Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, November 11, 2024

FGR Admits Confusion In “Z40” Case: Miguel Angel Treviño's Lawyer; “My Client Is A Homonym”, He Assures

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL UNIVERSAL 

Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales has been deprived of his freedom for eleven years without any conviction.

NOVEMBER 11, 2024

Eleven judges reached the same decision: Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales is not “El Z40” that the authorities are looking for, emphasized Juan Manuel Delgado, lawyer for Treviño Morales, who has been in prison for eleven years without any conviction.

The litigant affirmed that the Attorney General's Office (FGR) proved that there is a person named Miguel Angel Treviño Morales, with the alias “Z40” and that he is the leader of “Los Zetas”, but it was proven that his client is a homonym.

He recalled that there were more than 10 protected witnesses who testified against his defendant, three of whom, when confronted by his defendant Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, stated that they did know “Z40”, Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, but that the person who was in front of them was not “Z40”.
“Of the entire universe of collaborating witnesses that the Attorney General's Office brought, absolutely all of them coincide in describing Z40 with the same name as my client, Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, as a person of 1 meter 80 centimeters, with a closed beard, but with very clear secondary identification characteristics:

“For example, everyone talks about him having a scar on his right parietal, a prolonged scar on his abdomen, a scar on his right arm, a very large tattoo on his chest, but those characteristics do not correspond to Mr. Miguel,” he said.
And he added: “If there are 10 protected witnesses to talk about a judicial error, we could understand that a judge could make a mistake, but that at the moment 11 judges have reached the same determination, I think it is beyond reasonable, the doubt, let's say for the general public, that there is an error in the identification of Z40, but what there is no doubt is that it is an established legal truth and against and against a legal truth, we will have to go against the rule of law itself to have it dismissed. Today it has already been accredited by the Judicial Power that it is not the one they are looking for or the one the United States is requesting”.

Attorney Juan Manuel Delgado assured that by means of expert evidence they accredited that his client, Mr. Miguel Angel Treviño Morales, “never had those tattoos or scars and we accredited that our client has never had those types of characteristics.

Therefore, he said, “as of today there is an irrefutable legal truth” that his client is not “El Z40”, even the litigant pointed out that the FGR has accepted in several replies sent to them that there is a confusion in the identity of his client.
Regarding the extradition process of his client, attorney Juan Manuel Delgado explained that no judicial opinion has been issued on the appropriateness of the transfer to the United States, the country that requires it.

He added that in the ten years he has been defending Mr. Miguel Angel Treviño Morales there has not been any conviction against him and a few months ago he obtained the last acquittal sentence for organized crime.
“We still have one more process pending resolution, which is the process derived from the arrest of Mr. Miguel Angel, which I must say is a process that although it is still under investigation, we are still weaving a defense, there is no sentence, it is a process that is plagued with lies and falsehoods”.

However, he emphasized that all the sentences that exist in Mexico against his defendant Miguel Angel Treviño Morales, are liberties, he has been in preventive prison for 11 years without a single conviction, he is not guilty of anything today and what is even more relevant is that today in Mexico he is not being accused of organized crime, nor is he being accused of being Z40, this is finished”.

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  1. How can a poor Mexican worker pay for an attorney like that for 11 years?

    1. It's quid pro quo embiciles. Free reps. You guys don't even get to be on the bench!

  2. There’s no freaking way this is true. You’re telling me they can’t just simply do a DNA test ?

    1. Lmao… after this long:.. what a joke

  3. The lawyer claims more than 10 people testified and only 3 claimed that the person presented as Z-40 wasn’t actually him. Sounds like the odds still weigh heavily in favor of the man in question actually being Z-40.

  4. Pues Que pendejos si lo dejan salir por Que asta el menchito,el chapo,la tuta y varios mas Han dicho Que Han gallant con el z40 dentro del penal asta Han echo negocios 😂😂😂😂

    1. Hay dinero mijo entiende eso

    2. Ahí estabas tú o que jajajaj

    3. 9:14 estás bien pulseras mijo no entiendes nada

  5. They all get desperate and start says “ oh I’m not el raton or I’m not z40. Yall got it all wrong. Bs. Some big bad killer. Won’t even hold up for being the feared guy he is. But the government says 40 is still running the cartel from behind bars. I can’t believe dumb legal maneuvers like this actually work to prolong extradition. Mexican law is the dumbest

  6. More drama and lies to the Mexican system.

  7. Se asen pendejos, y los 2 millones de dollares que traia con el cuando lo arestaron?

  8. Bravo Omar and Claudia! Bravo! That's the war against cartels. You fucking showed them whos who. I mean, what better statement can your FGR make. Arent you fucking confused of who you are? May be thare's another Omar Garcia Harfuch, the real one& Who knows theese times. Of all goddamn narcos they decided to let the worstl, a bloodthirsty animal that killed hundreds of people and was having fun with it.

    1. @3.39. I think you misunderstood the story. The "judges" were terrified witnesses, and 40 is doomed. He is still in custody, and won't be released. It's a pathetic delay tactic because of potential extradition proceedings.

  9. Pronto saldrá patrón aquí lo esperamos en su plaza Nuevo Laredo

  10. What a load of total bullshit. He was in the Mexican Military system, so identify him through those records. The Mexican judicial has his brother in custody, so DNA test him against the other. The U.S. judicial system has another brother in custody, so compare DNA against him and the rest of the family that lives in the United States. The corruption of Mexico will never allow that country to prosper.

    1. These politicians got to stop saying no to a lot of money only to get them nicer houses, cars, vacations. All these greedy wants are causing chaos in mexico.

    2. He wasn’t in No military system lmao 🤣 40 never had nothing to do with the military he was raised in Dallas goofy

    3. @ Cesar. 40 was a street thug, he was never in the military. This is just a story about a lawyer flailing in order to delay proceedings, don't take it as symptomatic of anything more than lawyers doing what lawyers do.

  11. I’ll give it to these attorneys but this why no one has faith in the law

  12. They have his fat ass brother to compare DNA.

    1. Along with how many other siblings? Lol

  13. Z40 to be released soon, imagine that!


  14. His innocent release him immediately Libertad para el señor Miguel angel Treviño

  15. Didn’t he get caught with 2 million dollars cash?

  16. Z40 is last of the old school narcos. Always treated civilians with respect. Never harmed women or children. A respectable man.

    1. No mames buey. Slam your noggin into a brick wall. Hopefully it will clear up your mind.

  17. Legal maneuvering,dont mean shit

  18. The witnesses lied. They can't say he's Z40. They will be murdered for testifying against a Zetas leader. All the authorities need to do is collect a hair sample from his brother Omar Z42 who is also in prison and compare it with a hair from Z40 through DNA testing. Very simple. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Eso es lo que tienen que hacer pero entiende no lo van hacer $$$$

    2. His sister and countless other family members were arrested too….

  19. Would if really surprise anyone if Z40 paid for a sucker to take his place, and then paid for the lawyer to keep the game up

    1. Exactly…. And if you read the news any day in Mexico …. You’ll find no shortage of suckers….

  20. Even a person in the news from the border town says that it was him because a lot of people knew him by doing busines whit him or know him ,,,, maybe the Moreiras had something to do whit this BS

  21. Mexico's police and justice system are really fucked up...what a mess! I sincerely wish my Mexican sisters and brothers that they find the strength to fight against this together. ¡Viva México!

  22. lol an “ attorney”. Cabeza de rodilla, it literally only takes a bachelors 4 year “ en derecho” degree to be a lawyer in Mexico. Not a JD and 7 years like in the USA.

  23. Imagine if he’s like El Chayo, still at large.


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