Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Mayo Flaco Gunmen Have Set The Navolato Plaza As Next Objective To Conquer: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

NOVEMBER 24, 2024 


The Mayo Zambada criminal organization led by Ismael Zambada Sicairos, "Mayo Flaco" has kept its offensive campaign against La Chapiza ever since the war erupted on September 9, 2024, between both criminal organizations. The Mayo Flaco gunmen are clearly on the offensive and making incursions throughout La Chapiza-controlled plazas except for Culiacan as this has created too much heat from the government for the MF group. The MF criminal group's war objective seems to be conquering plazas controlled by La Chapiza outside of Culiacan. The Mayo Flaco "MF" group is surrounding the northern part outside of Culiacan, so Los Chapos will have a hard time moving outside of Culiacan. 

On the other hand, La Chapiza or Los Chapos seem to be defending their territories, and they are definitely on the defensive without a clear motive, or objective other than defending themselves from the MF group attack.

Shooting was reported in Ejido La Bandera, in Navolato

Different news outlets reported a shooting attack on November 24, 2024, in the small village of La Bandera in Navolato, Sinaloa, and that law enforcement authorities attended the report. 

A man's body was found with his hands tied behind his back, tortured, and with a message in Navolato, Sinaloa

With his hands tied behind his back, tortured and with a message, the body of a man was found in the waters of the river in the fishing camp Los Puentes, Navolato, this Sunday morning, November 24.


This will be the fate of every fee-collecting Chapo operatives. There’s a good reason why you guys are known as thieves. Keep abandoning your gunmen. You short-legged cowards need to come on out to face this bull. 

Sincerely, MF


  1. Novolato is going to become another Dorado. Another plaza MF is going to win

    1. Calm down cheerleader

    2. Mf gkt kicked out of el dorado. JL took over.

    3. 8:13 Alert!!! Gilbertona cheerleader spotted🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

      RIP Gilbertona

    4. 🇺🇦🍕🩸🩸🩸

    5. 9:39
      Why don’t you calm down?
      Why don’t you calm down?

    6. 8:13 you are right . Some Chapos from Navolato are starting to flip to MF

    7. No worries, that's the no period kid.

    8. Grown me, married men, with adult children, fighting over which cartel or faction is winning 🤷 El viejo comes home from his day larbor job and his vieja is wondering why he's in a bad mood. Little does she know he's been fighting all day with anonymous punks on the internet over his favorite sicarios lol.

    9. 9:43 yo soy del brilloso y aqui ahi puro Mayo ya . El JL ni sus luces.

    10. 12:37 sounds like you have an affair.

    11. 12:52 I have several affairs.

  2. Pinche Mayita es culo el morro si supiera cómo su pinche padre culon puso a todos sus jefes y tuvo que ver con la muerte de su compadre amado ni se ubiera metido en el ruedo

    1. Y chinge su pinche perro.

    2. Óooorale que interesante.

    3. 10:14 pm A chinga, que hizo contra su compadre Amado?

    4. Como? No entiendo...

    5. Shut up Pura gente del mayo

    6. Sic006 es marica

    7. El Mayo zambada es dedo traicionero y inteligente pero ya se lo llevo la verga de cualkier forma pero si es bien traicionero con su gente a varios puso como a mario aguirre un ejemplo nomas

    8. Kreo ke el gobierno los estan dejando ke se maten y luego entrar a limpiar toda esa mierda al cabos ke ya estan podridos de dinero

    9. Es bien puñetas sicario 006.

    10. Si el Mayo es traicionero, entonces el Chapo y la Chapiza estan en una liga en su prpio sentido. Porque mas rata y traicionero uno no puede ser. Si fuera tan traicionero no le hubiera pasado lo que le paso y el hubiera puesto a lis Chapitos. Aparte de salvarles la vida en el episodio de La Leche, les perdono varias. Y ni asi los puso. Pero tu aca coriendo tu mamadora a lo pendejo.

  3. Mf can't even take imala from chapiza

    1. 10:30 vives por hay? O nomas eres un alucin?

    2. Ok, si tu dices.

  4. Y puro María Fernanda y arriba los patas cortas

  5. It looks like Chapiza will be left to hide in the center of Culiacan. All of the rest of their territories will be lost and gone. This war must be costing them millions. These types of loses are not sustainable long term for a cartel. Chapo will eventually send another letter to his remaining sons in Sinaloa to let them know they need to surrender. Nuff Said!!!

    1. No que mucha feria y la verga. En tamaulipas todos los carteles llevan mas de una decada en guerra y el dinero no se acaba. Queines son los muertos de hambre?

    2. Estas bien pendejo si hasta le metieron la riata hasta el tronco al.mayo el Jr lo cacheteo quisas hasta los pantaloons le bajo

    3. 10:00 Si guey. Como andas con cuentos, ahora mejor cuentame una historia de vaqueros.

    4. 7:44 si pero en Tamaulipas viven de la extorcion en sinaloa el MF no extorciona

    5. 10:06 no vives ahí ni haz visitado ahí no sabes ni lo que comentas son unos muertos de hambre extorcionadores la gente solo se deja llevar por sus corridos pero la realidad es otra

    6. @7:44 .. como se va acavar algo que nunca existio? Obvio que la Féria en tamps. no se termina 😂 pinche estado jodido muerto de hambre donde extorcionan hasta los eloteros y taqueros.. en Nuevo Laredo les cobran quota a la raza por cruzar por ahi no mas chingando a gente honrada que no tiene nada que ver pero los chingan no mas porque no andan armados .. en Sinaloa or Chihuahua o Sonora no andan con esas jaladas, pero ahi si hay Féria .. Féria del puro bizness nada de Chingar al pueblo.. Los tamualimecos y michoachangos siempre dan lastima

    7. 10:26 am no sabes ni lo que comentas alucin esa gente de Sinaloa,jaliscos y los malandros que me digas todos son unas viles lacras deja de andar mamando a basura de la sociedad alucin que de eso no vas a sacar nada bueno burro

  6. Let the haters hate, these pata cortas are going to run north and ask for a reduction in their sentence, but it will be 2 late. When ask if he was from Sinaloa, He said no Sinaloa belong to me. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  7. Isn't Navolato an old Carrillo Fuentes stronghold?

    1. Just to be a long time ago. Carrillo Fuentes are from there. It belonged to Damaso and Chapitos took it away from them

    2. 8:40 Thank you.

  8. Los Zambada took Zacatecas rather easily & now are getting help from the government again to take Sinaloa entirely.

    1. No government help. Have you forgotten the governor of Sinaloa set up Mayo....

    2. No sabe nada mion

    3. That would be nice.

  9. This article makes it sound as if Chapiza will be conquered by the end of the week.

  10. Puro dhrama show with these 2 groups. Ya que se maten a la verga Los jefes. So families can go back to chilling

    1. Yeah these grupos suck dick bro i really want all of them to end already so i can go visit my family and eat some good tacos y camarones bro so i hope they both get put in pine boxes or sent to adx florence idc what pero it has to end

    2. I know drug trafficking isnt going to stop pero clean all this mess up and leave the ones that are quiet and that are not doing this trash man

  11. Lol the mantas lowkey look like they getting cheaper MF must be running out of funds

  12. The noose tightens...

  13. Did they take El Dorado?

    1. Yes they took el Dorado , and are pushing heavy into Mazatlan .

    2. They still haven't burned down or attacked the multiple Chapo backed vacation homes and businesses here in Mazatlán though. Just the here and there shootings but no large scale coordinated attacks that would be expected since so much in Mazatlán is Chapito.

  14. What about Imala is that under Mayo control now too?

    1. No corrieron los mayos, y los Chapos están en el dorado otra ves

  15. Wonder what Mayo Zambada thinks about this war

    1. He couldn't care less., he living fat in the states, his family is prolly in Asia or Rusia! Ivan running scared in Canada!

    2. Iván isn’t welcomed in Canada after what he did.

    3. Mayo regretting trusting the chapitos. He rather be free hiding like a rat outside then being caged Like a bird in the u.s

  16. Team BB....

    "Kick streamer Cheesur reportedly goes missing after making X post calling out the CJNG and Mencho"


    1. Cheesur reportedly the bastard son of El Pirata de Sinaloa 😹

  17. I was the one that said mini lic was going to pop out and show his hand lol that kid is a dummie. Atleast he is making his money. To put in his podcasting 🤦🏽‍♂️ idk why but waste it. M.f is getting baited into the trap 🪤. He think he is against only Ivan but he is not the brains. The brains in set this all up and is in USA. Real ones know like the stock market. Drugs and border gona be high and tight. With harsh punishment on both sides. Only real winner are corrupt politicians. Because at the bottom names and faces change but the game will be the game.

    1. Shut up stupid, what ever brains from the other side that you are thinking about doesn’t count here. What counts here are the families that put this shit together and the Guzman’s are out.

    2. 💯 politicians making money on both sides.

    3. As if the Mini Leaks even need any more money…

  18. Mazatlán next or are they saving the best for last?

  19. Makes sense, taking plazas surrounding Culiacan, that way when the time is right, just go in balls deep into Chapito (Culiacán) stronghold and they start taking massive casualties.

    It’s a gamble but hey, might as well take a crack at it.

  20. Mayo Flaco should make a deal with La Familia Michoacana. Michoacán soldiers are the best in the business. They are the bravest cartel soldiers in the world. He will soon be King if he gets them on his side.

    1. Michoacanos are the best at getting killed and switching sides. Oh and to extort avocados. Theyre the shit at that. Michoacanos can barely wioe their ass. Gtfoh.

    2. They will all be dead soon

  21. Apoco piensan estos dos bandos que uno se va a quedar en poder de todo Sinaloa estado o cartel?
    Lo unico que va a suceder es otro Juarez donde segun de termino la guerra de carteles pero sigue la matanza por tienditas mierdas que ni pagan mejor que una maquila y todo mundo se traiciona a diario.

  22. ''M.f is getting baited into the trap''
    Cant help but think something is going to happen if they try to enter Culiacan..As tho chapos are laying back,fuck knows?

  23. Hopefully we get video of these fukwits burning in Jan


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