Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, November 29, 2024

El Comanche's Alleged Secretary In Charge Of MF Group HItmen In Culiacan Sends Ultimatum To Law Enforcement Authorities In Culiacan, Sinaloa

 "Char" and "Enojon" for Borderland Beat 

NOVEMBER 29, 2024

The recently published audio of a male voice sending an ultimatum on behalf of Ismael Zambada Sicairos, "Mayo Flaco," allegedly belongs to El Comanche's top secretary, who is in charge of the MF Group in Culiacan, Sinaloa. This is according to a source who asked to remain anonymous, and the male voice warns law enforcement authorities to stay out of the fight of the La Mayiza against Los Chapos. 

The audio also confirms what we mentioned in a previous Borderland Beat post: that La Mayiza or MF Group has made an offensive attack against La Chapiza inside Culiacan because Los Chapos are unwilling to fight outside of Culiacan city. 



Ok, so here it goes. This audio message goes out to the local municipal government. Which are the municipal, state, ministerial, and highway patrolmen. I ask that you not get involved in affairs that don’t pertain to you. 

This war is only between the Chapo and Mayo operatives. As you may already know, the Mayiza gunmen have entered the city. Therefore, the dirty Chapo Zetas chose not to fight in areas where the civilian population wasn’t around. 

They’re out there robbing, extorting, burning homes down, and kidnapping women. Because of this, we’ve been tasked with having to go into the city. And we’re now inside Culiacán. Overall, this is currently the biggest problem for everyone. 

The municipal and state policemen who are supporting our adversaries are hereby advised not to get involved in any armed attack. This fight isn’t against you guys. But it is against the filthy Chapo gunmen. 

We’re already aware that there are individuals working with them who are there under threat. We also know who they are and what vehicles they move around in. We’re giving you guys an opportunity not to get involved in this. 

We in turn won’t attack you. Mayito Flaco respectively sends out this communique to everyone. So that peace and calm return to the state. And in turn, you don’t get involved in this conflict between the Chapo and Mayo assassins. 

We currently have a winning balance in our favor. Everyone already knows that the Sombrero mob is winning the majority of this war. Once again, I ask everyone not to get involved in a conflict that has nothing to do with you. 

Otherwise, if we find out that anyone came against or shot at the Sombrero mob, we will be coming after you. We are the absolute Mayito Flaco mob. And we’re also at his service. Long live the Mayiza mob. 


  1. Cjng is officially the biggest cartel in mexico right now. Cds is split in half. It's a big divorce there in sinaloa.

    1. The 2 faction each have the best drug-routes in the game.

    2. 11:25 mfs don’t understand that.

    3. 11:25 not really, the 3 best drug routes are 1-Nuevo Laredo,
      3-Ciudad Juarez
      Do any of those 2 factions control one of them? Nope

    4. Mayos Tijuana, Mexicali , Nogales

    5. 10:05 then you really don't understand!! CJNG controls all the major ports 7 of the biggest ports, which means the control the pre cursers, the flow of drugs!!! That's why they're the biggest!

    6. @10:12__ WRONG. Tijuana is the most sought off and most important border. Recall history...literally broke off and splinter the old school mentality and loyalty where everyone had a bone. But greed and other's wanted the bone with the most meat.

    7. All mentioned above are KINGS!!! 👑

    8. 12:19 Sinaloa got their own ports. Two in Sinaloa to be exact and don’t act like they NG fully controls el puerto de manzanillo. You got them goofies out there fighting that same port. Ask yourself that dumbass question. You act like then dudes don’t have ports and borders lol

    9. Grown men, married men, with gray hair, expecting their first grandkids, fighting tooth and nail with anonymous assholes over their favorite cartel lol.

    10. 10:36 🤣🤣🤣 in TJ every body passes their shit, Mayos do not control it

    11. 4:14 there are ports all over mexico, but the biggeas ones are in Colima and Michoacan, just like the biggest and more prolific borders are Nuevo Laredo, Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez, by the way ex CDS does not have control of none of those

    12. In TJ anyone can

    13. @5:25 everyone can pass a gram genius ! I’m talking about large amounts . Try it and you’ll be asked a fee for even thinking about it from mayos Aquiles and Rana

    14. Juárez is the best route with TJ a close second Mexicali is #3 and N.Laredo number 4

    15. @9:50 yup juarez is in the middle of it all. Most of the coke pass through juarez.

    16. 9:50 you are wrong buddy, Nuevo laredo is #1 cause the amount of semis that cross, thats why no matter what Z's or in this case CDN still exist, other wise they would be gone

    17. 9:07 After CAF anybody can pass big amounts, they were the only ones who at one point controlled TJ

    18. 1012 you are have a little brain and know nothing else but the simple things .

    19. If you're trying to ship a load through Tijuana, for gods sakes don't let el flaco know your route!

  2. Mayito flaco will outlast ivan archivaldo and alfredo guzman

    1. His a little bit older than them too

    2. Anabel Hernandez is reporting that Mayo is already snitching on AMLO. It's more likely if true the Mexican Government will go after MF not to capture but to kill.

      RIP Gilbertona

    3. It's just a matter of time, mf will surrender to the DEA. Mayo snitchihg on the mex govrmnt. Government r going hard on mf crews

    4. Chapos literally have been snitching this whole time! How you think they got Mayo remember!

    5. 1221 902 is correct. MF is done if MZ snitches on AMLO.

    6. 2.49
      RIPGibert tonto

    7. 6:34 ok budd your comment makes no cense

    8. Only by a year yes older than Ivan so they are pretty much the same age and probably know the same same ppl,places,things in Sinaloa and other states in Mexico

    9. 6:34 not yet pendej@ I'll still see more of the Gilbertonas snitch and backstab each other. Get to see snitch Mario cagado face more charges in California. Ovidio and Joaquin will confirm it . You heard it here first. Arriba el cartel de los Sapos. La traicion se paga con traicion. Al estilo sinaloence.

      RIP Gilbertona

  3. El Pena todavia está vivo o lo mataron el día que secuestraron al Mayo?

  4. Is this the same el comanche that used to be in puerto peñasco working for charlie?

  5. Todos eso del cds una bola de culos vengan a Tamaulipas morros pa que vean topones que son buenos

    1. Topones Los Que te doy por el culo pinche tamaulimeca muerta de hambre .. ni las golfas ni el cdn valen pa pura mamada ni cuando mandaba el jotosiel siempre valio verga tamaulipas

    2. @9:37 PM__Calmado Toro Albino.

    3. 9:37 se trata de pelear estrategicamente pa ganar guerras, no estar peleando a lo pendejo. Ya tienen 15 an̈os en guerra en Tamaulipas y nada.

    4. 11:40 entoces si son gilbertonas te gustan los culos de vatos. Haha a que alucin.

    5. Pinches tamaulipecos se maten entre ellos nomas porque si y hasta cobran en Matamoros por cada arbol de extorsion en cada casa tortilla carne pollo huevo gas taxi tacos putas fayuca mandado personal por todo. De que sirve tanto hombre muerto? Hijos sin padres madres sin hijos??
      Renosa es puro Jalisco. Ya ves quien manda ahi el Primito y el R8...... unos de jaliscos.. pero Simon sigan matandose en las brechas pendejos para que queden tirados agujerados como el m42 toro todo enpolvado o al betito y su vieja .. puro pistoleritos de encargados no vale verga

    6. 6:39 pm y que cartel no hace eso que mencionas burro,todos los malandros son iguales

    7. 944 no has visto las mantas de las Jaliscas? (michoachangos acomplejados) Ella's nomas llegan a limpiar plazas! 🤣🤣🤣

    8. 6:25 am esos son los más lacras

    9. 5:09 esos gueyes son igualitos a las Sinalocas, todos esos malandros son la misma mierda, igualitos en todos los sentidos

    10. 11:40 te ardio porque sabes que es cirrto estupida. Ni en la sierra ni ningun lado que no aiga poblacion se quieren encontrar. En Tamaulipas casi puro enfrentamiento en las brechas. Los tiempos que se han querido meter , los wue quedan se regresan a sinaloa sin esas illusiones. Pura relidad.

  6. Fackk yo tengo una barbie werita alli en Puerto Peñasco buena la cabrona ... pero ta cabron ta caliente Peñasco me levantan a la vrga

    1. Ya quisieras que te levantará la patrulla espiritual, te la rifas con tus chaquetas mentales Connor.

    2. Se llama Roberto la barbie wera

    3. 7:56 lo mataste we… pinche Connor se la come toda con tanta mamada que canta este gallo lol 😂

    4. Jajajaj pinche agent connor dejar de mentir , ojala te tablean mucho ala verga.. pinche alucin

    5. Te vamos a culear connor

    6. Conor, you know you'll blast your way out of it with your desert eagle barking at them (by the way, are you the real "Conor" because this account is spelled "Connor"?)

    7. CON NOR
      Hmmm suena como Gon Or
      Mas bien pinche Gonorrhea y en ves de gang member es un gay member jajajajaja

  7. Typical snithchaloas ratting and betraying each other. Those foos can’t keep their word for $hit.. macho Prieto, Manuel Torres Felix, Beltran leyva brothers, nacho coronel, they’ve betrayed and killed or ratted on everyone .. michoacanos keep it real and stay in the shadows not like those Chancludo show offs who only eat mariscos , and pollos asados. Come to mich we got waaaaay better food.

    1. Michoacan es el estado con desorganizacion en su mafia aya todos son chapulines y traicioneros.

    2. Chilango power 💪💪💪💪

    3. Que pendejo pinches carnitas de
      marrano ? Ven pa Chihuahua pinche indito miado pa que conoscas la carne de res, pero le sacas perra porque al fin los michoacanos son mas habladores y lengua sueltas.. aqui en Odessa todos los que conosco hablan puras pinches mentiras de su pueblo tratando de apantayar a la raza .. nadie los respeta ni mucho menos les tienen miedo… jajaja no mas entre michoacanos se espantan a los demas nos causa risa

    4. No mames. Son las misma mierda si no peor. Pinches ojetes, cobra cuotas, muertos de hambre, se meten con los agricultores de limon, aguacate y fresa. Michoachangos go to Chipotle asking for morisquetas thinking everyone knows they're talking about a rice and bean bowl. Pinches enchiladas parecen tostilocos. Que puto chiste tienen las carnitas? Manteca, sal y no las muevas? No mames.

    5. 9:47 pero no te enojes, tampoco tienes que defender tanto a tus camotes Sinaloences 🤣

    6. Michoacános igual que los demas mucho traiciones y no tienen palabra un día anda peleando con CJNG el otro son aliados y en unas semanas se vuelven a traicionar y están peleando de nuevo

    7. Haha como se pelean estos alucines y ni de un cartel son estos alucines. Ustedes son los mas culos pa todo.

    8. Pinches michoacanos traga iguanas llenos de pulgas

    9. 6:43?🤣🤣🤣 pinches Sinalocas traga Gilbertonas! Les encantava esa madre, por eso despues que fallecio se volvieron locas y empesaron su guerra toda chafa de nomas quemar casas y restaurantes😂 que clase de guerra es eso? Casi lo mismo que pelearse en face book a puras habladas jotolones, ni saven lo que es una verdadera guerra jotolones

    10. "Haber hijo de toda tu reputa bomba madri! Aqui te vas a mochar con 10 kilos de pollo, 30 kilos de tortillas, 7 kilos de limon, 15 aguacatis y 3 kilos de fresa semanalis! y mas les vali que los escuche tocando a Juan Gabriel, Los Bukis o a La Tropa Chicana! Esos tiempos ya pasaron Vali!"

    11. Chilangos contra chinolas =lo mejor de este blog.

    12. Vali nos chingamos una ardillaaaaaaa vamos a cocinarloooooooooo . Tu quesedillaaaaaaaa la quiereeeeeees con quesooooooooo ,jajajajaja de Ocotlan para alla se comen todo como los chinos hasta los insectos del rio.

    13. La vdd se me antojo un pollo asado y unos mariscos pero zero pinche lobina puro del mar queremos. Y una hielera llena de cuartitos rojos uffff que andas haciendo!!

    14. One of my co workers was new didnt have alot of people he was a dark ass, big triangle nose michoacano with the little shiny insect eyes . One time we had a kick back after work ,we had a lil aguachile ,ceviche and some filets of Dorado. Most of us Chihuahua ,Nuevo Leon, Sinaloa and Sonora roots . This fucken indio would put ketchup into his ceviche he went to the corner store to buy some even. We would be like hell no thats ghetto,thats what the clamato is for and he would not get on board. Talking about he was going to make us a Michoacano ceviche that it was the best. He was from the the sierra so we would be like wtf do you know about mariscos plus you put ketchep into our bomb ass pacific coast style ceviche.

      Well this guy eventually pulled up on his with his super ceviche and it was made from the fucken hermit crabs from the river like craw fish even had a bunch of little arms and claws ,I shit yall not. Pinche indio michoacano , we would drive by roadkill or whatever and tell him ahi esta tu ceviche michoacano lmaooooo .we would go to this guy's house and all the primas and tias would sit in a circle like monkeys and be checking each other for piojos ,fucken nuts bro. Like jungle people, literally half animal. We would run out of beer and he would go collect all the cans and pour them into a cup and make a whole beer he would say. Alv fucken crazy

    15. At 9:15 pm. You are fucken disgusting. You call yourself a Mexicano? Hating on your own people ese. Looking at your comment makes me think Trump is winning with the Raza too. You should be ashamed of yourself. Be better, because you are better. Desde Los Angeles- El Nemesis.

    16. @9:15 estas bien safado vali, ya no le fumes tanto al foco. Pinche gilbertona crickera.. cool story foo

    17. 915 that story sucked 👎🏼

    18. 9 15
      ALV ,funniest thing I have read here. Couldnt stop laughing 😆

    19. 915 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 top comment here!
      Carnal I used to work pouring concrete slabs and sometimes would get overtime for installing playgrounds at city parks and powerwashing sidewalks.We had this one michoacano who was fresh out the jungle too , he would almost start doing back flips whenever he would see the squirrels at the park. Like a crazy person he would lick his lips and keep looking. He would say nombre Valis no saben lo que es bueno. Te agarras unas ardillas e las pelas e te las pegas sin piel a tu pansa con una toalla caliente y te matara todo el cancer que puede tener tu cuerpo y aparte te hace que tu pito se paresca al de un perro envenenado bien duro . Vali ardilla es lo mejor de sabor tambien sabe mejor que carne de res. Los ricos si supieran iban a quedar estos parques sin ardillas . They are like national geographic tarzan people for some things its a trip.
      Damn I hadnt laughed like that in a while.

    20. 9 15 Bro ALV! 😹😹😹😹
      I was having a bad day at work and I came into this comment section and it fixed me right up. I dont feel like choking my boss no more jaajajajajajajaa. Pinche ceviche de hermit crab no mames jajajajajaja

    21. ''Pinche ceviche de hermit crab no mames jaja'' Hermit crab too much lmao

    22. 9:15 PM
      Bro,that was a killer lmfao

    23. ''You are fucken disgusting. You call yourself a Mexicano? Hating on your own people ese'' Will you motherfuckers get a grip,cant joke bout nothing now,fat arses next you cant joke on..Same fuckin phonies will hate whites blacks whatever

    24. December 1, 2024 at 9:15 PM

  8. Off topic,Mochmito Alfredo Beltran son captured! U heard here first

    1. This is a big loss for the 🍕. Tito was a strong force for them. All the caravans with the #3 were his crew. Another domino falls.

    2. He’s a a schmuck anyways who got el mini 6 killed out of pure envy

    3. Hopefully kids garbage just like his father.

    4. I don’t think it’s true about mochomito but they did kidnap markitos toys brother

    5. 6:46 mochomito wasn't cool with chapitos,he was at war with them if anything

    6. He must have given up a briefcase full of cash.

    7. Think he's with the Chapitos, who else would he run with? Why would Zambadas want him around?

      Rio Doce is running with Mochomito's escoltas being detained

    8. Se nota que no saben lo que hablan. El Tito es pura 🍕. Es primo de Iván por lado de su mamá. Isidro le dijo que se vinieran para Guasave y que ahí él respondía por ellos, Pero no quiso. Prefirió apollar a los 🍕. Checa las caravanas de los pizza El #3 significa gente de Tito.

    9. 4:00 blood don't mean shit arellanos n Carrillo Fuentes were all related too they might be related but don't forget Beltran leyva n chapo were warring each other n if not mistaking mochomito is the one that shot up chapos moms house

    10. These fools don’t know .. mochomito has been backing up his gay-ass cousins Ivan and Alfredita since 2021


      @9:46 escúchalo hasta el final. El último verso te lo dice todo. Arturo era una cosa y Alfredo otra.

    12. 9:30 tito beltran was involved in mini 6 death? I don't think so mija.

    13. So is it safe to assume that El chapo Isidro is backing up chapitos???

    14. Tito Beltrán was the one who killed mini 6 . It was revenge for mini 6 trying to kill Neto roca one of Tito’s close friends in Culiacán , he was shot 6 times but survived so he asked Tito for that favor .

    15. 4 31 estas pendejo morro. El mini 6 fue liquidado por la policia de Zapopan por querer hacerla de verga ...

    16. 8:56 y quien crees que le había pagado a la policía ? pa que los detuviera baboso , sino sabes pa que hablas estupido imbecil bueno para nada . Además lo confirma el mini lic en una de sus entrevistas

    17. Al fin del dia los que se aventaron la parada y pelotera fueron los oficiales.
      Te voy a decir algo yo vivo llendo para Tlajomulco aqui en el Cielo y la Policia de Zapopan son bravisimos.
      En el sentido que cuidan masiso la plaza. Si te detectan que eres de lejos luego luego te andan cagando el palo y checandote hasta los huevos. Una ves que andaba bien enfiestado saliendo del Mens Club me pararon y andaba bien jalado y esos vatos se lambieron el dedo chiquito y me lo metieron a la nariz y luego ellos se saborearon el dedo para ver si yo traia perico en mi nariz. Asi de bravos son. Y algunas cargan un maquina que te saca todas las fotos y conversaciones borradas del cel.
      Son duros pero la mera verdad es que son leña y derechos como la flecha y si sabes hablar como los hombres puedes arreglar. Saludos y Saludos para toda la banda en el ZMG . Al tiro

    18. 1100 am
      Respeto para los Zapopanos 🫡

    19. Un saludo para todos los Zapopanos que traen Toyotas y que andan por camino real a colima /lopez mateos . ⚡️💪

    20. ''Tito Beltrán was the one who killed mini 6''
      Thought it was at a roadblock of police after meeting nacho c ?

  9. What are they winning a su Padre se lo enchufaron bien y Bonito con eso se los cargo la riata . El Jr creo le bajo llas pantaletas al mayo hasta los tobillos

  10. The dirty corrupt local police inside Culiacan have been supporting and receiving bribes from Chapos for many years. After such an investment Chapos expect them to have thier backs. You can't receive bribes and be all cool when things are calm and then jump ship when things get hot. Once your in you can't go out. These stupid cops are now stuck in the middle. Try to leave and have Chapos kill you or stay in and have Mayos kill you. This is part of the game. Once they received their first bribe they accepted these terms of the contract. Nuff Said!!!

  11. When Panu falls, it will be all she wrote for the soft sons of bean & corn farmer Joaquin Guzman

  12. Ever since SOL PRENDIDO left, BB has been slacking.... back when Zetas/Cdg were going at it, this blog was THE place to go for info. Now it's a couple posts every day.. sometimes none. People hated on SOL but he kept this place alive. Nobody has even posted about MARKITOS TOYS' compa who was kidnapped and killed by Chapiza.

    1. 4:24 FUCK U N FUCK SOL... admin has a life too sol didn't

    2. 918 if he didn't have a life then that's perfect. That what we want. More comments or maybe you just jealous ?

    3. 9:18 Immature dumbass, Sol multi-tasked. You think he did not have a job too? BB is pure volunteer input. The rent and food is not free. Simple to say, when live under moms roof and still have not found a job.

    4. Its getting scary on here,these guys are angry lmao

  13. I like it in the butt. Nunca Said....

  14. Can we call all this shit out for what it is? It’s clearly not a war… They are purging each side, while terrorizing the “plebes” of Sinaloa, so they can continue taking over all properties and industries they desire…

    Just look at everything going on right now in both an objective and strategic manner… No skirmishes (or “topones”) whatsoever, loads of people fleeing cities and towns, the same repetitive low-tier propaganda…

    This should all help shed a light on the “war” going on across the country as well; it’s far from it and a genocidal purge at best.

    1. 11:13 PM
      Phony war,they both have 100s of sicarios and no battles?


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