Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Ken Salazar Admits U.S. Is “Part Of The Problem” Of Drug Use And Arms Trafficking

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted from PROCESO 

Leaving behind the scolding tone of last November 13, to which the Mexican government responded through a diplomatic note, Salazar echoed the letter that President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo sent to President-elect Donald Trump in response to his threat to impose tariffs.


MEXICO CITY (apro).- After the outspoken complaint regarding Mexico's security policy that he expressed two weeks ago, the U.S. ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, acknowledged today that drug consumption and arms trafficking from his country are “part of the problem”, which is why the governments on both sides of the border must address it “as partners”.

Leaving behind the scolding tone of last November 13, to which the Mexican government responded through a diplomatic note, Salazar echoed the letter that President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo sent to President-elect Donald Trump in response to his threat to impose tariffs when he takes office on January 20; the diplomat also qualified his criticism of the security strategy, stating that he said them “with great hope” that “the program that President Sheinbaum is developing” will work.

In a press conference held at the residence of the US Embassy, Salazar insisted on his agreement with the governments of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo and her predecessor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on migration issues, and emphasized that his government --that of Joe Biden-- continues to be committed to North America as a free trade zone.

Salazar repeated that Joe Biden's administration is “aligned” with the plans to invest in development projects in the South and Southeast of Mexico -he explicitly referred to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec-, as well as in the regions of origin of migrants, to address the roots of migration, and celebrated that he worked “very closely” with López Obrador on migration issues.

The diplomat, who stated two weeks ago that the strategy of “hugs not bullets” had failed, boasted that thanks to the joint work of both governments, the number of irregular migrant crossings between both countries fell by 65% to 75%.


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  1. Replies
    1. Claudia 2 Trump 0? LOL you need to change your Loteria avatar to El Boracho cause you're out of your mind. Claudia- "Mexicans don't use synthetic drugs" LOL

    2. 12:29 no drug use as in US levels, Americans will snort inject or smoke literally anything. US is a cancer on this world, well done Claudia. Not scared of a confrontation, well done.

    3. The US has the drug problem or why do you think some much fentanyl gets smuggled there everyday. Trump will always be a loser

    4. Trump is going to get in office and is going to do absolutely nothing . People seem to not understand or comprehend that the United States economy depends majorly on their partnership with Mexico . China and Russia would love for Mexico to join BRICS , it would be the beginning of the end for the US Dollar. So An invasion of Mexico to attack cartels or any type of racism toward Mexico wouldn’t be smart by the US .

    5. They don't really, not like us! They definitely sell it to our strung out country.

    6. Trump will man handle Claudia. Trump is not weak like sleepy Joe. She is already so scared that she wrote him a letter to calm everything. Trump is going to send in the national guard to the boarder which he can do without confess approval. A sitting president can do this if it is a national emergency. Nuff Said!!!

    7. Trump is not the president - yet.

    8. Trump cannot trump addiction🐙

    9. 9:42 you guys act like its really easy to do that, you have no idea of the consecunces that would cause, i still remember Texas closing their borders for a few days and when they felt the heat of the economy they opened them right back, the only way to stop drugs is to close the borders, mexico and Canada and the sea ports, USA would crumble in a week or so, if trump raises the tax on mexico and Canada the only ones stuck paying those taxis would be the people living in the USA, if you think shit is expensive right now, you have no idea what shit is gonna cost after, i bet you are the kind of guy who says, "yea lets only buy American made stuff" sorry to tell you but no one is gonna work for the cheap lavor that other countries do to keep your stuff available, im not a economic genius but even i can see that if trump does what he said he was gonna do, we are gonna have another big resecion

    10. Biden wasnt weak he just quietly tried to get shit done. Trump makes a lot of noise but doesn't really do anything.

    11. Mexico's government sees right through that threat 😆
      What happened last time they did that to Mexico?
      Let's me tell you..well last time they did that, Mexico looked for other trading partners like Brazil for beef and now are set to grow corn wich comes mostly from the US
      Americans think they can bully Mexico but those days are over 😡

    12. Claudia already bent over to Trump she promised him to stop the caravans.

      2:46 Biden accomplished sending billions to Ukraine and opened border to let criminals in

    13. Fentanyl and other drugs are killing over 100,000 people a year in the US. Mexico CANNOT stop the cartels BUT the US thinks it can. 100 percent they are sending special forces, Green berets, seals and delta force and these guys are READY, they want action! I've seen interviews on YouTube the retired guys want to come out of retirement and F shit up in Mexico. They won't finish them BUT they are gonna whoop their asses deservingly so. Can't wait for that even though some Americans WILL die but they don't give a F.

    14. 8:40 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no she did not fool, she actually said if you are gonna raise the taxis we are also gonna raise yours, cause lets not forget mexico sells a lot of oil to the USA and buys a lot of gas, "which is stupid" but every thing and i mean everything is gonna go up in prizes and at the end of the day its gonna be us the buyers whi are gonna have to pay all those taxis 🤣, there is a reazon why 90% of trumps bussiness have gone bank rupt, can USA go bank rupt? We will see 😂😂😂😂

    15. 840 sure kid. Here's some facts for you the American economy is booming and this all under Biden. not only that he tamed inflation which was caused by covid 19 and global supply chain issues let that sink in. And get ready for 4 years of hyper inflation and interest reversing to the upside all under dump I mean trump.

    16. @246 Biden isn't weak?? He is atrocious!! He is literally the worst POTUS in my lifetime. His open border policy was a joke!! He is a gutless president who aligned himself with the DEI wrongly thinking he had numbers. Well he and Harris found out November 5 they had nothing!! The election was an utter landslide.Every policy and program he started was voted down. Trump will throw his plans in reverse day one. Your population will be increasing day one when the mass deportations start. Trump is a talker but his actions will speak loudly for him! The freak show that was the Biden presidency is OVER!! While I don't doubt your incredible insight on tariffs and what they will or won't accomplish at least he is following through on his campaign promises. I will GLADLY pay more for Avocados and other goods if his plan is effective and it slows the flow of drugs into this country. Will he stop drugs? No. Will he seriously curtail them? I believe he will. If this doesn't work things will only get more dire for Mexico. Maybe the next step is a bombing campaign?? Trump has ALL the power and the backing of the great majority of Americans to do whatever is necessary to secure the borders and stop the import of drugs and the mass immigration that Biden so weakly welcomed!! Trump has the house and the Senate. He has more clout then the first go round. The world had better pay attention

  2. Mexico nationalized all its borders and airspace over last few years .
    You have full blown narco and civil war and you president wants to align with China? Haha..

    What is Mexico's billionaire's doing ?

    More like ,
    Mexico -5
    Claudia -10
    Trump winning

    1. They are living the dream.

    2. Typical Trump supporter thinking like an idiot, Mexico's President owned Trump and made him look like the fool that he is.

      Trump lied to his fan base and she exposed his lie, stop being so gullible you shoe tongue brain.

    3. Trump has not won anything more like bankrupted all his businesses. Put down the kool-aid

    4. Tu mamá va ganando

  3. The beginnings of a true Mexican dictatorship. And the people are more loyal to "narco" religion.
    Truly sad time in Mexican history .

    1. It seems the people are fed up and the new generation is leaving behind the no pasa nada mentality and speaking out against the injustice and propaganda the Mexican government uses. The one benefit of social media now to finally have a platform for people to share the videos of everything going on around them that the Mexican government continues to deny and easily got away with before by silencing the media.

    2. When was mexico happy ever 40 years ago. Lol

    3. 813, apparently you don't know the definition of a dictatorship. Mexico is playing catch up with the U.S. a lot of the plans, programs and policies Mexico is starting to run, the U.S has been running for the last 70 years.

      1042 Social media is what got Morena in office. The young people woke up to the corporate medias manipulation tactics and voted for change by an overwhelming 60% approval. Same thing happened in the U.S with these last elections. The people opted for social media rather than the traditional modes of corporate media and the result is what we witnessed.

    4. Not all of “us” fipshits need “social media” or a TV newscaster to spoon feed our brains political views and get us excited to vote.

  4. Barney Harris a dei teacher who tried to steal from the cartel and was sent to hell was also part of the drug problem in the USA

    1. Barney lives....Barney Harris lives in your head and will never die because you help keep his memory alive....The hate in you has blinded you to these facts.

    2. I remember the Barney Harris article that BB, ran 3 years ago. It sticks out, because Barney was a teacher by day and a robber of CJNG safehouses, in North Carolina by night. Even though Barney was wearing a vest, he died.
      There's no hate 11:22 True facts.

    3. 9:11 there is much hate...I also recall the article but 8:27 likes to remind us as often as he gets..I really think he took it personal.

    4. Comments are not taken personal.
      Like it was said , that article sticks out, from many years ago, that is not personal. Even James Brown, remembered the sad story.

  5. Claudia trae la misma bandera de obrador estos dos cambiando a México ya pronto me regreso

    1. Ni se t ocurra esto va d mal a peor

    2. Por eso muchos mas gringos prefieren vivir en Mexico 🇲🇽

  6. Trump is not in office yet?? lol errbody so worried Trump gonna force them to get in line…

    1. Mexicos politics were emboldened by Trump. A lot of people forget or were not aware, but remember, Trump agreed to the Bicentennial agreement.

    2. Trump also signed off on nafta 2.0

  7. Now the chicken hawks who have never served their country, like general bone spurs, are saying if México doesn't do more to deter migration and fentanyl, not only will their be economic tariffs imposed, but they mention the possible use of military force in México. LMAO
    Those talking heads sure aren't paying attention to the UFC when Mexicans are fighting. Not even in their own niche sport are they dominant. They should watch Lesnar vs Velasquez.

    1. It's politics bro! Trump is trying to impress his followers and show he means business! But he knows Mexico is their daddy when it comes to trade!! Viva Mexico huevones!!

    2. Special Forces are gonna F up the cartels mark my words. Cartels fkd up w the fentanyl. Preparencen Para Los vegasos que les van a comodar!!! Hey 10:04 remember on mexican fight night at the sphere in vegas??? Out of all the Mexicans only the chiwiwis guy won lmao and didn't Velasquez get his ass kicked by Ngannou?

    3. Special Forces are gonna F up the cartels mark my words. Cartels fkd up w the fentanyl. Preparencen Para Los vegasos que les van a comodar!!! Hey 10:04 remember on mexican fight night at the sphere in vegas??? Out of all the Mexicans only the chiwiwis guy won lmao and didn't Velasquez get his ass kicked by Ngannou?

    4. 849 big negative on that. Yes Mexico is important but they are in no way the daddy of the USA. Canada's got more leverage then Mexico via oil lumber etc.

  8. Day 1 putos la clave se mete. Tomensen sus suspiros sufficientes porque asta el pinche aigre les queremos kitar. Fucking breathing my air motherfuckers. Fuck your human rights ese. I'm a real shine bomb. No knockoffs around here. Genuine 100% shine n dine in air hole kind.

    1. Primero aprende a escribir pendejo analfabeta

    2. 3:03 SIR is back

    3. Actually, 3:03 makes SIR look level-headed, dear lord.

  9. It's gonna be entertaining to watch how all the "americanized" illegal Mexican nationals that get deported by the upcoming Trump regime will try to integrate into Mexican society.

    1. Whats going to be funny is watching all the faces of all those morrons that actually believe trumps going to do something against the US number 1 trading partner . Did you forget what he did last time he was president ? Zero , nothing , nada . Trumps was a business man before becoming a politician .

    2. When the gun and drug runners are Mexican Americans you guys don’t pull out the “Cara de nopal”

    3. Obama deported more than Trump or Biden.

    4. 5:37 Obama had two consecutive terms as president and a lot of the people removed aka deported during his presidency were people apprehended near the US México. Context matters.

    5. Incorrect, most deportations back to many many countries, not just south of border.

  10. Salazar has been a mess

    What is this guy doing

    All over the place

  11. Americans are crackheads. Very simple and clear. They need to focus on that before worrying about other countries. By the way, your own government made y’all into crackheads

    1. 8:23 speak for yourself.
      I'm American and don't use drugs, whatsoever. Lol 🤣

    2. 9:05 numbers dont lie and USA is the #1 drug consumer in the world, 100% facts 👍

    3. 9:05 you definitely a dope fien with that answer. All of y’all have some type of addiction. Whether it’s illegal drugs, fast food, cokes. Y’all are all fat and consumed by your own ignorance. America consumes 70 percent of the drugs being trafficked. Do you understand how big of a number that is?? America has serious issues.

    4. Im trying to quit

    5. The only reason America has a bigger drug problem is because there's more money here but Mexico is catching up

    6. 3:23 out of all the bigger countries by population mexico is the fattests AF lmao

    7. Well thats “counter culture” for you

    8. 8:46 🤣🤣 not even close buddy, Remember, USA was founded by Criminals from Europe, and those genes run deep

    9. 8:46
      Doesn't matter what the reason, the US is the biggest dope fiend ever of illegal and legal drugs.

  12. Barak Obama armed the Cartel with military weapons . Operation "Fast and Furious"

  13. January 20th, Mexico will be begging to be Trumps Its time for the BS to end.

    1. Trump is the BS fool

    2. No one will be begging. Trump won't do anything all talk

    3. It’s not like Mexico can’t join BRICS and watch the US Dollar collapse . The US needs Mexico more than Mexico needs the US. All the ignorant racism is just that, ignorance . Hey , I have an idea let’s turn our back on our neighbor and everything will be great after that ! Like I said , ignorance .

    4. 1038, some of these comments are ignorance, some of them are a result of the mainstream American news media brainwashing and ommitting information. Those like 859 are the target audience, blind and impressionable... The bottom line is, there have been events since when Trump first took office regarding U.S and LATIN AMERICAN (not just mexico) relations that many have slept on. Latin America is uniting and it would be in the U.S's best interest to join. The U.S is not what it once was. Trump can impose tarrifs but it's only going to affect the American consumer. The tide is about to turn.

    5. 1:30 Nah, he watching Fox, News Nation, OANN etcetera.

  14. The Mexicans purchase arms in the U.S. then smuggle them back, you dont see white folks in Mexico selling firearms.

  15. The guys that work at aduanas let all the guns in
    They confiscate weed .22s and hunting rifles but when Mexican Americans pull up with the cartels equipment they let them pass

    1. Finally a post by a man with a brain. There are so many dumb comments made by dumb people here that I am not reading comments any longer.

    2. 11:48 Which aduana are you referring to? Both sides sell their asses. Con dinero bailan los perros.
      To all the incels who will soon know what FAFO means, knowing this is the first presidential election you've voted in, I'm going to let you know about a movie that was released before the majority of you were born; "A day without a Mexican".

  16. RIP to all the deas turkeys

  17. Trump cannot trump addiction🐙

  18. Claudia won’t be able to fix the corruption that happens in her country.

  19. El Char con su 2-0; esta mas tonto que la fregada este tipo comunista. Pobrecita Claudita, la nueva titere de Mexico y nueva servienta de los narcos. Usted diga que si Sra. Presidenta y asegurese de no agacharse cuando tenga falda puesto y le va ir bien va ver. ;)

  20. Americans don’t want to listen to the truth, they just keep blaming mexico.

    1. I listen to the truth and I'm American.
      Speak for yourself.

    2. Me too, I am American and dont do drugs what a fool.

  21. Its pretty easy. Mexico necesita hacen un El Salvador con los carteles.
    Both US and Mex have border laws and drug laws.
    Fentanyl is not a drug its a poison. You used to be able to snort cocaine and live. Now with fentanyl added you die. You used to be able to take an oxy pill and live. Now with a tiny bit of fentanyl added you die.
    Fentanyl sellers are mass murderers and should be executed. The CCP is a mass murderer and so are the Mexican cartels. For the CCP mass murder is just another day of their history of murdering their own people. I always thought Mexico was better than that. Clearly the cartels who thrive in Mexico right under Claudia's nose have no problem with mass murder. They practice it every day in Mexico with very little cause for concern. Hugs Not Bullets failed now its Claudia's turn. What cartel respects a woman? Mexico is a narco machismo state. Mexico has always been machismo, but I saw Mexico before the cartels, before narco, and Mexico was a grand and awesome place to live for all. Ahora? No!

    With Biden and AMLO and Claudia you get more murder and more narco and more despair. Que lastima para Mexico!

    Y yo soy un hombre que ir a escuela en Maracaibo Venezuela. Claudia es un Chavez con un calzon!

  22. I'm sure the new Mexican president is at the top of Trump's shit list now. Well played madam.

    1. Some of what she said in her speech is not true.

  23. Sounds like Salazar is speaking autobiographically. Speak for yourself, fool. Me? I'm America First through & through & never once been into "Drug Use or Arms Trafficking." So quit fessing up for everyone else, as though you have a point, when this shit doesn't necessarily apply. And ya'll better stop moving Fentanyl for the CCP cause there's a new sheriff bout to take over in 51 days who's into chewing gum and kicking asses. And he's fresh out of chewing gum.

  24. Make Mexico Great Again! lol


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