Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, November 16, 2024

“El Güero Pulseras” Is Not In Custody: Harfuch Gives Wrong Information About The Operator Of ‘Mayo Zambada And Mayo Flaco'

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by Latinus 

In a radio interview, the Secretary of Security asked for “an apology for the misunderstanding” about the arrest: “It was a drafting error”.

NOVEMBER 11, 2024 

Jesus Esteban, alias “El Güero Pulseras”, is not in custody as mentioned by the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Omar Garcia Harfuch, in Tuesday's morning conference.

In an interview with Radiofórmula, Secretary García Harfuch asked for “an apology for the misunderstanding” about the arrest: “It was an editorial error”.

Sources consulted by Latinus affirmed that “it was a confusion” the information mentioned by Harfuch about this alleged operator of drug trafficker Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada. 

The Secretary of Security said earlier that the subject was arrested on Monday in a raid carried out in Chiapas by the Secretary of National Defense, the Attorney General's Office, the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of Security. 

The head of the SSPC commented that it was intelligence and investigation work that led to the location of “El Güero Pulseras” in a place that was used to store illicit objects and armor vehicles used by criminal groups.

During the raid, 935 kilos of marijuana, 54 long firearms, 545 magazines, 65 boxes with hundreds of cartridges, one armored vehicle, nine cars and three motorcycles were also seized.

The FGR also said that the property and the weapons seized were handed over to the Public Prosecutor's Office, which will open an investigation against whoever or whoever is responsible for the crimes of carrying a firearm and possession of cartridges and magazines for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces.

For several months, Chiapas has been suffering an escalation of violence and insecurity due to disputes between drug trafficking groups in the region. According to organizations and activists, the Sinaloa and Jalisco Cartel - New Generation, as well as the self-proclaimed Chiapas and Guatemala Cartel, play a leading role on the border with Guatemala.

With information from EFE


  1. He was captured but he paid millions in American Dollars and was let go .

    1. Exactly! Lmao

      “We released him!”

    2. How about millions in venezuelan money

    3. Simón q siiiiiiiii

    4. Millions in venezuelan money=$2.00(American money)

    5. @614 — so they can buy what, a Big Mac combo?

    6. Maybe the new gob is favoring Mayo faction?? I wish they would

  2. He got released. Con dinero baila el perro

  3. How is this corrupt mf still in power, same for Rocha.

    1. I was wondering the same thing.. these guys are dirtier than a whore thong and thier still there wtf

    2. how would he be removed? pres is friends with him.. only mayos trying to get rid of him. and only cos he's working with chapos not cos he's corrupt, if he flipped they would protect him.

    3. Just because he doesn’t give you the news you want doesn’t make him corrupt. Plenty of people down the chain are corrupt and give him bad intel or make deals without him knowing. This guy is supposed to be pretty honorable. Can’t change the system in 1 day. Only time will tell, just saying hold off judgement for now. Rocha is as dirty as they come.

    4. Goes to show that the mex government are a bunch of puñeteros.

    5. Just like the mayos currupt ones why do you favor one side instead of saying get rid of all corrupt officials some of you people crying over cuen but not saying nothing about being currupt and really close to el mayo

    6. I have never identified reliable information that Harfuch is on a cartel payroll or has received benefits from any criminal group. What sources of information do you have that Harfuch is corrupt?

    7. Mini Lic said Los Chapitos paid him a million to get Damaso Lopez in Mexico City in 2017

    8. 5:20 Detroit. Harfuch was an important LEO in the Iguala region when the Ayotzinapa case happened and was a Genaro García Luna protege. Look into that and make your own conclusions. Also his grandfather was a military general and if I'm not mistaken was involved in the Tlatelolco massacre.

    9. Exactly harfuch might be corrupt.
      But you losers think drugs are what makes the most money.
      He might be taking money from the big multinationals or oil states to move the needle in one or the other direction.
      That's where the big money is.
      And on that level they have each other's back.
      Not some dumb cartel who is bound to fall someday and take him down with him.
      It's a marathon not a sprint.
      And his family is in the game for a long time.

    10. Anabel Hernandez has some infi about him with citations and sources. You might check it out. His stepfather was a Major corrupt Police chief in México City

    11. None of them are corrupt?

    12. @Detroit, how do we know?
      I think he is dirty cause you never get in such a position of power without making your hands dirty.
      I still do not buy the "jaliscos wanted to kill him and ambushed him" story.
      And last, it reminds me of this guy:

      "In 2001, he was appointed founder and Director General of the Agencia Federal de Investigación (AFI).[5] As head of the AFI, he faced widespread criticism after it was revealed that a 2005 police raid, televised as a live operation to rescue kidnapping victims, had been staged. The alleged kidnappers had been detained the previous day and held without due process for nearly 20 hours, with one claiming he was tortured."
      In his younger years he was celebrated in the same way and stylized as a “hero”, today he has 38 years to serve.
      i have no proof, just my gut feeling.

    13. What the heck are u even talking about? In case you haven't know dist that he's been taken down Sinaloa cartels since day 1. The army killed 19 mayitos cartel just to capture Max. Yeah, they made a mistake. He admitted his mistake of capturing that low life unlike Calderon. He never admit that Chayo wasn't killed or escaped during a 2 days standoff in Michoacan.

    14. @1.37. You can't compare Garcia Luna with Harfuch, and it isn't true that you have to get your "hands dirty" to get his job, it's often the exact opposite- wealthy, educated, urbane professionals are fast tracked and find themselves in a vipers nest. They shit their pants, beg for more protection, and delegate.
      It sounds like Harfuchs head on a spike with a manta beneath saying "SOY MENCHO!" is the only thing that would convince you the assassination attempt was from his people. It's good to be sceptical though.

    15. 12:08 So why do you think he still needs to steal drugs and money from the cartels, as Anabel reported?

  4. El Güro Puñetas.

  5. Replies
    1. Wouldn’t be saying that if your dad died from a fentanyl overdose.

    2. 1:08 If, if, if, so many ifs. Talking shit on the internet won’t make it true. People like you act like everyone has to go through the same thing, you just can't accept that others have different opinions than you do.

  6. 7 People are killed per day in Tijuana, but no coverage. Is the fix in just to cover cjng, Sinaloa?

    1. CJNG News is boring that’s why their posts bearly have any comments.

    2. 7 that we know of. Theres probably 21 or more daily.

    3. That’s baby numbers.

    4. There's been no Tijuana cartel coverage on BB for quite a while.

  7. Like it wasnt so obvious who the government is supporting lol

  8. Probably had enough $Millions in cash to buy his freedom. Mexican political class are experts in these bait & switch scenarios.

  9. Congrats. Stop hating everyone. If you got in trouble le and had millions you would do the same so. Stop crying

  10. There's a vid of a fire in a cemetery in sinaloa, of one of mayo zambada supposedly sons tumb set up in flames .......

  11. Does anybody know if chapitos Skunk Works team is in the fight using their home grown UAVs?

  12. Reminds me of the time I got locked up. The old blow and go came in handy that time. Nuff Said!!!

  13. All boses have cash money with them at all times just in case they get captured .pay off money .

  14. A video of Jardinero forces in Nayarit

    A video on the alleged death of El Chuyin from La Linea

    Allegedly Los Chapitos set on fire the tomb of Vicentes son


    1. @6:39 fake news

    2. There's no death lol, just a perp walk by your military or some military grade SWAT. Don't know enough to tell the diff, but I'd say military if I had to guess.

  15. Este culo es otro Garcia Luna

    1. Pues que padre por él porque se va a llenar de billetes

  16. The latest WSJ opinion report on Sheinbaum is this. That she's bailing out Cuba. That she's going to defy the Supreme Court of Mexico. That's who you got. In Mexico. In power. Have you seen Cuba lately? Like a month and a half ago they couldn't find a way to turn the lights back on! That communist island it's people and government people don't know whether their coming or going! That's the path Sheinbaum people are leading you on! In Mexico. That's the plunder of the game they've played on you from the Middle East and Europe, Russia, China! Africa! You think you got it bad with colonialism!? The Mexicans better stop thinking the way these people think blaming capitalism and Democracy for their peasantry. In this world everyone is a slave. Time and tide wait on no man. You can all stay behind with those people or you can act proper, have manners, live by decorum, and live in abundance. Mine don't give 1 shit about it. We'll know how you're decided. Sheinbaum's fixing to put you back an extra 100 yrs added on to the already 100 yrs you're already behind in Mexico. I told you all about that veneno game.

    1. I've been to Cuba. Beautiful country, people, music, culture, it's just a shame. One thing I realized while I was there, is that their propaganda machine is not that much different than the U.S's. Only difference is, in Cuba, it's state run, in the U.S it's run/manipulated by those who have invested interest all over the world. These special interest groups use the media to brainwash people into rallying behind whatever benefits them. Again, not much different than Cuba's propaganda machine... The other thing I learned while I was there, is the reason Cuba has not prospered in the past 65 years is because of the U.S sanctions/embargo. Put yourself in Cuba's shoes, how well do you think you and your family would survive if every single grocery store, department store, mechanic shop, etc stopped doing business with you for fear of getting fined and the only way you can get goods and services is by 1, traveling out of state or 2 growing your own food. It's unsustainable.. Up until a few years ago, the U.S allowed the communist party to actually exist in the U.S. Like you, I dont I agree with communism, but think about how anti american, how anti 1st ammendment it is, not being able to practice your own political beliefs... I commend Mexico/Sheinbaum for giving the Cuban people a hand. If you ever got a chance to visit and witness the conditions the Cuban people have been subject to, you too would want to help the Cuban community. I gaurantee it.

    2. AMLOCO was already "bailing out" Cuba by sending them petroleum for free. Imbeciles.

    3. 7:57 Sheinbaum is President of Mexico, not Cuba.

    4. Cuba did prosper but when the soviet union collapsed, no more money and no free oil. Its the same with the „civilians“ in gaza, when they love their children more then they hate jews, things will going well. The more you help people, the less they take care of their own life. I really hate those i am a victim mentality!

    5. 9:21 & 12:03! Footstools. State media is 1 voice. That the voice of communist people who do not understand. They pillage thinking their people don't deserve a say. In anything. Finance, safety, agriculture, science, environment. State media are people so evil their people have no chance to save themselves. State media communist have left no inkling for any of their people to conceive a thought to survive the wilderness. You can tell by the squalor you see them in. The US propaganda machine on the other hand let's you voice your individual opinion and even make $ off of it! Here all beliefs abound and are able to provide monetary inheritance to even the people back home in the squalor which from They came from. Besides the monetary funds the US Government freely gives to them for their people. Besides the inventions invented here in the US given so that other countries like Cuba can begin to prosper. The Cuban has long infiltrated Mexico and brought these ideals of victimized all while in hate undermining the Mexican people. They have no purpose other than to selfishly garner land to themselves. While the people they control remain in pig stye. As you know Sheinbaum comes in directly 2nd generation from people that you know might be from Cuba! Who knows who cares all I know is that these people do not adhere to the ideals that have established the abundance people all over the world now get to partake in. I also don't care that through centuries numbering in the thousands these people have not been able to make a single stride out of the narco trade. I'll not let my people sit by to baby you alls in delusion that you all will in the near future come to some understanding. No mercy and no quarter. I get up here where I live when I have to go clock in. And I make sure I make a difference on the jobsite so my little itty-bitty spot at the table I can have something to eat I want and not something someone else has decided for me. I don't wait in line for it ever. I love my people for this. What they have given me. Cuba y Sheinbaum y toda su bolla de lacres meh la pueden pellar. Esta puntita es cabeza brillosa. Y seh las suma ha cual quera.

    6. 924 I don't think you understand how the U.S imposed embargo and trade sanctions work against the Cuban people...

    7. 9:38
      There is no quarter or no mercy for a communist mind in my part of the world! I'll let'em get away with it, but other than that, the whole part belongs to me. To impose is a freedom mine made to understand. Where's their Russian Marxist image to lift the veil? Marriage is a serious matter my friend. A basic business decision. Dating to ancient time.

    8. @1149, yeah yeah yeah, unless it's a U.S backed dictatorship. Gotcha.... Let's continue to prohibit imports and trade to the Cubans and blame it on their government so they can continue to live in squalor.... AMLO and Schiembaun are making an effort to change those age old retaliatory tactics. After watching speeches from the G20 summit it looks as though more and more Latin American and Caribbean governments are joining forces against the U.S oppressive policies and ideologies.

  17. Good. Mayito Flaco needs all his people.

  18. por la inche corrupcion nunca se acabara la delincuencia en mexico....y en el mundo.....desde policias halcones,fiscales y jueces vendidos.comandantes militares bien pagados porlos criminales ,no solo traficantes de drogas,si no tambien huachicoleros,asalta trailers,roba containers........


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