Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Search For Cashier Of An Avocado Store “ Kidnapped” In Culiacan's Mercado De Abastos: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted from LOS NOTICIEIRISTAS 



Culiacán, Sinaloa - The missing persons search group Sabuesos Guerreras A.C. has activated an alert to locate María Alejandra, the cashier of the avocado store “KIDNAPPED” by unknown subjects on Wednesday, November 20, at the Culiacán Food Market.

Citizens are asked to report any information that may help to find her whereabouts.

The victim of the “kidnapping” was María Alejandra Aguilera Heras, 47 years old. At the time of the incident, she was wearing blue pants and a brown blouse.

The abduction was reported around 10:40 a.m. at a store called “La Herradura” where it was reported that at least two armed men arrived at the place in a white Chevrolet Spark vehicle and took Maria to an unknown destination.


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  1. it's mexico, she's dead more than likely

  2. El Contador from CDG released.


  3. RIP Maria Alejandra. I hope you do not suffer much and I feel for all your loved ones.

  4. Replies
    1. @ Connor. You remind me of that comic strip Mr Tourette- Master Signmaker, about a dude with Tourette's who made billboards and signs for shops and restaurants. It's one thing to shout out cos ur excited, but you type it out and hit Publish man!

  5. Pobre mujer, dios la aguarde.

  6. She must be related to someone associated to one of the factions? Hopefully she is released soon to be with loved ones .

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. I regret to inform you, they don't keep them alive. They get tortured, sliced up and put in a xoxo cooler.

    2. Hopefully not maybe she was passing information and someone that was getting there ass beat said her name. They did warn the patas cortas that it would be eye for eye if they go for innocent family and I’m pretty sure neither would

    3. 12:42 since this battle has started several people have been kidnapped and released.

      RIP Gilbertona

    4. @12.42. Hundreds of people have been kidnapped and released since the war started. They are told to disappear so it's rarely reported. It might be a bad sign that Sabuesos Guerreros A.C. are the ones giving the alert because families will always tell them more than the authorities, but then these groups are often used as a way to reach out to somebody in danger because the families rightly don't trust the State. Hope she's one of the lucky ones. And shut up with that oxo cooler ignorance.

    5. @6.30. You're pretty sure neither would target "innocent" family members? That boat's already sailed. The definition of innocent gets looser and looser in wartime, till it's meaningless. So many fucked up operations where they have to hurt somebody to justify their fuck up. Innocent/Guilty, and family members being off limits has always been a myth, it's just exposed more starkly when the arrangements breaks down.

  7. I thought Sinaloenses were more into tomatos..

  8. I hope they catch the dirt bag kidnappers, you have to be a real low life to kidnapp woman/children.

  9. TERRIBLE LUNATICS! INNOCENT Women and children should be off limits!!!

  10. Fucking assholes killing innocent people.


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