Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Mayo Flaco Criminal Group "MF" Make Incursion Into Imala, Sinaloa, A Plaza Controlled By Los Chapos Or La Chapiza.

 "Char" and "Obscuro" for Borderland Beat 

NOVEMBER 18, 2024


The Mayo Flaco criminal group made an incursion with innumerable armored pickup trucks full of gunmen in the early hours of Monday, September 18, 2024, from Sanalona, Sinaloa, a stronghold for the Mayo Zambada organization into Imala, Sinaloa, controlled by La Chapiza Cartel. Local civilians from Imala reported that the criminal group that entered vandalized several homes, an electricity outage was reported as a result of several utility posts forcefully knocked down, and gunfire was heard for about one hour off and on. While the MF group was causing havoc in Imala, military and local police, did not make a presence to control the situation; they showed up hours after the criminal group left. Important to note that Sanalona is about 17 kilometers from Imala although the MF group entered Imala there is no confirmation as of yet if they seized the Imala Plaza from La Chapiza or Los Chapos. 



The MF group published several videos on social media platforms, which showed their criminal activity in Imala, Sinaloa. In specific pictures the criminal cell posed in front of the town square 

(24.8571163, -107.2169109)


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  1. Replies
    1. 10:09 that's a negative chief .. Puro Sinaloa

    2. 12:11pm that's a negative chief Puro Sinaloa

    3. Puro Gilbertona

    4. Puras puñetas.

    5. Durango did it first ese

    6. Puro connor the mencho bottom rider

    7. Durango, puro dedo aya en Chicago

    8. Puro Gilbertonas y estados unidos sin estados unidos estos gueyes no tuvieran en ke morrirse

  2. Now show how they got ran out

    1. No seas mamon. Ya que no quedaba ningún pitufo, el gobierno hizo una notificación que iban para allá en una caravana. Ellos tienen órdenes de no pelear con el gobierno y se quitaron. Ya que estaba tranquilo se arrimó un punterillo a quitar los logos. Duélale a quien le duela.

    2. 10:36 de seguro hay andabas en la caravana

    3. 10:36 a ti te duele pero te gusta , si te la meten gritas y si te la sacan lloras 😌

    4. 10:36 afirma pariente. A los patas cortas los train del culo

    5. Exactly. Bunch of videos showing mf peeeps running. And chapos people burning their propaganda stuff.

    6. 1036 si chuy. Cuentame una de vaqueros. Los sacaron corriendo a los mfs. Jeeps volteado dejaron y les quemaron sus propaganda los chapos. No ganaron nada. Hubieron varias bajas a los mfs

    7. Yo soy de Imala . Los Mayos entraron a darse el topon contra la Chapiza . Los Chapos corrieron. Ya mas tarde cuando ya por fin salio el ejercito los del MF se pelaron y ahi es cuando salio la Chapiza a patrullar otra vez.

    8. Yo soy de Imala y no pasó nada pa k sepan.

    9. 3:37 yo tmbn soy d imala y asi mero fue como paso

    10. Yo tambien soy de imala y me gustan los hombres

    11. Le vamos a cambiar el nombre a la página. A “Pura Gente de Imala”. 😂😂

    12. Yo soy de Imala. Y los chapos y mayos son bola de lacras.

    13. Puro cabron de Imala aquí. Se entiende pues el MF/Ruso los acaban de correr de su pueblo. Bienen de refugiados a pedir asilo o que pedo.

      Porque tan ardidos. Apoco los Rusos se les metieron hasta la cocina o se pusieron hacer una botana.

    14. They got out by commandeering one of Chapo's local rail tunnels and zipping out at high speed, leaving pizza in the dust. This whole thing happened because they tried the blue meth, which gave them superman level energy powers. It is said that other batches of blue meth give the powers of levitation. It is in the corridos, and everybody knows the corridos never lie.

  3. Gentes de los Chapitos están escondidos en La Noria…

    1. ya se fueron de ahi estan en el pozo

    2. Ya están en sus casas

  4. If you look at a Sinaloan map . MF is trying to close in la Chapiza in Culiacan. He is taking over the small towns around the city. Also this was los Rusos. Los Rusos are currently around the Imala region and Los Flechas are in Mazatlan Concordia region

    1. Los Rusos are trying to avenge their battle with El Nini.

    2. From what I see they are doing their best to fortify the rancherías south of CLN by kicking out all Chapitos associates to reestablish MZ in CLN. From there they will remove Chapos and regain uninterrupted access from DGO to CLN. From there they will move North and destabilize Badiraguato in order to establish MZ in the SIN/CHI region and fully surround the Chapos. Chapos are doing a good job of keeping MZ from moving beyond Southern CLN, at the moment.

    3. 11:26 tienes razon yo soy del area y Imala esta a 27 kilometros de la capital. Los estan encerrando alos Chapos en la ciudad.

    4. @338?lo gacho es que ya se
      Escaparon muchos de los Pizzas pesados y solo quedan puros plebes que no pierden la fe en Los hermanos Guzmán. El MF no quiere chapulín así que cuando fortalezcan los sombreros los plebes de la pizza van a morir. MF no va hacer el mismo error que su padre, MF y los sombreros van morir en CLN o van a quedarse con todo SIN.

    5. El encargado de los patas cortas en Escuinapa es yerno de la presidenta municipal mejor se abrio . En Rosario El Flechas le tumbo 50 pistoleros al Gabito . Al Kasco carnal del Gabito lo bajaron de la sierra de Maza los Flechas .

  5. this article is b.s im from imala and i have family that lives their and it didnt go down like that. they didnt go into any1s homes they went it to fight chapitos and chapos where shooting runing away and mfs ppl where shooting back at them chapitos got chased all the way to jotagua some fled to the monte and mayos ppl where shoting at the monte and one of the transformers was hit in the exchange of gun fire and thats y the light went out. after chapos ran mayos where jus walking around shouting to come n fight and they where jus their when they heard govement was coning they left and when the govement left chapitos came back but every1 in imala wants mayos ppl to stay their they dont want chapos their


    2. Yo si soy de imala cabron. Y no fue asi. Los chapos los sacaron a los mayitos en calor. Nomas tuvierln chanse de tomar fotos para propaganda los mf. Pero dejaron asta jeep blanco volteasoa y abandonados.. asi nomas quedo

    3. 11:41 your taken more seriously, when you use capitals, commas and periods.

    4. 11:41 sounds accurate chapos are running scared to fight

    5. 12:53 con eso q dejiste demostraste q eres verga d imala xk la si vieras sido de ahi no dices esas mamadas aber d q parte de imala eres a ken conoses de ahi o de los ranchos alrededores mentiroso verga

    6. @12:39 aki las noticias estan comprados x los chapos esa madre no es fuente
      y 12:55 no seas mamon

    7. 12:55
      You're taken more seriously when you use the contraction for "you are" (you're), instead of "your", which denotes possession..
      No need for a comma after 'seriously', but after 'commas', definitely, in this case..
      Grammar-wise, you've fucked it all up, but your heart seems to be in the right place, you and Koo Foo should start your own band!

    8. @1253 puro pedo no salieron lo PiZzas se escondieron hasta que salieron los sombreros. Tienen gente en la noria que ya se fueron a esconder por que los sombreros paso a paso van a quitarlos y abrir la entrada de DGO a CLN y mover para el norte rumbo a Badiraguato.

    9. That’s koo foo

    10. 11:41 is 100% correct. MZ are working hard to retake the ranches from CLN to DGO and CHI. The govt was in Imala for 2-3 weeks. They left and MF set up shop. Pizzas hiding in the area and sombreros know where they are. In a week or two at most they will have regained the entire area from CLN-IMALA-DGO. Chapos in trouble.

    11. en la noria ya no estan estan en el pozo

    12. @4:09 simon they where their for almost a month but as soon as the guachos left chapos came back to imala and the other day they left running and when mfs went their when mfs left the gvmnt got their when they left chapos came back again then they burned the sam bigotes acting like they did something

    13. Ahorita mismo andan pistoleros de chapos en Imala. Puro ridiculo aqui.

    14. If anyone looks at a map from Sinaloa and keeps up with the clashes . MF is taking plazas from Chapos that surround Culiacan. Chapos are about to get trapped in the city

    15. @722 simon yose q si lo mfs los isieron correr alos chapos y ya los chapos se regresaron cuando se fueron los mfs

    16. ''you and Koo Foo should start your own band!''
      Dont know why you bother with them weird clowns

    17. Some of this sounds like partisan wishful thinking ''chaplips about to be surrounded,chaplips wont come out to fight,mayate is the good guy,we all love mayate he doesnt tax gente'' People here couldn't tell the truth if it bit them on their arse

    18. @3.41. I think 12.55 is probably the no period pedant so the mistake was likely deliberate. He's the troll on the spectrum who has nothing to say except to comment on peoples grammar using poor grammar, all to get a rise. A true Firestarter, rocking the worlds foundations, one missing period at a time.

  6. MF marching on, good for them. Doesn't get much resistance either. I guess a logical consequence of piso on liquor by the chapo pendejos.

    1. You from CLN? Not many people know about IAG telling NINIs to tax alcohol, started around 2020 when Covid hit. IAG also had NINI picking up and “tableando” people that had perico that wasn’t IAG. MZ let them slide so much in CLN to avoid the heat. He should have let Ruso smoke them, and then he should have let the Beltrans and CJNG smoke them, then he should have backed Rodrigo and let him smoke Ivan. But typical MZ playing #2 yo avoid heat and it still bit him in the ass.

    2. @3:49the issues really started when they killed chino. The old man liked the kid, but Ivan couldn’t get over getting hands out on him

    3. So Mayo, living his best #1 life should have ordered Los Rusos to kill Nini and his men, then allowed CJNG to kill Ruso and his men, then what? A boss fight? You make it sound like a video game you already played. Hindsight is a beautiful thing.

    4. @4:38 I’m referring to not protecting Chapos kids from so long. They’ve known for a while that IAG is bloodthirsty and doesn’t care to resolve problems in a more “professional” manner.

  7. Abrazos no balazos jajaja

  8. Borderland Beat is KING!!! 👑

  9. Information dice que se salieron a chingar a su madre los mayos. Ay fotos y videos

  10. Post the videos when they got ran out and ran into the wild.

  11. Dicen que mayito flaco se bajo con dos pistolas y les dio bajas a los chapitos. Se bajo de una camioneta como desperado.

  12. Pucha mucha gracias sinaloa viva mexico 🇲🇽

  13. So much for Ivan having all this power and being untouchable . Mayito flaco is making them look weak. Everyone in Sinaloa and Durango knew Mayo was the powerful one , guess chapitos were the only ones not aware . They’re finding out now .

  14. My family is from Rosario and they're saying the Chapos are taking major losses south of Mazatlan.

    1. 5:15 los Flechas ran Gabito and Kasco out.

    2. A recap for shorty:

  15. Ivan Guzman is dying from aids.

    You heard it here first.

    1. Very rarely does anyone die from AIDS anymore

    2. 7:19

      Globally, around 700,000 people die of AIDS each year not including secondary causes. If you have HIV and are unfortunate enough to get cancer, tuberculosis, hepatitis or similar, your life expectancy may go down dramatically (not to mention the complexities of receiving chemo and radiation therapy while having HIV). However, if you have full blown AIDS... Let's not takes this lightly for those of us who are disease free and healthy because, I heard the other day, that "rarely" anybody dies of the flu anymore but in the US alone it kills thousands yearly.

    3. Thousands die from the flu each year and aids.

    4. Hundreds of thousands day each year of aids.

  16. Ivan is already dead he died in a shootout

    1. Ivan wouldn't go out fighting.
      Too much of a coward like his dad to do so.
      When did you hear of Chapo involved in a gunfight?

    2. This is where Nemesio will take advantage of the truce he got going with menores and fully move in and conquer sinaloa.. he will send La Firma and RR to take care of business in CLN .. then the new federation will be formed Chapillos 4 letras take over all Mexico.Damm my contacts in matamoros just informed me El Contador got released

    3. 9:14 Ivan was in a "gun fight" when he killed a Canadian chick for rejecting him.

    4. 1000pm are you smokin Dic? They can’t even handle the war in Zacatecas and they begin to lose leverage in Nayarit.

    5. @9:14 so el mayo was out there fighting according to you and MF out there too huh

    6. Yup, el Contador got released. Seems like he's more powerful than most people would have thought. That's what, his fourth, fifth time being released? And this time he has an extradition warrant from the US and he still got released. Now that's pull.

    7. El contador and the whole tamaulipas crew is a sad joke .. I call it the “Tamaulipas crew” because CDG has been reduced to just Tamaulipas and they ain’t no cartel … that’s for sure

  17. Allegedly MF sicarios taking stuff from a Chapos rancho .


  18. It is just wild that the police and military wait for these criminals to leave before they go out, I know most of the stuff is cartel on cartel violence but the fact that they intimidate the regional security forces to where they are not confronted is just insane.

    I don’t think the situation in Mexico will ever improve and it’s a shame.

  19. Authorities sit on their arse and wait till the little show is over and then roll in as tho they are looking,fuck outta here

  20. Low pay also I would bet money the plata takers make as much or more from cartels as they do from their cop or military jobs.

  21. Juarez anyone? is this about west Texas? Why’d that judge deny representation? Should the economy of West, TX employs xk people? The largest industries in West, TX are Manufacturing (people), Health Care & Social Assistance (people), and Retail Trade (people), and the highest paying industries are Construction ($), Public Administration ($), and Educational Services ($).


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