Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Interrogation By Mayo Flaco Gunmen Of Luis Alberto Madueñas Gastelum "El Chimal", A La Chapiza Member. Part-1

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

November 9, 2024

The following video is part 1 of a lengthy interrogation video of Luis Alberto Madueña Gastelum, "El Chimal" a La Chapiza member captured by Mayo Flaco "MF" gunmen. El Chimal appears very restless or uneasy while being interrogated although his executioners gave him a water bottle. Madueña Gastelum shared valuable information about the Los Chapos or La Chapiza leaders financing the current war against Ismael Zambada Sicairos, "Mayo Flaco" and allies. 

Important to highlight that Luis Alberto Madueña Gastelum was reported missing in Culiacan, Sinaloa, on October 26, 2024. The interrogation videos were published on November 8, 2024. 

Special thanks to Sol Prendido for the translation. 


Sicario: What’s your name?

Captive: Luis Alberto Maduenás Gastélum aka El Chimal. 

Sicario: Who do you work for?

Captive: I work for Jose Vernaldo aka El Grande and Victor Felix. 

Sicario: What position do you hold within your enterprise?

Captive: I’m a part of the security detail for the Immediate Reaction Group. 

Sicario: How did we capture you?

Captive: We were on our way with the Navy to raid a safe house that belonged to the Mayo Zambada faction. 

Sicario: Who are the principal financiers for this war?

Captive: That’ll be El Güerito, Víctor Felix, Panu, El 8 of Sonoyta, and El Europeo.  On a side note El Grande fucked El 8 de Sonoyta’s wife. So, he doesn’t really do much with us because of this affair. Nonetheless, we avoid him. 

Sicario: Who is this individual known as El Europeo?

Captive: He’s a financier for Los Chapos. But he’s currently hiding from the Mexican government. He moves around between Europe, Tijuana, and Colombia. 

Sicario: Which government employees help out the Chapo-Zetas?

Captive: That would be Rocha Moya, the State Police and Municipal Policemen. 

Sicario: What sort of relationship do the Chapos gunmen have with Rocha Moya?

Captive: He helps them to evade arrest and to operate with impunity. 

Sicario: Who helped out Rocha Moya to win in his campaign?

Captive: Ivan Archivaldo, Victor Felix, and Panu. 

Sicario: How exactly did the Chapo - Zetas influence the elections?

Captive: They showed influence on the orders of Ivan Arhcivaldo.

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  1. How the F has Rocha Moya avoided investigation and removal of office with so much evidence against him?!?
    I hate bringing politics into this, but this is a perfect incident for Trump to expose how corrupt and in bed the narco government is to impose such severe restrictions on Mexico with their (mis)handling of crime in the government level.
    The people of Sinaloa want Rocha out and the Sheinbalm is just turning a blind eye to it all like normal even with their sad excuse of a cover-up.

    1. Pobrecito, you have a lot to learn, most of the politician are untouchable when working with Los gabachos. It's when they bite the hand that feeds them, if they are lucky maybe serve some time if not straight to the pozo.

    2. Trump is just or more corrupt lol

    3. The US punishing Mexico for not arresting their own corrupt politicians would be like some other country trying to punish the US for not arresting ours. Would do no good and just breed anger. Let Mexico handle it's own problems and let's not turn them into an enemy. How the hell do you expect Sinaloa to possibly even have a non-corrupt, non-narco funded governor anyway? It would be like trying to force NYC's mayor to have no ties to Wall Street.

    4. Big Nuts Big Brains TrutherNovember 10, 2024 at 7:14 AM

      This, now dead sicario, really doesn't know the financial structure other than who pays the group under them.
      As to all the stolen vehicles, the non-war rules have broken down and many of these vehicles are stolen for the war use by the respective cartels, but, also, it is a chance in this anarchous environment for many sicarios to steal vehicles for their families and personal use. As I have stated before politicos and cartels are threads that embroider the criminal mafia coat!

    5. "An arrest warrant was issued for Cabeza de Vaca on 19 May 2021 by the Attorney General's Office of Mexico, which accused him of corruption.[5] The governor, who retained immunity only within Tamaulipas after a constitutional dispute on the matter,[6] rejected the accusations as politically motivated.[5]"

      A similar situation occurred with the former governor of Taumalipas, If I remember correctly, they were not able to arrest him because you are not able to arrest a sitting governor until after his term. Cabbeza de Vaca left the country a week or days before he handed over his power... the same case might be for Rocha Moya where the government can not prosecute until he is out of office. Rocha Moya is kinda fucked though, because supposedly he is living under constant protection from the military so when his term is over, his protectors will become his capters.

    6. These crybabies always dragging the U.S into to this shite

    7. They can use OFAC, put them and their families onto the list and sunny days are over.

  2. Chapitos have Rocha, State police and local police. Mayos have federal police and military. I would definitely say that Mayos have the greater advantage. They will win this war in about six months max. Nuff Said!!!

    1. That's what was said about Juarez......Tijuana....

  3. Gastelum was a respected surname withing the cds circles at one time.

  4. Replies
    1. right! more like cartel de sinaloa nueva generacion o los chapitos nueva generacion

  5. Que ganan con interrogar a estos pendejos chavos que no pasan ni los treinta años de edad?
    Estos pinche mecos no saben nada de el negocio todavia mas que recibir ordenes de los de mas arriba y morir como animales que son
    Atrapen a gente mayor de unos 40 años deperdira y interogenlos a ellos mejor. Estos gueyes ya estan mas metidos en pedos y saben mucho mas.
    Estos cuates chavos nada mas para subirse el cuello les sirven a los putos narcos. No para extaer nada bueno en una interrogacion.

  6. Never thought Guero Chompas would end up in Culiacan fighting

    he runs eastern TJ tiendtias

    1. All hands on deck!
      Maybe to continue to keep being respected in Tijuana, these guys have to go down to the front lines and show the flag, and prove their worth in battle..


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