1. Riddle for no the period kid, Fat azz no period losers.

  27. Chapiza hitmen asking for a ride to s truck driver

    El Novio from CJNG captured in Michoacan

    Allegedly MF is advancing and gaining more plazas in Sinaloa

    Radio frequencies of Mayiza vs Chapiza

    More on the alleged truce between Chapos and CJNG. Allegedly going by Fuerzas Especiales Union (FEU)

    CJNG members arrested in Zacatecas capital

    Chapiza hitmen giving up to Mexican special forces


    1. Danm thanks dude

    2. Can you please stop with your bullshit!?

  28. Good now give them real prison time in america

  29. ya mis morrillos tranquilos,paque la hacn te tos.... en mexico,usa,colombia...con billete todo es posible mismo dentro del bote ,tu piensas que los polis en mexico no se venden por un billetito cualquiera ,ahora te la pongo mas facil en usa.....te quedas mucho tiempo adentro dell bote porque ,te falta billete buenos abogados hacen la diferencia....EL BUEN ABOGADO CONOCE LAS LEYES, Y EL GRAN ABOGADO CONOCE AL JUEZ.... con billete todo es posible.......mismo en pakistan...

  30. wonder if Huevo Trveino is talking

  31. Los Chapitos + CJNG= Fuerzas Especiales Union led by Shin bet,
    Mossad, FBI,CIA, KGB trained Sicario 006.

  32. Mfs Can say what they want about 40 but he’s a bad mf. Don’t get me wrong a piece of shit for sure. But a very bad mf. He had all the cartels join together to kill him. Do you understand the power CDG Sinaloa and FM had at that time! Not to mention the Federal Police aiding Sinaloa and the military. 40 was a bad mf

  33. We need to send Sicario 006 to put this people in place.

  34. Pinche gringos bitching the whole time but doesnt do anything. Why did they not request extradition of both? Fuck em and the gringos!

  35. who cares about these mugrosos. talk a out the real deal Sinaloa

    1. Calm down groupie clean your mouth first

  36. Is CJNG in N.Laredo or trying to go in? Looks like they tried or is in Reynosa??

  37. carrots keep pushing those star raffles, or python wont show.

  38. Trevino, Trevino, Trevino, & Compa-Nia LLC. ain't really doing nothing different. Or are they going to. It's a bit of colonialism for la colonia. Sumbody had to do it like Los Nuevo Engliaterros did it. Now you see erbody trying but they fall far short of the example. Bolla Cabezas Inc. Is a standard individual compania your momma told you to watch out for on these streets ese. Porque no ay mercy o quarter aqui. No keda nada. Vete ha vuscar y vas ha ver que no ha quarter or mercy. AQUI. NO I.

  39. Those two are the pits.


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